#asoiaf fandom is madder than mad king aerys
daenerys-daario · 3 years
Why bookhousestark copy ivashkovadrian and anya-chalotra gifsets???
You are really seething with rage over the fact that people are creating canon content for Jon Snow, huh?
Does it hurt that he is no longer just a stand-in for a perfect prince that you can hitch to whoever is your fave? Does it bother you that fans are remembering book!Jon Snow and not miserable-faced Kit Harington? Does it hurt that fans are remembering that canon!Jon Snow is smart, decisive, ruthless, and seems to hold those who break societal conventions in great regard? Does it enrage you that people are recognising that Jon and Arya share a special bond (be it romantic or platonic)? Is it irritating that even people who don't ship Jonrya are acknowledging that fact, and reblogging those gifsets?
To how many peoples inboxes have you copy-pasted this ask? The last two anon hate were copy-pasted to over 10 other blogs, right?
This is like the 3rd or 4th anon hate I have gottten this month. This is not normal or healthy behaviour. I am neither the admin nor a member of @bookhousestark. bookhousestark has NEVER stolen any gifs from @ivashkovadrian or @anya-chalotra. I would say their gif styles are pretty different too.
Anon, it seems that you wanted to bother Lina, but she has blocked you and so you could only harass people who reblog her stuff.
The fact that people are creating their own character-appreciation months and events, and creating content for it is bothering you so much that you are stalking over 10-20 blogs for the past 2 weeks.
You actually need some intervention... some therapy. This is not normal or healthy behaviour.
If you are flushed with anger and typing out anon hate and copy-pasting it to ten different blogs and making empty blogs to send messages to people who have their anon off... all over the simple fact that some people aare creating fan events of their own... you need help. I am not joking.
Please consult a psychologist or a therapist. You seem to be very frustrated with your life.
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
Etherealdany is nothing more than a pathetic liar and a fucking coward.
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Okay, just to be clear, here is a list of CRIMES that @etherealdany had committed:
she was in tumblr a while back with a group of mutuals who were very much into puritan shipping. however, she wasn't. she was into asoiaf (a piece of problematic media) and hence her ships were also problematic (possibly, age-gaps or incest). because she felt pressured and was apprehensive about revealing her ships, she quit tumblr and went to twitter. later she rejoined tumblr, but obviously didn't contact the people who would probably shame her for her ships. so, these people thought navya shipping whatever she wanted and not wanting to be in a negative fandom space is "a betrayal" and that "it felt like a personal attack".
Firstly, I have a genuine question for you people:
Do You Guys Hear Yourselves?
Do you realise how utterly deranged, petty and out-of-touch you sound?
Somebody shipping whatever the hell they want is not a violence against you! Somebody going in and out of online-fandoms or irl-fandoms is not a violence against you! Somebody staying in touch with their old friends or is not a violence against you!
I did not know that we are doing a live-action version of Mean Girls! "On wednesdays, we wear pink! And then Navya didn't wear pink on a wednesday! And now she even dares to go and sit at another table. And then she was even laughing and enjoying with those other people! Now, she says she doesn't like pink, but blue?!?! And she didn't even give us an explanation or jusification!"
Listen... I am not a stereotypical high-school girl from a 90s romcom movie. So, I don't care.
Secondly, I wish I had your problems! I truly truly do. I would sincerely pray to god that at least in my next birth I would get to be you! You guys seem to be living my dream life!
I wish I was so privileged that one of my chief issues was that an internet friend I had two years back, started to ship something I hate or stan a character I hate!
I wish I had your level of problems. Compared to yours, my level of problems seems to be on a completely different level.
During my high-school years, I had to stop someone from physically assaulting my friend in the middle of a road, and now they are my good friend! During my college years, people who called me names behind my back were the ones who stood up and (physically) fought off political party members who came to harass me. Classmates who plotted against me during college are the people I would gladly shake hands and hug, whenever I meet them for a reunion. Because in hindsight, those matters seemed trivial and petty, and I could only laugh at our pettiness and foolishness.
These are the level of fights-between-friends I am used to. This is the society I've lived in. This is the level of maturity and magnanimity I deal with on a daily basis.
So, these complaints of "she stanned a fictional character I didnt like and didn't tell me" can only seem ridiculous to me! They would seem ridiculous to anyone in my society. In fact, they would seem ridiculous to anyone who has to actually deal with people in their daily life and whose world is not limited to internet drama.
