ash-and-sand · 10 months
Episode 6 - File 5
NARRATOR: Starting: File 5. Case Number: 874-13-26E. Code Name: Ziegegen.
NARRATOR: I have no clue what the code name is referencing.
NARRATOR: Reading the first few lines, it might be the word "Ziege" with "gen" added on. I guess I can assume it's a nod to the cryptid, Goat Man, known in Sector 0. In this file, the sub-classification is the same as the code name, which goes to show how creative the researchers for this project are.
Classification: Anomaly Sub-Classification: Ziegegen
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26E are a group of goat-men that live in Sector 11-F, Subsector B. They are aggressive towards those without gold on their person, attacks towards an individual, and outsiders. There are seemingly three types of 974-13-26E; the one that holds the most numbers have been given the name "Ziegegen" by various 874-13-26B members. They are the middle ground of the three types in terms of temperament and need only Formula F1 to subdue for containment and tests. The more aggressive type, termed "Brutes" by 874-13-26B, need Formulas F8 and G5. (See Containment Addendum 874-13-26E-1 for why mixing Formulas F8 and G5 together is prohibited.)
The third type are termed "Undead Ziegegen" by 874-13-26B. They are the more passive members of 874-13-26E if unthreatened. They can be brought into containment without sedatives but if necessary, Formula A1 will send them back into a calm state.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26E-1: Formula F8 is a relaxant; it will not send a subject unconscious immediately. Formula G5 is blocker; it will send a subject unconscious quickly, but does not immediately calm a subject down. Mixing Formulas F8 and G5 has proven to be catastrophic to subject systems and has resulted in a total of six subject deaths before researchers realized it was the formula mixing instead of containment cells or moving from habitat.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26E-2: 874-13-26E may very well resemble their non-hominid counterparts in Sector 0 in that they eat whatever is placed in front of them, but with more human-like capabilities, there will be instances where they refuse to eat. Containment procedures have updated to involve placing entertainment and enrichment items in with the subjects, as a bored or panicked 874-13-26E subject can be destructive. Added Note from Dr. Roberts: So long as researchers are wearing something gold, and they are recording the interaction, the Seven have approved playing with or attempting to speak to contained 874-13-26E subjects. Any found to not record their interactions will be transferred to a different project.
Description: All three types of 874-13-26E visually differ from the other two. Clearance Level: 5 Access to "Brutes" description. 874-13-26E's more abundant variation are visually like the Sector 0 animal known as a Billy goat that walks on two legs and is capable of using their front legs as a two-fingered hand. There are no visual indication on gender despite their similarities. Their fur comes in a wide variety of colors like their Sector 0 counterparts. Clearance Level: 5 Access to "Undead Ziegegen" description.
NARRATOR: As my clearance level still has not changed from Level 4, I can only say the description of the "middle ground" version of 874-13-26E subject is accurate enough. It really does put in mind the Goat Man, weird.
NARRATOR: Wonder if that means one of them got to Sector 0 somehow.
NARRATOR: Apologies. End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 27th of December.
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ash-and-sand · 2 months
Episode 12 - File 11
NARRATOR: Starting: File 11. Case Number: 874-13-26K. Code Name: Shatter.
NARRATOR: To start, anything uninvolved with this file will be at the end.
NARRATOR: Looking at the code name and the sub-classification, my best guess is this is about reanimated skeletons. It's the only connection I can make between the two.
NARRATOR: This file is remarkably longer. Good job everyone.
Classification: Unknown - Anomaly Sub-Classification: Undead
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26K are another group of reanimated corpses of 874-13-26B, 874-13-26D, and 874-13-26I subjects. They are immediately aggressive to any humanoid figure that comes within sight and seem to have an uncanny ability of knowing when one is in their blind spots. Much like 874-13-26I subjects, this can be used to lead 874-13-26K subjects into containment cells and transportation boxes.
No formulas will work on these subjects as they hold no tissues or organs in which to metabolize them. (They barely have ligaments.)
