#ask box is always open btw
tigerr-cherry · 3 months
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Q&A from Instagram :3c
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keri-mcberry · 1 year
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I was surprised to see my follower count the other day! Where did you all come from?? Um… hi 😳
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a “Meet the Artist” post. I’ve been having so much fun meeting people on here and talking Hogwarts Legacy. I’m so happy that you all enjoy my art! Thank you so much 💕
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jetsetromance · 1 year
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dr-skazka · 3 days
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-Stanley awoke in a cold sweat, he didn’t know what he was looking at.. but he knows that it wasn’t anything good-
-Maybe it’s a good idea for him to visit the curator.. what do you say?-
[Also the distorted text in the drawings says “U weren’t supposed to see”]
Previous post 👇
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kokokulto · 2 years
Do you think cuttlefish and octavio would buy those "world's best grandpa" shirts for Callie and Marie
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Not sure that they'd get it for themselves, but their grand kids definitely would!
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anpmalies · 1 year
Request for any of the legendary bladers!
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two for one deal! bc kenta loves to annoy ryuga hehe
[ID: Digital bust fanart of ryuga and kenta. Kenta is standing close to ryuga, his face tilted up and his hand on his chin, looking at ryuga and smiling. He says: "We make a pretty good duo, huh?" Ryuga is looking at him in annoyance, tugging on a piece of Kenta's hair while answering: "Shut up kid." End ID.]
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topnotchquark · 11 months
Uhhhh you guys want some Bezz x Cele fluff? Because I wrote 1800+ words of Bezz x Cele fluff. Yes it's Boarding School au man wtf we live in a society of course I wrote the Boarding school au.
Bezz pokes at the scab just above his knee. It's freshly formed, he had absorbed impact from Pecco running into him on the field during practice yesterday. His kneepads had mostly protected him but caused the skin to rub off at that particular spot.
Bezz had always had the habit of picking at his wounds, more out of boredom than anything else. When Cele was around, he would simply ask him to stop torturing his own body like a little moth in the hands of a rambunctious toddler, but Cele had been away for three days from school for a family thing. The wedding of some distant cousin combined with some medical check that Cele needed in the city. His dad had come to pick him up and Bezz had walked with him to drop him off and to say hello to Cele's dad.
3 days shouldn't feel like a lot and Bezz had a thousand different things to do, what with the upcoming national level games season and schoolwork dictating his every minute, but he still thought about Cele. He missed sitting next to him for all meals, he missed Cele coming upstairs to see him after lights out, he missed how he would agree without much resistance when Bezz wanted to sneak out at night, he missed Cele foraging for fruits in the woods and bringing them back for everyone to eat, he missed running into him in the corridors during classes, and of course he missed him on the field because Jaume was too young to be a good practice session replacement for the team. 
Bezz is about to wreck carnage absent mindedly on his wound when Luca comes out of the phone room and pats Bezz on the shoulder.
The boys get to call home twice a week from a room divided into little booths, the attendant in the room sat there to note your name down and tell you to put the phone down when your time was up.
Bezz makes his way to the booth in the far left corner that Luca just left, he nods to Pecco in the other corner who is on call and dials his dad's number that he knows by heart. They talk about his preparation for the upcoming season and his dad tells him about things in the garage, next he calls his mum and she asks him about school and classes and practice and his little sister screams a quick hello to him and when he keeps the phone down with quick exchanges of "work hard" and "miss you" and "I love you" his heart feels a bit wonky. It's been years away from home but he still hasn't fully learnt how to squash that feeling.
Before keeping the phone down he makes a split second decision and calls Cele's mom, another number he knows by heart for some reason.
"Oi Bezzechi, you've been hogging that phone forever, put it down!!" The attendant shouts at him, his brows furrowed.
"Yes sorry please please please just one moment" Bezz quickly pleads as he waits for the line to connect. The attendant tells him to make it quick as Cele's mom answers. She sweetly asks Bezz how he's been doing as she calls Cele over to hand him the phone.
"Marco, is everything okay?" Cele's newly matured voice implores. 
"Uhh yes why wouldn't it be?"
"You're calling from school."
"Ah. Yes yes. Just wanted to tell you to, uhhh, yeah come back soon cele practice isn't great"
"Is Jaume not good"
"No no he's fine. Just. You know......"
"Hmmm. I get it. Listen Bezz, I need you to help me okay I have some stuff with me when I get back okay"
"Yeah sure. Listen I gotta go okay this man will cancel all my calls for the next month okay. I miss you, bye."
"I, uhh, I miss you too Marco, bye"
Bezz doesn't spend too much time thinking about Cele's request. He's probably sneaking some food into the dormitory which isn't allowed and the weird luggage checking procedure makes it so that you just have to be extra careful with the contraband.
The next day when Bezz comes down to dinner after practice and evening study he finds Cele already in the dining hall. He hurries over to him and immediately wraps him into a hug, slapping his back and ruffling his curls.
"I thought you wouldn't be here till tomorrow! Who dropped you off?"
"My cousin, he was on his way back to University so I came back early. Listen, Marco......"
