#ask kitari
ask-kitari-melina · 2 months
*It was some random evening in mid August. The air was hot and stuffy even though the sun had already set. The steady sounds of crickets chirping filled the air along with the almost silent noise of a futon blanket ruffling around. Zeno was currently laying in bed as he had been for the past two days, trying to get comfortable. He’d been sick with a fever for said two days and was having his normal sleep problems. He sighed and adjusted to lay on his back as he heard the door slide open. He knew it was probably Kitari coming to change the washcloth that was supposed to be on his forehead, but he had thrown it off because it had gotten cold. He closed his eyes and blew his hair out of his face before turning towards the sweet demon who had been caring for him.*
(@ask-zeno-arakawa) (Omg I’m so proud of this. I’m leaving btw, so I won’t respond for a while.)
*Kitari crouches down next to Zeno and places the back of her cold hand to Zeno’s forehead* “A-are you feeling any better…?” *She asks softly, worry evident on her face growing more intense at the heat from his forehead* “Why did you take the rag off of your forehead…?” *She asks worriedly as she picks it up with her other hand*
(it’s amazing 😌💕 alrighty<3 take your time, there’s no rush 🥰💕)
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larz-barz · 1 month
Warning(s)/info: Social anxiety, panic attack, anxiety attack, Zeno is @kimetsu-chan and Kimmie requested this:3 (not in an ask, we were talking in her inbox)
Tagging: @kimetsu-chan
Zeno and Kitari are at the mall together and it’s very crowded and hot.
Zeno has one arm around Kitari while his other arm is holding both of their bags.
He feels Kitari stop walking and he looks down at her with concern. “Tari? You okay?” He asks her worriedly when he sees the panic in her eyes.
“Here.. c’mon sweetheart..” He says gently and gently pulls her away into a less crowded space.
“Ok.. Tari, look at me..” He gently tilts her head up towards him and he locks eyes with her.
“Breathe with me..” He begins to control his breathing and gently takes Kitari’s hand and places it on his chest to give the panicking girl a sense of reality without overwhelming her further.
Kitari tries her best to match his breathing and he can tell that she’s struggling.
After a moment he gently holds her hand in both of his hands.
“Let’s try something else.. Tell me 3 things you can see and touch right now..”
She takes a shaky breath and looks around. “Y-you… th-the wall.. a-and.. the door..” He smiles and gently holds her in his arms.
“Good job Tari.. I’m so proud of you..” He presses a soft kiss to her forehead and he chuckles when she blushes.
“Th-thank you for helping me Zeno.. I-I love you..”
“Of course Kitari, I love you too..” He says with a grin.
The happy couple gets back to shopping and they have no more problems.
~the end~
This is so sweettttt🥹💕💕
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ask-zeno-arakawa · 3 months
*Zeno sees a demon sitting in a flower field gazing up at the moon. She’s a very pretty demon with pale skin, white hair, gray eyes, she’s wearing a very pretty white and blue dress that’s kind of a princess style dress, and she has a snow flake hair clip in her hair. She looks very peaceful*
(hehe @ask-kitari-melina)
*Zeno assumed that this was the demon he was sent to slay. He was entranced purely by the serenity of the demon and her surroundings. His entrancement didn’t last long before he slowly and quietly unsheathed his sword. He hadn’t realized that she had heard him.*
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New Pack of Friendos! (4/7)
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💙Optimus Prime♥️
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(Kitari and Yunia belong to @larz-barz)
(Eclipse, Frosty, Cinnamoroll, Ray and Optimus Prime belong to @raymett)
(Eevee and Barkie belong to @ask-the-kitty-crew)
(Zero belongs to @ask-paradox-and-friends)
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knowtheskybeyond · 10 months
“Why are we pretending this is nothing?” Toru softly asked.
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"You...remind me of someone, that's all," Kitari spoke.
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Joha’s City Advwnture
The Mando in black armor stared at the chalk menu above the kind looking Povanarian woman —behind the placid surface of his t visor Joha was franticly tracing the writing with his eyes as if it held the answers he was seeking.
