#ash's lovely moots <3
ashs-reverie · 2 months
Uni starts tmrww !! wish me luck
I hv been accomplishing tiny tasks everyday hopefully im able to cope with uni stuff and not start off the year with a procrastination spree :)
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ashlakh · 3 months
How fast can you solve the Rubik's cube omg that's SO cool
Around 20-25 secss
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I have been meaning to yap to you about this because I am a certified mafia jjun enjoyer but….listen!
two things: one (1) reader is hired by said mafia group to protect the leader (yeonjun) gosh I imagine like enemies to lovers? she hates yeonjun at first, and thinks he’s so so mean. At first he thinks “how is she going to protect me?” but she’s protecting him more than physically. he eventually eases up on her and ends up being mean to everyone but her. gahhh something about meanie jjunie that has a soft spot gets me.
two (2) this might be quick but reader and mafia boss tyun being from rival families, but they cross paths and end up falling for each other. aaaah forbidden romance <3
ASH I LOVE YOUR MIND. Thank you for feeding me with this. I’ve been craving gang txt ever since the new gbgb choreo, the part where it looks like they’re fighting 🫢 Number two (2) with Taehyun is so yummy, just imagine the banter they'd have with each other!
words: 1.8k oops
warnings: a bit of workplace discrimination, mentions of attacks, criminal activity, blood briefly, treating wounds, probably too soft at the end
If there’s one thing you’re going to do, it’s do your job damn well regardless of your personal feelings towards the man you’ve been hired to protect – and especially if said man seems to think you’re not fit for the job. It appeared Yeonjun was not pleased when you first showed up to work, pulling a member of his team aside and having what looked like a tense conversation. It only made you more intent on proving your position. You often butted heads, unable to agree on the right approach to many things. Yeonjun prioritized quick gains, confrontations and aggressive plays, recurrently willing to forgo his security or the safety of the more expendable members of his organisation to get what he was after. On the other hand, you wanted him to undertake less risky tactics, ones that were better for his reputation, his long-term safety. There were a couple of instances where he tried to plan some dealings without you, locking you out of his office and leaving you to stand outside fuming and trying to hear what little of the discussion you could through the crack in the door. The men took you even less seriously after that stunt – if the boss didn’t respect you, why should they?
Using your intel, you cleverly plan out routes for the driver to take that steer clear of trouble. At first Yeonjun is annoyed and questions the detour, but later that night, he learns through his informant that police were doing a random car check on the usual route, due to the crimes of a gang in the area. When he thanks you the following morning, you think you've earned the respect you've been craving. However, the good feeling doesn't last. As the day goes on, not only does Yeonjun give you his drink order, as if you're a simple assistant or coffee runner, he also laughs at a joke one of his men makes about you, right in front of you.
And maybe from time to time you fantasize about the young, stupidly good looking, ridiculously well dressed mafia boss getting what he deserved; about letting his laundering fall through, letting his shipment go to the wrong country, or turning a blind eye to the betrayal of one of his most valuable men that you have discovered. But you're a professional, and professionals don't let their sour thoughts derail their career.
It's only when the truth about the disloyalty of Yeonjun's right hand man is laid out for him that things begin to change. You had supplied all the proof, having hired a private investigator of sorts to get the incriminating photos you needed, accumulating dirt on the man who was Yeonjun's favourite, his oldest friend in the business, until there was no room for doubt in his mind.
What you hadn't expected was for the boss to show up at your place a few days after your exposé, looking more exhausted than you'd ever seen him. The betrayal had hit him hard. He seemed despondent as he glanced around at the place you lived, showing no reflection of his opinion. You weren't even sure how much he was taking in with those tired dark eyes. His hair was not to his usual standard, and his coat which was usually tied fashionably at his waist hung open and loose on his thin frame. You felt more awkward standing before him in this state than you ever had when he'd been laughing at your expense. You offered him a seat but he turned it down. All you could do was stare and wait for him to speak.
