splendidstaff · 5 years
There were few things that could be considered abnormal in that lake, the most surprising of them being one pair of bright blue eyes that seemed to be staring at the figure in pink floating above the water. Could she be one of protectors the former fish had heard about? 
Slowly, her head moved out of the water, her gaze fixed on the stranger.
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voicecflight · 6 years
Send me(@◇@)to hear about an OC idea I have! 
Alright so I have this OC that is an Harpy and she just LOVES humans. She is interested in both their flesh and their culture since she finds them fascinating! She lives in purgatory tho so she cant always come to the living world to explore.
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shadow-acolyte · 6 years
bold  what  applies  to  your  muse.
small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests.light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it.  growing numb to the sight of injustice.  wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colors.
crickets and lightning bugs.  car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mom / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise canceling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table.clicking of pens.  listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears.  the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared.brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favorite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggies. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint.fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. savory. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish.  acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favorite shampoo /conditioner. the scent of home. perfume.  cologne.  mint.  something burning. wet dogs (the rhaast smell). copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different.
tagged  by: @ladybuvelle tagging:  @ladyem-s-grimoire , @decaying-flesh , @lightshielded , @askhextechjanna @infinite-xerath
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askdragonbladetalon · 8 years
[snowdown remembrance]
[quick gift drabble for @askhextechjanna who is in this hell with me.] Snowdown in Zaun meant the exchange of tokens as gifts. People would carefully promises onto scraps of paper or parchment, depending on what they could afford. I will clean the lab. I will give you a massage for 30 mins. I will walk the dog. I will polish your augmented limbs. The type varied but the intent behind it was always the same. 52 tokens, one for each week of the year, made for a present that would last the whole year long. Love and respect would be spread over the days, not all crammed into one day. Piltover celebrated Snowdown different. Janna hovered high above the city and watched the merriment, children laughing and chasing each other, brightly colored hoods and hats standing out against the white snow. Caitlyn had a mug of hot cocoa and Vi was using her gauntlets to pack the snow into tight walls to create an igloo for children. There was no sign of Jinx. Janna stirred her cold fingers through the small tin with its torn pieces of paper. i wILL go tO scHool. I WiLL nOT Hit hIM. I wiLL FInd uS dINner. The printing was childish and clumsy, the capitalization erratic. Janna only allowed herself to look at the tokens on Snowdown Day itself. One of them was written in red. Her fingers stretched it out, pinning it against the tin so her eyes could read the message her heart had never forgotten. i wIlL LOVE yoU. She should have cashed that one in. Maybe then things would have bee different. Maybe then she wouldn’t be alone.
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askthefourth · 9 years
A cloudless sky
When the engines engaged the propellers, the noise and motion of the massive vehicle were thrilling. It was a gentle takeoff, which was good because the though of flying in such a large and heavy machine made Jarvan apprehensive. It was the kind of nervous feeling he was used to pushing down, and he had plenty on his mind to distract from the fear. Through the cockpit glass, starlight lit his pilot’s blonde hair as her hands moved deftly across the instruments and control surfaces arrayed across the panels in front of them. He was used to carriages, even to cars, but the lurching discomfort of teleportation magic was nothing like the sensation of rising into the air in a metal container, strapped to a massive bladder of gas. His hands gripped the armrests of his chair tightly, feeling the acceleration.
“This is... simply amazing.”
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jayceofpiltover · 9 years
[5:48:55 PM] Janna-mun: I bet you
[5:48:59 PM] Janna-mun: At first janna was like
[5:49:13 PM] Janna-mun: and then when they date
[5:49:16 PM] Janna-mun: Slpwly she realises
[5:49:20 PM] Janna-mun: How nerdy he is
[5:49:25 PM] Janna-mun: Once he opens his mouth
[5:49:44 PM] Janna-mun: "Pls stahp talking jayce your nerd is showing"
[5:50:05 PM] Aloice || Knight of Dandelions and the Moon: G.G.
[5:50:32 PM] Aloice || Knight of Dandelions and the Moon: you mean: #anyone he'll ever date ever
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explorerezreal · 9 years
[[ THANK YEW. ]]
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ekko-my-eggo · 9 years
± = The character and what they think about math
Being a prodigy he found math easy to understand and apply as needed, but did not really enjoy the subject aside from practical and necessary usage.
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judgementcxt · 10 years
Don't blink + 18
She makes him feel different.
He understands love.  He loves his father like any child does.  He understands the bonds that connect people, even if he does not have many.
But she makes him feel different.  He smiles when she does, feels sorrow when she does.  He wants to help her anyway he can, watch her be all she can be.
She fills him with a warmth he did not know existed, a feeling that is unmatched.
It was here that he came to realized the truth.
He loved her.  And he wanted to spend his life with her.
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jayceofpiltover · 9 years
"How would I describe your eyes? Well..." Janna began, floating up so that their foreheads were slightly touching and her eyelashes brushed against his, "It could be said that they are as blue as the dark sky above, yet, at times, I can see a dark storm in it, as stormy as the ones my magic conjures. It can be as blue as the dark sea, deep and mysterious, pulling me in and I find myself drowning in the dark blue pools. Most of all, they are perfect, as perfect as you can ever be." ((bye feels))
Kisses her forehead lightly.
“Whatever waters in them are waters for you.”