^Well—ma’am— I was hoping to take Xók some snacks as a care package —-^
Grann focused on the movements of the tall Mando’s hands; the memory of a hand talker in black armor Xók had mentioned many times with a smile and soft eyes as he talked about Calam.
^I noticed he was feeling a little off after sparring—^
There was a brief look of surprise on her face then looking him over she smiled again but this was warmer—something more as she spoke.
“There’s no doubt , you /must/ be Calam. Xók’ can’t stop gushing about you --”
^Yes—That is me^ Joha signed slowly while there was that stubborn spark of hope that fluttered around his organs.
Grann nodded to herself and looked around for her datapad ; she kept a document with friends drink ordered and favorite snacks for when the occasion struck.
“If you have a spare data stick I can transfer you his list?”
^list? That would be most helpful — I do actually— it’s Xók’s but I’ll be returning it also—^
Grann held out a hand for it; holding the drive delicately between her claws as she transited the file.
Joha wondered if it was alright to ask if Kitari wanted snacks— they hadn’t known each-other before today but he could see them becoming good friends.
The Mando didn’t startle —just lifted his head when the drive was placed back into his hand .
“There you are dear—everything separated by season. Since it is cold I’d stick to the winter drinks category —but everything else is fair game.”
Joha stares at his Comm privately stunned.
^You are —very through—Thank You^
She eyes the knitted gloves the Mando is wearing with a knowing look.
“It’s no trouble Calam. Any friend of Xók is a friend of mine….”
She sends him off with a cup of spiced peppermint bark caff with a temp control straw .
He Commed Xók as he made his way out of the palace and into the city; it sprawled in levels and layers. The alleyways and gates as familiar to him as old friends.
There in the city center he’d found several shops that carried the specific foodstuffs.
One place run by a friendly Rodian couple sold spiced candied fruits of every kind imaginable— he got Kitari a sampler pack that was marked for very little mouth burn and grabbed Xók a box of the yellow-orange colored fruit that were cut into strips and covered in red power that was both hot and sour.
Freeze dried fruit, popcorn, cheese snacks and a mix of dried meats.
There was another store that sold more Core-World snacks Joha thought mainly aimed at children but if Xók wanted sour worms and peach rings— he was going to have them.
Stopping by the StarBycks was the last on his agenda as he didn’t want the drinks to get cold.
He’d used the displays to order instead of having to sign; quicker and he was still adjusting the bags at his shoulders to sit properly.
One hot ginger tea lemonade, one caff with a dash of cream and one sugar. Joha ordered something that tasted like spice cake but apparently contained enough caff that the barista asked him if he was sure and all he could do was nod.
Definitely going back for that one again if he has a chance.
It was snowing lightly just as he made his way back up the palace steps and through the doors; Joha was grateful he missed it.
Comm-ing the boy in question he made it back to Xók’s apartment quickly.
Just in time to see a Mando in orange armor enter the apartment next door.
His steps paused and his focus sharpened—something acidic clawed up his spine.
The Captain straightened his shoulders and waited until the other door was closed before Comm-ing Xok again.
Asking them to come to the door and help with the bags.
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heartsinthebyliine · 3 years
“You think your troops are ready to fight? Hah! They wouldn’t last a minute!” Minoru laughed.
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"What do you recommend?" Kitari asked.
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darkatsumu · 3 years
I've been seeing ship names and my dumbass decided to “why not?” Wolaksksk, i shall reveal my nem. My nem is Arianne. Pepol call me Ari, Rie or Rie-Rie. Bwhahah.