“I'm very grateful,” he began. His voice was hoarse, bringing a deepness to it you'd never known. Finally he looked you straight in the eye for the first time since he'd arrived. “I never would have seen it for myself. I was blinded by my… If you hadn't disclosed this to me…” It was the first time you'd seen him struggle to articulate himself. You nodded in understanding, and he seemed relieved.
After that, you were given a raise – a silent one, since he applied it without saying anything to you about it – and an office of your own. Not only did the jokes and snide comments from the other men stop, but they seemed to eye you with caution, some with reverence. You had become the one Yeonjun trusted most, the one he came to with his concerns, and nobody would ever question your value again. Not unless they wanted to face the boss's fury.
Things have been good for a while: you love your job – and maybe, as much as you hate to admit it, your boss, just a little bit? – when something unforeseeable happens. You're busy handling communications when you spot Yeonjun's ride pull up in the underground lot on the security monitor. Watching as the two front doors of the vehicle swing open and both the driver and the ridealong dash to open the back doors, your anxiety is thrown into gear. Then Yeonjun stumbles out from the back seat. You're on your feet before you see them check him over, out the door before he can wave them off.
By the time he's in the building, there are more men around him, asking questions and putting their hands on his shoulders in concern. He shakes them all off in annoyance, ordering them to get back to work. As the men fall away he spots you standing by, and he softens. When he approaches, you see the sharp red lines that are scratched into the side of his face, notice the bloody cuts on his hand as it sweeps his black hair up over his forehead.
“What happened?” you ask when he reaches you, even though you have a pretty good idea in your mind. You need to know anyway, as you keep a record of all offenses committed against him.
“It was an ambush,” he says simply. He watches your hands take his bigger ones from his sides and turn them over, inspecting. His hands suddenly feel cold in contrast to your warm skin as you make contact.
“Are you okay?” You glance briefly up to his eyes, indicating that your question does not refer to his obvious abrasions.
“That bullet proof glass might need a touch up,” he states rather matter-of-factly in reply, looking away from you. He sounds so nonchalant, as if it's not a big deal. Your heartbeat has picked up significantly, an unexpected reaction to hearing about danger that has already passed, and you realise that a threat to Yeonjun's safety means more to you than it should; more than a professional responsibility for his security.
You usher him into his office and locate the medical kit. This is the first time you'll be putting your first aid training to good use, you muse silently as you pull the lamp down close to Yeonjun's face. It's an intimate position you've found yourself in; Yeonjun seated on the large plush sofa while you hover above him, one knee on the seat of the sofa to steady yourself. You don't even register that your knee is between his spread legs, so focused on treating his injuries. You've never touched him before, and yet it feels like one of the most natural things you've ever done as you work instinctively, the fingers of your non-dominant hand along his cheek without your noticing. His warm eyes, which had seemed distant just a moment ago, check your face occasionally, until he abandons subtlety and they unabashedly train on you as you treat him, lit by the glow of the lamp. You try not to notice it, though you definitely do.
“I usually do this myself,” he says quietly as you reach for a new cloth and the bottle of disinfectant once more. The tug of a lazy smile appears on his mouth. “This is much better.”
Your eyes meet his, and all at once you feel much too warm. Now that you're not concentrating, you notice the placement of your knee, and your whole body seems to come alive. Retracting it as casually as possible, you hold your hand out to him, hoping your flushed state will go unnoticed. The feeling of his palm against yours sends sparks through you, making you feel like a stupid high schooler. He's still smiling, which makes it even harder to ignore. You suppose he's used to his life being threatened, used to targeted attacks, and that's how he's so calm after the ambush. Unless the starry look in his eyes speaks of an oncoming concussion.
He doesn't flinch once as you disinfect his scrapes and cuts. You're glad there's no glass to be picked out of the wounds. He watches everything you do quietly, and you find yourself having to remind yourself to breathe occasionally. It's new to be this close to him, and you don't hate it – not in the slightest. Most of his wounds are superficial, thanks to the bullet proof glass, and once you've applied coverings to the cuts on his hands, you're all finished. When you go to move the lamp away, you notice that his face has changed. He looks drained now, all his earlier charm and blasé attitude abandoned, maybe a little paler than usual even under the warm light, and you wonder if he's starting to feel the effects of the ordeal.
