ent-is-undecisive · 5 years
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My peeps i need your help. What fo you think of this and how could it be better ? . . . . #oilpainting #painting #traditional #traditionalart #pink #glasses #hair #askingforadvice #constructivecriticism https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7ubs1gQly/?igshid=y7zrbr0wnmsf
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mellieyumi711 · 6 years
Dream post
I dreamt I was getting ready to perform in a play, a ni no kuni play. I was going to play the cow queen lady. I wasnt really ready and didn't know my lines because I was thrown into the part. I went back stage as the play was going on and had to get dressed really quickly . Apparently the cow queen was suppose to look ancient Egyptian so I had to put on a golden dress and headpiece but my dress ended up being purple for some reason and looked really good on me not fat or anything. My part was coming up and they had to stall the play a bit to wait for me to get dressed. When I finally was somewhat ready I rushed out, still pulling up the zipper on my dress in the back. I was about to speak my lines when someone charged into the theater with out a word and handed someone a phone to see something. That got everyone noticing and something happened on the phone and on everyone's phones, causing everyone to scramble out the door in a frenzy. Me and the other thespians calmly went back stage and talked about my mix up a bit and my dress when the news finally spread to us. Apparently there is a place in Vietnam called either laga or lagan and China has declared all citizens in the United states who hold dual citizenship to return to laga/Lagan at once.
I was devastated for some reason and ran (dream teleported) to a friends house. It was a young Asian boy and his family. Before I came to the house I was inserted all the memories we had together. Me and this boy would play fight or would cuss and yell at each other when we were kids, and then he took me out on a date once when we got older. Now we were distant but inside it was something unspoken between us.
I saw him and his family in military camo clothes packing their bags. I started sobbing uncontrollably. The boy came up to me at the doorway.
"You heard uh?"
"I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry. I dont want you to go. Please."
" I have to. I should have figured that the only person who truly cared about me was you."
We hugged tightly, then I kissed him on the cheek and told him I loved him.
He said it back and then left.
I couldn't continue.
Somehow I went back in time. Details fuzzy.
It was 2008 and I was dating some guy. I went to the exact spot were Me and this guy were on our last date together at a drive in just by the Asian guys house.
I had to explain to my current boyfriend that I was from the future and I had to leave.
I ran off to the Asian boys house climbed to his window and tried to convince him I was from the future.
I was crying again and I ended up confessing I loved him, which made him believe me. He said ok but what now.
Then that's when The Doctor came in and ended up helping me throughout all his incarnations to stop the declaration.
I just woke up with tears in my eyes...
What was that?
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lucidmentality · 7 years
It’s beyond me how people have so many Tumblr followers. Like, HOW?!
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jyjphilippines · 8 years
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[OTHER INSTAGRAM] 170217 Kim Jaejoong’s Stylist asking advice?
더 해야하지???~~….#김재중아 https://www.instagram.com/p/BQfJOZZjNuE/
[TRANS] What more can I do???~~….#Kim Jaejoong
Source: nohmy1118 Translated by: @crystalmoon0213 Shared by: JYJ3
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sunny-epiro · 8 years
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Do you really like this pic ? #askingforadvice
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crafty-goth · 10 years
I want to be in a relationship, but I've gotten so used to being alone. It seems like it would be difficult to change my nindset.
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