Whatever it is that Cele wanted to tell Bezz is cut off by Pecco, Luca, and Franco gathering around him and asking him how was home and he better be up to speed for the morning practice tomorrow and what did the doctor say and if he found any cute girls at the wedding.
All throughout dinner Bezz notices Cele fidgeting nervously, pushing his food around as Luca talks about the rival regional teams they will be facing and the specific characteristics of every player he can recall.
Post dinner, the boys walk back to their house building in a group, Cele quickly dipping into the dormitory on the first floor as the rest make their way up to the rooms.
Before Bezz can go back downstairs to ask Cele what's up, Pecco reminds him to finish his trig homework lest he be skinned alive by the teacher and Bezz enlists the help of both Luca and Pecco to get through the exercises.
It's an hour past lights out when Bezz is finally done and before he has a moment to lie down Cele comes into the room. His eyes look a bit crazy and the pockets of his jacket are puffed up weirdly but before Bezz can ask any questions Cele starts yanking at his arm to get up.
"hurry up Marco!!!" Cele hisses, straining to keep his voice low
"Okay okay damn let me put on my shoes"
"Take the torch please" cele whines.
Bezz raises his brows but doesn't protest much. Torches are reserved for the big expedition sneak outs, the ones you have to plan for, the ones away from their usual haunts, torches are a liability, they draw the attention of the school guards. Bezz still takes his and hides it in his pocket.
They silently get out through the windows on the ground floor, holding their breath and watching their step so as not to alert the guards. Bezz has been sneaking out since pretty much his first year in school, so much so that he can navigate most paths in pitch black darkness. When Cele and Bezz became friends he started bringing him along, gently teaching him to be mindful of his arms and head and stepping around in a way that makes less noise. Cele wasn't the most graceful when it came to slinking around, but Bezz was okay with that as long as they were together.
The moon was shining above their heads, almost fluorescent in its brightness.  Bezz glances over at Cele's determined face, his lashes casting spider leg shadows on his cheeks. Cele's pale skin and dark hair seem almost ghostly and Bezz's heart feels so funny. He swallows to keep his wits intact and focus on the path.
"Wait Cele are we walking towards the lake?" Bezz realises that he's been straining a bit to keep up with Cele.
"Wait wait wait no you have to tell me what's up you've been acting too weird."
"No Marco we can't talk here we will get caught please we have to go" Cele pleads with him and suddenly takes Bezz's hand in his to rush him along. Bezz feels too shocked at Cele's sudden gesture and simply can't find the words to protest. They walk for a few minutes where all Bezz can think about is the warmth of Cele's soft hand in his. Bezz thinks self consciously about the calluses on his palm and whether they feel weird for Cele to touch. Cele's plam, soft and smooth and warm and alive and real to the touch and somehow Bezz feels that whatever is real in him is emanating from that part of his body that is holding on to Cele.
"Here. Come." Cele lets go of Bezz's hand Bezz feels a little deflated. Cele walks near a tree and picks up a cardboard box and brings it to Bezz.
"I have rabbits."
"......you...what" Bezz thinks he hasn't heard him right. 
"There were rabbits at the wedding venue but I don't think they were being treated right so I picked them up"
"Cele what even.... how did you even steal them and oh my god is this area even safe"
"I didn't steal them Marco!!!!! They are young, kind of, I think they are almost babies, it was just three of them"
"Diobono three is a lot! Have they eaten?"
"I had left some lettuce, and I have more, I need your help feeding them"
"Okay okay fine, let's find a place to sit"
Bezz finds that inside the cardboard box there is a little pet carrier covered with a blanket. Cele pushes in some food through the metal gate grills but the bunnies seem to be asleep for now. 
"What's the plan cele?"
"There archery lawns have a place for rabbits. I will leave them there. I trust the school gardener, we used to have rabbits in my first year at school, he's good with them."
"You think nobody will notice three rabbits appearing out of nowhere."
"They will but they won't know it's us"
Bezz can't help smiling at the response. Cele trusts it will all be good so intently that Bezz can't help be infected by the same disposition.
"Do you want to hold them?" Cele offers.
"Uhh yeah okay yeah."
"Just be relaxed, okay"
Cele opens the metal grate a little and ushers Bezz to put his hand inside.
A warm delight runs through Bezz when he touches the soft fur. He feels them moving with their breath and gently gently strokes the fur. A smile breaks out on his face, wide and luminous under the moonlight.
"It's nice, no" Cele says as he watches Bezz's face.
"Yes, I didn't expect them to be this soft"
They sit a bit longer, trying to feed the bunnies, talking, trying to come up with stories about these rabbits that will convince people to keep them. 
Bezz asks Cele to hold on to the box and make no noise as he navigates a path to the Archery Lawns. Cele takes a minute to leave them in the enclosure, worrying about them. Bezz's reassurance a little ineffective as he says his goodbyes, leaving more lettuce and some broccoli in the carrier.
When they finally start walking back towards the Dorms, Bezz takes Cele's hand in his, his confident decisive gesture in sharp contrast with the nerves he feels inside. Cele offers no protest and holds on. Bezz feels breathless thinking about how similar Cele's beautiful hand feels to the soft rabbits he just held a while ago. 
