askfem-scout-blog · 12 years
Yeah, mebbe yer should. Kick dem in da head. Punch dem in da guts. Bonk dem till dey're muddas feel it.
Smart one, dumbass. *laughs*
But den again, Imma one tuh talk.
Bwahaha! Typical Tess an' Mia. You will nevah get me inta dress dat's fuh sure. No matter how much ya bribe me wit' Bonk, I ain't touchin' 'nother dress.
I know of a few dat’re juss’ like dat. Bitter an’ ugly, poor things. I guess I should be feelin’ sorry for ‘em instead of kickin’ ‘em in da nuts like I usually do, huh?
Shit, uh, da worst? Well, usually ‘m pretty fast, an’ I remember ta’ not skid around corners too fast, juss’ in case dere’s a sentry dere. Yanno, da old throw scrap around da corner ta’ see if anythin’s in dere? Buuuut, I did get a rocket to da leg an’ as I was hobblin’ over to get a medkit, a sentry riddled me with a buncha bullets juss’ as I’d gotten close enough. Pyro came by when I was half dead an’ finished me off right dere. Freakin’…pyromaniacs.
‘n yeah, dat’s f’sure. But I bet I could get Tess into a dress if I let her lookit my ass or somethin’. ‘n Mia, uhh…well, she’s crazy, man. Not like, insane crazy, but crazy enough ta’ sucker punch me in da nuts.
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zehypocriticaloath · 12 years
*eyes widen at the manical cackling* Uh...I lost mah right foot. Hope dat counts.
"A foot! HA! Kyahehehheh--" he snorts, then beams that manic smile at her. "I can use a foot from a corpse, zhen, if you'd like!"
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redscoot · 12 years
YEAH! MESSIN' WIT' DA DISGUISE KIT! And den we can go annoy da fuck outta ev'ryone. *pulls on a Soldier mask* Herpderp lookie me maggots Sun Tzu is annoyin' as fuck lololol herpaderpaderp
Gimme one of dem Medic masks. *grabs one and does his best german accent*
Mein names zhe medick, I am gay for Hitler
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askmisspauling · 12 years
*shoulders bat* So whose idea was it exactly ta start bringin' in girl recruits?
I'm not sure. Mister Hale's, I think. 
Frankly, I'm surprised we didn't start recruiting women right off the bat. I mean, you all seem more than capable.
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Apart from my leg gettin' blown off just before ceasefire yesterday, nothin' much either.
Are you alright now..?
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askfem-scout-blog · 12 years
*perks up immediately*
Aw fuck yeah I do!
Juss’ da pick-me-up I need.
Pick-ya-up? *scratches head* 
Why, ya inna bad mood?
But yeah, betchya can't beat me! Hehe.
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askfem-scout-blog · 12 years
*clears his throat and scratches under his chin*
….Well, I…
*huffs and turns his head slightly, averting his eyes. telling new friends something like that wasn’t exactly on his top priority list, but…she was asking outright now.*
…s’my boyfriend.
*breaks into a smile* Well why didn' ya say so? *hugs Jay* An' you were goin' abou' tellin' me you weren' in no relationship. And I though', well, dat couldn' be true, fuh someone as good-lookin' as yuh.
An' no I have nothin' agains' gays. 
Oh look at me Imma like an idiot smilin' an' all. If 's too uncomfort'ble fer you tuh talk 'bout, I'll drop it.
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askfem-scout-blog · 12 years
theunstoppablescout replied to your post: OOC
(( Are you using missing e? ))
((...I have no fucking idea what that is. I'm a noob. :9))
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askfem-scout-blog · 12 years
((Something's fucked up with my tumblr; it won't let me answer questions. They show up in my inbox, alright, but when I click the answer button NO SHIT HAPPENS.
...does anyone know how to fix this.))
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redscoot · 12 years
BWAHAHAHA! Worth seein' your reaction, dude. *throws rainbow glitter at Scout* WHAT ABOUT NOW 'EY?! I have an idea...let's go fuck around wit' Frenchie's disguise kit!
*stares un amused at the glittery snow*
Hmm Frenchies?
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redscoot · 12 years
'Ey! Scoot-boy! I heard from Spy dat rainbows make you cry. True or not? *snickers*
NO! Dats jus a dirty filthy lie dat disgustin' Frenchie fuck told ya.
's actually tha French dat make me cry cause dey smell like cheap cologne n cheese.
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Yeah, I guess. Anythin' excitin' lately?
Ah, no. Not really. Vhat about you?
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Yeah, I suppose. Hey, what d'you liketa drink?
Coffee, mostly. Zhough I suppose zhat's not exactly good for you eizher.
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Really, now? I've been drinkin' dem evah since I was 9. ((lolheadcanon))
Hm. Vell, to each zheir own, I suppose.
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Aw, c'mon, doc! Fine, whatever floats ya boat. *opens can and starts to drink*
*quirks a brow* I don't zhink zhose are healzhy for you.
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doctorskullcane · 12 years
Hey doc. Want a 'Bonk!'? *gestures towards the energy drink cans in her backpack*
*shakes his head* No, but zhank you for offering.
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