#ask wizard sunburst
askponyinuyasha · 4 months
There's talk of giant spiders and other less natural monsters near the old fortress in the center of the wood; Be careful out there.
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Zooks: There's talk of giant spiders and other less natural monsters near the old fortress in the center of the wood.
Inuyasha: What?!
Inuyasha: We'll have to finish this later!
Gad: Be careful out there!
Astro & Sunburst: ...
@ask-wizard-sunburst: Did he say 'giant spiders'?
<Previous> ... <Next>
~To be continued...~
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut, and whoa-nelly there are a lot of them)
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Thanks everyone for your patience! This bit took me a really long time because there were so many figures and new poses and effects to draw!
In the intervening time, I did really enjoy seeing everyone's speculations as to who the off-screen character was! Nobody managed to connect the dots that they'd seen this font and text color before!
Anyway I hope to do a couple more entries like this where I can sit back and let the story tell itself. I'll even try drawing some action sequences maybe but hopefully I can avoid drawing too many spiders.
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ask-party-pie · 8 months
Would you ever go and visit your family back in rock country?
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Miss Pie: I've been heavily considering it since my cousin, Silver Spoon, brought it up. I would love to meet them, but I guess I'm just worried they won't accept me... Or tell Princess Twilight that I'm still around.
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i-think-im-rarity · 6 months
Is spike around?
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Lab: https://www.deviantart.com/oxinfree/art/Twilight-Sparkle-s-Basement-Laboratory-P3-BG04-336041090
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askpokeeosin · 1 year
Smart move to not lie!!
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On Lying in Healthcare
In reference to the previous Clinical Quiz story arc, I had figured that looking dumb for like, all of five seconds was preferable to trying to lie my way through something that could have easily been checked. Why? Because getting caught in a lie in the medical field is so much worse than looking dumb. Even if it's over something silly, it causes others around you to start thinking "Well, if they'll lie about this, what else will they lie about? Will they lie about actual patient care?" It's basically the "If you do this, I will hate you forever" crime.
Obviously, not every liar gets caught and some never take that reputation hit. But generally speaking, the most surefire way to ruin your reputation in healthcare is to get labelled as a liar.
Ask from @ask-wizard-sunburst
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@ask-wizard-sunburst @lumiere-angel-90
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ask-coldsteel · 7 months
Oh, cool! If that's the case, I suppose I should probably take a visit there sometime.
Also, forgive my ignorance, but what type of leaf is that insignia?
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Blazing Dawn: I needed help in Mathematical Sciences and so I befriended Cold Steel over here!
Chapter 1: Last Cadet Days
Part 20
Guest Artist: @void-art-blog
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lovelockanswers · 1 year
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askalby · 2 years
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Don't worry. Maybe there are some ponies working on a cure to this whole thing?
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Also featuring an ask from @ask-wizard-sunburst
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ripleys-rad-replies · 4 months
Whats a "Lumerdian"?
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"Just gotta drop off my board at home before I head out. And say hi to Mom."
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askponyinuyasha · 5 months
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Astro: Pardon me for prying, but what sort of creatures are you protecting the forest from?
Astro: Or do I have it backwards, and are you protecting the outsiders in the forest from the creatures inside the forest?
Inuyasha: Well, it's both, really. This forest isn't exactly the safest place for just anyone wandering through.
Inuyasha: But there're also ponies who would try to take advantage of this place and only end up tearing it apart.
@ask-wizard-sunburst: What are you protecting the forest from? Do you get many bad ponies or monsters?
Inuyasha: Sure, bandits try to come through here sometimes looking to cause trouble.
Inuyasha: Mostly I end up dealing with-
(Offscreen): HEY!!
~~To be continued...~~
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut)
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These guys were super fun to draw and I ended up really proud of the way they both turned out! This is the first time I've ever heard of an opinicus, let alone draw one, so that was fun! And Sunburst is one of my personal fave canon ponies in terms of design and personality.
I could have broken this one down more than I did, instead of making it so much flipping text at once, but... well it flowed nicely in my head... Plus I know where it's going next! And it's going to be a more art intensive micro-arc so it might take me a while to churn out. We'll see!
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ask-party-pie · 8 months
What would you like your cutie mark to be for, Candy Streamers?
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Candy Streamers: Ooh! I love this question!!! I've always loved baking with my Nana, so when I was little I used to imagine that I would get my Cutie Mark in that! But now I think it would be cool if I got one in something like party planning, or entertaining! I'd be happy with pretty much anything as long as I was till able to work with Party, anyway!
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i-think-im-rarity · 6 months
Do you remember ANYTHING at all?
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*Rushing of wind*
" "
"i dont remember much, dears."
"i have a journal. or diary. it's filled with drawings of dresses and notes about some mystery books."
"Sweetie's been helping me. She talks about all the fun and frustration we've gone through. i dont know if it's working. but i do have memories of her."
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askpokeeosin · 2 years
Do you have any hobbies that help you unwind after work?
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On Hobbies
Regardless of profession, I truly believe that everyone needs at least two hobbies: One creative and one physical (doesn't have to be very high intensity either. Lots of folks aren't able to do that and finding something that works specifically for you is what's the important point). It definitely feels like it helps out my mental health quite a bit. Very much anecdotal (aka the weakest type of "evidence" in medicine) but it's what works for me, you know?
Painting in pic 1 is based off of the artwork for a Mischief Brew album (RIP Erik Petersen).
Ask from @ask-wizard-sunburst
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