Me x Sakusa Kyoomi: SakAri / KyooRi
Me x Miya Atsumu, Osamu: MiyAri / AtsuRi, OsaRi
Me x Kuroo Tetsuro: KurRianne (Korean ahahha), TetsuRi
Me x Oikawa Tooru: OiAri / ToRianne
Me x Tsukishima Kei: TsukiRi / KeiRi
Me x Iwaizumi Hajime: IwaiAri / HajiRi
Me x Kita Shinsuke: KitAri / ShinsAri
Me x Suna Rintarou: SunaRi / RintAnne (these just sound like his nicknames, wtf)
Me x Ushijima Wakatoshi: UshiAri / WakaRi
Me x Naoyasu Kuguri (hot boi nohebi): NaoRi / KuguRi
Me x Kenma Kozume: KenRi / KozuRi (damn, imagine our fanbase since he's a famous shit)
Me x Terushima Yuuji: TeruAri / YuujiRi
Me x Akaashi Keiji: AkaAri / KeijiRi
Me x Bokuto Koutarou: BokuAri / KotaRi
Me x Shirabu Kenjirou: ShirAri (like Ferrari but the knock off version, bwhahahh) / KenjiRi
Me x Matsukawa Issei: MatsukAri / IsseiRi
Me x Hanamaki Takahiro: HanaRi / TakaRia
Me x Sachirou Hirugami: SachiRi / HirugaRi
Me x Hisoka Morow: HisAri / MorAri (oops, i think the one of my manz got lost. Why is he here? I have no idea, must've stalked me. He's calling me his and he's asking for more. One of my friends ship me with him because of the damned shipname ahahahah.)
~⚜️ (I just realized for the millionth time that I'm a fucking whore for these men)
okay so here’s the ones i’ve created for my selfships so far. 
Atsumu/E: etsumu or tsumue bc i’m coming for runa and their blog. 
Suna/E: sune (pronounced like soon)
Osamu/E: same (special thanks to sabi on this one) 
this is all i have so far aksjdhakjsdhkajshd it’s so hard creating ship names with just the letter “e”
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toticiklist · 4 years
13. dan, sreda, 22. 7. 2020: Montréjeau - Lourdes, 120 km.
Ne vem glede vas, ampak sam nisem nek velik "believer" v dobro ali slabo karmo, ker menim, da se v naravi nič ne zgodi po naključju in se VSE v mojem/vašem/našem svetu dogaja točno na tak način, kot smo določeno situacijo pripravljeni sprejeti, oziroma kot film, ki si ga v glavi zavrtimo še preden se nek dogodek sploh zgodi - ki je, ko se zgodi, iz naše perspektive nič drugega kot odraz našega psihičnega stanja, po domače volje, razpoloženja. Da dam primer - ko v neusmiljenem, neprekinjenem ritmu pol dneva vrtiš pedala, se ob tem pražiš kot čebula na malem ognju in te v nekem trenutku prime lakota, da bi požrl prasca, te žene samo ena stvar - ena življenjska potreba. Ko se v tisti sekundi ustaviš v lepem mestecu, v dobri veri, de se bo nekje že našel kak lokal, kjer pečejo tudi nekoč žive stvari z dušo in dajo za prilogo še kaj zelenega, in šokiran ugotoviš, da pa se grejo ti ljudje ob treh popoldne sieste, da je vsak najmanjši kotiček v mestu "ferme", prekleješ vse francoske matere, se spomniš, da je za Francoza vse, kar se ne oglaša po francosko, kot žabje kvakanje, da je Francoz kriv, da ti je zaprl vrata in si moral v pekarni pogoltniti tri poceni panine s piščancem in mocarelo, ki ti že silijo iz vseh lukenj po telesu in da si se zaradi taistih Francozov tako nalil vode, da si se na kolesu počutil kot dobri stari volk, ki je ravnokar snedel sedem kozličkov in se nameraval zlekniti v babičino posteljo. Takšnih in drugačnih možnosti podzavestnega podleganja udobju valjenja krivde na prvega, ki ga zagledaš, je na tovrstni poti res ogromno, in če bi se kot pravi Slovenec odločil svojo pot sprejemati na tak način, bi se imel zares, zares lepo. Ampak kar bi mi ostalo skritega, bi bila pristna človeška dobrota, ki ne razlikuje med jezikom, narodnostjo, religijo ali barvo kože, ta dobrota, ki ti priskoči na pomoč, ko se ti pred očmi pojavi slepa ulica, Francoz, svetovljan, ki krasno govori angleško, se spozna na kolesarske nezgode in ti povrhu s svojim dobrosrčnim glasom pove: "It's good, you asked for help.", ali Francozinja, ki te kljub jezikovnim preprekam