The use of lights at and above level five will keep areas of Sector 11-F, Subsector A clear of 874-13-26K subjects. Sector 11-F, Subsector B, on the other hand, will require use of portable barriers to maneuver the subjects safely. They are not blinded by such light and it cannot be used as a means of keeping them in place; any metal stronger than copper or gold can be used to transfer subjects without risking researchers or transportation teams, and hardwoods are capable of keeping them within a certain area if used as fencing. Materials between such metals and woods are to be tested when possible.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26K-1A: There is a sub-variant to this subject within Sector 11-F, Subsector B, that holds an additional risk for researchers and transportation teams. Avoid being hit by their weapons or hands as best as possible; current studies on the effect indicate a necrosis-type reaction upon affected areas.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26K-1B: All samples gained from the Subsector B variant are to be kept in researching facilities in Sector 11-F, all subsectors. Additional Note from Dr. [REDACTED]: Much like with 874-13-26I subjects, there have been enough attempts at stealing or selling these samples. While the Council of Seven haven't been made aware of these attempts, there is already a precedent for such actions. Continue trying and the Seven will be involved and there will be equally harsh consequences.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26K-2: No variant subject is to be allowed near any other subjects.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26K-3: All specimens and samples taken from any variant of 874-13-26K subjects must be returned to storage or documented properly. Additional Note from Dr. Allen: Stop using the regular variant as fetch toys with bonded 874-13-26F subjects. While it is nice to know they'd go after anything thrown, cross-contamination is a risk that we need to minimize.
Description: Clearance Level: 5 Access to "Regular" and "Variant" physical description.
NARRATOR: Once again, lack of clearance. Best way to picture it, I guess, is to look at a skeleton. With how the Summer Weather subjects look remarkably like hominids from Sector 0, I'd say our skeleton structure is similar.
NARRATOR: That said - unrelated information. I am aware of a recording within an unnamed file. No, I hadn't been the one to record it and so far, I've not been able to figure out cleaning it up. Tech, especially audio recordings, was not what I went to school for.
I will post the cleaned up version once I have something to show for my attempts. Don't hold your breath though, it might take a while.
Prior topic of conflict - the Wyrm file does not have any missing pieces. Checked in with the lead researcher and one of the Seven in charge of Subsector C and both of them told me to drop it. I'm aware that it's weird, but what can I do?
I'm supposed to be a field research intern right now.
NARRATOR: End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 28th of August.
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ash-and-sand · 5 months
Episode 11 - File 10
NARRATOR: Starting: File 10. Case Number: 874-13-26J. Code Name: Wyrm.
NARRATOR: This is a dragon. Not a wyrm, four legs and wings is a dragon. Why am I say this? Only thing in this file beyond the classification and sub-classification (Unknown - Mythical / Voidling) is a picture.
NARRATOR: I'm beginning to question the professionalism of everyone around me.
NARRATOR: End recording, I guess.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 29th of May.
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ash-and-sand · 6 months
Episode 10 - File 9
NARRATOR: Starting: File 9. Case Number: 874-13-26I. Code Name: Undead.
NARRATOR: First off - the lack of creativity of the last few files is weird. The code names of the first several files are different from the sub-classifications but after 874-13-26F, Big Bird, it's been the same. I know this is only the third file like this but that's after six files with actual creativity.
NARRATOR: Second, after the last file, I'm not looking forward to this one. A ghost-like creature not being labeled such and now 'undead'. Bad vibes.
Classification: Unknown - Anomaly Sub-Classification: Undead
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26I are a grouping of reanimated bodies of 874-13-26B and 874-13-26D subjects. They are immediately aggressive to any humanoid figure that comes within sight and seem to have an uncanny ability of knowing when one is in their blind spots. This can be used to lead 874-13-26I subjects into containment cells and transportation boxes.
There are two variants of this subject - "Drowned" and "Average". Unlike the "Undead Ziegegen" variant of 874-13-26E subjects, no formulas work on either variant of 874-13-26I subjects.
The use of lights at and above level four will keep areas of Sector 11-F, Subsector A, clear of 874-13-26I subjects unless researchers are within their line of sight. They are not blinded by such light and it cannot be used as a means of keeping them in place; any metal stronger than copper or gold can be used to transfer subjects without risking researchers or transportation teams and hardwoods are capable of keeping them within a certain area if used as fencing. Materials between such metals and woods are to be tested when possible.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26I-1: Bite guards are to be placed within all subjects. While the bites does not infect the victim, it has been proven nearly fatal due to the germs and bacteria that grow when matter is decaying.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26I-2: All samples gained are to be kept in the researching facilities in Sector 11-F, all subsectors. Additional Note from Observer 7: There's been enough attempts are stealing or selling these samples that the Council of Seven voted to minimize the opportunities granted. All researchers and guards involved with this study must keep in mind that further attempts at such will lead to termination. . Additional Note from Dr. Roberts: Study has shown that it is wholly possible to turn the samples into bioweapons. The decision the Seven to prevent openings of the stupidly greedy was made to prevent that. Stop sending me memos complaining about this.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26I-3: No subject is allowed near 874-13-26D subjects.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26I-4: No subject is allowed near 874-13-26E subjects, especially those of the "Undead Ziegegen" variant.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26I-5: The 874-13-26J subject is the only known subject that 874-13-26I subjects stop moving around. They won't even react aggressively towards researchers if they are around without proper containment. Additional Note from Dr. Roberts: Please stop abusing the subjects being studied within Subsector C. It's disturbing and I will notify the Seven of it if it continues.
