#ask marethyu
dykescathach · 2 years
On one hand i think it'd be hilarious for immortals to not understand/be up to date on technology but also what if they played videogames. Anyway so these are my headcanons.
Virginia, Billy, and Black Hawk play minecraft together. Black Hawk is the miner. He disappears the moment they spawn and doesn't come up to the surface for days. He never shares any of his resources hes a stingy bastard. Virginia makes a pretty house and their base. She does 0 mining or resource collecting and they have no idea how she is able?? To build?? Anything?? She doesn't even chop trees how is she making whole houses wtf. Billy exclusively makes horse farms. I know he is canonicly not a horse guy but come on. Hes a cow boy. Billy was a horse girl before it was cool to be a horse girl. The moment they finish building one (1) base and Billy finishes his farm they delete the world and start all over again. They love it so much.
Machiavelli swears up and down that he has never played a video game in his life. Hes lying. Hes beat every level in candy crush and when they updated it and added new levels he beat them all again. He has had many assistants permanently (bribed not killed) silenced bc they found out.
Sophie loves "calm" games like animal crossing and stardew valley. Especially animal crossing. It reminds her of when she and Josh were kids and they used to play it on their gamecube. She comes back to it, after everything, and starts up their old copy. The villagers ask about Josh (they do that if a player has been gone for awhile) and she sobs and sobs and sobs.
Josh used to play first person shooters like VOD and Halo. He had a lot of online friends he used to play with and would even convince Sophie to play with them sometimes. She was terrible and he used to complain about how much she died, but secretly enjoyed every second. Marethyu has never played a video game and never will.
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rightsleeverolled · 4 years
Marethyu: Hi, John. I'm Marethyu. How are you today?
Dee: I'm great. Thanks for asking. Oh, one question. Where am I? Who are you? And what's going on?
Marethyu: Right, so, you, John Dee, are dead. Your life on Earth has ended, and you are now in the next phase of your existence in the universe.
Dee: Cool.
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ashery24 · 5 years
The Witch: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
The One World Trade Center is visitable? IDK
Fandom: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Characters: Elle (SINF), Loki (Norse Mythology), Pluto (Roman Mythology), Cleopatra, Tsukuyomi (Japanese mythology), Nut (Egipcian Mythology), Marethyu, Sophie Newman.
What if the twins hadn’t done something to cover their adventures?
5 times Elle investigates the disappearance of Josh and Sophie and 1 she finds them
Warnings: Temporary Character Death
Other tags: Future fic. Are really OC this characters if this is SINF? OCs? 5+1 things
Nut was the Elder of Heaven in Egyptian Mythology. She was part of the sky itself and the only way to see she was to go up as high as possible.
So Elle go up as high as she could. To the One World Trade Center, the tallest building in New York.
And there she call her. She use her aura as a light projecting the night sky and for a moment there was a new light in New York. The light of Elle's hope.
Then she appeared.
Nut was beautiful in a sense, literally, out of this world.
Her skin was the night sky, dark blue with thousands of stars, nebulas, black holes and planets above it. Her hair was violet and blue and shone with thousands of stars.
-Elle Copper, the Copper Star, I'm Nut. Nice to meet you
-Copper star?-asked Elle confused
-Yes, you have become the Copper Star. Just like your friend Josh, who was the Golden Sun. Like Sophie, who is the Silver Moon.
-I want to find them. Can you tell me where they are?
-l can. I am part of the heaven and I see everything. I also feel the stars. Josh is still partly the Golden Sun. And Sophie is the Silver Moon. They are destined to form an eclipse from time to time. But this time a star will shine with them. It's time for you to meet with your friends, Elle.
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deathhatessnakes · 11 years
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Anon, I agree with you completely.  There mostly likely was a way to have avoided those deaths.  But really, that would have required resetting time itself, which, according to a girl I met in Japan, is the worst hell you can through.....
