#aslihan fahri-bailey
providencepeakrp · 2 years
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                  “Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids.”
The city of Providence Peak and all neighboring towns are invited to attend the Pharaoh Tutankhamun Centennial Banquet, which is to celebrate the anniversary since the discovery of the boy-king’s in-tact tomb and the grand opening of the new History of Egypt wing at Providence Peak’s History Museum. The new wing features two separate exhibits, one for Ancient Egypt and the other for Modern Egypt with each having three floors, an indoor play area for children ages 4-12 and a daycare area for ages 0-4 with both matching the Ancient Egypt theme, a café serving both cuisine found in ancient and modern Egypt times, a gift shop catering to the new wing entirely, and a new IMAX theater located in-between the two exhibits that will show a variety of documentaries on Egypt.
All costumes are created by Maya Lee in partnership with the creative team behind the Pharaoh’s Golden Parade and the Avenue of the Sphinxes Grand Opening. All performers, singers, the choir, and the live band were all a part of the parade that took place in Cairo-Giza and the grand opening in Luxor, and have all graciously traveled from Egypt to Providence Peak for the banquet.
On behalf of Doctor Fahri-Bailey and the museum, in partnership with the country of Egypt and the Egyptian Tourism Authority, we welcome you to dress up to the nines in your best formal suit or gown and come join us for this spectacular event!
While the café won’t open officially until the 5th at 11AM, when the wing is opened to the public, all guests to the banquet are allowed and encouraged to bring their children so that they may get a sneak peak at the playground and a special performance to watch The Prince of Egypt at 7PM in the IMAX theater, which adults are also invited to watch as well. There will also be a special showing of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns in the IMAX theater as well, what with The Mummy showing at 9PM and The Mummy Returns showing at 11:30 PM. The gift shop will be open from 7PM until 11PM, in case guests would like to purchase any items before the general public.
Once the wing’s curator, Doctor Aslihan Fahri-Bailey, gives her opening speech, our guests are invited to walk through the new exhibits and get a very first sneak peak before the wing is opened to the general public. Guests are also invited to enjoy an Ancient Egyptian-inspired buffet catered by the Silk Road Restaurant, where performances shall be made by dancers and live entertainment. A live band will also be playing and dancing shall commenced from 7PM until 3AM.
This event will be kicking off November 10th at 12 PM EST and end on November 16th, 2022 at midnight EST.
Previous threads do not have to be paused, but we encourage everyone to participate.
Activity checks and acceptances will be held as usual.
This event is a formal black tie affair and suits and gowns are expected.
Have fun and be sure to relax and enjoy this event! Please tag all event related posts with providence.event and be sure to check the starter blog for open event starters.
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yasdogan · 6 months
closed starter for @draslihanxfahri-bailey at sultanim
With as distracted as her mind had felt in the last few weeks, Yas had almost forgotten that she’d scheduled dinner with her cousin. Luckily the reminder pinged on her phone and she was able to get dressed and out the door with plenty of time to spare before their reservation. Asli was already there when Yas walked up towards the entrance, Yas greeting her with a soft smile and a quick wave. “Hey,” she called out as she got closer. “Table ready for us already?” They were both a little early, but the restaurant didn’t seem particularly busy, the perfect atmosphere for a quiet dinner out.
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khalilhassan · 10 months
location — natural history museum.
character — @draslihanxfahri-bailey
His small contribution to the museum had gotten him a few perks, one being that while the museum closed to regular closed at a certain hour, his membership gave him one more hour to linger in the beauty of it all without the crowd circling him like sharks. His request to speak with one of the curator's had been met with a short walk to the woman's office, where the agent's knuckles rapped softly against the wooden door before he stepped in with a small smile. "I hope you don't mind. I was about to do a walk through of your wing and thought I'd see if you were in. It's been a while. How've you been?"
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rcmandaniels-archive · 8 months
→ frontier foods. closed for @draslihanxfahri-bailey
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It was one of the good days. Roman could sense if the day would be good or bad the minute he woke up, and his intrinsic knowledge of this hadn't let him down in years. And because it was a good day, he decided to take advantage to get some chores done. With a list written in Ophelia's careful script in hand, he decided to get grocery shopping ticked off the list, re-introducing himself to the store that he would regularly come to with Kaya when living together, for no other reason than to just be with her, and help get items off tall shelves.
As he rounded the corner, he noticed a woman attempting to grab something and, thinking of Kaya and good karma and all, stepped on over. "I can help you, if you like?" Left arm already reaching to grab whatever she needed, but pausing on the off-chance she had a short temper and told him to piss off. "I mean, my mum would probably kill me if I left someone struggle this way, she always said to use my height to others' advantage." Roman wasn't the tallest man by any means, but compared to his own family, he was basically the Green Giant.
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dylan-westwick · 9 months
character: Aslihan Fahri-Bailey @draslihanxfahri-bailey
location: The Westwick-Bailey House; Claret Park
Dylan heard the doorbell and tried to run through the list of people. Her mom was going to be here in a few days but not yet and she had just finished feeding and burping both babies but they were still up as she bounced them around carefully for both her sake and their sake. She shifted Leda into the newborn carrier since Lysander was still a little too small for it, so she cradled him as she used her open hand to open the door. "Oh my goodness! Look who it is guys! Dodah Asli with food for Mommy and Daddy." She shifted Lysander a bit so Asli could see his sweet little face as she also shifted herself so she could see Leda as well who was squirming as she got comfortable in the carrier.
