lacklusterswirl · 5 years
Ash x Ceil fic? I suggested it earlier in a different context :P
“Am I taking requests?” Kinda… if you send it in I’ll write it eventually… but I do prefer angst most of the time soooo :p
For those that don’t know, Ciel is an OC who’s technically from an original story of mine, but sometimes shows up in R6 stuff I write just cause he’s also JTF 2.
This time, it was Ciel who asked for help, and Rainbow answered. Ash hadn’t seen him since Buck and Frost were first recruited, and when they… well, just leave it the fact that they know each other. But for a budding romance that was already so slow to start, she doesn’t know if he would ever be interested in someone like her for more than just a one night stand. She was intense, stuck-up, and just had to be in control, and he was trying to keep himself from falling back into a similar pattern. And for good reason. Uncertainty tends to kill romance, and she thinks she sees that here too.
Warnings: Mentions of injuring, gunfights, cannon typical violence. (~2.4k words)
“You again?”
Ciel looked away from the blueprints of the building they were preparing to infiltrate. There were strings and pins around the map like he had spent hours on it, but they weren’t the focus of his attention anymore. “You’re part of a Canadian op. Who else were you expecting?”
“Excuse me, ma’am,” another man bumped into her as he went to stand by Ciel. No doubt, despite the impressive stripes on the newer man’s shoulder, Ciel was still higher rank. He always had to be on top, that bastard. He wasn’t even in his fucking uniform, the slob.
As if he read her mind, he looked up and smirked. “Do you plan on joining us anytime soon?”
Ash rolled her eyes and stepped in to take a closer look at the pins. “Sledge and Blitz will be here soon. They had to stop by and get some kind of special badge to walk around.”
“And you made it here first?” The stranger chimed in. His name tag said Millier though, so that must’ve been his last name.
Ciel smirked and looked back up at his own pins. “Ne sois pas méchant. She’s a guest.” Ash just rolled her eyes.
During the briefing, Ciel was calm and didn’t seem to make a big deal out of the op. It was simple. Go in, clear, and get out. No secondary objectives or anything. However, a simple op like that wasn’t why you called in an international org like Rainbow. All these thoughts were over ridden the entire time though because Ash swore that he was making fun of her for something. His eyes seemed to stay on her for a moment longer than the others, and it made her wonder if he was trying to tell her something more subtle. So, afterwards, she stayed behind.
“Something wrong, Ash?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I’ve never been better, thanks for asking.” He took a seat on the table so one leg was off the other ground, but the other was still touching the floor. Even now, he seemed in control. As he always was. From the moment she met him to now, this was always how he was.
“There’s nothing else?” She didn’t misread him. For how guarded he was, his patterns were quite simple. “I know you, you know?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to come out around town with me and Millier tomorrow. Bring your team if you’d like. I know Millier wants to hear about your work.”
“So, this has nothing to do with Buck?”
Ciel gave that coy smile to show that she was right. “I figured that if you didn’t want to tell me, that it wouldn’t be an answer I wanted to hear. You do make the teams after all, eh?”
“Buck… well, he’s moved on.”
“And Frost?”
“She’s doing well, if that’s what you want to know. Knows her way around a mission, and is always a comfort to have on your side. She’s fine as well. They aren’t concerns of Rainbow.”
He made some vague agreeing sound. “And you?” Those green eyes settled on her, and she almost felt uncomfortable.
“I’m well. Nothing new has happened, though I was surprised to hear that you called in help this time. Pulling favours? Must be important. You didn’t sound so stressed when you were talking.”
“I can’t disclose much. But know that your organization’s presence here is very welcomed.”
And by the tone of his voice, he meant it.
You don’t send in two higher ranking officers, one of whom was a legend, and three Rainbow ops for just any mission. And so, this was about what Ash expected. They were engaged in heavy fire from the moment they were deployed. Ash looked over at where Sledge was taking shots through the side door and giving a short report every time one went down.
Blitz was with the Canadian ops while they were going straight through the front door, and from the sound of things, they already made their entry. This wasn’t good. They were meant to enter at the same time, but Ash and Sledge were still posted at their door, unable to set foot in the house.
“Lobby clear, but footsteps are approaching from upstairs— CONTACT!” Ciel’s breathy voice broke her away for a quick moment until bullets flew at her again. She nodded at Sledge, they couldn’t fall any further behind. Together, she and Sledge broke into the kitchen and started clearing enemies who were fleeing from Ciel’s team down the stairs and into their waiting crosshairs.
An explosion sounded from above them, and Ash had to take cover from the bullets raining from above. She glanced over at Sledge but saw him testing his left hand.
“Grazed my arm when I was breaking down the door. Starting to feel it now.”
