#asiatic lion
emaadsidiki · 26 days
Wild Encounters 🦁🌿
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asiatic lion Blijdorp 3L0A1770 by safi kok
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tsalala · 9 months
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Photographed by Yagnesh Karia
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imagination-confusion · 11 months
Its lore o' clock guys, You know what that means! (rubs hands together evilly)
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Formally introducing Jam, the former human turned Quokka and Captain the Fearless Asiatic Lion!
Jam is a person familiar with Animal Jam but hasn't played in a while. When the world of Jamaa is in a calamity, Mira and Zios pull Jam into the world save a force far greater than the Phantoms.
Will he be successful? Who knows! But the journey to become a hero is one I'll be sure to spectate.
I am also in the process of making a work-in-progress sideblog for this AU.
I have so many ideas for this, and I can practically feel my child self scream in delight over this.
Jam's animal was chosen on the whim, and honestly, I might change it but who knows.
Maybe he'll have a special ability unique to him and able to change into different animals... or maybe not. I ain't tellin'.
That'd be spoilers! >w<
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azvolrien · 6 months
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Jay is on his own in the enclosure now, with both Roberta the lioness and all three cubs having been moved on to other collections. I'm not sure if they'll be finding a new lioness to keep him company or if the zoo is just his retirement home now; he was born in 2010 (in Bristol Zoo), so he's getting on a bit by lion standards.
Despite what The Lion King may have led you to believe, lions don't actually do a wide-open, all-teeth-on-display gape when they roar. That first picture is about as wide as he opens his mouth for a roar. It is, however, impressively loud; you can hear him from all the way across the zoo, and could do so from further away if the traffic didn't drown him out.
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my-friend-meowth · 2 months
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Amurinleopardi (Panthera pardus orientalis) Amur leopard
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Aasianleijona (Panthera leo persica) Asiatic lion
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Siperiantiikeri (Panthera tigris altaica) Amur tiger
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Amurinleopardikissa (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) Amur leopard cat
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cadere-art · 2 years
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Commission for @gigglesnorts of their and their husband’s sonas, Sambas and Kiri!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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World Lion Day
World Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by lions. Scientifically known as ‘Panthero Leo,’ lions are one of the most well-known and popular animal species out there. They are called the ‘Kings of the Jungle’ due to their arresting and fearsome personalities created by their great bodies and heavy, shiny manes. A lion’s powerful roar is second to none, and it can be heard even five miles away. Owing to the pop culture icons like Simba from “The Lion King”, lions are also loved by children. However, while lions existed in large populations 100 years ago, today, their numbers are just below 50,000 worldwide as a result of poaching and hunting. World Lion Day, therefore, brings attention to this endangered species by raising funds and amping up protective measures.
History of World Lion Day
The first World Lion Day came into being in 2013. It was headed by Dereck and Beverly Joubert, a couple who are passionate about preservation and wild cats. After realizing that lion populations have drastically decreased worldwide, the Jouberts approached “National Geographic” for the brand’s help. Forming a partnership with them, the couple came up with the Big Cat Initiative (B.C.I.) in 2009. The B.C.I.’s main goal would be to protect and preserve the remaining lion species in the world. While aspects like deforestation, climate change, and human intervention may have impacted lion populations, studies have shown that their extremely low numbers may also have to do with ice ages and natural environmental disasters that have led them to becoming secluded in only a few countries of the world, namely India and South Africa. To date, the B.C.I. has made substantial leaps, from getting 150+ grant awards to reducing almost 3,000 threats to 3,000 wild cats to removing 13,000 life-threatening snares.
The lion comes from the ‘Felidae’ family of cats, and it is considered to be an apex predator. It is the second-largest cat weighing around 300 to 600 pounds, with the first being its cousin, the tiger. An average lion’s body is muscular with a short round head and ears, and a tufty tail. Its sex can be identified through its heavy and luscious mane, which are absent on lionesses. Lions also happen to be the only cats who roam around in large groups known as prides. Scientists believe that lions do so because it is easier to catch prey in the wild. Their natural habitats are savannas and grasslands. You will most likely find a pride of lions near water bodies as they strategically wait for prey to come there for a drink and then pounce on them.
World Lion Day timeline
1758 ‘Felis Leo’ is Coined
Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish zoologist and botanist, invents ‘Felis Leo’ as the scientific name of lions.
1996 Vulnerable Species
The lion is placed on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to its African population decreasing by 45% since 1990.
2009 Big Cat Initiative is Formed
Dereck and Beverly Joubert, in partnership with “National Geographic”, start the Big Cat Initiative to save lions.
2013 The First World Lion Day
The B.C.I. announces the first World Lion Day in order to include the world in lion preservation efforts.
