princecarterw · 7 years
Facetime || Van
Carter: sat on the edge of his bed, fiddling with his phone and looking at the clock. 4pm. He wasn't sure of the exact time difference between Illinois and Australia, but he was pretty sure he was safe to call Van now. Finally working up the courage, he tapped her name on his screen, starting a facetime call.
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ashwoodgossip-blog1 · 6 years
What's up with the Rose kids?
Nothing really. Jackson and Marley don’t do a whole lot. Van just either sleeps with everyone, teases everyone, or causes fights. She’s the troublemaker.
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Someone’s gotta keep it interesting in that family.
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backstageberry-blog · 7 years
After weeks and weeks of consulting Rachel, getting his nerves under control, and making sure he had everything prepared in case of either answer, Alex was going to ask Van to be his girlfriend. His original plan was deemed too extravagent for a girlfriend proposal so he was just going to ask her. He had some chocolates and roses in his hand, the last of his catfishing money (the rest was mostly spent on Lily, Rachel, and more stuff for Van) and with one last breath he knocked on her door.
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peculiarberry · 7 years
Texts || Van
Rachel: I surely hope Alex is okay with you kissing other boys.
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sterlingfitness · 7 years
TEXT ✉ Jeffvannah
Van: So… Jeff… I was like wondering… Do you want a job? My hip hop studio is hiring part time instructors
Van: And I said I knew you?????
Jeff: I mean, I already have a part time at the gym, but that sounds so cool, too?
Jeff: Give me their contact and I'll check if they want someone for night classes.
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okayitsblaine-blog · 7 years
vannahrose: Blaine, do you take criticism on your posts? Could it be a Holiday floor party? Just because… Well Rachel and I don’t celebrate Christmas…
But would you come celebrate it with me? I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, and I especially know that some of my friends don’t but if someone asked me to celebrate Passover with them, I would never turn them down or ask them to change it for me. But if it means that much to you, I guess I can just, not have it. I wouldn’t feel right throwing a Hanukkah party or something. I wouldn’t know how to decorate for it or what kind of food to make for it...
I’m really sorry, I’ll just cancel it. It’ll be easier that way.
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andrewstjamess-blog · 7 years
PM - Van
Andrew: Ballet babe. That's what I'm gonna start calling him from now on.
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444names · 2 years
hindu and egyptian deities BUT excluding "y"
Adha Adjet Adjwer Adurti Adurus Agara Akant Amahma Amanga Amani Amanta Amat Amatri Amatta Ammana Ammiti Amut Amuta Amutet Anar Anatep Anda Andni Anet Anga Angan Anhis Anika Anikan Anna Anta Antati Apari Apet Apetet Appar Apri Araet Arah Araha Araman Aran Arandi Arani Aras Ariama Arma Armavi Artani Arti Aruni Arutu Aset Asha Ashana Ashapa Asher Ashi Ashitr Asiti Asta Astan Asva Asvai Aswar Atgeb Atret Atris Baala Baasu Baati Babit Bagala Balala Balam Balami Bali Balini Balit Balki Bata Bati Besa Besat Beshis Bets Bhada Bhaf Bhai Bhais Bhaka Bhal Bhala Bhali Bhani Bhati Bhiti Bhuli Bhumi Bhura Bhurti Bradha Brahak Brami Brat Brati Brau Brava Bravan Bucha Buchhi Budra Budrah Bukala Buket Chaf Chai Chakau Changa Chatta Chhi Daksh Dangan Dania Dant Datef Dedevi Dema Devis Devnat Dhaini Dhal Dhana Dhash Dhiti Drata Duli Duruna Geren Ghan Gupa Gush Hadi Haikun Hairri Hapis Happa Harah Harjau Hash Hati Havi Hedevi Hehek Hehi Hephi Hesara Hetah Hets Hoba