“Shit… Stay safe, we’re almost done. Let me know if it gets too bad.”
He nodded and they turned around the corner to take out the last few terrorists in the room.
“This is Ash, we’re going downstairs.”
“Copy.” That was Millier. Why was he the one responding?
“Ash, what are you waiting for? Count me down,” Sledge hissed. Ash nodded and counted them down. The moment they landed, they immediately went back to back as they cleared out the room. Out the room and taking a corner put them in a good position to take out a few without direct engagement.
“This is Mil reporting, top floor is cleared, but Ciel got thrown in the blast from earlier.”
Ash’s heart stopped.
“He’ll be ok, just a little shaken.”
She sighed, relieved, though she couldn’t pinpoint exactly why it mattered so much. It wasn’t like she could do anything about it now either. She and Sledge had to continue their assault.
When it was all done, and Ciel was safely extracted, there was a tense silence on the plane. Ciel had his eyes closed, trying to block out all sound, while Millier was preparing dressings and ice packs. As for Rainbow, Blitz and Sledge were staring at Ash, expecting an outburst. That was her reputation after all. She was intense, focused, too stuck-up, and hot-headed. However, she waited until debrief before demanding the whole story while Ciel was in the infirmary.
They were clearing out the master bedroom, and Ciel was about to push in when Blitz motioned that he would take point with the shield. As he moved forward though, Ciel must’ve caught something on his sensor because he lunged at the German operator while Millier covered them. It was unneeded though. The C4 killed the only terrorist in the room and Ciel had gotten thrown into a wall. Blitz was a little shocked, but fine otherwise.
“I don’t understand. I have a shield for a reason,” he complained the moment Ciel stepped into the briefing room.
“Your back was facing it, what else was I gonna do?” Ciel responded, taking a seat with a slight grimace. “It was calculated though. I knew the layout of the room, the number of enemies, and my own strength.”
“That… I—”
While Blitz stuttered a little trying to come up with a response, Ciel just smiled at Ash and Millier. “How was the rest of debrief?”
“Elle est trop—”
“Elle peut nous comprendre, Millier. Dis-le à moi plus tard.” Ciel gave Ash a small smile and nodded at the rest. “You are all dismissed. Thank you, Rainbow, for coming in. Things would’ve been a little hairier had that been just a two-man op.”
Blitz and Sledge both stood to leave the room, and after a moment – and a few seconds of unsure eye contact – Millier followed them. Ciel waited until the door was closed until he spoke to Ash.
“Millier interrupted earlier, but what did you think of the mission?”
“Why do you care? It’s over,” she helped him pack up the files, reaching for things that would otherwise hurt him to stretch and grasp for. “It’s a success. Congrats.”
“Oh, come on. I can tell you’re mad at me. And a little bit mad at yourself too?”
Well, since he asked for it. “You shouldn’t have gone upstairs. You shouldn’t have entered before I did.”
“The plan was set in motion. Millier and I are best suited to more enclosed spaces, and Blitz had a shield. It was the right team. And entering didn’t lead to any mistakes.”
“It desynced us.”
“It didn’t matter if we were in sync or not. That C4 was ready for us, and it would’ve been thrown whether or not we were synced.”
“The mission wasn’t perfect.” Ash slammed a stack of papers down on the desk in a perfect pile.
“No mission is.” Ciel grabbed them and packed them away haphazardly.
Ash glared at him. “Our reputation—”
“Will not be affected.” Ciel was counting photos, only looking up once to take in her expression.
She could feel the heat creeping up her neck, as she said the next line. “You almost died.”
There. That made him stop. “I didn’t… You know what? Stay here, I’ll be back.”
It took perhaps ten minutes and Ciel was back with a bottle of golden liquid and two glasses. “It’s to help you destress,” he said, offering the glass he just poured. “Drink it slowly though, I would like you to help me finish up here.”
“You aren’t in charge of me anymore,” she smiled around the glass, but complied anyways. God, she hated whiskey, but the soothing burn was a comfort.
Ciel paused as he was placing the next batch of papers in a box. “You know,” he placed his hands on the table and looked Ash directly in the eye. “Millier loves you. Not like… a romantic love, but he is obsessed with your skill and how you command your unit. He admires you. As do all the soldiers you work with, even the ones who don’t really show it. Cut yourself some slack.”
“Can’t get complacent. Not everyone can take ten years off from this work to raise a child then come back basically the same.”
“It’s not complacency, it’s called forgiveness. And everyone made sure to let me know that… gah, that I had… changed.” He made a motion to his general body, and Ash got the general idea. “Yet I had to forgive myself then too.”
She stopped moving her hands as she noticed he hadn’t done anything in the past few minutes. “Get your ass moving or else we’ll be stuck in here for hours.”
