#assorted leafmedic.
zilveninde-blog · 7 years
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.” // Shisui. Like there were any questions.
fuck starters ( accepting ).  ll  @leafmedic.
SHISUI.   a growl sneered askance,  a smear of snarl as fingers curl && ache && curl more tightly into metal.                                     shackles.                                   fuck.“ i don’t care who’s fault it is, ”   low && dangerous,  sharp as the flare of ( tone it down, tone it down ) sharingan in cell’s shadows,              “ i’m just gonna get out. ”
                                                         carefulquiet,  yet intensity lashes across                                                             too little distance between them.                                                         it’s not sakura,  && it’s not the scrubbed                                                          clean smell of stone && steel,  it’s not the                                                          stale air weighted with something                                                              between them.
it’s just - [ wrists rubbed raw, the chain ‘twixt cuffstooshort ] - just a lack of control as its tail ends slip through struggling fingers,  the [ shortHOTrasp of breath too high in his chest, high in his throat ].
            “ never mind me, ”                     mutter mutter eyes wild && wide open,  “ don’t mind me - ”
because he’s losing it && this is dumb && he’s in a prison cell && this is fine,  he’s got this,  can do this,  no problem in sight– hah —-
“ i’m fine. ”
nobody asked ( not here, not now ),  but whatever.        how the fuck is he supposed to remember the [ splash of reckless joy in his chest, breathing light ] or the [ soft hiss of her voice not in fury or pain, but in the simple frustration of a mom friend ] like time && space are not choked out of a mind usually spacious — there’s not enough room for fuck’s given about how they got here.
it’s fine.   at least the place smells clean.   that’s fine.   [ there’s probably no disease, no terror, no— ]      he’s fine && sakura’s fine,  but he’s not gonna look cuz he knows what he’ll see.   don’t look don’t look don’t look.   && don’t start beating yourself up over this fit,  cuz it’ll only make it harder.                slow breaths,  mind’s retreat from the war that isn’t there.they’re fine.   && this is going to suck,  but they’ll only be in here for a few days. that’s manageable.   … he’ll live,  anyway.
exhaustion creeps into what tiny crevices that stress reluctantly surrenders.   shisui slinks backward into the darkest corner ( the one that would spin tales of the worst if looked into ) without meeting green eyes.   a breath,  steadied by will alone.   this is a fit.   don’t let it control you.   ease up there,  soldier …… okay.
this is really going to suck.   haha.
         “ don’t … ”   a stutter behind curved bone,  pale features briefly taut.   the ceiling then,  let’s stare at that instead - block out the humiliating fact of another’s conscious presence.   “ … don’t tell anyone. ”
             it’s just a whisper,  && he’s not sure she’ll heed it.
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
"Shisui, what do you think of me?"
TRUTH SERUM.  ll  @leafmedic  ll  not accepting.
 && he says,  with         the flattest possible expression     on smooth features :
                       “  ----------------------   p i n k .  ”
             well,  i mean.   sorta ?         it’s certainly not a lie.
                  ‘tis followed by a bland little smile,           tight-lipped behind the rim of one’s cup.
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zilveninde-blog · 7 years
“Why the fuck do you have gasoline?” // definitely dei.
‘tis deh fuck ( accepting ).  ll  @leafmedic.
DEIDARA.   it takes some effort to find the girl’s gaze - not that there’s a lot of enthusiasm in the attempt;  blue eyes are partially hidden by strings of greasy,  tangled gold && the fact he’s frozen halfway through picking up a jerrycan of - yeah, gasoline.
        “ uhh. ”            ( oops. )
( lookin’ a lil too authoritative over there,  girlie. )      if he’d heard her coming ( && how did she slip past - ),     the shrug would’ve been more convincing.
“ what?      you never need fuel? ”
let’s ignore the part where he’s wearing a particular kind of non-descript clothing,  && the things muttered under shallow breaths before now.   && the fact he’s entirely without a vehicle of any kind.moving on.it’s practised condescension in easy gestures,in the sloshing as he steps passed her without another glance.
                     “ shoo. ”
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
ok ok here i go forgive me if i miswrite sakura.
it’s months later.   && that is a misleading way to put it - it’s easily a year since she left && he wandered,  a year && three months since he gained && lost // she lost && recovered.   or sought recovery. as usual,  an anxious mind had presumed to know the outcome - death && sadder things life’s only blessing.   hatred would have been a welcome lash - but distance was the remedy they both needed.   hated,  needed.   loved,  wanted // could not have.   odd,  to think back through memories && recall the echo of how vivid those emotions then had been.