Honta Horunu Hoth Iahati Iani Imet Imeth Imha Imhep Imhoth Imut Ingan Inji Innuma Irabit Iria Iush Iushi Jagni Jagus Jagush Jhumah Jhut Jumaha Junari Juniis Kala Kalala Kamanu Kamu Karavi Karjun Kashi Kati Khaini Khbet Khek Khes Khet Khis Khmet Khnani Khnut Kira Kubet Kunira Laji Laksha Lala Lalki Latri Maal Maasu Maatu Madi Mahan Mahu Makani Makhi Maksh Malaka Malara Mali Mana Mangi Mani Mantat Mara Maravi Marti Mashu Maspa Mavi Mavish Maviti Meer Meheh Mehi Mehira Meshta Meteta Mhanu Mheket Mhoth Mika Mina Mini Minia Minji Mita Mitri Mneb Mneneb Mnep Mnet Mohi Mohis Mohish Monti Mooka Moor Mukat Muna Mundar Mundni Muni Mura Mutar Mutep Nani Nara Nari Narna Nata Nati Natmit Natri Neba Nebat Nebati Neenet Nefnu Neheh Neitha Neitri Nekhor Nenhin Nesat Neshi Niama Niis Niket Nirris Noor Nurga Nutser Osret Padrat Pana Pani Panira Pari Paspa Path Pati Patus Pefer Pefera Pephi Praha Prati Prika Pris Ptat Ptawet Purumi Puth Radhi Radra Raet Raha Rahma Rami Rani Ranta Rapa Rasis Rath Raval Ravar Ravita Rbha Rbhuma Rena Renper Rensnu Rudhis Rudhu Runat Saaker Saasha Saish Samji Sara Sari Sateja Satr Satris Savah Savar Savasu Savis Seka Seket Sekhep Senan Senef Senep Serali Sertu Sesh Shal Shata Shatef Shet Shini Shmet Shnupa Shnura Shth Shthi Shva Shvata Shvis Siaha Siamut Simen Skatri Skau Skhoti Soba Sobasu Sobat Sobet Somaf Somati Suran Surava Svahma Swara Swat Swinna Tadi Tahma Tanna Tari Tata Tawer Tawera Teneit Tenen Teped Tesmet Thita Thortu Tvani Tvar Tvarti Ugani Ugra Umbodi Undu Uneg Unevi Urunia Usat Ushith Vaha Vakset Vaksh Vali Vamadi Vana Vara Varu Vati Veena Veer Veerti Veesh Venak Venpet Ventet Venti Venu Vitah Vitani Vitri Wadi Wara Waraji Wera Weret Werket
same thing but longer names
Adari Aditan Adjettari Adraji Adurus Akalat Akalis Akasha Akshthor Amalamut Amanet Amanu Amatibapi Amiket Aminji Ammatamava Amnehini Amuna Anana Andni Andrati Anefnu Anena Anesha Anhont Antara Antawep Anukamanut Anumbhurga Anurga Anutseswat Apathini Apishen Appan Appara Appatri Apriat Apurun Araet Aragushu Araha Arahes Arahet Araja Arashta Aratesavis Aravakshvi Areneshiva Arihat Arikalaji Arishmehi Armathi Arnali Arnarmatri Artet Artut Ashesmete Ashnu Ashth Ashtra Ashuvan Aspati Atgebabhi Atrikas Baalamala Baata Balatawera Balati Balitha Balki Bappani Batriti Beertartet Beket Bekhek Bethavi Bhais Bhakshikum Bhana Bhandura Bhanetu Bhangi Bhata Bhateja Bhatgebaal Bhathadra Bhati Bhuli Bhupannata Bhura Bhurga Bhuru Bhuts Bhuva Bhuvam Brahehet Brati Brava Bravis Buchiti Buddharati Budhat Bukal Bukami Chagani Chara Chith Demaaha Detejapat Devit Devna Dhairis Dhala Dhanna Dhapedevis Dhappatesh Dhash Dhatentu Dhath Dhati Dhurga Dhushika Dimehindra Drahatri Drajaja Dranta Gadrajagni Galallatmi Gales Gandrali Garis Ghata Ghatati Ghatusa Gupadithi Guphth Guphtharau Hadanara Hangandi Happatri Haput Haravana Haret Harmani Hashwari Hekhotep Henevi Hepri Herantu Herketwer Heshi Heswamalla Heswara Hetwer Hezmuna Hezmunast Hezmut Hobali Hobapisher Horti Hotikama Hrika Husari Iamatmet Iatum Imeheh Imehek Imehetta Imenet Imetetete Imhehet Iraha Iraji Iranda Iravasta Irrtara Irrti Ishinji Ishis Ishmanum Ishurtut Iushvat Jaganati Jagni Jagusat Janala Janvasa Japer Japishan Jaupta Jhushalli Jumahai Jumbodi Junen Kalashi Kalaxmitri Kamanut Kambikesha Kanda Kandni Kanva Kasimhodi Katmeh Keten Khattat Khehikasva Khenna Kherkamna Khesha Khmahanu Khmanati Khodaket Khoti Kirajapi Kubraet Kunilaksha Laket Lanatr Langan Lardraneh Latenarka Maaharia Maakshna Maalama Maali Maddha Mahaneb Mahavantep Mahenhi Mahma Mahmet Makameneh Makshatri Makshwara Malama Males Mananal Manarti Mandarjum Mandevna Maneita Manikalli Manira Manna Matet Mathoda Matmeer Matranta Matravi Matta Mavat Mavita Meeren Mehebuda Mehedet Meheneva Meher Mehesha Mehetu Mehitreneh Mehma Mehmet Menatetut Menenekher Menhobapis Menhonsnut Menkanatar Menpededu Mikal Mnara Mneheka