An overnight outage to the stables’ heating system results in the deaths of several wyverns, personal mounts and beloved lesson drakes alike. In their grief, passionate students vowed to sleep overnight in the wyvern stables to help them keep warm through the night. [Grants Flying +1]
Cadros' heart pangs in sadness as soon as he hears about the deaths of the wyverns. The poor things freezing to death in the frigid cold that has come to surround the monastery. He wonders, if somehow, they are kin to Anankos. And if that were to be the case, well then his heart aches only that much more! Not that he has ever ridden a wyvern before, or he has any reason to be sneaking down to the stables in the middle of the night with a giant buddle of blankets in his arms.
But he just can't help but worry! Those poor little guys must be even more cold than they were during the day and he doesn't want to see any more of them die without at least trying to do something!
In his rush to get down to the stables, he doesn't quite watch where he's going, slamming into the broad shoulder of another man while he is distracted.
"Oh! Sir Sigurd! I did not expect to see an esteemed knight like yourself out so late at night, espeically in this cold. Are you worried about the wyverns as well?"
If You're Cold, They're Cold. Let Them Inside
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May - Activity Check Passed!
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Total Skill Points: 4 -> 5
[Monthly Skill Point]: +1 to Lance (Lance D+)
Other Points: N/A
Claims: N/A
Waiting on Partner:
Golden Eyes Get Brighter and Heavy Wings Grow Lighter (Lilith)
The Best Time Machine is a Song (Shigure/Anankos)
POV God is Your Sister in Law (Eos-Asami)
There's a Fire in My Brain (Valter)
Waiting on Me:
*High School Musical Reference Here* (700 words)
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Cadros has quickly found himself fond of the small girl before him, and her care and love for Anankos only made him want to love her even more. Anyone who could consider Anankos family, well, surely they would be his own family as well.
"Hm, I don't know if he can truly see that I am able to drag him out of that gloom that so enshrouds him, but I think he does know deep down. He is not the type who can so easily tell himself that he knows that he makes others happy. Or that he does need other people. He's far too quick to let himself drown in all that sorrow..." Anankos had always been just as quick to reject himself as anyone else may have been, even during the time that he had still been Valla's god. But often, Cadros thought that made him more human than even some people that he could name. If anyone deserved a place among society, it was his darling god who could not help but be afraid.
"You are very kind, Sakura. I'm sure you make him happy as well."
As the couple continued to dance, Sakura almost felt the same way as Cadros, since the emotional state he was feeling at the moment, almost caught Sakura off guard since she was quite sensitive and soft about those kind of topics: she as well felt a strong struggle within her heart whenever someone close to her might need her by their side, regardless the situation or the necessity – she was the type of person who never let down the people she loved, especially the ones that needed the most of her attention.
“I’m sure he knows how happy you make him be” she teased a little, forcing herself to return of her normal colour on the cheeks, “And despite time and space, you two will always be there for each other” she felt the urge to stop, picking his hands and squeezing them a little, knowing that someone like him was so rare and so pure, that even her, with her mere desire and passion, could not merely reach for his purity love.
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“Whenever you need, you have a place in my heart to be” she proudly said, even though she perfectly knew she would soon regret everything she just said, “..with Anankos, of course”
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As Valla's king, and a former prince, Cadros has attended many a ball in his lifetime. Nothing quite like this though! He's never been tiny before either! He's much more used to water, so getting the fire spirit as a patron is certainly interesting to him.
At least Anankos is here. He doesn't know if he would survive something so strange without his god by his side. They will be together for most of the ball (mostly because Anankos is shy and would rather stick by Cadros side), but don't be shy to approach both of them in return!
Flowers/Marks Collected:
Air: Sigurd
Earth: Valter
Fire: Lilith
Water: Edward
Lightning: Sakura
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Cadros finds himself at a loss for words, for once in his 30 some years of living. The small brown flower that blooms as his hand is suddenly grasped is... unbefitting amongst the others, but it stands as a reminder. A reminder of the villain he had just met, who seemed to disappear just as easily as they had started talking. He stares at his own hand, flickering with the mark of the fire spirit and sighs, a whisper slipping from his lips as if a prayer.
"May we not meet again too soon..."
