Are the Baratheon girls available to be in play?
Yes! Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn, and Floris are all open.
There is currently no Head of House of the Stormlands, so we are interested in a character acting as head of the house. It could be planed that Borros is communicating to whatever Baratheon is in play, and who ever picks up the Baratheon can communicate with Jon, our other Stormland heir until we get a Borros.
We also have the House Baratheon Page with a full list of Baratheon family members with their info.
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Your discord link isn’t working fyi
Oh no! It looks like we forgot to turn off the expire option
Here is our new link.
Thanks for letting us know!
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why do you allow minors to be written?
Hey there!
We are an 18+ server for our members, we allow writing characters who are minors because as we are all adults we believe it is well within our capabilities to do so in a way that is respectful and appropriate. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to RP an underage character as an adult, or even feeling personally uncomfortable in doing so. However, not allowing anyone to write these characters significantly restricts both our plot and the ways our members can interact together and explore their characters which, especially as a No Dance!AU, is the whole goal of the site. It is also important to note we do NOT allow for any NSFW content in our threads or chats, if members want to write NSFW content they MUST do so in private threads or DMs. Furthermore, if anyone writes NSFW content with underage age characters, even in private it will constitute an IMMEDIATE BAN, no strikes, no warnings, this is common sense, end of story. These are decisions that were made at the inception of the site and they will not be changed under any foreseeable circumstances. If members are unable to conduct themselves in a way that is coherent to these guidelines and respectful of our space and our other members that is an issue which will be addressed between them and our staff; we are all adults here and if they cannot behave in a way that befits a mindset of both empathy and nuance towards under-18 characters AND enjoy the complexity of the ASoIaF universe while still being SFW that is a bigger issue that indicates they do not have a level of maturity appropriate for our site.
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Thanks for the ask, ~ Mod Ivory
P.S. One final note, this is an RP site, but our main goal is and will remain to explore, develop, and grow our characters through writing. Part of allowing for minors to be written is because as time passes in our plot, there's no greater kind of character growth both in fiction and IRL than coming of age, discovering your path in life, and coming into your own. We are, by definition, a more hopeful take on the ASoIaF universe, one not free of conflict, but with a broader goal of viewing these characters through a more optimistic lens and that fundamentally includes the children so devastated or never even given a chance by the canon events receiving the opportunity for further exploration and growth.
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