jouwheeler · 10 years
To me, only certain hiatus warnings apply. The link in rule number 7 is a link to > this post. <
ask-succubus-mariku | canon: Our will be dropped because of a planned hiatus that was taken only 3 posts into the RP. I would have liked a warning about this otherwise I wouldn't have reblogged that post. I'd even asked you beforehand. It was a rule broken, but I held on for a month anyway since we've been mutuals for so long. Holding an RP for longer than intended is not something I'd normally do when a rule is broken. I am holding on for a week more before it's officially dropped and disregarded. Maybe we can RP again in the future when you're officially back.
Last reply: 21st January 2014 My last reply: 23rd January 2014 Officially dropped: 1st March 2014
~: 1 month, 6 day wait.
businessandcardgames | au: I was really enjoying our RP and I understand real life gets in the way but my rules still apply no matter what. I've held onto people's RP's because of exam/study warnings but none was asked for here. You came back 2 days before I would have possibly dropped our RP (2 week time limit) though I don't think I would have. You only came back to say you'll be back on to do replies and that was almost 2 weeks ago. By the 1st of March it'll have been a month wait. I don't know if I'll hold it for longer. I may do so, since it's AU and I'm not rushing it. I'll drop this by March 7th if there's no reply. I have these rules for a reason and I don't like to pick favourites. That makes me look really unfair.
Last reply: 30th January 2014 My last reply: 1st February 2014 Officially dropped: 7th March 2014
~: 1 month, 6 day wait.
cards-have-no-heart | canon: I was really enjoying our RP too. Big long replies to an almost 60 post RP. Your last reply was a few days before Christmas. 2 weeks is my limit, and I give a month wait to people on hiatus. You didn't mention hiatus, like the above person, yet I still held on. I was so adamant on finishing this RP so I held on even longer. A month longer. I've held this RP for 2 months and that's unfair so after March 1st it'll be officially dropped. My Joey is not even male anymore. Female and pregnant now. 
Last reply: 16th December 2013 My last reply: 21st December 2013 Officially dropped: 1st March 2014
~: 2 month, 8 day wait.
i-am-josephine-wheeler | canon: 30 posts in and you're on hiatus. That's a good amount of posts in so I, as I said to you in reply to your message, don't mind waiting for a bit.
surrexitbellus | au: It's been almost 2 weeks again, but you did tell me you had exams. I don't know if they're still going on though? Your account hasn't been touched since your reply to me and by the 25th it will have been 2 weeks again but I can also hold this till March 11th.
Last reply: 5th February 2014 My last reply: 11th February 2014 Officially dropped: 11th March 2014
~: 1 month wait.
I apologise if this looks unfair because some people got a longer time, but that was becase those RP's had gotten further in than others.
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bakuras-little-hikari · 10 years
mid-k-night and ask-succubus-mariku started following you
Ryou looked up at the two of them. "Hello." he waved with a small smile. "How are you two?"
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devilbakura · 11 years
"You don't have time for us? What a shame. Oh, what a shame indeed!" She exclaimed, throwing her head back in a dramatic manner- of course, the purest sarcasm dripping from her words and actions, "But my dear, there is so much more to a Succubus than mere sex. The low blood demons are so often looked over- most don't know what snapped their neck and ripped out their spine..." She shivered slightly and grinned, "What do you say to offering your soul to me, little devil?"
"I am very sorry my dear, but I have no soul to give away." It was a joke to be honest. While he did have a soul…it was not pure it was vile. Blacker than black. "besides, even if I where to give it to someone it wouldn’t be to someone like you. And I do not mean by your demon blood. You simple are just not good enough for it."
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gandora-yuugi · 11 years
Yuugi looked at the woman...never had seen a lady with..such a strange outfit on. it didn't look like the outfits dancers wore, but then again why would a dance be out in the middle of desert? That didn't really make any sense. She was really pretty, maybe she some kind of goddess?
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jekyllryou-hydebakura · 11 years
ooc; Well, I for one think you do both the original characters and that of Ryou justice. It's extremely unique, and undeniably addicting as well as interesting. It's certainly one of my favourites, and you, yourself are a wonderful writer c: So you certainly do a marvelous job!
