lateiii · 2 months
En oo pariin vuoteen ollu aspahommissa, mutta miulla on ikävä sitä solidaarisuutta, joka eri aspahommissa olevien välillä vallitsi. Jos ei mitään muuta, niin tuomittiin yhessä ne kaikki ihmiset, jotka oli törkeitä myyjille tai jätti tavarat random hyllyyn logiikalla, että "se on niiden työ" tai "se lisäis työtä, ja saatais lisää työntekijöitä" (as if).
Haluuko joku jakaa kauhu- ja / tai huumorihetkiä omasta aspahommastaan?
Ite yritin kerran karkottaa hölisevää kantista ihan oikeesti 45 minuuttia (tietenkin kiltisti, mutta miulla oli töitä tehtävänä, oli vajaamiehitys, ja sillä ei ollu mitään kunnioitusta miun personal spacea kohtaan, joten en voinut hyvin). Lopulta kun pääsin töihin, se seuras minuu kassalle ja jatko siinä höpötystä. 💀
Humor me, pls.
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poliitikko · 1 year
Nautintoja elämässä, joista joudun kieltäytymään lähes päivittäin:
- Kaljan juominen töissä
- Asiakkaille vittuilu
- Yläkerran naapurin uhraaminen Saatanalle, jotta se oppis olemaan metelöimättä
- Viikonloppuvapaat
- Kieltäytyminen extra vuoroista, vaikka oon just tehnyt pidemmän työputken burnoutin partaalla
- Woltista tilaaminen ruoan tekemisen sijaan
- Maailmanvalloitus
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Aporte enviado por @c_nagrass3 [IG]
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wheatart · 2 years
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I did an art trade with @charreedart and I did her fanged horse Aspa!
Both of us are open for commissions!
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aspaglobalsblog · 21 days
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Authentication Market Insights Counterfeit Detection Methods Authentication Workshop Authentication Certification Authentication Best Practices Sharing Authentication Industry Collaboration Counterfeit Prevention Strategies Authentication Networking Events in India Counterfeit Awareness Campaigns
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psatalk · 3 months
ASPA meet at drupa24 for authentication & traceability
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The Authentication Solution Providers' Association (ASPA), a leading non-profit organization dedicated to advancing secure authentication solutions, recently announced its entry into the Middle East and Africa regions with the introduction of its MEA (Middle East & Africa) Chapter. This strategic move, marking ASPA's 25 years of combating counterfeits, aims to strengthen its global efforts against the proliferation of counterfeit goods, which pose severe risks to consumer safety, economic stability, and intellectual property rights. Industry veteran Ranesh Bajaj will assume the position of Chairperson at ASPA's MEA Chapter.
At the global meet held in conjunction with Drupa 2024 at Dusseldorf, the Governing body team of ASPA organized an interaction for professionals from the Authentication industry worldwide. This initiative will ensure greater cooperation between global companies regarding technology and service in the fight against counterfeiting.
Recognizing the Middle East and Africa as significant export hubs for various products, including pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, electronics, and luxury goods, ASPA acknowledges the critical importance of addressing counterfeiting issues before these products enter international supply chains. According to a recent report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), counterfeit goods account for up to 3.3% of global trade, with the Middle East and Africa contributing significantly to this challenge.
"Combating counterfeiting at the source is crucial to ensure the integrity of exported goods and protect global supply chains," says Manoj Kochar, president of ASPA. "By working collaboratively with stakeholders around the world, we can implement effective authentication measures, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and raise awareness among consumers, ultimately contributing to global economic growth and consumer confidence. Counterfeiting is a transnational threat that requires coordinated and collaborative efforts from stakeholders across borders."
ASPA endeavors to collaborate with stakeholders including manufacturers, brand owners, technology providers, law enforcement agencies, and policymakers in the Middle East and Africa to champion authenticity, safeguard consumer interests, and fortify legitimate businesses. The organization's strategic focus in these regions will center on research, advocacy, capacity building, and the advancement of best practices in authentication and traceability solutions.
"I am eager to lead ASPA's efforts in the Middle East and Africa," said Ranesh Bajaj, ASPA's MEA Chapter chairperson. "We will remain steadfast in upholding ASPA's core values and mission, working tirelessly to promote authentication solutions and protect consumers in these regions. Additionally, we aim to gather more like-minded stakeholders to join us in this collective endeavor."
The Drupa 2024 meeting saw participation from over 40 delegates from Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India, with media covering the event. Stakeholders and industry players connected and shared insights, showing great interest in ASPA's initiatives. Notably, Zbigniew Sagan, president of the International Tax Stamp Association (ITSA), also joined the meeting in an engaging session of the ASPA meeting at Drupa. ASPA and ITSA are also in touch, discussing an exciting potential collaboration. This interaction highlighted the event's success in fostering international cooperation and advancing the fight against counterfeiting.