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phoebeyates-archive · 8 months
→ aslihan’s office, the natural history museum. closed for @draslihanxfahri-bailey
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Bridget Jones once proclaimed that “it is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.” Phoebe, upon her first viewing of the movie, didn’t really get what Bridget meant (but of course, the brunette was also seven and a majority of what was said in the movie flew over her head) but now, two decades on, she got it. Things with Foster were back to how they were (maybe even better, but there was a slight chance of her romanticizing things), and whilst the unopened box was still shoved in the back of her closet, it wasn’t plaguing her every waking thought anymore.
Work, however, was a bit more disastrous. 
Phoebe knew it was her fault, that the higher-ups had been signaling Aslihan out, pulling her up for the most arbitrary of reasons. Plus, the unexpected parcel had given the interns and other staff more ammunition to belittle Phoebe, and it was very reminiscent of middle school all of a sudden. She had just been down in the Archives, getting herself into an argument with one of the workers there, who sneered at her and told her to ‘cry to mommy about it’. And though extremely tempted, she was proud of herself for not swinging at them, instead stomping up to Aslihan’s office and throwing herself on her self-designated couch. “I hate it here.” She confessed, face buried in the decorative cushions. “I want to set all their fucking twigs and dinosaur bones on fire.”
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katerinadelarosa · 11 months
closed starter for @draslihanxfahri-bailey at the baby shower
"You know, it's starting to get to the point that I'm going to lose track of all the Bailey kids running around," she teased, flashing a smirk Asli's way as she took a sip from the drink in her hand. Kat certainly wasn't going to complain, she loved having so many people in her life that had kids. There was something to be said for being the occasional babysitter and cool aunt that could then give the kids back and go back to her travels. "Is Alex ready to have more kids in the family?"
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mayxlee · 6 months
location: barks and recreation adoption event.
character: @draslihanxfahri-bailey​​ & maya.
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As Maya strolled through the bustling adoption event at Barks and Recreation, her heart swelled with warmth at the sight of so many adorable furry friends seeking forever homes. The atmosphere was vibrant, with families and volunteers mingling amidst the rows of cages, each housing a hopeful dog or cat. Spotting her friend Asli among the crowd, the brunette couldn't help but smile and make her way over. "Have you seen all these cute faces?" Maya exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Thank God, I found a hot chocolate to distract me otherwise I would return home with five more pets."
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foster-notmatty · 6 months
—Starter for @draslihanxfahri-bailey Location: Holy Spirits
Food service was over, which meant there was no reason for Foster to still be camping out in the backroom. He would join the crowds eventually, but there was something exhausting about joining a party after working and knowing everyone else would already be two drinks ahead of you. He was working up to it, and in the meantime, it was easier to just sit back here with his phone, letting Phoebe entertain him with her texts as he fought the impulse to just go home to her instead.
He heard the door open, the steps too hesitant to belong to any of the staff at the bar. "Bathroom's down the hall," he said before looking up to find Asli before him. "Oh, uh, sorry. It's just- this isn't the bathroom. Obviously. I've been having to explain that all day."
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max-cortez · 2 years
continued from here @draslihanxfahri-bailey
He wanted to find his own things to help him settle into a place, whether that was Providence Peak or a city a thousand miles away from it. He was growing tired of jumping place to place; tired of settling in, only to leave again because of some fear within him or because he just didn't feel like he fit. A lopsided, barely-there smile formed on his mouth as she spoke about everything and how it seemed to have fallen into place for her. "It sounds like you've got it all figured out here. Must be one hell of a feeling." He was envious of her and how certain she was, but it was no one's fault other than his own for the fact that he was never certain about anything. "I could use some friends," he countered with a quiet laugh. "I don't think Kat would ever say it, but I don't want to be that guy who hovers. I'm putting myself out there though." He would consider Rachel a friend. They were sleeping together, but did that detail really need to be shared with the world? "That's cool that you all knew other when you were younger. I don't think I still talk to anyone that I knew as a kid."
He his reasons for wanting to visit each place, but in the end, it all boiled down to beauty. "Honestly? I was looking at this travel magazine once while I waited for a train out of New York. It had all of these places in it and I just remember a few of them and how I wanted to go there. Rio is more of a art thing." He wanted to see the street art for himself and if he were lucky, perhaps even add a piece of himself into a wall. It was every artist's dream, but confessing to such a thing would have meant owning up to his secret hobby and that was something he couldn't quite do. "Besides, who needs a reason to go anywhere? The world is a big place. It would be a shame if we spent all of our time in the same spot."