Description: Clearance Level: 9 Access to "Drowned" and "Average" physical description.
NARRATOR: I was right. Oh fuck, was I right.
NARRATOR: The images are… interesting? With the two variants of this subject, only thing in common is how gruesome they both look. I'm not even upset at the clearance level issue coming back up, honestly. The images are enough.
NARRATOR: I'm not describing what's in the pictures beyond - this is literally zombies. Decay and everything.
NARRATOR: …at least it's a longer file? Fuck, end recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 24th of April.
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ash-and-sand · 7 months
Episode 9 - File 8
NARRATOR: Starting: File 8. Case Number: 874-13-26H. Code Name: Unseen.
NARRATOR: I'm kind of worried about how short the last few files have been.
NARRATOR: The code name suggests invisibility of some sort. Sub-classification does not give any further hints.
Classification: Unknown - Anomaly Sub-Classification: Unseen
Containment Procedures: With an inability to see any 874-13-26H subjects, containment has been placed as low-priority.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26H-1: When researchers are in Sector 11-F, Subsector B, there are only two known ways of knowing a subject is close by: the cries and fireballs that cause explosions. Additional Note from Dr. [REDACTED]: Due to the tells being auditory, every researcher is to undergo hearing tests monthly.
Description: With an inability to see any 874-13-26H subjects, very little is known about how the subject looks. There are no indications of juveniles or elderly by sight. Auditory cues suggest the young will have a higher-pitched cry and larger explosions from their fireballs. (Likely a protective trait from evolution, which does suggest the subjects are probably prey.) Elderly 874-13-26H subjects will have raspy cries and weaker explosions.
NARRATOR: There's no picture of the subject itself, but there are several of what I assume are explosion sites. The craters vary in size, likely to show the difference between juveniles and elderly.
NARRATOR: Kind of puts me in mind of ghosts that can spit out explosives…
NARRATOR: End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 27th of March.
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ash-and-sand · 8 months
Episode 8 - File 7
NARRATOR: Starting: File 7. Case Number: 874-13-26G. Code Name: Hopping Lights.
NARRATOR: My best guess is an amphibian, insect, or rabbit-like creature, from the 'hopping' part of the code name.
Classification: Anomaly Sub-Classification: Hopping Lights
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26G is to be left alone.
Description: The coloring varies all the way down to shades. Much like with 874-13-26F subjects, 874-13-26G is one species despite coloring and habitat differences.
NARRATOR: So these are glowing frogs. Really large, glowing frogs.
NARRATOR: That's it. That's all that's in the file. I might have to go hunting for the physical file, because this doesn't follow protocol.
NARRATOR: Might have another audio file added once I find out what the hell happened with this. End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 28th of February.
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ash-and-sand · 9 months
Episode 7 - File 6
NARRATOR: Starting: File 6. Case Number: 874-13-26F. Code Name: Carrier.
NARRATOR: Oh, thank fuck, this one's short.
NARRATOR: Based on the sub-classification, I can only assume the code name is referencing carrier pigeons from Sector 0.
Classification: Anomaly Sub-Classification: Big Bird
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26F are large birds that live in various biomes of Sector 11-F, Subsector A. They are docile and can be trained to be mounts. There is no need to use any formulas for transportation back to Sector 0; gaining the loyalty of any 874-13-26F subjects for study is the best option, as they will stay docile the whole time.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26F-1: Once a researcher bonds with a subject, they cannot be moved to a different project. Losing their "owner" proves detrimental to subject's continued life span.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26F-2: The use of any 874-13-26F subjects in a supposed "air jousting" event has been prohibited after Incident 874-13-26F-A. Additional Note from Dr. [REDACTED]: While the information on what the subjects are capable of in the air is welcome, the numerous injuries to said subjects and their involved researchers outweighs the benefit of this avenue of learning.