“I'll get you some water,” you tell him. Before you can move away, you feel his fingers softly grasp your hand. Your eyes come back to his face in surprise.
“Wait,” he says, a little weakly. His eyes are looking away from you, his brow quirked as though he's trying to figure something out. “I'm fine. Can you- can you just…”
There's only been one other time he's not been sure of his words before, and he'd been through something rough then, too. Something inside you begins to warm up and slowly melt as you realise that Yeonjun is not as unbothered on the inside as he plays on the outside. He may be tough, but he's not invincible. He may have had this kind of attack on his life before, he might even be used to it or expect it, but his body still undergoes the shock, even if it’s a delayed reaction.
His eyebrows are still slightly furrowed as he looks up at you. Without words and with the gentlest, smallest tug at your hand which you may not have noticed in another circumstance, which could probably have been played off as nothing if it had been rejected, he asks you to stay. You can't hide the smile that twitches at your lips. With something that feels like courage coursing through you, you step towards him. Turning slightly, you set yourself down on his lap and feel him relax. His arm winds around you to keep you snug to him and you lean your head onto his shoulder, getting a breath of expensive cologne. He sighs deeply before breathing evenly, dropping into a deep rest.
You're content like this, though you never imagined being this close to him, glad that he's resting when he clearly needs it, and proud that you could help. If this is how you can protect him physically, even if it's only in this small way, you'll take it. Though, in your head you've already begun thinking through methods of retaliation to whichever rival faction made this attempt on his life.
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m3llowm1sh · 7 months
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guys holy shit i predicted melodie................
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dearlyjun · 10 months
ash i love youuuu
you don’t know how much that means to me <3
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stevebabey · 2 years
HI BB, congratulations on the milestone!!!!!! more and more people need to read your work, it's just that phenomenal <3 LOV U 🎧 and if you want to - cast your mutuals as your face steve outfits 👀
ash!!! i fucking always delight at seeing you in my notifs!!! thank you so much, it's criminal that u took a lil break from writing right as i found you because you have this FRESH energy and you can see the little slivers of yourself in your writing that make it all the more endearing !! u are hella talented and lovely beyond words <33 LUV U !
i belong in your arms / chairlift
also YES A CYM GAME!!! I LITERALLY had a moment reading this ur so big brained - i had to limit myself to just like only 7 fits cos they're all my faves except the khakis
the yellow sweater: this is me sorry team 😌 i physically need to devour yellow sweater steve
the denim vest: @spideystevie bloodied and with his cleavage out, this is ur man this is ur fit !!
the scoops ahoy! fit: @stevestummy bcos i know u appreciate the babygirl as MUCH as i do
the member's only jacket: @stevesbabysittingservice specifically with the yellow gloves on
the maroon sweater: ash, u take this one, the most boyfriend of looks <3
the end of s3 denim vest: @sanguineterrain a fit we shoulda seen so much more of </3 babygirl part two of that season
join the celebration! ?
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fushiguroshotwife · 1 year
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ajajfifvi MY LOVEEE!!!!!! 💜💜
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KYAA lysm omg ash <33
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nwaml · 2 years
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Looks grumpy
Flap flap tiny wings
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moonslie04 · 3 months
hi babe!! just tuning in to support and love my little writer 🤧
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! (you changing your name threw me off so much) this single handedly gave me motivation to write ngl-
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ashs-reverie · 4 months
I haven't updated in a while cos i have been busy with other exams...so not entirely in vacation mode yet. They start on the 5th and i am NOT prepared to say the least :')
Arabic is such a beautiful but complex language and i hace wanted to learn it since forever but when i'm under pressure i really cant enjoy the process (but i should have known better than to keep it for last minute, trusting my learning abilities SO much, but they're letting me down 😭)
Anyways, i'm not gonna be able to be active on here until i finish these exams BUT after this instead of going on full vacation mode i will be expanding my computer knowledge and also start reading again cos i haven't been able to complete even one book since a month 😭 (i was reading Gone Girl btw)
I hope y'all are doing great and life's been treating you well 💖
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ashlakh · 2 months
happy international day of friendship ash! you were the first person i ever talked to on tumblr and you’re super nice! hope you’re doing well have a great day :D
Right back at youu
You were one of my first moots too ^^ thankyou so much your too sweet <333 you have a great day too!