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atlaswilliams · 1 year
location — bailey's residence, library
character — @draslihanxfahri-bailey
The Bailey library should have been labeled as the eighth wonder of the world. It wasn't nearly as big as it'd been in London, but it was much bigger than most of the personal libraries he'd ever stepped into. Dark hazel hues flecked in golden honey scanned over the sections of books, a half smile hanging on his mouth as he thought back to the first time he'd accidentally stumbled into the library and all of those times after. How anyone obtained so many books and fine liquor that was older than he was, he'd never quite understand. Step for step, the male moved closer to the shelves, fingertips brushing against the spines of literature he'd heard of, but had never picked up. No one was to blame for his stunt in educational growth but himself, and yet, being in a space full of knowledge made him want to learn again. It ignited that curiosity in his chest that had burned out years ago. A breath caught in his throat as he heard the door open from behind, but he knew those quiet steps as they neared, leaving his gaze to wander over another section of books. "They never move anywhere without their collection, huh? Where's the rest of it? 'Cause I know this isn't everything they've got."
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yasdogan · 9 months
closed starter for @draslihanxfahri-bailey at the holiday market
Walking around the holiday marketplace and seeing all the different booths set up with foods from around the world was always a delight, especially when she was able to do so with family. Strolling over towards the next booth with Asli by her side, Yas gave a raised brow as she looked over at the menu. "These do...not look particularly authentic," she said as they got into the line, a furrowed brow overtaking as she got up on her tiptoes to take a look at the food that was being served out. Of course, it was never the case that every food could be as authentic and traditional as some of the restaurants in Providence Peak offered, but this booth in particular had her head tilted in question. "I mean, it's been ages since I've been home, but I don't remember seeing anything that looked like...that."
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khalilhassan · 1 year
location — downtown at the vendors
character — @draslihanxfahri-bailey
The by-chance bump into Aslihan had left the pair roaming the various stands on each side of the street. They'd caught up, mostly, but there was still something he wanted to tell her. Something that didn't matter all that much, but a thought he assumed she'd appreciate nonetheless. "Speaking of your exhibit, I had a friend of mine ask me where I'd go if I could pick anywhere in the world." He let the curiosity build between a few steps before a small smile showed on his mouth and his gaze shifted to meet with hers. "I told him that because of our exhibit, I'd want to check out Egypt. There seems to be a lot more to be learned, and what better place to learn it than there?" If he ever got to travel, he'd make it the first stop on his list. Before the other got a chance to answer, Khalil put his arm out towards a food stand. "Do you mind? It's on me. All of this looking has me hungry."
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jesseelmassalamy · 11 months
— characters: jesse & aslihan — setting: high rollers — partner: @draslihanxfahri-bailey
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What had drawn Jesse to High Rollers? The promise of a surprise show by the roller derby girls. Back when he had resided in his hometown of Boston and still had a good relationship with his sister Jesse used to go and watch her sometimes. It wasn't a regular gig for her but something she enjoyed and had fun with. Usually her life as a law student left little time so he'd made an effort then.
What he hadn't expected to see was Aslihan skating around in a matching costume, of very bright colors, with her supposed spouse. Something niggled at him as he watched her have a good time going round and round with someone she clearly loved.
Partly, the barista felt jealous. Mostly, Jesse felt more confused than ever. Since their run-in at the Renaissance Faire he'd been chewing on all that she had spilled out to him, and while he admittedly took full blame for their downfall there were still aspects that didn't seem right or fair.
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As she neared the wall he was leaning against, Jesse was unsure if she'd seen him or not, but figured she needed a little breather. "You look like you're having fun out there," he said, decided on speaking up.
"Is this going to be a thing now— every time I see you, you'll be in costume?"
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dylan-westwick · 11 months
character: Aslihan Fahri-Bailey @draslihanxfahri-bailey
location: Westwick-Bailey Baby Shower; Bailey's Estate
Rather than mulling around to say hello like Dylan would have wished she could have done, she was instructed that if she so much as tried to move off the little couch, there would be consequences. Normally she would have retorted that she wasn't a child, but considering she really felt like standing up probably would be a lot more difficult without help in her current position, she was going to just let it go. She watched everyone else from her position, a little nervous about her sisters, or really just June, saying something embarrassing. Not that she hadn't already said some embarrassing things in front of Dylan. When she saw Asli approaching though she let out a small sigh of relief. "Hey, is it just me or do I look real silly just sittin' here like I'm waitin' for people to come approach me and greet me?" She knew that Theo had told her that she was a princess this Halloween and now she was dressed like a goddess but she didn't expect people to bow to her. "Have ya gotten a chance to talk to my mom yet?"
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phoebeyates-archive · 6 months
→ starview drive-in theater, friday 5th april 2024. closed for @draslihanxfahri-bailey
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“Can I tell you a secret?” Phoebe had leaned over from where she was in the backseat, squished between Rhia and Alex, thankful that the elder of Asli’s daughters was momentarily distracted to really care what her “big sister” was confessing into her mom’s ears. “I didn’t really like animated movies growing up, something about talking animals freaks me out. Also, I thought Migration would be more of a March of the Penguins deal.” Despite being a certified couch potato with the TV on almost 24/7, cartoons weren’t exactly the desired viewing in the Yates’ household growing up. Why enjoy the rags to riches tale of Cinderella when you could get the riches to rags saga of The Simple Life after all? “Should we take a snack break before it starts?”
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