in kljub temu, da je njena prikupna kantina še zaprta, premočenega in zadihanega v divjem nalivu sprejme, ti ponudi kavo, ti nalije vode in ti uspe priskrbeti kosilo, po katerem se ti bodo še naslednji dan cedile sline...ali kolesarji, Francozi, ki ti na cesti namenijo pozdrav, z besedo ali kretnjo roke, saj se jim že svita, v katero smer te vleče... Na koncu je odločitev, kako bom sprejel nek trenutek, samo moja - se bom zavedal, da sem bil kreten, ker sem te častil, ko si mi postregel s polno mizo, a te obenem dajal v nič in te preklinjal, ker mi nisi ponudil moje najljubše pijače? V hladnem in mokrem kampu, v zanikrnem hotelu, v pasji vročini ali stoletnih neurjih, v "čudnih" ljudeh in njihovih čudnih navadah... in nenazadnje lastnih slabih odločitvah, lahko vidiš problem - in nikoli se ne boš povzpel na vrh in nikoli ne boš videl dna.
Ko sem včeraj zapuščal Carcassone in se podajal v njegovo gričevnato zaledje, sem se počutil, kot da sem črta, ki plava po Van Goghovi sliki. Kot osamljen oglednik z Marsa sem lahko opazoval rumeno pokrajino, ki je delovala, kot da je človek pustil za seboj vse, kar ima, in se kar naenkrat odločil, da zapusti Zemljo. Prekrasne panorame so me spremljale po poti, ko sem se mukoma prebijal čez vrh enega klanca, pa naslednjega in naslednjega....Kam so ti prizori spokojnosti in sreče izginili do večera, ko sem se bolj ukvarjal z vprašanjem, kdo je kriv, da sem naredil dodatnih 15 km in da moram spati v dežju pod tanko plahto? Kako sem lahko spet dopustil, da je moj bes zasenčil vso dobroto, ki mi jo je ta dan namenila narava?
Danes sem se kljub dežju zbudil suh in spočit. Vzel sem si svoj čas in se celo obril, kot da grem na zmenek - pa saj sem šel na neke vrste zmenek. Zadnje čase se tako ali tako raje pogovarjam z gorami, kot s Francozi. Potem, ko sva z dobrim možem Guillaumom rešila problem z gumo in sem se, zdaj že tradicionalno ustavil v prvi pekarni (tokrat brez rogljiča!!!), je bila ura že spet skoraj poldne. In Tourmalet se sicer zaključi s Tourmaletom, ampak do njega je potrebno najprej priti, in to tako, kot je meni najljubše - čez hribe z ozkimi cestami in dvomestnimi nakloni, kjer si v prostem času krave brusijo kopita... Ko se mi je zdelo, da se cvrem v krušni peči in sem počasi drgnil najmanjši zobnik, mi je postalo jasno, da bom danes splezal na sveto goro kolesarstva. Na goro, ki so jo v svoji eni in edini prestavi žulili prvi gladiatorji Toura pred zdaj že krepko čez 100 leti. Imam jekleno voljo in preklemano močne noge. Noben hrib ni prestrm, predolg ali prezahteven. Danes me nič ne ustavi, niti siva oblačna krona, ki so si jo ob spremstvu rahlega vetra nadeli vrhovi. Prvi kilometri vzpona so zelo hvaležni, počasi te masira, ti pripravlja teren, ob cesti te spremlja glasba, ob kateri navdušeno zaplešeš, s Pacom na kitari in Mario na vokalu, medtem, pa se je dal Vsemogočni za vsak slučaj že prej pribiti na križ, ko je videl kam se podaja ta zmešani avanturist. Sam vzpon morda res ni najtežji ali najdaljši, ampak te kljub vsemu priklene na cesto. Zadnjih 10 kilometrov se povprečni naklon ne spusti pod 8,5%, na kar te prijazno opominjajo table na vsakem kilometru. Tukaj, Zlatolaska, tukaj se bova ustavila. Moram ujeti ta razgled, preden se usuje. Prizori, kot jih ponuja le malokatera cesta, ob katerih se ti zaskočijo usta, ob katerih bi rad bil del mahu, ki raste na skali tam čez ali kaplja v tistem veličastnem slapu, ki teče čez skoraj navpično pobočje. Ustavim še pri tabli za 3 km, da pofotkam - oblake, in pocuzam ta gnjusni kofeinski gel, ki mi je še ostal. Klanec ne popušča, za ovinkom se prikaže tabla za zadnji kilometer, pred mano se izrisuje vrh - in naj me vrag pocitra, Zlatka, da je obsijan s soncem. Težko opišem zadnji kilometer na takšnem hribu, v