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... and I am selfish enough to not put myself through that.  Not to mention the chances of success the first time WITH all those deaths was very low.
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ashery24 · 5 years
The Witch: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Fandom: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Characters: Elle (SINF), Loki (Norse Mythology), Pluto (Roman Mythology), Cleopatra, Tsukuyomi (Japanese mythology), Nut (Egipcian Mythology), Marethyu, Sophie Newman.
What if the twins hadn’t done something to cover their adventures?
5 times Elle investigates the disappearance of Josh and Sophie and 1 she finds them
Warnings: Temporary Character Death
Other tags: Future fic. Are really OC this characters if this is SINF? OCs? 5+1 things
She was back.
She was alive and back in her hometown. New York
Now that all the shock and surprise were gone Elle couldn't help but smile delightedly. She had met Pluto, one of his favorite gods when she was young.
-I understand that being alive is something to be happy about but I don't know why I think that is not your motive-said a soft and feminine voice.
Elle turned and saw a woman. She was a dark-skinned woman with short black hair and brown eyes. His eyes were outlined with khol and she wore a white dress that looked more like a tunic.
A copper snake-shaped jewel hung around her neck and Elle couldn't help but remember Josh again.
-Who are you?
-I'm the woman who is going to teach you to manipulate your aura and maybe show you an extra power.
Then Elle understood that this woman was the one who was going to teach her. And then she realized. Her senses remained sharp but weren't so invasive. She could control their intensity.
-Thank you. I really need it to find my friends.
-I don't know anything about them.
-What's your name? -Elle asked
-My name is Cleopatra.
-The famous Cleopatra? -Elle asked, hallucinated
-The same-answered she with pride. And now,go. We can't stay here.
The training with Cleopatra lasted a week until she was satisfied with the results
-And now, Elle Copper, I will teach you to master the most powerful power of all. The Earth. With your aura is the best element that you can master. Then you will be ready to go when you look for your friends.
Elle nodded with determination.
Then Cleopatra began to speak in a mystical voice.
-Many say that the power of Water, Fire or Air are the most powerful. They are wrong.
The Earth is where we live. The Earth nourishes us and gives us life.
Before the eyes of Elle fields of wheat began to grow.
-But the Earth also destroys. Earthquakes and volcanoes kill hundreds of people.
A huge earthquake shook and destroyed a city in front of Elle.
-I have lived his power in my skin. A sandstorm is lethal.
Then all the surrounding sand began to approach Elle, as if it were a magnet, and swirled around her like a small tornado.Then everything stopped suddenly and the sand fell to the ground.
-Elle Cooper, you're ready. You control your senses, you aura and the power of the Earth.
-And my friends?
-I don't know where they are but I know someone who maybe. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, Japanese Elder of the Moon. Maybe he'll help you find your friend. He has good contacts and is quite neutral. I hope this can help you.
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ashery24 · 5 years
The Witch: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Fandom: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Characters: Elle (SINF), Loki (Norse Mythology), Pluto (Roman Mythology), Cleopatra, Tsukuyomi (Japanese mythology), Nut (Egipcian Mythology), Marethyu, Sophie Newman.
What if the twins hadn’t done something to cover their adventures?
5 times Elle investigates the disappearance of Josh and Sophie and 1 she finds them
Warnings: Temporary Character Death
Other tags: Future fic. Are really OC this characters if this is SINF? OCs? 5+1 things
The last thing Elle remembered was pain. Her senses had been stimulated to such an extent that she hadn't been able to bear it. She supposed that she had fainted.
Supposed because that wasn't the bookstore.
It was an underground river.
Then a boat began to approach from the distant darkness, with two people inside. The boatman and a person with a regal pose standing at his side.
Elle waited, with a strange feeling of anxiety, that the boat will arrive.
When the boat touched the shore the companion came down with an unprecedented elegance.
He was a man in his 30s, with curly hair and a goatee.His hair was black and his eyes dark gray. He had a rather severe aura.
