atypicalsenerio · 1 year
"Here without Greil's kid, mm?" 
That kid. Kid? Heh. That kid was a little older than a kid now, searching far-off elsewhere, last Volke heard anything about it. The last time he saw Greil's boy? That day the sky decided to open up and an apocalypse seemed imminent. Better yet? That kid was half the reason the end of days didn't come knocking too soon. He'd have left too, searched elsewhere for clients when the others were stone statues or dead.
"It was interesting for a time," Volke mused gruffly, sipping from his chute. "Laughing at your scrutiny towards anyone trying to get near him. It's been . . . quiet in the absence of you two. The kid knew how to disappear."
"But you? Didn't take you for the party sort."
Immediately, Soren got the impression he'd have never spotted Volke if Volke didn't intend him to. He barely recovered his surprise in time enough to talk, eyebrow raised.
"I ought to charge you for my answer."
Soren had never expected to see Volke again whether he was nearby or not. However, his quip was venomless. Volke had been useful, reliable, and they seemed to have a mutual understanding of each other. Soren didn't trust him, exactly, but liked it when people kept it simple. Gold and numbers.
His scrutiny was never fully turned off. Soren made a show of narrowing his eyes, yet he did hold out his hand for a handshake, elemental sign faintly glowing. "You have your role, I have mine. He certainly does like his space." Soren tried to bury the sting of exactly how much that space wore at him.
"I'm whatever sort I want to be. Excuse me, while I go find ears to whisper sickeningly sweet nothings into."
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hosannan · 1 year
Ask and you shall receive. Didn't the noble folk always? Only, they asked with coin instead of words, and the results were exploitation, blackmail, or bloodletting. Or, if someone really had an issue, all three in no particular order. But not this kid, not the spitfire that, simultaneously, seemed nice enough. Wouldn't be the first one here he'd want to exploit, but if it paid well? She'd be just another victim of a contract.
"My conclusion? You and one of your housemates are . . . close. And the dress you're wearing? The colors mean something to you. That it, kid?"
"...You are quite correct, sir." There was a faint stroke of color that reached her cheeks, bashful that a man so keen on staying on her heels had approached her so wittingly. He was not the first to approach her, but his particular way of presenting his observations was awfully methodical. It was a touch embarrassing, and she was unsure for whom. "Then am I to suspect you have been watching me for a while? Or do you take a sparing interest in many?"
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"My conclusion? If you are people watching," She rustled through her small bag, pausing more for suspense than a real search. Pulling from it colored theatre binoculars, with lenses dyed a gradient of pastel pink to blue, she pressed it into his hands. "Here. You may need this." A soft smile followed, no longer affected by the second-hand embarrassment that tickled her.
"Miss Poe and I were people watching earlier. May it serve you as well as I."
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He looked like another chap that wanders academy grounds. Relatives? More than likely, but that wasn't what he was asked to find out. Actually, there wasn't any specific request, just find out something. About the man. By the man.
Ascertaining a businessman's talents.
"My end results: you're acquainted with the hooded fellow in the cellar, malevolence would make you sick, and you wouldn't be able to hide in a crowd."
Royalty, undoubtedly —— the attire was plenty evidence enough. But the graceful strides? The poised posture and benevolence toward the less fortunate? Heh. Just like that Crimean princess. ( Queen now, hm? )
Cadros cocks his head in curiosity, wondering how exactly this man had figured all that out just from simple observation. How fascinating!
"Haha! I suppose you are mostly correct. Except for the fact that Anankos is simply more than a mere accquaintance to me! I cannot imagine my god ever being anything less than a friend! Or even more!" He laughs, casually revealing information about himself like it was second nature. He never did care for keeping secrets anway. It was simple too hard to even try when he had a tendecy for running his mouth like his life depended on it.
"You must have sharp eyes indeed! A valuable asset, I'm sure! Observation and information is the first step to winning a battle after all! Haha!"
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dollandour · 1 year
July 2023 Activity Check + Housekeeping
Monthly Requirement: -CLEAR!-
Skill Points Obtained: +1 (Monthly)
Total Skill Points: 4 -> 5
Points Allocated: Faith E -> E+
Rank Rewards Obtained: N/A
Classes Acquired (Since Joining): Commoner, Monk, Mage, Dark Mage
Classes Mastered: N/A
Inventory Additions: N/A
[Housekeeping/Thread Tracking Below]
Threads Completed: 0
Ongoing Threads: 4
Current Threads (Awaiting Response) astrasword ~ the importance of warmth (heavy armor +1) askforfireman ~ tossing technicalities (axe +1)
Current Threads (Responding) duskofendflame ~ untitled thread rockroselazuril ~ ??? [Currently writing starter!]
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