*high school musical reference here*
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@maligknightsthorns continued from here
Valla? As in the place Anankos was from? Camilla could barely stop herself from rolling her eyes, choosing instead to grit her teeth.
This Cadros was certainly carefree and he struck Camilla as more than a little clueless.
She decides to change tactics.
"Valla? So do you know of Anankos?" She asks casually. Perhaps she could get a little more information about the pathetic man who got on her nerves...
"Yes, I guess you could say that we know each other. But in my time, he was much different than he is now. Of course, he was far from sociable, but he was not so saddled with all of the pain that he has now!" Seeing Anankos so sad only made Cadros' heart ache, knowing that there was nothing that he would be able to do to ease that pain. Anankos would always be drowning in that sorrow, and not even Cadros' song could pull him out of it now.
"... He may seem to be everything that someone could hate, but truly he is only a kind god who wants to care for and protect everyone. I never could see how anyone at all could detest his very existence."
0 notes
If Cadros can call himself skilled at anything with dancing, he is at least well practised, a technique drilled into his bones from years of court waltzes. Not that he is perfect, far from it in fact. He could never dare to call himself perfect, not when he could always learn more.
At least, he is glad to be dancing with someone that he could call family. Even if her movements are far from fluid. Clearly, Anankos blood hadn't done any good in that regard. Not that he meant that as an insult of course! He thought it was kind of... cute.
He smiles as he brings her movements to a skilfull close, giving her head a swift pat.
"You did the best that you could... though, perhaps some lessons in the future will befit you. I'll be more than happy to teach you. Later, of course."
@teneguine or @exclted
Starry Steps
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As Valla's king, and a former prince, Cadros has attended many a ball in his lifetime. Nothing quite like this though! He's never been tiny before either! He's much more used to water, so getting the fire spirit as a patron is certainly interesting to him.
At least Anankos is here. He doesn't know if he would survive something so strange without his god by his side. They will be together for most of the ball (mostly because Anankos is shy and would rather stick by Cadros side), but don't be shy to approach both of them in return!
Flowers/Marks Collected:
Fire: Lilith
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Cadros quickly finds that he is indeed as rusty as he had assumed, but the movements still come as second nature to him. After all, a dance like this never truly left one's memory, no matter how long it had been.
And the Nohrian princess before him has energy, which at the very least, is something that he can appreciate. A testament to the fact that his home kingdom had surely not changed much in the many years he had been away.
"Oh! Me? I am Valla's king, though once upon a time I was a prince of Nohr. But for now, I am simply Cadros. There is no need for me to be anything else here, not without Valla. As long as my god can watch over me, I am simply allowed to be myself!"
[ Nohr ] - A quick-paced dance that focuses heavily on precise footwork and bold movements, evoking the image of two soldiers in battle.
"It has been quite some time since I have danced in a Norhian style, but I am sure that I am not too rusty!"
Camilla's eyes narrow as she looks down at the man who insisted on dancing with her, pulling her on to the dance floor. She wasn't a fan of men who assumed they could as they please, especially with her. "Bold boy aren't you." She sneered.
She supposed she could have shoved him away. Kicked his shins and spat on his pride. But she wasn't a fan of making a scene, unlike some of the others who decided a ball was the best place to brawl. And the elementals towering over them was a foreboding sight as well... So she played along. For now.
Friend or foe, a dance was perfect for obtaining information on who this man is.
She took the lead in the dance, the movements second nature to her. Quick and precise footsteps to the left and to the right, moving them across the dance floor like a steady march, but her piercing gaze was unmoving as she analyzed this stranger.
"Care to explain who you are." It was less a question and more of a demand.
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Cadros does not find himself easily submitting the stones, but even he is not perfect. Even he cannot resist forever. But he so defiantly tries, tries to be the perfect paragon of Valla's king. A perfection that he will never truly be able to achieve. How could someone who was raised in a distinct shroud of darkness ever hope that become a perfect and purehearted king?
He does not submit, he cannot, not yet. So long as he has the fragment of Anankos' dragonstone with him, he can only hope that such a small piece of his god will be able to stave off the lull of the stones. He is better than submitting, at least he would like to think that he is. He knows that he is no better than anyone else from the academy, he is just as likely to be sucked into the stone's call, just as likely to fall into the darkness he had tried for so long to escape.