Description: Their coloring varies like there are multiple subspecies. Studies show they are not wholly different compared to the avian creatures of Sector 0. Chicks of any 874-13-26E subjects will be one meter (three or four feet) in height and take up to five months to mature enough to take flight. Flight-capable 874-13-26E subjects range from one to two meters (four to six feet) in height with wingspans of two to 3 meters (six to ten feet).
NARRATOR: There are multiple images attached to the file. Each do prove that they were wildly different visually, they are rather massive compared to bird from Sector 0, and are rather playful with their bonded researcher. Some even look similar to a few birds within Sector 0, like parrots or ravens.
NARRATOR: This and the Ziegegen subject last file make me wonder which came first, Sector 0 or Sector 11-F.
NARRATOR: Something to think about. End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 31st of January.
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ash-and-sand · 11 months
Episode 5 - File 4
NARRATOR: Starting: File 4. Case Number: 874-13-26D. Code Name: Morgana.
NARRATOR: Morgana is in reference to the antagonistic character from the Arthurian Legends.
Classification: Inhabitant Sub-Classification: Witch
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26D are a minor grouping of subjects that live in marshlands but travel anywhere in Subsector A of Sector 11-F. They are immediately aggressive towards any human they come across, no matter if they are 874-13-26B, Researchers, or Agents. For containment, use of Formulas A1- C8, D9, and E8 are safe; E8 is specific to 874-13-26D and will last the longest. (Use of the formulas will be dependent on how long it takes subjects to be moved into containment cells in Sector 0.)
874-13-26D has shared evolutionary traits to 874-13-26B, but is unable to eat anything but meat. Preference seems to be cannibalistic, usually preferring 874-13-26B or other human variants. But they will eat other 874-13-26D subjects if they happen upon one.
No discernable reproduction habits have been observed.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26D-1: Until further notice, Council of Seven orders no further containment missions to be undertaken with 874-13-26D subjects. Instead, operatives will keep their distance and observe subjects in their natural habitat.
Description: 874-13-26D are a group of subjects that are virtually impossible to tell apart visually. The use of tagging, before Containment Addendum 874-13-26D-1, has given researchers the ability to know there are, at minimum, fifteen subjects - fourteen tagged and at least one untagged.
874-13-26D are similar to 874-13-26B in looks barring the outfit worn. Stereotypical witch's outfit - hat, robe, and cloak - of black-and-green themes seem to be the only option given. The fourteen tagged subjects wore similar undergarments, shows, and belts (all the way down to which items were held on said belt), so it is assumed all other 874-13-26D subjects wear the same then.
Observation Addendum 874-13-26D-1: Dr. [REDACTED] has brought attention to the fact that not going into further detailing on skin tone (which is a lighter shade to 874-13-26B) can be considered racist in other circumstances. Until it is proven that subjects under the classification, Inhabitant, are not sentient or sapient, all further instances of such a classification should be treated like one would treat a coworker of a different race.
Observation Addendum 874-13-26D-2: Clearance Level: 9 Access to Addendum
[sigh - frustrated]
NARRATOR: I do not have clearance level above, 4, I must repeat.
NARRATOR: The observation part of the file does pretty well describing the photograph attached to it. Only note is to add to Observation Addendum 874-13-26D-1 is that the subject's skin tone is still taupe, but instead of warm, it is a cooler tone. Further photographs needed to ascertain if eye color is a deep brown or a dark green.
NARRATOR: End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 22nd of November.
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ash-and-sand · 1 year
Episode 4 - File 3
NARRATOR: Starting: File 3. Case Number: 874-13-26C. Code Name: Shy Eyes.
NARRATOR: Shy Eyes is in reference to an online scary story where a being kills those that see its face.
Classification: Anomaly Sub-Classification: Voidling
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26C can survive in various ecosystems, but are more commonly found in Subsector C of Sector 11-F. They are more passive creatures, but will react violently if one stares long enough at their eyes/face.
The habits of 874-13-26C indicate teleportation abilities based upon what is in sight, sourced from a golf ball sized organ within their chests that look like a pink version of 874-13-26C's eyes and shatters like glass when thrown against surfaces. The best defense against 874-13-26C is water of any depth. Throwing water on 874-13-26C and then using Formula D4 will allow for secure movement.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26C-1: Contained subjects are to either be blindfolded or placed within a containment cell with no ability to see outside of it ; use Containment Blocks A-11, B-02, B-07, or D-14. Using cameras to view within such cells does not trigger aggression in contained subjects.