With a wave of his hand he dismissed the boatman.
-Come on, Elle,- said the man. -We have a lot to talk about.
The man started pacing the dark shore while Elle followed him quickly. The man was walking calmly but at an unprecedented speed.
-How do you know my name? Where I am? Who are you?-Elle asked
-I am Pluto, Elder of the Deads. This is my kingdom the Shadow Realm of the Underworld. And I know your name because you entered my domains in the usual way. Dying
Elle stopped abruptly turning pale
-I'm ... I'm dead?
-Yes. This is the Underworld and this-He point to the river with one hand-is the Acheron where the dead must cross to go to the Underworld itself.
Elle did not know how she knew but she was sure that the man, Pluto, was telling her the truth. It was the same palpitation she had had with Loki.
-But that's not your destiny Elle Copper. At least not yet.
-No?-She asked hopefully.
-No. You should never have been Awakened and never have died for it. Loki manipulated the threads of destiny to make it happen. Although nobody knows why.
Pluto's complexion became even more serious.
-But it has happened and now the wheel of your destiny turns in another direction. And you will have to follow it and accept it, Elle.
Now I will return to your Shadow Realm and you will meet a person who will help you control your powers. Make the most of this opportunity, Elle. Because it's literally the last one.
-Wait!-Elle exclaimed.-You know about Josh and Sophie?. They are ... they are dead?
-Your friend Sophie is alive and immortal now. Josh...he's not alive, he's dead. But he didn't die in the conventional sense. He became Marethyu, another Elder of death. The Death of Danu Talis, what you humani know as Atlantis.Elle looked at him, incredulous. What had happened to her friends? What had they lived so many years ago?
-Now go and live again,"-said Pluto, pointing with his hand to a mountain with carved steps to his left. -I can't find your friends, but if you live and train, maybe you can.
Elle nodded and started up the steps. But before she could start Pluto said:
-Be careful. There's a reason why I told Orpheus not to turn around to saw behind-he said with a soft but sardonic smile.
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ashery24 · 5 years
The Witch: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
When Ash becomes very obsessed with a secondary character and gives her a whole fic
Fandom: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Characters: Elle (SINF), Loki (Norse Mythology), Pluto (Roman Mythology), Cleopatra, Tsukuyomi (Japanese mythology), Nut (Egipcian Mythology), Marethyu, Sophie Newman.
What if the twins hadn’t done something to cover their adventures?
5 times Elle investigates the disappearance of Josh and Sophie and 1 she finds them
Warnings: Temporary Character Death
Other tags: Future fic. Are really OC this characters if this is SINF? OCs? 5+1 things
It was the year 2019. It had been 12 years since the disappearance of Josh and Sophie Newman.
Elle was now 27 years old and a detective. A detective with a large number of resolved cases.
Not all. You couldn’t always solve  all.
But there was one in which Elle was always working. The disappearance of Josh and Sophie.
Technically, it wasn't her case. It never had been since she was only 15 years old when the twins disappeared. Then she was a simple teenager who had just passed her Gothic phase, who still had her hair dyed and talked about morbid things.
But not anymore. Now she was an adult with the last conversation she had had with Sophie over the phone burned into her mind.
Those men. Those strange men who had entered the bookstore where Josh worked had something to do with it. Elle was sure. The destruction of the aforementioned bookstore had been attributed to a gas leak.
But Elle knew it.
She knew there was something more behind.
And someone else knew it too.
Elle had found a new clue. A woman who called herself "Loki" had contacted her, promising to tell her everything that had happened.
She had already had vague clues in the past but nothing like that.
She had to go and talk to that Loki.
The two met in the old bookshop, now closed for renovations.The reforms that had been abandoned halfway so the building was empty.
Loki was beautiful. Redhead wavy hair that looked like something out of a shampoo ad, silver-gray eyes that gleamed with a captivating look and a sexy body wearing a beautiful green dress that fit like a glove.