He chuckled, but went back to work. Another moment of silence passed before he spoke up again. “I know you still don’t like Buck because of me.”
Her eyes flew up to meet his. “I don’t hold anything against Buck.”
“Except the fact that I was engaged to him about fifteen years ago, and yet I still request regular check-ins with him and Frost, while I haven’t talked to you since… that night.” The way he looked at her while still organizing told her that he knew exactly what he was doing, and the reaction she wanted to give was what he was expecting.
“Is this how you work?” she asked him. There, he wasn’t expecting that.
He tilted his head slightly to the side and looked back down as he started scribbling on a new set of forms.
“Is my handwriting not neat enough?”
With Ciel, as she had learned the first time, it payed to be direct. He wasn’t one to be easily offended, especially if there was no intention. “Are you trying to get me to be one of those girls and boys for you?”
“… One of those girls and boys? You make me sound like I’m constantly hooking up with people.”
“…Aren’t you?” She gave him an even look. For how responsible he was in every endeavor he took, relationships were not one of them.
“Not constantly. No one can do it that often. I certainly can’t. I am getting older,” he smirked, finally standing up and placing the last pile in the box. “You know me. If you want something, it’s best just to ask.”
“I don’t want to be just another one-night stand for you again.”
“You don’t have to be, I mean, you’re already moving onto a two-night status, aren’t you?” He picked up the box with a quiet huff and started to turn away before freezing in place to face her once more.
“I think I get what’s wrong,” he murmured. “You think that I think that you’re easy. And that I don’t respect you.”
Ash stared back, refusing to give anything away, which, in itself, was a giveaway.
“Eliza…” Him saying her real name was… it was bringing back memories she’d rather leave alone. “I won’t judge you for who you sleep and don’t sleep with, and I know you like to stress over the things you don’t know, but… don’t think of me as someone you need to stress over. That’s the last thing I want to be to you.”
“Then how about tonight, Skye? I know you have to check with Iris first, but after… well, I haven’t been in Toronto before.”
He flashed her a smile that practically glowed. “It would be my pleasure. Just don’t make fun of me too much when I get stiff. Age is unpredictable. So are nitro’s.”
“Does this mean you’ll stop ignoring my requests to put operators in your missions?”
“Not a chance!” He spun and leaned against the door with his back. “Knowing you, you’ll outdo too many of my newer soldiers, and they’ll never gain any leadership experience working with you. Ask again when I’m in charge, then I’ll consider it.” Ash was shaking her head at him. “What? You’re too good for some of them!”
“What a jealous old man,” she shook her head.
“Oh, come off it now, I can’t be that much older than you, right?”
“Aren’t you like fifty?”
“F-” his eyebrows furrowed. “Fifty? What did Buck tell you? I’m the same age as him!” She chuckled, and he let the mock frown change into a more satisfied smile. “Come knock on my office when you’re ready.”
“See you then.”
The door closed behind him, and she turned to back her gadget. The bastard always tried to get her to fucking relax, and it worked every time. As long as she didn’t see her operators with this blush, she was sure she could save face. Or not. What were they going to say to her anyways?
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skytroops · 7 years
do you ever just randomly go through ashxoc fanfics and
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skytroops · 7 years
AshxOC anon here! Don't worry about posting stuff when yer busy (especially with an upcoming surgery, oof. Good luck with the recovery!). And since you asked; my character's a runaway (due to general unsupportiveness at home), who saw going on a journey as a means to escape. (Part 1)
He met Ash and his friends while he was still learning the ropes as a trainer, and... sort of unexpectedly took a shine to the Rowdy Boy™ after a while of travelling with them. 
That sounds like a promising storyline, dude! I’m excited to hear more about it, especially how your OC will get along in his new life as a journeying trainer and how he and Ash’s relationship turns out. Oh! And your OC’s team!
Haven't yet worked out all the details of the story, mostly bits and pieces. I tend to write or draw the ship as a way to cheer up 'cause it's fun!
And I do the exact same thing! Don’t worry about rushing it to make a full story, I’ve had my Squeaks for nearly 4 years and I’m still building their story.
If I may ask, was it during the Kalos arc that Skye started travelling with Ash and the gang? (Part 2)            
Yep! Skye joins the XY group a little bit after the Bonnie and Tyrunt episode and stays for the rest of XY(&Z).
And no worries about the surgery! I’ll be getting it done on the 27th and it’s far from anything serious. I’m just getting teeth pulled (at least 7, from what they told me) and a few of them need to be surgically extracted.I’ve been talking about it because it’s a big thing for me since I’ve never been put under anaesthesia or had any teeth pulled and I’m deathly terrified of dental procedures. I’ll probably be back on my feet in no time!
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