Mneneshuva Mohis Mohit Monsnurga Monta Mookalamma Mookamatr Mookamitr Mookamuta Moorunambi Mukeretu Munarah Munda Muneg Murgal Murgana Mutet Nakshi Nalar Narta Nasta Natmi Natris Nebdjwer Nebuddha Neera Neeret Nefer Neger Nekhek Nenatala Nepra Neshan Niishindi Nikau Nirat Nooka Nukalaman Nuptara Nutanga Osret Panda Pangi Paral Patriti Petep Prahma Pramahanu Ptannati Purti Pusar Putumal Radjwer Rahairri Rahandi Rahet Rahuli Ranamit Randrath Rapishar Ratgerenet Ravathara Rbhapri Rbhati Rbhish Rbhuthoti Reneshmet Renhotenu Renhoth Renka Rensha Retenu Revat Runat Sairasva Samananen Sambhani Samma Sarala Saraser Savanehi Sekal Sekerundit Seket Senhoteth Senta Serama Serta Sertum Seshandi Seshas Seskamet Settan Shavalit Shinda Shiranum Shish Shiti Shitresmet Shtri Shwara Shwawetep Siamahal Simet Simha Siragan Sirrit Sithi Skhakhek Skhortenka Sobabi Sobal Sobaniker Sobeer Sobet Somakshu Sopdemani Sopdevi Subikara Subrauphta Suravakser Surgani Svantaris Svasu Svati Swaddha Swamaaksha Tahma Taranna Tawer Tawets Tejagni Tejani Tenna Tethan Thandi Tvanat Tvani Tvantu Tvatenatri Ugravar Umatatmet Umati Undar Unebdjet Ushapet Vaishi Vakshis Vamah Vanar Vandet Vandi Vanhini Vanta Vanutathan Vardra Varunati Veenti Veerevi Veeshavari Visivasiri Vivanput Vivarutha Warahma Wepwadit Wepwarut Werah Werappan Werennu Werets Weruddhal Werun Wosiran
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ashwooduni · 7 years
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There has been a tie for one of our Auctionees! 
Bidders @peculiarberry and @vannahrose will each get one single bid on Parker Smythe! Bids must be higher than the previous bid. Bidders have until 9:00 PM EST tomorrow, February 24th, 2018 to place their single bid on Parker. Best of luck to both of you!!
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lyricsocean · 5 years
Album name:-Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki (1978) Singer : Shobha Gurtu Actor:- Vijay Anand Lyricist:- Anand Bakshi Music By:-Laxmikant Pyarelal
saiya ruth gaye, saiya ruth gaye mai manati rahi saiya ruth gaye mai manati rahi ji saiya ruth gaye shyam jane lage mai bulati rahi mai bulati rahi saiya ruth gaye, saiya ruth gaye mai manati rahi saiya ruth gaye
mere sune madhuban me bahar aa gayi mere naina me ashuvan ki dhar aa gayi ambuva, ambuva ki dari pe ha ambuva ki dari pe ambuva ki dari pe bairi koyaliya ga ga kar mujhe rulati rahi saiya ruth gaye, saiya ruth gaye mai manati rahi saiya ruth gaye saiya ruth gaye
shyam jane lage shyam jane lage mai bulati rahi ruth gaye saiya ruth gaye saiya ruth gaye mai manati rahi saiya ruth gaye saiya ruth gaye
lyrics typed by : rekha panghal
The post Saiyya Rooth Gaye Mai Manati Rahi Lyrics appeared first on Lyrics Ocean.
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princecarterw · 7 years
Text || Van
Carter: We should do something tonight
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ashwoodgossip-blog1 · 6 years
All that tension between Van and Santana... how long until they just work out that sexual frustration?
I hope it’s soon. I wanna see Santana hook up with anyone. Van, not so much. 
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It’s only a matter of time before the hate sex... maybe Quinn can join in. 
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peculiarberry · 7 years
Texts | Van
Rachel: How do you feel?
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sterlingfitness · 7 years
Jeff: You were great yesterday!!!! Told you you'd kick major ass and you did :D
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princecarterw · 7 years
Text || Van
Carter: Is jell-o vegan?
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princecarterw · 7 years
Text || Van
Carter: My father had a copy of the photo of Cooper and I all this time.
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