takem čustvenem trenutku, nekomu, ki se še ni znašel pred podobnim izzivom, ali pa je komaj na poti do tja. In mislim, da je prav tako. Takšne osebne izkušnje niso namenjene ubeseditvi, saj bi vsaka beseda, s katero bi jih poskušal nekako približati poslušalcu, izkrivila njihov dejanski pomen, moč in lepoto, ki jo je v tistem trenutku izkusil doživljatelj. Če bi mi v tistem trenutku na cesto postavili zid - bi ga preplezal, znova in znova. Pred mano se ob cesti ustavi ovca, se razkorači in uščije. "To je za srečo, za zadnje metre," mi prišepne, ko me pogleda čez hrbet, da se prepriča, ali sem jo zares videl. Ta planina je tvoj sekret, ti si njena gospodarica, klanjam se ti!
Zadnji ovinek, Zlatka. Uspelo nama je, spet sva na vrhu! In z vrha se razodene vsa poezija stvarstva. Spustim pedala, se na rahlo oprimem zavor in se prepustim njenemu toku....
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masquerade122 · 4 years
Tabletop RPG’s Saved my Sanity
My circle of friends have been playing tabletop rpg’s for a few years now.  Until this past March I have almost never played with them simply because I was working six days a week and my shifts were when everyone else was free in the evenings.  On the very rare occasions I was able to meet up with everyone else, I was always so exhausted from constant work that I barely contributed.  My friends could tell that I was tired and did what they could to bolster me.
Last March, I was fired from my job for a bullshit reason due to workplace politics.  I am in no way a political person.  Being that my job was in a factory, one would think that politics would not have a place.  More the fool am I, right?  A week later, the shutdowns began in earnest.  Through a stroke of pure luck, my unemployment came through and I was able to shelter for a good while during the worst of the pandemic in my area with little worry.  Now I am getting serious about finding work as the time for my unemployment to end draws near.  Through all of this, my friends and our twice weekly game sessions have kept me from wallowing in panic and worry.
I am considered high risk for COVID because I have asthma.  With my financial situation, health, and the area I live in I am under absolutely no delusions.  If I catch this virus, I WILL die.  I am not the only person in my circle of friends in this same position.  One of my friends is immunocompromised and the virus is a death sentence for her as well.  Our entire group moved our game nights online for the worst of the first wave, were vigilant in hand washing and sanitizing.  I went on a binge of hand sewing masks for the people I cared for and they helped by buying me fabric, elastic, thread, wire, and vacuum bags to repurpose into filters for the masks.  Our group text chat was filled with people in our group sharing what things we had we could share, what help we could give.  My friend with the bad immune system has a small farm, and she (hereon called K) and her husband(E) began raising chickens, ducks, and turkeys for meat.  They already have goats, a pair of sheep, and several chickens purely for eggs.  They have been single handedly supplying our group with eggs for the better part of this year.  My husband and I have gone out to their farm several times and assisted them in shearing the sheep, collecting eggs and wayward animals when the fencing fell after a bad storm, and most recently in buthcering the first batch of meat birds.  It was the first time I have ever done so, and they took the time to teach us how to do so humanely and efficiently.  The end result was nearly 60 pounds of meat in their freezer, and a huge chunk off their grocery bill this month.  If not for tabletop RPG’s, I would never have met these wonderful people.