He turns to the man beside him, clearing his throat quietly into the night air. He glances at the stars, so small and yet brilliant in the sky, before quickly turning his gaze back to Valter.
"Say... do you have any idea where these things came from? It just seems so... malicious that mere stones would be able to try and call out and drag people under like this... it surely cannot be natural or right...!"
there's a fire in my brain
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"Then you are truly the most villianous of them all, should you not care at all who would you offend. Is not there one single person that should weep for you if you truly go all out on your quest for hatred of the entire world? One person who you would be loathe to offend?" He doubts that Valter has ever known love in his life, has ever known the restraint that having one dear around would bring to his evil ways.
Not that Cadros did either, because he had never felt a single drop of ill will towards another person in his life, not truly. But he was raised Nohrian, raised by cold steel and darkened skies.
And he knew all too well how finally feeling a true love could change a person. How an extended hand could brush away all the gloom that had clouded his heart from the unfeeling teachings of an emotionless kingdom.
"... I do not believe a person can be so stagnantly villianous for their entire life. It is not human nature. And you are only human, so you must feel for those that you call your kin."
*high school musical reference here*
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"I cannot say always, because he has been here without me for so long. And not to mention that I have been transported here from Valla's past through unexplained circumstances! Anankos was so terribly lonely without me, for almost a thousand years, if what he told me is true! I weep for my poor god, who so dearly needs company!" He sighs, a somewhat sad tone for him, a man who was always so relentlessly happy. He hated to think of Anankos all alone, losing himself to an insanity that would plague him without Cadros by his side. Cadros could not imagine a future where Valla would reject their beloved god, but it was too late for him to change what had already happened to Anankos. One day, he would die, and one day, Anankos would inevitably be left alone.
Fate was unavoidable, even for Valla's king and his beloved god.
"Oh! Yes! I wish so dearly to make my beloved god happy, no matter what! And I can see that you want for him to be happy as well!"
Sakura was utterly surprised to see so much emphasis and appreciation he gave to Anankos, meaning that despite the shy and introvert nature of his soul, he certainly had some people who deeply cared about him, a few, but that was quite enough for him to be truly happy, in Sakura’s opinion.
“I’m so glad to apprehend that he  has always been in company with someone who cared so deeply about his being and his happiness” she bluntly admitted with a soft smile, proceeding with the dancing as she was actually quite enjoying the delicacy with which he moved her around the dance floor: she had no doubt, he was quite skilled as dancer and to be honest, he was quite skilled as a preacher too, but in a good way, obviously. He was charming, he was elegant, he was quite good-looking. Was she falling for him? Who knows.
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“Perhaps, we could organize something together, after this event will end” she chirped with enthusiasm, though masking the actual interest she developed on her red cheeks.
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Cadros has to hold himself back from immediately punching the other man in the face. He must keep up appearances, at least for the moment, for he is a - supposedly - regal king, one who commanded respect and honor back in Valla.
But, oh god, is he tempted. Especially with the way that the man speaks, so condescending and impudent. Not to mention putting shame on Anankos' name. (He had not done this at all, but Cadros was so terribly irrational when it came to his beloved god.)
"But why would you ever want to be rude? On purpose, at that? Perhaps you are only regarded as evil because you have not been behooved to be any sort of kind. Besides, you shall only end up offending the whole world if you keep this up! Even the most evil of villians should not want that!" He smirks, a cocky hand on his hip. Oh how the hubris befitted him, so content to always assume that there was good in even the worst of people.
What a terrible fool Cadros could be.
*high school musical reference here*
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He looked like another chap that wanders academy grounds. Relatives? More than likely, but that wasn't what he was asked to find out. Actually, there wasn't any specific request, just find out something. About the man. By the man.
Ascertaining a businessman's talents.
"My end results: you're acquainted with the hooded fellow in the cellar, malevolence would make you sick, and you wouldn't be able to hide in a crowd."
Royalty, undoubtedly —— the attire was plenty evidence enough. But the graceful strides? The poised posture and benevolence toward the less fortunate? Heh. Just like that Crimean princess. ( Queen now, hm? )
Cadros cocks his head in curiosity, wondering how exactly this man had figured all that out just from simple observation. How fascinating!
