#assam laksa
curryleavesbistro · 7 months
Malaysian cuisine is influenced by other Southeast Asian countries like India, China, Indonesia, and Thailand. These influences all blend together harmoniously into the exotic flavors that Malaysian food is known for. What sets apart Malaysian food is its unique cooking traditions and practices that reflect the multi-ethnic makeup of the country.
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islifearecipe · 11 months
Top Ten Malaysian Main Dishes (with Recipes)
Malaysia, with its rich and diverse culture, offers a culinary experience like no other. Influenced by Chinese, Indian, and Malay cultures, Malaysian cuisine presents a unique blend of tantalizing flavors and ingredients. From spicy curries to savory noodles, the top ten Malaysian main dishes are sure to take your taste buds on a delightful journey. 1. Nasi Lemak – A Fragrant Coconut…
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quieteating · 2 years
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Sambal Shiok
As memory fades, I tend to repeat the same mistakes again and again.
In an even more worrying sign of my decrepitude, I seem to blank out pain.  Either that, or I am drawn too easily towards fiery heat.  This masochistic tendency often ends up in tears.  So when the waiter kindly cautioned that these dishes were HOT, I stupidly ignored him.
Signature curry laksa, rice noodles, tofu puffs, bean sprouts, green beans with classic chicken.  I did wonder what classic chicken was.  A few (6?) chicken slivers.  Although the portion sizes were a bit miserly, the soup base was good, the noodles well done but it was the spice which brought many tears.  Then again, looking at the menu, it may have been combined with a rather full price.  I never learn.
Mandy’s Assam Laksa, spicy sour, fruity fragrant with rice noodles, mackerel, galangal, shrimp paste, tamarind and lemon grass.  As my dining companion had gone with something more edible (medium spice please), I could taste more here besides unrelenting fire.  Sweet, sour and spicy combined with shredded mackerel and pineapple to remind me of being back in the South East.  A much more pleasant experience.
Pandan almond cake with coconut yoghurt.  A delightful end to the meal with sweet pandan and cooling yoghurt on the side.  Soothed my burning throat.  The taste was good but being somewhat of an avid baker of pandan goods myself, it was not something that special.  Could have done this at home.
For as much as I moan and complain, it is good to see somewhere offering more than generic South East Asian food.  It also had not really been dumbed down that much for Western palates (or perhaps it was just what I got).  It was a decent meal, but I wouldn’t necessarily be hurrying back as it is a bit pricey for what it is.  On the plus side, perhaps this visit will improve my memory, as even half a day after visiting, my mouth was still burning.
  A quiet eating 7.5/10.
Lunch (a laksa and a dessert) was GBP20 excluding drinks and service.
  Sambal Shiok
171 Holloway Road London N7 8LX
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Actually my intention was to have this for dinner over the May Day weekend but Pizza Hut Singapore does not have the 50% promotion on so I waited till the holiday was over. Wanted the prawn version but the staff told me they don’t have which I assumed is out of stock so I gotten a large Chicken Assam Laksa Pan Pizza instead at S$19.95 (after discount). I love the savoury assam sauce, topped with spicy chicken chunks, sweet pineapples and sliced onions with a zesty squeeze of lime for a citrusy surprise. According to the menu and pictures of others, there are supposed to be fresh mint leaves but that was missing here.
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Selected image and video courtesy of Pizza Hut Singapore.
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illiteraterainbow · 9 months
Noodles in Spicy Sour Soup/Assam Laksa
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saerily · 10 months
Noodles in Spicy Sour Soup/Assam Laksa
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bvbkirsche · 1 year
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Penang Assam Laksa for Fathers Day
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foodmyheart · 1 year
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Enjoying home made Assam Laksa. My wife has been craving this and finally had the chance to make it today! Source: https://reddit.com/r/foodporn
http://foodmyheart.tumblr.com | https://campsite.bio/foodmyheart
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handweavers · 2 years
what is your fave type of laksa? I personally love curry + assam!
nyonya laksa + kl-style kari laksa are my favourites 💞 i don't mind assam from time to time but i have to be in the mood for the sourness
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smara2001 · 18 days
Exploring the Culinary Delights of Malaysia: A Gastronomic Journey
Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures, and this diversity is wonderfully reflected in its cuisine. The country's food scene is vibrant and diverse, offering everything from humble street food to high-end dining experiences. Whether you're indulging in the rich flavors of Malay, Chinese, Indian, or even Western cuisines, Malaysia has something to satisfy every palate. If you're planning a trip and looking for more activities, check out the best spots for shopping in Malaysia and delve deeper into the country's culinary scene by exploring more about restaurants in Malaysia.