             bittersweet.   with all that has happened && not happened ( most importantly ) between them,  it is,  all in all,  with happiness that shisui looks back.   despair itself is not so bad when prelude to truer things,  real reasons to light a smile as you hold the sky in high regard ( rather than curse it, question it, turn away ). it’s bluer now.   somehow.   nearly cloudless ; what few tufts up there chase a lazy cat && mouse across a blue like deidara’s eyes.   if shisui leant up on his elbows && looked right,  he’d be able to see it there,  under the crooked smile he’s sharing with the easy set of sakura’s shoulders. unwilling to put in the effort,  one merely glances right - directly into a mass of rose locks,  soft && tangled && littered with grass.   they’d just mowed in the uchiha compound.   sakura’s namesake stretches out above them with old,  gnarled branches that seem to capture the soft sound of joking tease,  familiar banter.   deidara sits cross-legged,  fingers ever moving through the grass.   thankfully he’s given up on yanking out what’s left && shredding that - turns instead to what’s yet fallen to sharp blades && - what the fuck,  is he braiding a grassy crown.
finally moved to get the hell up,  shisui frowns ( loudly ) at the sight of saturated greens on pink.   “  sakura.  ”   harrowed,  yet all this tone earns itself is a perfectly innocuous quirk of brows.   “  it clashes.  ”
she scoffs.   “  no it doesn’t.  ”
ere complaint can argue this,  deidara commits to further crimes by dropping a similar crown on sooty locks.   he is glared at accordingly // smirks something wicked // && drops a third onto his own golden head.   “  shut up,  uchimwah.  ”
fucking -   “  shut your -  ”
“  uchimuahaha~  ”   the true glint of mirth ( && taunt ) in warm green eyes catches the irritation in his throat ; it is strangled into a lurch of uneasy happiness that does terrible things to this mask of vexation.   deidara further aids this cause by grabbing porcelain cheeks ( no tan for shisui ) && tugging them sideways.
            “  thath noth a thmiwe awfhow.  ”       “  did you just call me a hoe.  ”             “  did you just reduce my clan’s name to a villainous cackle ?  ”       “  yeah.  ”             “  well then.  ”
“  what is the dirtiest thing you’ve ever called sasori ?  ”
shock turns to the medic caught betwixt their bickering.   she looks quite at ease right there - far more so than either male knew to expect with this...  topic.   they’ve not,  really,  spoken of it - not... really.   y’know ?   been careful.   but she’s been taking care on her own,  && they really haven’t had a proper conversation in over a year.   ( it’s practically scandalous. )
      “  what ?   you’d both sooner eat a cactus                needles && all than insult him to his face,  so...  ”
               “  are you trying to figure out what you can get away with,  hm ?  ”
pale brows rise,  form perfect arches of innocence over the wicked colour of her lips.   she does well - her veneer of playfulness barely trembles around one edge over there,  && the sentiment is not fake to begin with.    shisui figures he shouldn’t be applauding her ability to compartmentalize,  but that’s not...  really what’s going on here ( or it is, but not like he’s used to ? ).   whatever this is,  he’s lost control of it.   that’s about fine.
        “  maaaaaybe~  ”
                   “  well,  i’m not signing up for that beating,  yeah - but he’s ticklish.  ” shock flashes across pretty features,  soon followed by scheming.   deidara laughs,  half-taunt half-jeer. “  good luck getting him to squirm,  though.  ”
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
70 to you and all your muses.
‘’’’’’’’cute’’’’’’’ questions.  ll  @leafmedic  ll  accepting !70. is there anyone you would die for?
OOC::   i strive for this to be no.   i don’t see why my existence should be worth less than another’s,  why i should love myself any less.   if it comes to that,  if it turns out to be what i want or what i prefer - i’ll see.   but,  no.   principally no.   there is no point && i will not be that callous toward me && my own dreams.but on the other hand i’m totally the kinda guy who’d pull that stunt PROVIDED my feelings aren’t unrequited.   like.   if you won’t die for me,  then uh.  you ain’t worth my life honey.   i just ??   i know what i want,  && to be a hero isn’t it.
        “  die for !?   i’m not dyin’ for anyone,  lmao.  ”                oh,  i said lmao out loud.                          “  i quit my shitty-ass village.   i’m not dyin’ for no-one but myself.  ” 
        “  you misunderstand my nature,  my character.   i would not die for someone.   i would make others die to reach a better result.  ”               if the artist dies,  so does the art.   strings not cut,  but lifeless - soulless.   pointless.   pointlessness is worst,  perhaps,  of all.
      “  well,  duh.   i’d fuckin’ kick it for jashin-sama.            but he wants me alive.   so,  y’know.         that’s the way it is until he changes his fuckin’ mind.  ”
        “  ...no.  ”
     faces pass in mind’s periphery - sasuke’s,  naruto’s,  shishou’s... kakashi,  iruka,  more.   on && on && on it goes...                 but where is she                            in this line-up of important people ?
         “  i... don’t know anymore.   i think -  ”
life outside the village - all its little pleasures && glories,  the sweet ache of having earned enough to secure a place in a good inn.   the knowledge that she can make it on her own, - not do everything alone,  but much.   the alone part,  the independence part - that’s not even it,  it’s...