This expansion underscores ASPA's commitment to fostering global partnerships and leveraging collective expertise in the fight against counterfeiting. The organization remains resolute in its mission to advance secure authentication solutions, promote industry best practices, and safeguard consumer interests worldwide.
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sosehpad · 6 months
Soins à domicile pour personnes âgées : Guide pratique
📘 Découvrez comment prendre soin des aînés chez eux! 🏡 #SoinsDomicile #GuidePratique 🧓💖
La mise en place de soins à domicile pour les personnes âgées est cruciale. Cela assure leur bien-être et leur permet de vivre confortablement. Reconnaître les besoins est la première étape. Il faut évaluer l’autonomie et les soins médicaux nécessaires. Le financement représente souvent un défi. De nombreuses aides existent, comme les allocations personnalisées d’autonomie (APA) en France,…
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mexicanistnet · 10 months
An aviation drama unfolds as the Aviators' Union challenges Viva Aerobus for hiring foreign pilots, citing legal violations. Legal fireworks loom, including T-MEC mechanisms. MAS Air pilots join the union frenzy, choosing ASPA in a high-flying showdown.
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apohrosis · 11 months
Άσπα - Ay Ay (Magissa) (Official Music Video)
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la-pheacienne · 6 months
I'm reading the lord of the rings and I'm once again amazed at how... good most characters are. Like, they are genuinely good people. They are a bunch of kindhearted, gracious, caring people, coming together under adverse circumstances and trying to figure things out and find a solution and support each other through it all. Like Frodo and Sam meet Faramir and Faramir is a bit suspicious at first and kind of implies Frodo may be a spy, and then when he hears his story and he's like Frodo, I pressed you so hard at first. Forgive me! It was unwise in such an hour and place. And this blows.my.mind. He wasn't even particularly mean or threatening to him in the beginning, he's just such a kind, considerate man, recognizing the kindness and honesty of another man. And they're all like that. Even Gollum starts slowly changing (for a short while) when he encounters Frodo because that's the thing about kindness and humility and grace, they are contagious. They transform people, even a creature like Gollum cannot be immune to that. Like, you may consider all this simple and basic and I get it but, hear me out. It is quite rare to see that in modern media and it is also pretty difficult to pull off in a way that is not corny and simplistic. It is mind blowing that you actually don't have to present the entire palette of human cruelty and vice in order to tell a compelling story, contrary to popular belief. Lotr does the exact opposite, and it is just beautiful and it warms my heart. Especially taking into consideration tolkien's pretty grim growing-up experience, him being a double orphan without a home, raised between an orphanage and a priest and having no family apart from his brother and then the war and then he almost dies and then he's poor as hell and then a second war and it all makes sense somehow. He writes to his wife who is also an orphan two days before the marriage "the next few years will bring us joy and content and love and sweetness such as could not be if we hadn't first been two homeless children and had found one another after long waiting" and, yes, yes! The love and sweetness just radiate from his work, the entire lotr series is a little radiant bubble of hope and love and grace that he imagined in his head to deal with a dismal reality and then he just gave that to the world, and isn't that what imagination and art is all about after all?
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urbandesignlab · 2 years
Ms. Kim Yesuel presented a paper at WPSC-ASPA 2022, Bali, Indonesia
Ms. Kim Yesuel presented a paper “a synthesis framework for urban thermal environment planning considering both static and dynamic indicators “ at 5th World Planning Schools Congress (WPSC) and 16th Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Congress (WPSC-ASPA 2022) from 29 August to 2 September 2022 organized by ASPI (The Indonesian Planning Schools Association) in Bali, Indonesia. She participated the PhD Colloquium. 
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welele · 3 months
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random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Sigurd Wettenhovi Aspa (Finnish, 1870 - 1946) - Fairytale
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aspaglobalsblog · 27 days
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ooc-sohvikset · 1 year
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sosehpad · 7 months
ASPA, L'Aide de Solidarité aux Personnes Âgées : Un Soutien Essentiel pour les Aînés
Découvrez comment l'ASPA 🔍 offre un soutien vital aux aînés 🧓💖 ! Une aide méritée. Lisez-en plus 👉 #SolidaritéAînés #ASPA
L’Allocation de Solidarité aux Personnes Âgées (ASPA) est une aide financière cruciale pour les seniors français aux ressources limitées. Elle assure un revenu minimal, permettant de vivre dignement. Pour en bénéficier, les candidats doivent remplir certaines conditions, telles que l’âge et les ressources. Récemment, des réformes ont été mises en place pour revaloriser ces montants, face à…
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