So, please understand that these "receipts" that you bring only expose how privileged you are, instead of exposing Navya. Also, despite searching high and low you could NOT find any true "crime" to pin on Navya, except that she lied about her ships and the chaaracters she stanned.
Just reflect on that.
Thirdly and lastly, just... how much effort did you put in for this?
You had to take screenshots of all these old blogs that you had to find. In fact, this upset you so much that you were taking screenshots for a whole day - from morning 6am, to 9pm to midnight!
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Then, you had to make it sound controversial. After which, you send this ask to over 20 people who interacted with the blog of @etherealdany. Not just her mutuals, or her followers, even people who ever reblogged something from her! You found that many of them don't have anon-ask on. You had to create an empty fake blog. Then, send these exact copy-pasted asks to over 20 blogs.... Is all this effort worth it?
This is not me mocking you or being sarcastic:
A Genuine Piece of Advice: Don't invest this much time and effort into things or people you hate! You are giving Navya too much power over you!
This almost seems like you have a secret-crush on Navya!
Maybe Navya reblogged a post of yours with a rude comment - either reply to it, or you can block and move on! In fact, block her and all her mutuals and friends, and then continue with your fandom life. Curate your fandom space. Or maybe she was your friend and she ships something you find disgusting, tell her that you can't continue to be in contact with her, then block and move on!!
Or else, be like me: understand that people have different tastes and thoughts, and they don't exist solely to cater to your whims. Many of my mutuals ship things I dislike (not just in asoiaf fandom but other fandoms too)! It is not a crime that I need to accuse them of. If I really can't stomach the ship, I'd use tag filtering so that I dont have to see it on my dash.
I wish I could live in your world - where everyone had the same thoughts as mine, and stanned the same characters, and shipped the same things; and any deviation was a heinous crime. And I could claim to be "betrayed" when I find it to be otherwise.
Unfortunately, I live in the real world! I have bigger things to worry about. In short,
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And I would ask you to kindly exit my blog
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
If you are just taking religious text and making certain characters chant verses from it (in a language that doesn't even exist in this fictional world) you are implying that those characters are followers of those religion!
In a world with fictional religion, you were the one who decided to use actual real-world religious verses.
It would be weird if Greyjoys suddenly started reciting Quran too.
That's not cultural referencing, dear.
Though it would be equally weird, if in your fanfiction, half-way through Hodor starts delivering a Shakespearen monologue!
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
"Robert was dreadful at relationships."
What an interesting way to say that he used to rape women!
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daenerys-daario · 2 years
What's your opinion on Jon Snow in the show?
in case, anyone forgot, this was show!jon:
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my thoughts on show!jon:
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and thinking of how much of a clusterfuck he made:
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whenever i reread asoiaf, i generally feel (even though i am not even a book!jon fan):
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I once said that show!jon would start crying and pissing himself, if he ever met book!jon. I still stand by it.
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
i just saw a post comparing dorne & the north (weird choice, but ok). and i literally had to laugh out loud when one of the parallels was "unconquered by dragons".
dorne, i get it, their assimilation was through marriage. but north???
and the funny thing is they had said that torrhen stark knelt but dragons didnt conquer them... sure...
so, a quick question: why do you think torrhen stark knelt? was he doing yoga? was he tired of standing for too long, so decided to give kneeling a try?
this is utterly laughable to be honest! this is fact-denying levels of fandom worship!
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
Hello there!! I just read your answer about george and the names (Khalessi) and I couldn't help but remember the arguments according to certain woke stans that Young griff (supposedly Aegon) is the son of the sun spoken of in the prophecy they told Daenerys.
Why is young griff the son of the sun according to these people? because apparently Elia's name means sun or something like that and that is why he is the son of the sun and not quentyn...
Not even because of the Martell emblem, the name Elia.
That is absurd right?
Hi there, anon! 🙋
Oh yeah, their argument is that Elia is a derivative name of Helios, the Greek Sun god.
I don't think you can randomly drop 'H' and 's', and change an 'o' to 'a' and keep the same meaning. Moreover, Elia is a hebrew name meaning "My lord is [name of God]".
By that logic:
Artemis -> remove "t" = Aremis -> replace "e" with "a" = Aramis.