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explorerezreal · 10 years
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ((TAKE ALL THE DAMN STARS))
[[ WHATEVER HAPPENED TO OUR THREAD? ;( Feel free to bother me again whenever you want! ]]
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obscuram-ens · 10 years
"I thought you couldn't get much more bigger than me. I was utterly wrong. The question is, why are you so big?"
"I have no idea" The ninja answered bluntly as the mage floated around him like a fairy "I thought I was at the end of my natural growth as well..."
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leonasunrise · 10 years
"Living shield"
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
( How long has this ask been in my inbox? TOO LONG LOL XD Just thought I'd answer this one ask out of all in that prompt ; u ; / )
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askcuratorofthesands · 10 years
askhextechjanna replied to your post “5'3”
"I demand that you carry me"
"As you wish, Janna." Nasus nodded, scooping the wind mage into his arms gently.
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noxian--diplomacy · 10 years
:: Talon watched Janna with a genuine, warm smile as she revealed the box. From the way her eyes glittered to the gentle caress of her fingertips over the lid, he knew he had made the right choice in gift. He had been so incredibly worried she would not like it. "Would I have given it to you if it wasn't?" he replied, his eyes narrowing in teasing manner as hers met them. He said he thought of her when he saw it, didn't he? Of course he was sure it was meant for her. The sorceress wound the key, and the tittering of the music box began. He remained quiet to allow her to listen, exhaling a deep but quiet sigh through his nose. It was so peaceful. From the warmth of the nearby fireplace, to the chiming lullaby emanating from the chest in her hands, Talon felt oddly secure standing here like this. It was a feeling he rarely--if ever--had experienced in his life. As the music came to a close, he found himself silently wishing that it hadn't, wanting the moment to last for just a bit longer. "Glad to hear," the Noxian replied, his voice soft as to not break the blanket of stillness that had settled in the room, "I hoped you would like it." Though, this pleasantness lasted only a moment, as Janna shifted her body to look away. Talon quirked his head, a note of concern crossing his features, confused. Her voice came out choked, and he eyed her carefully, unsure of how to react. Was she crying? "Yes, Janna?" He felt the panic beginning to settle in, brows furrowing as he leaned a bit lower in an attempt to see her face. He didn't offend her, did he? He couldn't think of anything he did that could have insulted her. Maybe she was only humoring him and didn't like the gift? Of course, that had to be it. He had thought a music box was too childish of an idea for a woman of her stature, but just couldn't pass it up when he saw it. Maybe he should have grabbed a few other gifts, as well... "I... didn't do anything to offend you, did I? Whatever it was, I'm sorry. I'm not the best at socializing..."  Talon apologized, his voice trailing off, clearly kicking himself over the possibility of insulting her. He always seemed to do that--offending her and putting her through all sorts of grief. Would he ever learn? ::
Janna gave him a playful look of curiosity before she turned to the gift, her fingers gently unwrapping the beautiful gift wrap and tugging on the ribbon, leaning slightly against Talon’s broad chest. She could tell that he had spent quite awhile wrapping the gift, smiling at the flowers that adorned the package. It had been awhile since she had received or even seen flowers. Those never grew during winter. For a brief moment, she wondered where he had procured such beautiful flowers, especially during this season. Carefully, she removed the flowers, placing them gently on the desk nearby along with the paper.
Her jaw dropped open as her eyes fell upon the beautiful gift. Fingers danced upon the dark wood, feeling the intricate carvings as well as the smooth stone and pearl embedded upon it. The music box was clearly a sight to behold. She felt his warmth melt away from her as he stepped away, barely noticing it, her attention on the gift. No words fell from her parted lips, only able to stare at the piece of perfection in her hands, mesmerized.
"Talon, are you sure this is for me?" she asked, looking up at his chocolate brown eyes, her blue eyes wide. Her smile grew wider as she turned to the box once more, fingers gently winding up the box where Talon had shown her. A tune came, a simple tune chiming through the silence of the room as they both listened. Janna’s eyes were soft, cast downward as the music played, her features illuminated by the fireplace across the room, shadows moving along her features as the fire danced.
And for a moment, she felt warm.
"I love it," she said, her voice quiet. It was moments such as these that she longed for and it was moments like these that she detested. The moments of affection that he would direct to her.
"Talon, I…" she started, her voice quivering. Words seemed to be stuck in her throat, trying to stop her from saying what she wanted to, holding her back. Her eyes were glassy now, staring down at the ground. Her cheeks burned, feeling almost feverish. She was thankful that her hair was acting like a veil, hiding her face.
Was this really a wise thing to say?
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jayceofpiltover · 9 years
2, 13, 16, 17!!
2: What got you into League? When?
I had a group of college friends freshman year (near the end of Season 2) who often played games together. We went from TF2 to Civ to League, and I got into it more than the rest of them due to the art, the lore, and the gameplay.
13: Do you ship any of the champions? Who? 
I’m fairly well-known I think for shipping Ezreal/Lux and Jayce/Viktor (or at least I have a decent number of followers who follow me on FF or tumblr mostly b/c of one of those ships), but I also ship Jayce like Captain Jack Harkness and I have a fondness for a good number of ships like Vi/Caitlyn, Lee Sin/Sona, Zed/Syndra, Lulu/Veigar etc. tbh I’ll like anything as long as it’s well written.
16: First role learned?
Mid, b/c Lux was my first main.
17: First skin?
Spellthief Lux.
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