I hope your rat cuties are doing okay, send my regards :)
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theolivetree123 · 20 days
A list of (I think) ALL of my mutuals! I appreciate all of yall so much, and thank you guys for making me feel so welcome <3
I also call most of my moots nicknames based on their usernames, but if you'd like me to call you by something else, PLS tell me!
《 @the-rini-rush - rini, rin-rin, rin !
《 @babyghoul138 - ghoulie !
《 @cheerleaderman - cheery !
《 @ashipiko - ashi, ash !
《 @fell-e - fel-fel, felle !
《 @beneathsakurashade - saki, sakura !
《 @moonyasnow - moony !
《 @thehollowwriter - hollow !
《 @boopshoops - boop !
《 @scint1llat3 - crystal !
《 @miyuki-fenn - miyu, fenn !
《 @shinysparklesapphires - saph, sapphire !
《 @beezonia - bee !
《 @gl00myb3arz - gloom, gloomy !
《 @mello-bee - mello !
《 @taruruchi - taru !
《 @spade-12 - spade 12 !
《 @natsukishinomiyaswife - nat, natsu, natsuki !
《 @skriblee-ksk - skrib, skrible !
《 @jewelulu - jewel !
《 @mirioho - miri !
《 @spaghettigod69 - raine !
《 @spadecentral - spade !
《 @cronborg - eddie !
《 @tomoruka-nova - nova !
《 @kathxrat-01 - kathy !
《 @4necdote - an !
《 @xxoomiii - oomii !
《 @0kiwisalad0 - kiwi !
《 @raguiras - ragu !
《 @fruixtii - fruity !
《 @fumikomiyasaki - fumi !
《 @the-trinket-witch - trinket !
《 @cheshanoneko-draws - chesh, neko !
《 @thetwstwildcard - wildy !
《 @screamintoad - toad, toady !
《 @bunniehunn - bunnie!
《 @revolllutionary - revvy !
《 @anonymousplant - yuyu, planty !
《 @gimmeurmoneyagh - mimi !
《 @h0neybane - eve !
《 @blood-red-bumblebee - queeny!
Platonically, ofc <3
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hanlimz · 1 year
[midnight thoughts: sunghoon + heart eyes]
pairing: park sunghoon x gn!reader genre/warnings: fluff ! very cute very suitable 4 all audiences ! / not proofread, povs might be a bit confusing?? it's written in 2nd person/3rd person omniscient but also in hoon's pov kinda?? idk ,, i hope that's able to be understood lolol <///3, also LOVESICK HOON <////3 wc: 0.8k (i could've written more but i liked where this ended) a/n: this goes out to all my hoon stans (ESP my hoon biased moots bc ik there's a lot of u MWAH ILY PLS ENJOY this is my apology for never interacting) / i feel like this is a bit different from my normal writing style so i hope this little ramble-y mess suffices !! <3
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park sunghoon is sharp; the slope of his nose is precise and pointed, his skin is even and supple while still resembling a cool block of ice, and the fiery soul of a phoenix reborn from its ashes is hidden away behind his frigid gaze. but, when he's with you—an uncharacteristic spell of heat courses through his veins; the blood under his cheeks seems to boil as they turn an embarrassing shade of vermillion, and the mystic bird is freed as you unlock the cage he has built around his heart. the way you hold him in your hands is gentle, the way you touch him is kind, and the way you kiss him makes him weak.