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Street Food: The Heartbeat of Malaysian Cuisine One cannot talk about Malaysian food without mentioning its incredible street food. Hawker centers and street stalls are scattered throughout the country, particularly in cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Malacca. These places offer an array of dishes that are both delicious and affordable.
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Penang Assam Laksa: A tangy and spicy fish-based noodle soup that is a must-try.
Nasi Lemak: Considered the national dish, it consists of coconut rice served with anchovies, peanuts, boiled egg, cucumber, and sambal.
Char Kway Teow: Stir-fried flat noodles with prawns, eggs, and bean sprouts, cooked over high heat for a smoky flavor.
Fine Dining: Elevating Malaysian Cuisine
While street food is a crucial part of the culinary landscape, Malaysia also boasts an impressive array of fine dining establishments. These restaurants often blend traditional flavors with modern techniques, creating unique and unforgettable dining experiences.
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Dewakan: Located in Kuala Lumpur, Dewakan is renowned for its innovative approach to Malaysian ingredients, earning it a spot on Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list. Cantaloupe at Troika Sky Dining: Offers a stunning view of the Petronas Towers along with an exquisite menu that combines European and Asian influences. Marini's on 57: Situated on the 57th floor, this restaurant offers Italian cuisine with a spectacular panoramic view of the city skyline.
Fusion Cuisine: A Blend of Cultures
Malaysia's diverse population has led to the creation of fusion dishes that are a delightful mix of different culinary traditions. These dishes represent the harmonious coexistence of the various ethnic groups in Malaysia.
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Nyonya Cuisine: A blend of Chinese ingredients with Malay spices, resulting in rich, flavorful dishes such as Nyonya Laksa and Ayam Pongteh. Banana Leaf Rice: An Indian-inspired meal where rice and various accompaniments are served on a banana leaf, traditionally eaten with hands. Roti Canai: A type of flatbread influenced by Indian cuisine, often enjoyed with dhal or curry.
Seafood: Fresh from the Ocean
Being a country surrounded by water, Malaysia offers a bounty of fresh seafood. Coastal towns and islands are the best places to enjoy these delicacies, often prepared in various local styles.
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Ikan Bakar: Grilled fish marinated with a blend of spices, typically served with a squeeze of lime and spicy sambal. Chili Crab: A popular dish in both Malaysia and Singapore, featuring crabs cooked in a thick, sweet, and spicy sauce. Prawn Mee: A flavorful noodle soup made with a rich prawn broth, topped with large, juicy prawns.
Vegetarian and Vegan Options
While Malaysian cuisine is often meat-centric, there are plenty of vegetarian and vegan options available. Many traditional dishes can be easily adapted to suit dietary preferences.
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Vegetarian Nasi Lemak: A plant-based version of the national dish, with all the delicious components minus the meat. Vegan Char Kway Teow: Stir-fried flat noodles with tofu, vegetables, and a savory soy-based sauce. Tofu Satay: Skewered and grilled tofu served with a rich peanut sauce, a delightful alternative to the traditional meat satay.
The culinary scene in Malaysia is a true reflection of its rich cultural tapestry. From street food to fine dining, every meal is a new adventure, a new story to be told. So, whether you're a food enthusiast or just someone who loves to eat, Malaysia's restaurants promise an unforgettable gastronomic journey. Don't forget to plan your itinerary to include a mix of street vendors, traditional eateries, and modern restaurants to fully experience the diverse flavors of this amazing country.