"Haha! I suppose you are mostly correct. Except for the fact that Anankos is simply more than a mere accquaintance to me! I cannot imagine my god ever being anything less than a friend! Or even more!" He laughs, casually revealing information about himself like it was second nature. He never did care for keeping secrets anway. It was simple too hard to even try when he had a tendecy for running his mouth like his life depended on it.
"You must have sharp eyes indeed! A valuable asset, I'm sure! Observation and information is the first step to winning a battle after all! Haha!"
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Cadros grasps Edward's hand, instinctly for him as well, forgetting once again that this is how a flower will bloom across both of their vines. Perhaps Edward had forgotten as well, but Cadros is not displeased to have a tiny blue flower from a kid that Anankos seems to care so much about. And he hopes that Edward will not be displeased with his own fiery bloom.
"Yes, I believe he is truly quite fond of you! Which I am glad for, Anankos deserves to be anything but so terribly lonely! It pleases me greatly that he has fond such dear people here at the academy." He smiles, a slight bow of his head in respect for the boy, for taking care of Anankos when he could not.
"Though, I had hoped that perhaps he would be a little more social tonight. Ah well... it never does seem to be in the cards for him."
Water: The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
"You're one of the kids Anankos is fond of, aren't you? Pardon me for the sudden introduction, but Anankos said it would be alright. Forgive him for not introducing me himself, but he seems to be feeling rather overwhelmed with all the people around. Either way! It is nice to meet you, kiddo. You may call me Cadros."
Edward looks up from his extremely milk-laden mocha. Oh, hey, this guy knows Anankos.
Oh, hey, this guy knows Anankos!
Quick to perk up at mention of the man, Edward gives Cadros a winning smile, just as happy to meet a new face as he is that the man has more friends— And that Anankos is fond of him. Sure, he knew that was the case, but it's nice to hear it out loud!
"Hehe, hey Cadros— I'm happy if I am!" He rocks back on his heels, then back forwards, before sticking out a hand for a habitual handshake; Tactile as ever. "Great to meet you too! Name's Edward; And don't worry, I get that Anankos' not really a party person."
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"Oh! Yes, he is incredibly kind! Benelovent, many people have called him in the past! I'm glad you think he is wonderful! There are plently who cannot see him for all that he is, and that is quite the shame indeed!" Cadros smiles brightly as a gentle flower, purple and slightly flickering with sparks, blooms upon the veins that intertwine his white robes. He cannot help but boast about Anankos once he is certain that Sakura knows him, to sing his lungs out with praise for his beloved god.
"Wait, family...?" He blinks down at the small girl in shock. He had come to learn that Anankos had lived through far more than Cadros, lived past a death that he had not yet experienced, and had those that he called family. Which, of course, was wonderful! Anankos did always so need people to care about! If he had people he could call family, then Cadros was more than happy!
"Hrm... I guess you could say that we are close. He is my best friend, my god, and so much more... alas! There are simply not words to describe what he means to me!"
While the two of them proceed to dance, the words of Cadros echoed in Sakura’s mind as he mentioned the exact person she was thinking about –Anankos. Their resemblance was astonishing and the more he talked about him, the more a sentiment of trust and sympathy grew inside Sakura’s chest, letting the sparkle on her hand glowing even more and making the verdant vine on her neck growing even wider. Eventually, a vivid red flower bloomed in between the others, meaning the connection between the two of them has become closer enough to her to consider him a trustworthy person.
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“Yes, it is him. You two truly are very similar” she softly giggled, lowering her gaze for a moment, since a veil of embarrassment suddenly hit her cheeks. “He’s very kind and sweet, a dear part of my family, by now” she proudly admitted it, then shifting her gaze back again into his. “Are you two close too?” she innocently asked, though she wonder how a king and a God could be related in some way.
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As Valla's king, and a former prince, Cadros has attended many a ball in his lifetime. Nothing quite like this though! He's never been tiny before either! He's much more used to water, so getting the fire spirit as a patron is certainly interesting to him.
At least Anankos is here. He doesn't know if he would survive something so strange without his god by his side. They will be together for most of the ball (mostly because Anankos is shy and would rather stick by Cadros side), but don't be shy to approach both of them in return!
Flowers/Marks Collected:
Fire: Lilith
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