when he's with you, park sunghoon allows himself the chance to be soft. he melts like the chocolate sandwiched between two cozy graham crackers; his brain turns to mush, his thoughts are blurred at the edges, and his bones feel a bit too much like jello. sunghoon doesn't bother to uphold his "cool guy" reputation when you're around because he knows you prefer the real him—the one that stumbles over his words after seeing you in his clothes, the one that can't make it through watching the titanic without bawling, the one who still tries to cook for you despite almost cutting his thumb off with a mandoline slicer.
a fool, but yours nonetheless.
however, in spite of all this pure adoration sunghoon harbors for you, he still can't manage to will those eight, little letters from his plush lips. they feel too small as they sit and marinate in his mouth; he turns them over with his tongue, running the muscle along each syllable and tasting the overly saccharine residue they leave behind. they're not enough, he thinks, they never will be.
so, until he finds the right words, sunghoon settles for quiet moments like these. a wall of storms is rolling in from the coast; through the open window in the dorm's living room, the refreshing scent of impending rain spreads throughout the space. soft bouts of rumbling thunder become white noise that is almost enough to lull him to sleep, and the weight of your head in his lap evokes a certain peace that settles over every inch of his body. as sunghoon runs his fingers through your hair, he giggles to himself each time you snore on the inhale. there's a patch of drool seeping into the fabric of his joggers, but he can't bring himself to care; to sunghoon, you are perfect—in every sense of the word.
in the darkness, sunghoon's phone illuminates your napping figure; squinting, he sees that the boys have messaged the group chat, but truthfully, sunghoon is far more concerned that the vibrations might startle you out of your slumber. glancing down at you once more, he picks up the device to take a quick look at the messages.
[jake] twenty dollars that hoon's ogling y/n when we get back
[heeseung] do u even have to bet?
[jay] yeah i feel like it's kind of a given at this point
[sunoo] i just hope they're not on the couch .. i'm trying to cast the barbie movie to the tv ://
[jungwon] good luck......where Else would they be??
[niki] as long as they're not sucking face idc.....
[me] ok gross ... we r not Sucking Face u Child y/n's asleep on the couch, so don't be too loud when u get back
[jake] BOOOOO GET A ROOM !!!!!
[sunoo] UGHHH why can't u guys be a cute couple somewhere ELSE??
[heeseung] hoon's too in love ... Obviously
[me] stay jealous losers &lt;3
with a small flick of his thumb, sunghoon switches his phone to do not disturb and places it face down on the arm of the sofa. as he gazes down at you, his eyes are filled with an immeasurable amount of appreciation and fondness and gratitude. he finds solace in the sight of the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest; your deep breaths are a melodious sonata accompanied only by the sound of rain pattering against the living room window. sunghoon feels his heart pounding in his chest, and he thinks it's a bit silly just how much of an effect you manage to have on him. he sits with his thoughts, staring at the wall before him; sunghoon ponders heeseung's text, and comes to the conclusion that the elder boy is right.
sunghoon is in love—with you, to be specific.
however, he decides that he's the perfect amount of in love with you.
slowly, the calloused pads of sunghoon's fingers graze over the planes of your face, traveling down to the exposed skin of your shoulder. gently, he traces countless, miscellaneous shapes into your flesh, hoping you can feel each and every one of the triangles and diamonds and hearts in your dreams. tenderly, he tugs the blanket that had slipped down to the taper of your waist back up to your clasped hands. quietly, sunghoon prays to the gods and asks for the courage to voice his emotions, despite knowing that there is no rush—there never is. not with you.
and after a moment, softly, sunghoon tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear and murmurs, "i love you. more than you'll ever know, i love you."
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bee-ina-boat · 9 months
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heres a collection of concept art for the rest of the entities for the mythos au!! if you're wondering where the eye is, they've been drawn already!
they are all FAR from done. keep in mind these are all just my initial concepts and i plan to do in-depth design sheets as i go to explore their designs more.