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40sandfabulousaf · 2 months
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大家好! I've had naengmyeon (Korean cold noodles) before, but not dong bei leng mian (cold noodles from Northeastern China). On a very hot afternoon this week, I finally tried it. Both taste similar - tart from vinegar - except the Chinese version was slightly sweet and had more veggies. Mine came with cucumber and ginger strips, diced tomato, pickled cabbage, hardboiled egg and the bounciest noodles ever. I wouldn't call them QQ, they were doinkdoink! Between this and tomato egg noodles, I prefer the latter, but on a hot day, this was pleasant.
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It was my first time catching up with LL at the swimming club. She enjoyed our lunch of laksa, oyster egg and seafood assam pedas (a Muslim seafood stew believed to have originated from Indonesia). Besides sharing the 3 dishes, we ended our meal with lava cake and vanilla ice cream. LL liked the relaxed ambience of the swimming club and the lack of crowds because going anywhere on weekends, including tourist favourite, Orchard Road, is a nightmare if you don't enjoy squeezing with throngs of people. For a change, I made a video of the premises and food because there's a restriction of 10 photos per post. So... enjoy!
Besides collecting the 3 tubs of Legend Age moisturisers I'd ordered from LL, I also tried a new product - their eye cream. After dotting eyes with cream, the top of the tube doubles up as a massager. Like their moisturiser, this is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving it supple, smooth and velvety. There's no need to use a lot of it, which saves money, a godsend during these inflationary times. It's very relaxing to have an eye massage at the end of a long work day! I passed a tube to Mummy and she was equally impressed after trying it.
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Meanwhile, over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza. Famine is still setting in, especially in the north. Israel claims to have let in more aid trucks and there were reports of 3 bakeries resuming operations, but bread alone won't eradicate malnutrition that now plagues many adults and children alike. Nourishing foods like meat and vegetables, if they can be found, are prohibitively expensive to most. New mothers aren't producing enough milk to feed their infants; even if these babies survive, who knows what damage is done to their health and internal organs, and how this will affect their futures.
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A child born into a family is usually a joyous affair but there's no joy for Palestinians as Israel continues to rain attacks on Gaza. What little joy there is, is short-lived. Many of these little ones are either killed or die from hunger. The immense pain and suffering continues until a ceasefire finally happens, if it happens at all. It looks unlikely as long as certain countries keep arming Israel, enabling it to act with impunity and total disrespect for the rest of the world. I can only pray these evil parties will be punished and punished severely for their wickedness. 下次见!
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chiefkideclipselamp · 3 months
Some HCs from your Waterbird AUS please?
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•Contrary to canon, percy has a great singing voice in this AU (both for plot reasons and because I subscribe to the hc of percy having a bit of siren powers)
•the first time they meet in this au
Romance AU- they meet in a little cafe where it was too crowded so they sat together and talked and talked until BOOM! Friends to lovers.
Thriller AU- their first confrontation resulted in an exploding building.
•I'm starting to see the appeal of combining both AUs but then I would have to write the miraculous love square type identity shenanigans ��
•Jason's favourite dish is this assam laksa noodle dish from a small shop run by an elderly nyonya lady while Percy's favourite dish is a meat stew Sally makes. This IS relevant to the plot because food is my love language and I intend to shove it onto all my favourite characters.
•Thriller AU would probably have Jason with his all blades because I intend for it to have more magical elements to it (not unless I change it to be as grounded as having a magical water Jesus as I can)
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susanreeed · 4 months
Urban Delights: City Escapes with Malaysia Holiday Packages
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Are you looking for an escape from the ordinary? Look no further than Malaysia's bustling cities, where urban delights await around every corner. From the towering skyscrapers of Kuala Lumpur to the picturesque streets of Penang and Malacca, Malaysia has a wide range of experiences for travelers looking for an unforgettable city break.
Explore Kuala Lumpur: The Vibrant Capital
Begin your urban travel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's lively capital city. Modernity meets tradition in this intriguing fusion of cultures and experiences. Admire the renowned Petronas Twin Towers, which were formerly the world's highest structures, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the observation deck. Dive into Chinatown's bustling streets, where fragrant fragrances and brilliant colors entice you to explore. Don't pass up the opportunity to try tasty street food or browse for gifts in the vibrant marketplaces. Visit the Batu Caves, a complex of limestone caves that house Hindu temples and shrines.
