#asking ‘is partnership like a marriage 🥺🥺’ then asking ‘well when will I be your partner 🥺’
yodeleyewho · 4 months
(gang I double posted, so just check the OG video in the Vice tag)
Watched “Gillian” today and the scene with Starsky and Gillian made me I think of the dinner scene of MV’s “Nobody Lives Forever” (go watch Gillian cuz tumblr isn’t letting me put the scene up)… except.. tubbs and brenda are absolutely horrible to each other…
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mianmimi · 2 years
*british urchin voice* do you have any more 838 Strordo omegaverse headcanons? 👉👈🥺 I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing. You know what they say, if ain't nobody writing it, then write it yourself! Though the strordo fandom has written incredible omegaverse before, so I don't think that saying applies lol
Heya sweet Nonny! 😉
My apologies. There’s a good chunk of Omegaverse asks and headcanons in my inbox that I can’t wait to get to. Just been a little busier than usual cause a water tank burst above my apartment so I fell behind on the asks 😭
Omegaverse is my ❤️ And earth 838 lends itself so well to that *swoon* Personally I really enjoy the idea of Stephen and Mordo having this ‘will they or won’t they’ dynamic that blossoms. Like will they actually pair up? Or will Stephen find another omega? Or more likely, will Mordo be pressured into marrying an alpha equal to his rank as baron? I just see them trying to connect with other people but it’s simply not working.
One headcanon that I’ve been really liking is the concept of the Vishanti selecting the mate/s of the Sorcerer Supreme. Like it’s this huge deal, ceremony and everything. Sometimes the verdict is….stay single. And other times it’s stay single but have kids with this person. And then there’s the yes, this is your soulmate, enjoy your happy lives together. I just think it’ll be a suspenseful ceremony, and probably one full of dread too. Like what if you were already with someone else? What if the person they picked for the supreme objects?
So given that concept….I’ll headcanon that leading up to his ceremony, Stephen heavily considered leaving the title for the sake of being with Mordo instead of rejecting the decision of the Vishanti. Like he was going to leave before he got the chance to defy them in front of everybody. However….Mordo stops him and tells him to pursue the will of the Vishanti. He doesn’t want Stephen to lose the title he worked so hard for. And he points out that every match the Vishanti made have historically resulted in happy partnerships/marriages, even the ones that started out apprehensive at first. So he knows that Stephen will eventually be very happy with whoever the Vishanti select for him. He tells Stephen that he will leave if that makes the decision easier for him. And he does. Mordo goes away a few days before the ceremony and Stephen’s extremely close to giving up the title and perusing his love.
Then the day comes and Stephen’s there at the ceremony with a full blown audience and eager people hoping they get picked. Stephen’s heart clearly isn’t in it though, and he keeps looking at the crowd and hoping to see Mordo. Finally he can’t take it anymore and takes a step away from the ritual, about to run off when the Vishanti make their choice. A portal opens on its own and moves back to reveal a very surprised Mordo. Stephen sees him and his heart bursts with understanding.
Just one of many headcanons 🥰 I love how headcanons can be literally anything and everything. And it’s the multiverse! They all exist somewhere, no matter how far out they are ♥️
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