gargannoizoid · 11 years
Gargan sighed as he once again, ran into some new faces. "Ugh, can't I go anywhere without running into someone!?" he ranted out loud and folded his arms. Probably due to his height was why people noticed him so quickly... "I'm the great Gargan, Leader of the Noizoids! Now what do you munchkins want?"
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ask-team-timeturner · 11 years
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Joel: Sounds a lot like wings of some sort....in fact I had a pet that sounded like...uh oh.
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askthemawilemage · 11 years
Armored Chandelure: "When was the first time you ever Mega Evolved? What was it like?"
"Oh? I’ve never mega evolved before. So I can’t say there is a first time for me."
"My mega stone alone cannot allow me to access this mega form without the help of certain conditions."
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pinkhairedgardie · 11 years
Armored Shedinja: "Because I am hungry and I have not found anything else with hair. I will accept directions to the nearest hair store that cuts people's hair."
"Y-yeah that's a couple blocks down that way" She points which way it is
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Armored Shedinja: "Do you know anything else that has hair in here?"
"Majora has some nice hair."
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apersonallesson · 11 years
Armored Chandelure: "I do not believe I have met your race before. May I ask for what the name is?"
Shantotto looked over the creature before her and was suddenly glad she had let it approach her without attacking it first.. Her instincts were still wary as the animated light fixture starkly resembled some of the more frightful monsters shes seen but ... it had asked for an introduction and how could she refuse~ 
Puffing out her chest the master mage laughed "Ohhh~ HOHOHO I my strange friend, am Shantotto  researcher of all things magical from beginning to end"
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asktheancientones · 11 years
Armored Clawitzer: "So...how is the wild in the present? Is it more interesting, or was the past had a little bit more then excitement?"
"The prey and predators of this time seem far more tamer compared to the ones of my time. The Aurorus, as you call them, were a far harder game to catch compared to the Sawsbuck in this time. The ones with the large brow, however, were a dangerous species to tackle no matter how one views it. There are others from my time, but I know not where to start."
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pinkhairedgardie · 11 years
Armored Shedinja: "Sakura, may I please nomz your hair?"
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Armored Shedinja: "Can I nomz your hair please?"
Joelle looked with disgust at the creature. "No. Never. Ever."
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asktheancientones · 11 years
Armored Clawitzer: "I like it, and it is comfortable. It may be made by humans, but it doesn't capture pokemon or revive them, so...I don't see the problem why I shouldn't wear it."
"I would still be wary of what they have had had a hand in creating. He Who Watches only knows what else they may do with something like your 'armor."
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hauntingviolet · 11 years
Armored Magcargo: "Don't hurt me!" The armored magma snail went back into it's shell, shuddering in fear.
"Oh, shush. I'm not going to hurt you. Just mind your step."
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Armored Kingdra: "Alright. Tell me this. Can a costume do this?" The armored sea dragon aimed it's mouth towards the ground, and fired a purple wave on it. "This is Dragon Pulse, is it not? Tell me if a man can use such an attack, or would a battle do to make the possibility of a man becoming a pokemon go into that hard head of yours? I do wish to see if I need to fear you or not."
"I never said that this isn't a pokemon. I said someone must have a speaker or something under the armor."
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hoennsrisingstar · 11 years
Armored Kingdra: "How rare is it to be born with green hair as a natural color?"
"It is chartreuse and probably very rare."
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Armored Skarmory: "I like to explore. Is this your territory though?"
"I suppose it could be called my territory, but I think a better term would be personal residence or home."
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asktheancientones · 11 years
Armored Clawitzer: "Platinum armor. I got it from a cold place."
He gave a snort. "I do not see why a Pokemon would have to use 'armor' to protect itself."
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