(also au context: the magnus mythos is an au where the entities are all gods, similar to various religious mythology, rather than paranormal entities that feed on fear)
design thoughts for each of them under the cut
The Web - God of Fate (she/it): im pretty happy with her design atm, shes meant to be a half spider half woman thing and i love that for her. shes probably the one ive thought the most on so far given her importance to the story. i want her to wear silks and shiny silver jewelry that just sparkles like wet spiderwebs do, not sure if im gonna keep the veil?
The Dark - God of the Dark (she/he/it): probably my weakest concept at the moment. it doesnt do the dark any justice. i mean i like the cloak idea but i want them to be very tendrilly, all consuming, shadowy, but i dont know how to properly portray them :/
The Desolation - God of Destruction and Fire (they/it): i have a neat vision for them! i want them to be made of coal and ash and smoke, to be burning and glowing on the inside, and their body is decorated with melted wax to look like clothes. not quiiiiiite sure about how their melty candle dress is now? i want it to be less constrictive
The Stranger - God of the Unknown and the Whimsical (he/she/they/it): it's meant to be this. weird wirey creature hidden behind masks and a lot of fabrics, like the framework of a poseable plush doll? i like the way the masks look but im not so sure about the body.
The Vast - God of the Above (she/he/they/it): im not so sure about his design at all im gonna be real. i want them to look like the atmosphere and be covered in clouds and have mountains for feet and an ocean cape but i feel like it might be a bit?? idk??? im just not that happy with it :/
The End - God of Death and Time (they/it): ugh i love this concept sm, making death read as less scary and more divine is so fun. theyre based on a seraphim and a sand timer,
The Buried - God of the Underneath (she/he/they/it): ANOTHER OF MY FAVORITES!!!! i love them. theyre inspired by hermit crabs!! and they have silver chains holding their shell to them. they look so endearing with their lil lopsided eyes ;; <3
The Flesh - God of the Body and Meat (she/he/they/it): i have so many ideas for the flesh y'all- im very excited to do a concept sheet for them. theyre meant to have no skin, just exposed bone and muscle, large limbs, hooves, exposed heart underneath a ribcage, teeth that close around their abdomen. white bandages that wrap around like clothes. a teeth/horn crown? i dont quite know whether to go for a more animalistic look or a more human one? like- theres so many ways to go with him idek!!!
The Hunt - God of Predators and Pride (they/it): see, i like this design but i feel like its too werewolf like? yknow? thats cool!! but itreads more monster to me than God :/
The Corruption - God of Nature, Rot, and Disease (she/they/it): i love this weird bug thing. this one i was really inspired for (mostly because. corruption aligned. so obviously im gonna think about this one alot) theyre this weird bug thing, the veil is inspired by the one from the art on the wiki! i want to maybe make them a bit more gross and weird because nature is like that sometimes, a moot on tiktok suggested that i add animal bones!! and i think thats SO smart im absolutely going too
The Spiral - God of the Incomprehensible (it/its): this weirdo is so hard to pin down istg. i imagine them as this spiral thing. body is kindof liquidy, arms are spindly and long, multiple shifting faces, overall just constantly changing and moving and like!!! how am i meant to draw that??? when my brain cant even wrap my head around what its supposed to look like yknow??? bruh jrdbhgfjdldgfh- that being said i think the main problem with the design is that it just gives me too many Michael vibes!!! is it the hair? the arms? its probably both.
The Lonely - God of Solitude and the Self (they/it): i like what this one has going so far! theyve got fog hair, fog tears, their body is meant to be splotchy like turquoise marble, i vibe with it so hard. not so sure what to do with their outfit tho :/
The Slaughter - God of War (he/they/it): another one of my more stronger designs i think! centaur with weapons sticking into them, face concealed, medieval armor and antlers- it vibes
the extinction isnt drawn because i literally have no idea what they should look like aside from color palette-
once again any and all suggestions will be taken!!!! i need ideas!!! plese!!!!