Gasp! 😲😲😲 One of the three musketeers is named after the Greek goddess of the Hunt!
You can't just randomly chop of words and syllables mid-name and ascribe random mythology to it. That's... that's not how language works.
Also, if you want a female name that has similar etymology as Helios, it is Helen. And, as I said, Elia already has another name meaning.
I debunked the "Khaleesi" and "Sansa" name meanings because I know Sanskrit and I follow Hinduism. I'm not a follower of Greek religion or Hebrew language, however this is common sense!
Furthermore, there is ALREADY a sun's son approaching Dany - Quentyn!! Quentyn Martell! Martell - the house whose symbol is the sun! I don't understand how asoiaf fandom can't see what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES. This fandom has lost its common sense a long while back.
To be quite frank, asoiaf fandom reminds me of a folktale I had heard as a kid:
One day, the villagers heard the anguished screams of a brahmin [upper -caste learned man]. When they rushed out of their homes, they witnessed an astonishing sight - a brahmin with his head stuck between the horns of a buffalo!
They somehow stopped the running buffalo, but were unable to free the brahmin, as his head was stuck between its horns.
As they tried to free him, they asked, "How did this happen?"
"I, myself, put my head between its horns." The brahmin answered.
They were shocked! They said, "Thirumeni, you are such a learned man! Why would you do this to yourself? How can you be so thoughtless?"
"Thoughtless?", retorted the brahmin. "Thoughtless? I have given this much thought! More thought that you would ever have in a lifetime! I have been thinking about putting my head in between buffalo horns for two years now!!!"
Moral of the Story: Knowledge and discernment are two completely different qualities. Discernment is moral essential than rot knowledge.
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
Name speculations like that idea about Khaleesi are always funny af to me, because they unintentionally claim GRRM is a total confused hack. For this to work it would assume GRRM tries to invoke vague associations linked to various global mythological entities via westernized phonetics entirely shitting on original semantics, arbitrarily combines them with total different, equally vague references and expects us to figure out his favourite sub-meaning among hundreds possible to get his point
On the other hand, there are enough people filling long reddit pages completely convinced that GRRM would use a name like Daenerys for us to figure out that he really meant Denarius (to link her to the coin flip and to teach us she certainly will fall on her bad side), or hundreds of combinations of the Dan + Ares syllables, to point to Hebrew and Greek gods, or two greek, or whatever etc. The idea is not that different to a style of theorizing parts of the fandom have done for a long time.
Maybe also a bit GRRM's fault? Didn't he kinda nurture name speculations of that kind in some of his interview utterings? I think I remember him making cryptic remarks about how "the names are important" or something. It sure keeps people engaged, keeping them spending time wildly speculating glued to an unfinished franchise by helplessly searching for distinct meaning in a pile of vagueness forever lol. 
Thank you!! Exactly!
Some of these “name meanings” really makes me want to pull my hair out and yell - “THAT’S NOT HOW NAMES WORK!! THAT’S NOT HOW LANGUAGE WORKS!!”
If I want my baby girl to have a name with a meaning of calmness and bliss, I might name her “Temperance Joy”. However, I will NOT name her “Temperoy” and hope that people deduce “Temperance + Joy = Temperoy”. That’s... that’s just not how names work!
Or imagine if we break down western names as asoiaf fandom does:
Jacob → Ja + Cob → Ja means Yes in German and Cob is a reference to corn cob → Hence, Jacob means “someone who says yes to corncob”!
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Using this technique, we can derive new meaning to any and all names!
Or maybe, we can’t randomly mix different languages and different mythologies without any syntactical structure to derive mEaNinGs from these names...
I cannot, in good faith, put this blame at the feet of GRRM though. Even if he said “names are important” or something, it doesn’t mean that people ought to chuck their common sense off a cliff to try and find meanings in these names.
Also, I do think names have some importance in asoiaf. For example, each of the names of direwolves seems to hold some meaning for their masters.  (Especially for the stark kids in the Key Five: Arya’s direwolf named after a warrior queen who saved her people. Summer is Bran’s direwolf indicating his contribution/role in the War for the Dawn. Jon’s Ghost is self-explanatory).
It’s just that when fandom starts acting like there is some Da Vinci Code in each of the names that fans have to decipher bit-by-bit, it becomes ridiculous.
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks [...]
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
me @ asoiaf fandom:
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