As a jewel, she wore a beautiful necklace that consisted of two snakes that joined at the center of her throat.
They reminded Elle of Josh, who hated snakes.
-Quieres saber lo que les paso a tus amigos, verdad?
Elle nodded. 
-Then you'll have to go into their world. A world where legends are true and historical figures can be immortal. A world of magic.
-Magic?-Elle asked incredulously
-Magic-said Loki- I will Awake you and you will be a new you.
Elle didn't trust much, but something told her inside that this woman was right so she decided to trust.
-Elle, child of Harry and Nicole, of the Clan Copper, of the race humani..."
"I Awaken this wonderfull power within you... These are the senses that the humani have abandoned."
"To see with acuity..."
Loki's hands briefly passed through Elle's closed eyelids.
"To hear with clarity..."
The hands went to the Elle’s ears and covered them for a few seconds.
"To taste with purity...
The index finger of Loki's right hand touched Elle's lips delicately.
"To touch with sensitivity..."
Loki's hands gripped Elle's in a firm but gentle grip.
"To smell with intensity..."
Finally Loki lowered her face and softly kissed Elle's nose.
Then it happened. Elle's aura emerged, copper-colored, and scent of chocolate.
Elle moaned. It was too much.Too many sensations at the same time. With a scream of despair Elle writhed and died.
Loki clicked his tongue.
-What a pity, it was too much for her.
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ashery24 · 7 years
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So I was thinking random ideas about SINF and I suddenly remember that in the canon it is said that there are universes / realities / timelines / whatever alternatives where Sophie is who is in Alcatraz with Dee.
And I wondered… In those lines would Josh have become Marethyu or would Sophie have? I think the fact that Marethyu/Josh from another time line influenced in the canon is a hint that Josh would always become Marethyu but…. what if?
So take it. The Marethyu!Sophie AU nobody asked but I draw (without tracing again :3) because I can.
The reunions between the twins are now bittersweet…. the farewells are simply too much to handle…
General sketch of the head plus the detail of the earring. In the canon it is hinted that the hook reminds Marethyu to the moon and, consequently, to Sophie. So Marethyu!Sophie has a sun earring to remind Josh.
I do not think a hook can be very comfortable precisely…
AU!Marethyu Sophie: This thing is very difficult for the most common tasks
Canon!Marethyu Josh: I understand you, sister…
I have noticed that I put the hook of Sophie in his right hand instead of the left hand… bah, this is my AU so it does not matter. Plus I like the thematic of twins with indirect "reflex", blame to the Kagamines.
Marethyu!Sophie taking care of the pre-canon twins :3
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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All of those who sacrificed their lives for humanity I give thanks to and I miss equally...  Except Dee.  He did his part, of course, but he caused more trouble than good.  It was time for him to die.
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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Sophie, I am very glad to hear from you...  I'd love to come and visit, if time allows me.... But I highly doubt you're going to Russia for the "fun of it".  Curiosity is a powerful thing, after all.
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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It's not here anymore.  Sorry.
Next question?
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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Virgina is doing well.  After about 700 years of ruling over fellow humans, she and the other immortals (whom I'm sure you all know) have returned to their modern lives.  I check in with her now and then, and she always tries to convince me to tell her who I am...
Maybe someday I'll cave in.  It's hard to say no to her.
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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I am not the one to lead spirits to their place... You have no idea how many spirits have been disappointed when I've said that.  I'm afraid that job belongs to...  someone else.
And yes, time traveling.  It's what I do best.
Besides manipulating people.
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deathhatessnakes · 12 years
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I've never been fond of snakes, and being nearly killed by Coatlicue solidified the fact...  I guess in most cases my fear is silly, but when it come to fighting snake-like Archons like her, I think it's quite understandable.
Plus, everyone needs a little fear, even someone like me.  It keeps us from acting like fools.
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