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flwrstqr · 3 months
mutuals appreciation messages 🤍
ack i missed these kind of moot games ㅠㅠ but here's my appreciation to each of my fav mooties 💕
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@dioll, i love you sm nae. sometimes i feel like you're my older sister, i really appreciate your support even through the tough times. your msgs truly make me smile each day. remember we're in this together 💕
@hoonion, jenni!!! my loml, i love u to the moon and back. i love dming you everyday. you make me smile and bring up my mood. i'm so glad we met this year and became closer. i really hope we get even closer (jenni + hoon is real!!)
@jwsdoll, hai sav!! so glad we met this year. our silly little msgs make me laugh everyday. my yunjin to my chaewon. love u sm
@reverieki, my hye bae. i miss u sm, idk where i would be w/o u. riki to my hee, haerin to my dani. you'll always be riki's no.1 girl!!
@luvlyhee, xuan!!!! i'm so happy we met this year, you truly are an amazing writer. i love u and ur works so much. i hope by the end of the year, we're closer than ever can be 🤞
@jakesangel, jake's real gf aka princess. my half older sister to me, i love u sm!! you're always going to be joy to my irene, ning to my giselle, and wonyo to my chae!! stay strong!! love u >o<
@junislqve, juni bby, ilysm. your asks are what make me look forward for my day. belle to my haneul 4 life!!!! (also did i mention how much winter from aespa vibes i get from u??)
@iichaeyj chae!!!! i know we barely interact 😓 but i really hope i get closer with you. you really seem like a sweet person and i love ur works so much. rina to my ning!!
@antoncyng my nickname twin :3 luv u sm nini!! one of my early moots too. keep writing, supporting you through everything!!
@en-gelic lia!! i'm so grateful i became moots with you. you truly are the sweetest person i ever met. i'll always love and support your writings no matter what. sending love and kisses 💕
@leaderwon the fact we just started off by meeting through disc dms 😭 i really hope we get closer luna!! (jungwon's real gf is right here???)
@onlyjjong have i ever said how much i love u lili???? bc i really love u sm!! ur sweet msgs always makes me smile. i'll support your works, and i hope you stay happy. you're like my real younger sister me. leeseo to my yujin, kyujin to my lily
@hyeinism haiii via!!! i really hope we interact more often bc i would love to get closer with you. ily !!!
@lcvclywon YUYA!! i missed u sm. i miss our inbox msgs we had together ㅠㅠ, hoping that returns. we'll always be chaewon and eunchae (chaechaez)!!
@okwons vivi, you're so sweet. your msgs are the sweetest thing ever. love ur writings btw >o<
@jlheon pengie bae!! literally yuri to my chae. hoping you text me more often on insta 😓 i really enjoy your company and i hope we get closer soon
@sunrenity zehra, did i tell you how much i love u + ur themes + ur works???? pls stop by dms or inbox more often, i would die to get closer w u ㅠㅠ
@star-sim my 08 liner twin!!! the fact at first i barely had any 08 liner mooties and you were one of the first ppl i met that was the same age as me 😓 thank u sm for being the sweetest moot ever, love uuu!!
@neos127 ky!!! yeri to my irene >o<, i really hoping we get closer this year!! you seem like a very sweet person so hoping we interact more often !!
@ashtxrie one of my earliest moots is you, ash!! i'm super happy we became moots, i love ur works sm. keep it up, sending kisses + love to u !!
@bywons sru, i know you're on hiatus but thank u for everything. you were my first ever moot on blr, and im so happy that we basically grew up together here 🙏 always support ur works, love uu!!
@okwonyo jiah!! wonyoung to my hyewon ㅠㅠ, i first joined enhablr as a reader and admired your works a lot. here i am now. u rlly inspire me, thank u jiah sm >o< luv u !!
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wonryllis · 7 months
、ㅤ🪷 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MY LOVES (MOOTiEs) ᵎᵎ ✶ 𝐒𝐅𝐖 so srry for the tag.