Read More: https://www.akshartours.us/internation-holidays/asia/Malaysia/l
Unveiling Penang: The Pearl of the Orient
Next, visit Penang, famed as the "Pearl of the Orient," to see colonial splendor and gastronomic pleasures. Explore George Town's UNESCO World Heritage-listed streets, which combine beautifully preserved colonial architecture with colorful street art to create a distinct ambiance. Wander through the crowded marketplaces and hawker centers, trying native dishes like Char Kway Teow and Assam Laksa. Visit historic places such as Fort Cornwallis and Kek Lok Si Temple, and don't forget to take photos of the city's famous street art murals.
Malacca: A Journey Through History
Travel back in time with a visit to Malacca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its rich history and cultural sites. Explore the narrow lanes of the Jonker Walk Night Market, where sellers sell antiques and handicrafts. Take a leisurely boat down the Malacca River, viewing the city's historic architecture and lively street art. Visit prominent monuments like A Famosa Fortress and St. Paul's Hill, and don't miss out on trying Nyonya cuisine, a unique blend of Malay and Chinese ingredients.
Diverse Culinary Scene in Malaysia
The unique food scene in Malaysia is a must-see for anybody visiting. Malaysia is a feast for the senses, with traditional Malay meals alongside Chinese, Indian, and Peranakan flavors. Local eateries serve aromatic curries, tasty roti, and fresh seafood, while a culinary tour reveals Malaysian cuisine's hidden beauties. Take a cooking class to discover the secrets of producing traditional Malaysian cuisine and bring a taste of Malaysia home.
Shopping and entertainment in urban Malaysia
Malaysia's cities provide a diverse range of shopping and entertainment options. Explore Kuala Lumpur's finest boutiques and fashionable malls, or bargain at lively street markets. Attend a live performance or cultural event, or relax with a drink at a rooftop bar viewing the city skyline. Malaysia's major centers provide a diverse range of entertainment alternatives, from traditional dance performances to cutting-edge art exhibitions.
Source URL: https://susanreeed.wixsite.com/home/post/urban-delights-city-escapes-with-malaysia-holiday-packages
Luxury Escapes: Opulent Experiences in Urban Malaysia
Malaysia's cities are ideal for people looking for a touch of luxury. Indulge in five-star accommodations, world-class restaurants, and personalized experiences. Luxury holiday packages provide the ultimate in relaxation and indulgence, with options ranging from spa retreats to private tours. Enjoy a relaxing massage, sample exquisite cuisine made by top chefs, and immerse yourself in the grandeur of metropolitan Malaysia.
In conclusion, Malaysian cities have a tempting blend of culture, history, and modernity, promising an unforgettable city vacation. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur, enjoying street food in Penang, or immersing yourself in the history of Malacca, Malaysia's urban delights will leave you wanting more. With a range of holiday packages available, now is the ideal time to start on a tour to see the wonders of metropolitan Malaysia.
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alanianatkinson · 9 months
"Kueh" means "cake" in Malaysian... When we opened the door to enter... We moved to a table next to the large Assam Laksa mural on the wall. It looks so real and inviting. ..found out the name of the whatchamacallit...boomerangue?
It was mid-morning when I Whatsapp-“ed” (tested / sent a message) to my cousin, Chris. I received a phone call from someone just before that, bringing up a matter that I let it slide because I thought it was resolved. Apparently not. It was like a thorn (a tiny one at that), pricking my foot. As for the word “Whatsapp” I am not sure if there is a past tense “ed” to it. Sounds better. Over here,…
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m980 · 10 months
Laksa Unleashed: Malaysia's Iconic Dish Conquering International Palates
In the colorful tapestry of Malaysian cuisine, few dishes are as beloved and iconic as laksa. This aromatic and flavorful noodle soup captures the essence of Malaysia's culinary diversity in a single bowl. As the nation's food and beverage exports gain momentum on the global stage, laksa has emerged as a star, captivating taste buds far beyond Malaysia's borders. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore how laksa, with its rich flavors and cultural fusion, is conquering international palates and becoming a culinary phenomenon in its own right.