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concernedbrownbread · 8 months
Hello, i am a fellow reader from A03 who likes your fic ‘The promise of Dawn’ very much.My username is ‘Fatchoppedsalad’.I am interested in talking about himiko. Though i dont know what to ask.
..Ah! How was himiko’s past life? It was given that she was somewhat of a political figure or was going to be one but she died before winning the election. Others than that if its okay with you. Could you please tell me more.
Sorrybtw iam a huge sucker for spoilers🌚
Heyy thanks so much for the ask!!! I really appreciate your comments on the fic! I would LOVE to talk more about Himiko.
Okay so the thing about her past life is that … we don’t know much about it. We’re not really meant to. In the next chatpter (ch4) we see a bit more of the fact that Himiko pretty much Does Not Care. The only person she ever mentions fondly is her “PR guy” and the fact that she was kicked out of her parent’s house. She mentions that she was a”governer” of a “province.” I used those words SPECIFICALLY because I didn’t want her to be associated with the usual US/Japan and those were the most generic versions of those levels of power/division that I could think of. All we really know was that she was probably a middle-aged politician. I love keeping it vague!
She’ll drop random hints throughout the fic because of course she still remembers it, but it’s mainly comedic.
Also, can I please rant about motifs? Imma rant about motifs: Spoilers below.
Okay, Himiko has 3 main motifs: suns, spiders and death. The last I’ll elaborate on as the second arc rolls around, but I’ve (tried to) set up the first two. The first is obvious: Himiko is constantly crowned by the sun, literally my QUEEN (also her being a Princess is going to be a Thing later, thus the usage of “Hime” already). The spider thing I’ve tried to be a little more subtle about but … the book is literally titled the Weaver. Her plots are webs. The very first scene is eight minutes. I have no subtlety for this.
I AM trying to have subtly for the various unfolding “mysteries” like the underground press and the whole Root debacle. Chapter 4 has a bunch of foreshadowing but okay … looking back maybe not subtle. Looks like I need to rewrite this lmao. Hopefully I can get it out by next week!
Anyway, the spoiler is she's going to get a spider summons soon! But before she does, she's going to get her death motif going by getting a scythe. As Himiko develops, especially in the second arc when she begins properly training with her team + eventually finds the underground press, she's going to become something of a monster. A polite, smiling monster that strikes beautiful, beautiful fear in the hearts of people.
A small spoiler for chapter 5, where the Nine Tails Attack happens ... she's going to mimic something very similar to what Kurama does (with the KI). It's a form on ninshu, and she uses it liberally when she figures out how to. After all, what is cooler? Killing someone or making them feel as though they will literally DIE if they cross her.
Feel free to shoot me another ask! I love them!
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toytle · 1 year
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did a little QnA for 31cg
ocs shared w @krillers
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vroomvroomcircuit · 3 months
now that you’ve posted max angst does this mean the lestappen and oscar/reader crackfic is next 🤭🤭
Exactly! That's the next one on the list
I will Romeo-and-Juliette the shit out of it, It will be so funny and crack-y
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ama-the-weeb · 1 year
SUFIN HETALOID RELEASE! SUFIN HETALOID RELEASE!!! Sweden and Finland are officially DONE! In record time! Song cover is of iNSaNiTY, ust by xUTAUParty (love it when people put their name right in the ust somewhere bc then i dont have to search the internet!), minor ust edits by me (just a couple lyrical errors)
Sweden VB Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/p2dwvgy3lnmnywh/Sweden.rar/file
Finland VB Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z44mjv4ic4l5wrw/Finland.rar/file
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ninjagrace · 9 months
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gummyysharkz · 11 months
hai guys !!! if u have any ideas of things u want to see me draw pls send them in my asks !!!! i have like . No ideas . Yah
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00fairylights00 · 10 months
Teehee I am once again asking to have my ask box filled with P-man thoughts, hoping to be possessed by the fluff demon so I can write something cute
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libelelle · 2 years
welcome to my blog!!
call me Linnea or Libelelle 💛 any pronouns
donate to my ko-fi or commission me!
Please read through the info below before following please!
Don't follow if any of these apply:
- proshipper/anti-anti
- incest shipper or otherwise
- all the usual stuff, homophobic, ableist, racist, etc
- Terf
- ship characters with alternate versions of themselves/selfcest
- create or engage in sexual or suggestive content of minors, fictional or otherwise
things to keep in mind
- I mostly keep things clean but I might rb suggestive content
- blank blogs PLEASE do something that lets me know you aren't a bot, I don't want to block you accidentally
- don't try talking to me about shipping unless I say something first. Not interested
tags I use:
for my art: #sonic artventure
for my text posts: #talk tag
for my time twins au: #time twins au
for my underground au: #tcof AU
my side blog for birds is @waxwinging-it if you like birds and want to see birds that I reblog 🐦
thanks for reading <3
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konoa-t · 1 year
Alright, the queue is finally cleared out! I just wanna take this moment to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your requests!! I wasn’t expecting so many people to show interest in my initial post, so I’m very flattered that you all came over to submit a character! I greatly enjoyed drawing so many unique OCs, and look forward to making you all happy with even more content!!
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