medicinalkiwis · 2 years
Hello there, medicinalkiwis here!
My name is Kiwi, I mostly occasionally reblog random stuff relating to writing, gaming, or art, and I am an amateur writer who constantly has ideas mucking about in my head. I'm afraid I haven't ever actually finished anything, though I do have several ideas bouncing around in my head that I plan to actually work on.
I consider myself part of many "fandoms" including (primarily) several different anime such as Haikyuu, My Hero Academia, and ; the popular tv show Supernatural; video games like Stardew Valley, Baldur's Gate 3, and Skyrim; and certain YouTubers such as Markiplier, Sam and Colby, and YuuriVoice; and many others. However, I should make it clear that I simply watch the anime in particular and do not keep up with fandom drama that I only hear about much later.
*Blank and ageless blogs will be blocked.*
I am willing to take questions relating to what I write or just general questions about anything, as well as requests for one shots or series that anyone wants to see. Please refer to the list under the cut to understand the things I will and will not write for. Feel free to let me know if there's something you're interested in that is not on the list!
Asks will be tagged as #askkiwi and #kiwianswers
Finished works (such as one shots) will be tagged as #kiwicontent
Parts in a series will be tagged under the name of the series, the number of which part it is following the name of the series, and as #kiwiseries
Requests will be tagged as #kiwirequests and under the name of the person who made the request, or under #anonrequest if the person was anonymous or wanted to be referred to as such
Drabbles will be tagged as #kiwidrabbles
Posts not related to asks, current works, etc. will be tagged as #kiwirambles
Posts related to asks, current works, etc. will be tagged #kiwiinfo
Reblogs will not be given a specific tag, but may be tagged with my thoughts on whatever is reblogged
Below the cut will be a list of things I will and will not write when taking requests. If you are unsure about something or have questions, feel free to ask!
Warning: Darker themes referenced below the cut. More may be added to each list later on.
"✓" means it is something I will write. "×" means it is something I will not.
✓ Fluff
✓ Angst
✓ Smut
✓ Hurt/comfort
✓ Self inserts
✓ Reader inserts
✓ Oc x canon
✓ Oc x oc
✓ Canon x canon
✓ Friends to lovers
✓ Some mental health related content
✓ Referenced past domestic violence
✓ Aftercare
✓ Omegaverse
✓ Some humanoid non-humans (e.g. shifters such as werewolves and dragons, Khajiit, Argonians, Driinkiin race mod, certain aliens)
× Excessive blood/gore/violence
× Currently abusive relationships
× Horror
× Kinks related to what goes into a toilet
× Incest/stepcest
× Smut with underage characters
× Dubcon/noncon
× Mindbreak
× Forcing a character to do something they don't want to
× Furries
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floofgamingartist · 5 years
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Work in progress of some gift I’m making for KiwiHermit on twitter
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kiwibaskerville · 9 years
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Just a lil kitty =*3*= I loovveee this kittyyyy
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