Laksa: A Culinary Masterpiece
Laksa is more than just a dish; it's a culinary masterpiece that reflects Malaysia's cultural richness. This noodle soup combines elements of Malay, Chinese, and Peranakan cuisine, creating a harmonious fusion that celebrates the nation's diverse heritage. The base of laksa is a fragrant and flavorful broth, often infused with coconut milk and aromatic spices, creating a symphony of tastes that dance on the palate.
The Many Faces of Laksa
What makes laksa truly fascinating is its regional diversity. Throughout Malaysia, different states and ethnic groups have their own variations of laksa, each with its unique twist on the classic dish. From the fiery Assam Laksa of Penang, where tamarind gives the broth its tangy kick, to the rich and creamy Curry Laksa of Kuala Lumpur, every version of laksa tells a story of its origin and the cultural influences that have shaped it.
A Global Sensation: Laksa's International Journey
While laksa has long been cherished in Malaysia, its fame has transcended national borders through Malaysia's food and beverage exports. As food enthusiasts around the world become more adventurous and open to new flavors, laksa has captured their attention with its bold flavors and complexity. Restaurants, food stalls, and even home cooks have embraced this dish, introducing it to international palates and sparking a wave of laksa-inspired creativity.
Laksa Innovation: From Bowls to Burgers
As laksa gains popularity abroad, chefs and food innovators have taken the dish to new heights, creating exciting variations that showcase its versatility. Laksa-flavored burgers, laksa-inspired pastas, and even laksa-infused cocktails have emerged as creative adaptations, highlighting the dish's ability to blend harmoniously with diverse culinary cultures.
Cultural Diplomacy Through Laksa
Beyond its gastronomic appeal, laksa acts as a form of cultural diplomacy. By sharing laksa with the world through food and beverage exports, Malaysia invites people to experience the nation's rich heritage and traditions. Through a single bowl of laksa, individuals are transported to the bustling streets of Penang, the aromatic markets of Kuala Lumpur, and the cozy kitchens of Malaysian homes.
Laksa's Next Chapter: Global Culinary Affection
Laksa's journey is far from over. As international food enthusiasts continue to seek new flavors and experiences, laksa is poised to become a permanent fixture on global menus. Whether enjoyed in a traditional Malaysian eatery or reimagined in an innovative fusion restaurant, laksa's legacy as a cultural icon and culinary delight is firmly established.
Laksa's triumph on the international culinary stage is a testament to the power of flavor, culture, and innovation. Through food and beverage exports, Malaysia has shared the joy of laksa with people around the world, introducing them to the rich tapestry of Malaysian cuisine and heritage. As laksa conquers international palates, it reminds us of the ability of food to forge connections, break down barriers, and create a shared love for the remarkable diversity of tastes that our world has to offer.
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nathandulce · 10 months
My last visit to Langkawi in 2020 was pretty memorable because on the day I landed, Singapore basically announced that it's going into a lockdown the next day. So I was pretty much screwed and had to serve 14 days quarantine when I came back home. Thank you Covid.
Wasn't really keen to visit it again (I've been to Langkawi like a gazillion times in the past) but my cousin INSISTED that she wants to go there for her 30th birthday, so I was basically forced to visit with her and play tourist guide.
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An absolute must-have when you're in Langkawi: Assam Laksa
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After two days of eating Chinese seafood, we were really craving for good, homecooked food. Thankfully we found Rao's Curry, tucked away in a quiet corner of Pantai Cenang, surrounded by shady palm trees and rice paddy fields. To say that the food was good would be an understatement because it was absolutely fantastic!
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You haven't really visited Langkawi if you never had a night out while you're there.
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So here's the sad part: Pantai Cenang is overrun with development. There are buildings so high you would have never guessed there was a beach just next to it, and everywhere, there was some kind of construction going on. Even the beach was not what it used to be; the water was murky and looked like chocolate milk shake.
If you're planning on visiting Langkawi, I'd day, skip it. If you absolutely have to, then you're better off staying elsewhere and perhaps only include Pantai Cenang as part of your itinerary, or give it the miss altogether.
That said, most of the nicer eateries and fun stuff are at Pantai Cenang, so you'll probably have to go there anyway for drinks or dinner.
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