Thanks to K and E as well as another friend(R), I am getting out regularly and excercising.  We meet up several times a week to walk at the local park (with proper social distnacing as always, the virus is still a thing).  I am averaging 2-3 KM a day.  It helps me to feel a little better each day and K, E, and R are very encouraging and supportive.
On Wednesdays we gather, some in person and some on video chat, and play Starfinder.  My Kitari Solarian had a rough start to the game and is going through a quiet existential crisis while our group is on an undercover mission to investigate a zombie-esque enemy.  I am looking forward to seeing what will happen.
On Saturdays, we attempted to play a Savage Worlds game, but we mananged to all make characters fit for a city and get dumped in the jungle with no survival skills.  So, our GM scrapped the game and we are prepping for a Star Wars game.  I made up a Toydarian engineer, something very outside my normal comfort zone for RPG’s of a silver tongued sneak that prefers to talk their way out of trouble.  I am looking forward to this game, and R even bought several sets of the specialty dice needed for Star Wars games.  R, and his roommate M, both work at the same place, and are trying to get my husband hired on with them.  Just as soon as we find all our documentation that was mixed up when we had to move recently.
Without Tabletop RPG’s, I would not have this circle of friends who even when I was barely there were always asking after me, always offering aid in one form or another, and always made me smile.  Without this amazing group, I would have spiralled into a depressive episode that would have destroyed my mental health after I was fired.  For all the horror stories I have heard about certain groups in the world that play these games and stereotype the groups that play them, my group is one that breaks the mold.  And I will be thankful of them for the rest of my life.
Sorry for the long rant, thanks for hanging in there with me.
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supergenial · 4 years
[translation+lyrics] Narcissism by Seraph
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Very creepy track from the girls from Seraph, with a song that’s a pov of my girlfriend whenever I’m heading out, some really unhealthy attachment coming from this one. Music is pretty creepy, and while the vocal performance is great I’d say Miku’s vocal presence is too powerful to play the type of role required of this song, I can only imagine her as dominating rather than this clingy type. Anyway, cool song, lyrics down below and see you all soon.
Narcissism by Seraph Lyrics & Composition: 光の巣 Vocals: 海紅
kimi no sode wo hiki chigiru you ni boku no soba kara hanasanai yo
pulling your sleeve so hard it could tear apart as I'm right next to you, I wont let you go
hitori ga kowai kowaiyo furuedasu heya ga kaaten wa yureru dake kaze wa toorinuke
Being alone is scary, so scary, I just shake alone in my room as the curtains wave driven by the wind
hieta yuka no yuiitsu no tomodachi sa mimi ga shaberu hitomi wa damaru kuchi ga kawaku yubi wa karamaru
my one partner is my cold bed as my ears hear, my eyes shut my mouth dries, and fingers cross
hitori ga kowai kowaiyo kuruuidasu nanika tsume wa odoru kizutsukeru akai sen hiku
being alone is scary, so scary I could go insane my nails shake as they engrave in me a red line
kimi ga inakya dame sanso mo nodo wo tooranai
if you're not here I can't even breathe properly
nijimu chi de egaita sora wa yappari akaku somatta yo akai makka na aa ai wa tsune ni kimi ni furisosogu
painting a world with this blood but of course it's all red a deep, crimson red love that I pour over you
(ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ru) (ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ru) kimi ni oboreteku
I'm drowning in you
kimi no hone ni shigami tsuiteru ore yasui tokoro wa sakeyou
I keep on clinging to your bones while avoiding your broken spots
ittari kitari no toiki majiwaranai shita majiwaru no wa yubi dake kokoro wa hitotsu sa
Exchanging breaths as we entwine our tongues together and cross our fingers together to join our hearts as one
boku wa inakya dame? tsumetai heya ni toi kaketa
I can’t go with you? I ask in this freezing room
kotoba no muryokusa wo shiru [aishiteru] nante Lan La Lan mitsumeau tame no kagami socchi wa ima donna tenki?