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@jaesvelvet ( cha ) my soft corner, love her so much and miss her so damn much all the time talking to her is healing
@seungstarss ( sei ) my first ever fan turned bestie :( miss you babes,, i literally survived half my time of tumblr becuz of her
@maiverie ( mai ) the humour goddess, fics are top tier plots filled with crack you never gonna find another like her, my second bestie <3
@luvhyun3 ( kana ) my love who is almost never on here anymore but i still love her, we're in long distance atm pls understand.
@hoes4hoseok ( piper ) her brain, brains so hard, the creativity is off the charts and so underrated like people are blind if you don't know her.
@ctrlemis ( art ) bestie who's perhaps as crazy as me if not more, we had a super talking stage but our situationship is kinda off rn :( miss you
@jangwonie ( fae ) she's my baby don't touch her. a pretty little sweetie angel, so caring, mwah :3
@nyukyujs ( kya ) the sweetest purest person ever like the most beautiful angel inside out! taught me so much about spreading love and positivity
@heecyon ( bee ) she's my wife, i love her a lot but we haven't been talking for a long while now, if you see this beebee i miss you a lot let's catch up wyf.
@koishua ( vienna ) didn't talk a lot but i love loved her works, it was everything, sad she left but it's a part of life.
@boyfhee ( caelin ) the reincarnate of shakespeare? hello? and so sweet and humble too a literal babe. period.
@www-jungwon ( elena ) another one i haven't gotten dirt on yet,, soon though. she's my high achiever mate who writes cute masterpieces
@okwonyo ( jiah/bambi ) always sending suspicious anon asks +_+ and making it so obvious omg she's an amateur baby
@eeunoia ( psyche ) the prettiest sunghoon girlie of all time, the most talented, and lastly my idol that's i'll never roast or dig up dirt on ☆‿⁠☆
@leaderwon ( luna ) another baby of mine that i absolutely need to protect. she be so me can't let her end up like me damn.
@tyunni ( may ) we not that close but i love her account and i love her works and i love her vibes so bingo! riki to my won.
@jjunae ( kae ) hold on for a little im busy finding pick up lines for this gorgeous right here,, let my rizz not fail
@stariekis ( uri ) an angel who showed up one day and took me to her hometown where i found out i was the lost angel from their village. oh.
@lheebra ( dani ) my dear little love who will always have VIP passes to my blog. a sweetpie with limitless talents!
@isoobie ( ri ) she's a student of how to do it like yeonie school and lemme tell you, she's an ace already aimming for the top spot, beware.
@fakeuwus ( nic ) uwu uwu uwuuuu uwuu uwu uwuwu uwu uwu uwuwuu (she's my uwu who understands my uwu language, my uwu soulmate)
@lilyuwon ( yev ) one of the first persons i talked to on this blog, and im so glad we still do, love interacting with her and absolute lovely being!
@ms-no1kpopstan ( mickie ) cutiepie who's such a sweetpea, haven't been talking for long but she's really nice and supportive, adore her :3
@theyluvvaubery ( ? ) haven't been able to interact or talk much but she's a sweetie!!
@sainns ( anna ) my fellow sunghoon hoe keeper, we are protecting him from the locals who always ask for him. we gatekeep and share!
@stwrjvke ( ash ) she boops as much as she loves and guess what she booped me infinite so.. i bewitched her at my annual royal ball.
hmu if you wanna be mutuals/frnds im always up for it!
୨ৎ . . 𝓂o𝐨𝐭 𝓰a𝗺𝗲s ᵎᵎ
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moots in prompt generator with bias and i rate them.
moots as tropes assigned with any idol.
moots as kpop idols they'd be.
moots as songs, webtoons and who'd be travel buddy + sibling vibes
moots as favorite drinks.
moots as kpop songs.
moots on the level of delulu-ness.
moots in winx club.
moots as tropes they suit. (2)
moots as kpop idols i see them as. (2)
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