OMG OMG OMG thank you so much Mariku-mun!! I realize I owe you a reply and I really really love the rp we have going! I’m actually working on drafts for this blog right now XD Thank you again and I hope I continue to please
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jouwheeler · 11 years
*slips in ask-succubus-mariku* c:
Opinion on;
Character in general: She’s a babe. I love how she’s not just some evil bitch with no feelings and only wants to kill all the men. She has a lot of human qualities to her. The range of emotions that I see you portray on her face in your art is really lovely. It actually helps a lot since our timezones clash and I don’t get to see you RP that much unless I stay up really late on the weekends. I LOVE powerful, dominating women. Its like… a thing of mine. And she’s so awesome. I wanna get to know her more.
How they play them: Well, she’s YOUR AU character so only you can portray them perfectly. I suppose I can see some Yami Marik in the way you portray her sadistic nature, but overall she’s your character and I think you play her as perfect as she can be.
The Mun: You seem like a total sweetie and I’d like to get to know you better. Fuck the timezones, man. FUCK ‘EM.
Do I;
RP with them: Unfortunately, no.
Want to RP with them: Very much so. Every time I see you on my dash I keep going “I want to RP with her.” And its not due to shyness that I don’t approach you - it’s me trying to come up with something we could do, but its really hard to think of one. I think its really hard right now because big things will be happening for Florence and Joey at the end of Dec and when thats done I don’t want any 2013 RP’s to still be going on in 2014. I want a fresh start there. Hopefully I can think of something in January tho! That is if you want to RP with me :3
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Well, I don’t know her very well - but from what Ive seen I really like her, as I said before. Derk may be my “ultimate perfect partner” but there’s so very few (oh how rude I sound) that I deem on here “perfect rpers”. You’re one of them as I said to you before in fanmail. You’re here to RP and maybe make a few friends and have fun. Lots of people claim they want that, but there’s always that little bit more that they just won’t admit popularity and attention and compliments and OOC ships but I never see that with you. You deserve the popularity and attention and compliments you get for having such a wonderful character and portraying her so well c:
Also succubus and exquisite should have evil babies.
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ib-bluerose-ryou · 11 years
ask-succubus-mariku enter Tonzoku Gallery
"Oh" Ryou smiled as he tiled his head as he was seeing new person...or maybe rather being. He didn't remembered seeing such creature before. He was fascinated by her."Hello there." Ryou smiled to her bit shy. 
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shadowgodling · 11 years
Can I keep you? *not-so-innocent smile
No you can not succubus. Especially not with that look.
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ryou-sama · 11 years
ask-succubus-mariku started following you
myheartiswiththepuzzle started following you
"Well two people who should be easily recognized by their hair- but on is a girl. So I guess she might different. Hello."
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wingsofthechanged · 11 years
ask-succubus-mariku is around
Kura hadn't been paying much attention to the things around her much to think and hide her wings, besides the weather wouldn't just made her feel like she was melting. Though as she noticed the female in front of her, she may have wanted to. Something seemed off though. The air around the woman didn't seem normal. Kura twitched a wing but spoke. "Hello."
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bigbrotherbakura-blog · 11 years
ask-succubus-mariku started following you
"Your hair is weird." The little boy scrunched up his nose.
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shoot-of-corruption · 11 years
Excuse me while I just ツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツ
((Excuse me while I just derp and send you the inward Mariku reaction I got right now…Ready? 
*HUGS YOU LIKE HELL* I’m so happy to hear that from you ;w; ))
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starbrightbakura · 11 years
"Bakura, you seem fairly...emotionally distant." The Succubus speaks rather plainly, "But it appears I've had a spell cast which wipes my emotional slate clean. Tell me, dear, how do you pass the time..?"
"By doing whatever I wish. However ‘emotionally distant’ as you put it by no means makes me emotionless. I am afraid I have no particular advice." He licks at his scar thoughtfully. "Other than; this state may allow you to carry out necessary plans you previously found yourself far too squeamish to complete. You could make use of your time, had you had any such plans."
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wicked-avatar-blog · 11 years
Tumblr media
"Hello there!"
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shadowgodling · 11 years
Mariku jolted a little as she felt him pull her to her feet- awkwardly shifting a little as she felt her head sink a little. Lips quivering, she pulled them into a warm smile, "I suppose I should say thankyou." She gives a nod of her head, "So, thankyou. I'll be... more aware of my playful tendencies."
"You don’t need to thank me. You apologized, I accepted it. That’s all there is to it." He returned the nod, his posture stiff if only because he was unsure how to reconcile his formal treatment of her with his gratitude at the apology. "I’d appreciate that. I don’t like being mocked."
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