I know how powerless my words are to stop you "I love you" I proclaim I see myself in the mirror but what kind of forecast do I see
(ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ru) (ri ra ri ra ru ra ri ra ru) boku wa oboreteku
I'm drowning
boku no sode wo tsukandeta boku no tsume ga odotteta boku no hone wo tsukandeta kagami wo dare mitsumeteta
I grab on to my sleeves, as my nails tremble I latch on to my bones, wondering who's staring at me in the mirror
<varying Ah's> hitori kowai kara
Because being lonely is so scary
akaku somatteku boku no sora
My sky has turned entirely red
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ask-kitari-melina · 4 days
*Ames was playing plushies at the park one day, what she usually did everyday. But little did she know, her plushies had gained a lot of power*
*Kitari looks through the window of her house, longing to play with the other children at the park. She wishes her parents would let her go outside, but she doesn’t want to get in trouble*
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larz-barz · 1 month
Warning(s)/info: Zeno is @kimetsu-chan’s oc
Tagging: @kimetsu-chan
Kitari is sulking with Michio because Zeno is gone a family vacation.
“I miss him so muchhhh…..” Michio cries.
“I-I do too….” Kitari says sadly.
“Tari? Michio?” Zeno is understandably confused.
Kitari leaps up to hug him. “I can still hear his voice in my head!!” Michio continues crying into his hands.
“Aww, I missed you too Tari…” He says softly as he hugs Kitari and gently rubs her back, ignoring Michio for the time being.
Michio looks up from his hands when he hears Zeno’s voice again then he immediately tackles Zeno in a hug.
Zeno laughs and hugs him back.
Later, all Kitari is doing is clinging onto Zeno.
Zeno sits down on his bed with her and pulls her into his lap.
He hugs her and gently strokes her head as she nuzzles her face into his shoulder.
“Are you alright Tari..? I noticed you were crying too when I got back..” He asks her softly and she nods into his shoulder.
“M-mhm.. I just really missed you.. My family is harder to deal with without you here to help me..” Kitari responds softly.
Zeno’s expression turns sad. “I know hun… I know… I wish you could’ve came with us…” He says as he gently moves to cup her face in his hands then he strokes her soft cheeks with his thumbs.
He wraps his arms around her then carefully lays down with her in his arms as the the tears return and begin rolling down her cheeks.
“Go to sleep darling… It’s okay… I’m here…”
He smiles gently as he watches Kitari drift off to sleep, soothed by his steady heartbeat before drifting off to sleep himself.
~the end~
I’m sorry this took like forever-😭
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ask-zeno-arakawa · 22 days
sooooo, Zeno
it’s time for your interview 👀
what is your favorite thing about Kitari? it can be anything 😌
“Outwardly, her eyes, no questions asked. Inwardly, how soft and sweet she is :D”
(He wanted to say everything, but that was unfortunately not an option 😔 “>:P”)
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“Hold on, I am almost done, mon ami.”
She could remember the last conversation she had with Kitari before she got stuck in this mess. Did she honestly think that this look like a nice hug? Well, it wasn’t like she was uncomfortable. She was actually very snug. The webbing that was uncasing her was soft, flexible, warm...and very secure. She wasn’t getting out anytime soon and she was starting to feel very sleepy. Her body felt numb, her vision was blurring, and her hearing was like her head was underwater. Despite this, she vividly saw France’s glowing, pale, royal blue eyes. What was he almost done doing? What were in his hands? She couldn’t move her mouth to ask and her brain was too foggy to question entirely. Gevalia just closed her eyes and drifted off, not caring if her body would suddenly get about a third heavier with her new...additions.
Based off of @ask-aph-fruk spider AU!
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kitariauthor · 5 years
Do you guys want a Star Crossed Myth ask blog, feat. Kitari (queen of Wishes, aka, me) and a couple more OCs?
Or a Hetalia RusAme Fire Emblem Heroes ask blog?
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