How to Observe World Lion Day
Vow to protect lions
Refuse to buy lion products
Donate your assets
No matter how you choose to spend the day, make sure it is worthwhile by vowing to protect lions. Lions are natural predators that are necessary to keep prey populations in check. Apart from such environmental benefits, lions are extremely beautiful and majestic animals that have ruled the pop culture scene for a long time. So, let’s take a vow to be there for them.
Whether you are looking to buy a new bag or coat, or any other similar paraphernalia, make sure you know where it is coming from. Refuse to buy lion products (or other animal skin products) to reduce sales and market value.
Time and money are the most valuable assets you can give in today’s world. Look out for national and international organizations that protect wild cats, and invest in them by donating your money to the cause. If you cannot donate, you can volunteer your time by either helping the organizations with volunteer work or by promoting the organizations in your circles.
5 Facts About Lions That Will Blow Your Mind
Younglings have spots on their skin
Manes change over time
Cubs are raised together
Females are mightier hunters
Heavy and long sleepers
Young lion cubs are born with spots on their coats, but these tend to fade away as they grow older.
A lion’s mane will change color, going from light to dark, as it grows older.
Lion cubs are generally brought up together by all the females in a pride.
Lionesses are better hunters than their male counterparts, and it is for this reason that they hunt 80% to 90% of the time.
Lions will sleep for at least 20 hours a day.
Why World Lion Day is Important
It’s a celebration of lions
It’s a reminder about the importance of preservation
It’s a celebration of the natural environment
For most of us, “The Lion King” was a huge part of our childhood. We rejoiced at the birth of Simba but also grieved with him over his father’s death. Holding such sweet memories and images, we cannot let the beloved animal go extinct. Let’s come together on August 10 to protect lions from all dangers.
Preservation has become a necessity, more now than ever. We cannot hope to live on a peaceful and resourceful Earth if we keep depleting it of its natural resources, be it water, fuel, or animals. We must preserve and protect the Earth for ourselves as well as future generations.
The natural environment has given us countless gifts. From food for taste and survival to medicinal properties to inspiration for technological inventions, nature has continued to reward us since time immemorial. We must therefore honor, respect, and celebrate it.
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paulpingminho · 9 months
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yvelou · 6 months
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🦁 The Asiatic lion, also known as the Persian lion, is a population of Panthera leo leo that today survives in the wild only in India.
Yvette Louise photography
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buffaluff · 2 years
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some ancient pen & ink creatures from high school!
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primalmuckygoop · 1 year
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Asiatic lions, now limited to Gir Forest in India, once ranged from the Levant to the Kyrgyzstani-Chinese border.
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Too hot to move ...
Too hot to move ... by Regina Via Flickr:
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noyas-nature-hoard · 5 months
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Asiatic lion
Chester Zoo
March 2023
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dartxo · 10 months
"Once Upon A Time In India"
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Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica) and Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
The meeting of our world's two supercats, the Tiger and the Lion, likely has not occurred in the wild for a couple of centuries, but it has stirred our collective imagination since antiquity, and continues to do so today. Though the historic range of Asiatic Lions did overlap with that of Caspian Tigers in parts Central Asia and the Middle East, and with Bengal Tigers in parts of India, I actually believe encounters and competition would have remained fairly limited by habitat preferences. The Tiger is essentially a forest predator, and the Lion prefers open, drier terrain. When they did meet, they would have done so in transitional zones, where grasslands and bushlands merged into dry forests.
A fight could go either way depending on each individual animal's size, fitness and temperament. But most historical and contemporary records, opinions of big cat experts, and my personal views, favor the larger, more powerful Tiger. In any case, I've always thought a bit silly to waste so much energy arguing over which animal would beat the other in a fight, as if they were dueling monsters in a movie or wrestling champions in an arena, and conservationists and experts tend to share in that view. There's a whole lot more that makes these animals amazing than just their fighting capabilities, and their coexisting in the wild is interesting beyond the question of who would win in a fight. 
Though still threatened on many fronts, Bengal Tigers and Asiatic Lions have grown in numbers and are beginning to outgrow their sanctuaries in India, with one Tiger recently wandering into the state of Gujarat, the only place in the world where Asiatic Lions reside. Only the future will tell if this scene will one day happen again, or if it will remain a picture of the past.
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azvolrien · 1 year
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Big cats. Both of these are species that we also have in Edinburgh, but I think London's done a more interesting job with the enclosures - it's a much smaller zoo, area-wise, so I think they've had to put more thought into what they can do with the available space to aid enrichment for the animals. The Edinburgh habitats probably have more space in absolute terms, but I'd say London probably has more variety for them.
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