Description: 874-13-26C are a group of humanoid beings in Sector 11-F that are 4 meters tall with skin comparable to Kevlar. They have deep green skin, glowing lilac eyes, fangs, and claws. Observations have maintained there is indication of 874-13-26C reproducing asexually, though there is no physical sign of which are the young, the adults, or the elders.
Observation Addendum 874-13-26C-1: Potential indicators for difference between adults and juveniles: Level of aggression. The quicker-to-anger may be the younger 874-13-26C subjects, likely due to lack of understanding of accidental eye contact. Though on the reverse, it could be old age making the subjects have less emotional control. Added Note from Dr. [REDCATED]: There is a markedly notable difference between aggression that might have meaning, but until we catch an 874-13-26C subject before they birth a juvenile, there is no confirmation either way.
NARRATOR: The attached photos of 874-13-26C is adequately described in the description of this file. Additional details might be the teeth and mouth - both are a green equally dark as skin everywhere else. Until they open their mouths, 874-13-26C's teeth and mouth are unnoticeable.
NARRATOR: End recording.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 25th of October.
0 notes
ash-and-sand · 1 year
Episode 2: File 1
NARRATOR: Starting: File 1. Case Number: 874-13-26A. Code Name: Epsilon.
NARRATOR: Epsilon is the fifth letter in the Greek alphabet. It is also the symbol of permittivity, which is the ability of a substance to store electrical energy in an electric field.
NARRATOR: Classification: Anomaly
Sub-Classification: Shocker
Containment Procedures: 874-13-26A are a grouping of beings that congregate around large deposits of metal ore, metal items/buildings, or large pools of water no deeper than 1 meter. 874-13-26A must be surrounded by non-conductive material before sedation if any of them are moved. The sedative used is a combination of a brief EMP pulse and Formula D7 injected immediately upon unconsciousness.
874-13-26A is a passive being within Sector 11-F, Subsector A, but upon perceived threat will actively chase and attack. They will not stop until you cross over water deeper than 1 meter or get too far from their preferred habitat.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26A-1: Any researcher with health issues that can be triggered by electricity will need approval from the Council of Seven. If given approval, keep to a distance of 50 meters of 874-13-26A.
Added Note from Dr. [REDACTED]: Just because they look like teddy bears does not mean you can treat it without caution. While passive, they get spooked rather easily and nobody here wants to do incident reports just because of your stupidity.
Containment Addendum 874-13-26A-2: Prolonged use of EMPs will be limited for once every five hours.
Added Note from Dr. [REDACTED]: Constant and prolonged use of EMPs causes damage to contained subjects. Cuddling is not a good reason to harm any of them. I will be sending today's incident report to the Seven and requesting several transfers of those involved to different projects.
Description: 874-13-26A is a creature of hybrid traits from animals known in Sector 0 - the front half has similar visual traits as a black bear, with the back half like that of a miniature horse. It is a physical being but with a layer of electrical energy that looks nothing more than base-level static but actually registers as 200 voltz per attack. 874-13-26A has a limit of eleven attacks before tiring.
Observation indicates no hierarchal relationships between 874-13-26A, but youth will stay with their bearer. Gender has not been figured out, so there are bearers and sires when speaking of the young, but a bearer for one young can be a sire for another. Term use is dependent on the young.
NARRATOR: The image in the physical file is hand drawn, by the way. Reason why is not stated, but having an electrical field surrounding 874-13-26A can assumedly cause issue for cameras.
NARRATOR: The description in the file does state the prominent details of 874-13-26A. Further detailing could involve the front half looking like a static-based rendition of a black bear and the back half a static rendition of a mule, donkey or miniature horse. It's hard to say for certain from look alone which it is. Assumption can be made that the file states miniature horse because of the use of EMPs for containment and movement.
NARRATOR: I can see why Addendum 874-13-26A-2 exists.
NARRATOR: End recording.
Longer transcript this time, which is why it's not in the description like before. It almost hit the character limit.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 2nd of next month.
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ash-and-sand · 1 year
Episode 1 - Introduction
NARRATOR: Start recording.
NARRATOR: The following records are being transferred over to the new electronic filing system. Audio format is being recorded due to contractual disability aid.
NARRATOR: Pardon any issues. There is only one person working on the audio format for the transfer.
NARRATOR: Technology was not my field of study. End recording.
Future episode transcripts will be found on this account instead of in the description. This is for ease of reading as someone suggested not to do so with longer scripts.
Feel free to listen through the link above or through Spotify directly - there should be a way to get there somewhere on the page.
Next episode will come out on the 2nd.
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