               “  i don’t.   i think i’d.   i’d die for myself.                  so i wouldn’t have to become...                  something i don’t want to be.  ”
she’s got better things to do by now,  than to sell her life cheap.   fought too hard to keep it,  to earn it.   that’s too... satisfying to give up.but,  who knows.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
"Flustered Noises"
WALK IN ON MY MUSE ( or don’t ).  ll  @leafmedic  ll  accepting !
SASORI.      it’s not that [  quick steps,  quiet breath  ] have escaped one’s notice ; nor have [  faint perfume,  bodyheat  ] even across several feet.   OBVIOUS is the slip of breath from softer lips,  the hitch of it within her throat.for all intents && purposes,  however,  sasori remains unaware.   the breadth of one’s shoulders is set calm for once,  relaxed.   honeyed silk his skin,  crushed into scar tissue ( old,  since before death && rebirth && the same again ) - soundless yet perfectly telling to any with the right kind of experience [  she should be such  ].   deceptively soft ‘twixt two furled lines,  scar && silk && scar again until both sink down into slender of waist // hips’ flare - disappear under towel’s simple folds.had she come any earlier,  it might’ve been to the sound of INVITATION.   alas.
he can pretend to be studying his nails all afternoon if it means she remains caught,  gaping.   there’s no need to check - whatever has brought her here stands ignored in favour of the sight he makes ( && it’s in an oddly detached fashion that he wonders what sight exactly that may be ).   tut,  tut.   so easily distracted.
childish,  perhaps.   to cant hips && allow a hiss of ivory fabric as it loosens,  clings — ultimately falls away ( in a glide t’ward gravity’s embrace ).   copper tickles along one’s nape ‘till amber hues catch jade,  follow the lines of her expression.perfectly flat is one’s voice when —
                                “  — haruno.  ”
                     ( this is almost fun. )
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
BEEP. to all your guys. :)
RANDOM TEXTS.  ll  @leafmedic​  ll  accepting !
DEIDARA ( a late night text ).
( sms ) — r u up( sms ) — u better b up
( sms ) — ... ive been sleeping on ur roof the past few nights just fyi
SASORI ( a hyper text [  challenge accepted...  ] ).
( sms ) — ten to the wall of mearcair. three set stone to the nine of my dynamics && i have only four - FOUR - scrolls with me. empty ones. i have
( sms )— come.
HIDAN ( a taunting text [  coffeeshop au  ] ).
( sms )— you couldn’t even reach,  shorty.   whatareya gonnado ??   hop up && down while u try to punch me in the fucking face ??( sms )— if you do  i’ll tell your manager to get me free shit( sms )— so by all means  bitch
SHISUI ( a scared text [  coffeeshop au  ] ).
( sms )— that was before you found bloodstains.  get the fuck out of there, haruno.( sms )— i’m fucking serious.  if you have to be a hero, take a picture - NO FUCKING SOUND! TURN THE VOLUME OFF - then get your ass back here.  if you can’t send me a picture of the red building at the corner of my street in fifteen minutes,  i’m coming out there to get you.( sms )— please.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
❛❛ I wonder why we are the way we are. ❜❜
          “  nature && nurture.  ”
albeit naught but scientific in context,  inflection’s sour note does roughen boy’s smooth voice ( suggests skepsis ) - muted by the tight && tuck of lips to pearlen teeth // tension to belie the fold of arms beneath his head.sasori’s glance is askance ; decoration to the scoff at throat’s back when bitter sentiment is so very poorly hidden.   deidara’s façade is an artless one ( despite years of practise ). [  perhaps that’s for the best.  ]
                 “  loving && losing,  ”                          offers the eldest ( not oblivious                                  to jaw’s tightening clench ),           “  pain && pleasure,  if you will.  ”
    “  choice && the lack thereof.  ”             bounced back as though another argument - && perhaps it is,  despite being of the same mind in this.   it is not an arrangement that lends itself to animosity // layers the air with a heavy,  but companionable mood.
“  hn.   conditioning && personal will.                  ---  sakura ?  ”
energized,  a rapid series of thumps - of heel to floorboard.   blue eyes have turned inward,  tumultuous yet sharp,  while deidara waits out their third party’s perspective with waning patience ( long since ready to follow through ).   digits fold ‘neath sasori’s chin,  elbow to tiny table as he waits in the only way he doesn’t whine about doing - obsessively,  focussed on the girl knelt at table’s other side.   he does,  almost absently,  stroke another set of fingers through blonde hair ( where it rolls across wood alike silken dunes,  thick && unkempt yet flawless ).   boy’s energy sizzles,  diffuses throughout the room as he is sprawled inelegantly upon the floor.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
"Your turn, Shisui. What's /your/ dirtiest fantasy about me? And also, which one's your favorite?"
NSFW QUESTIONS ( probably ).  ll  @leafmedic  ll  accepting !
SHISUI.       words slip through full lips thinned ere one     can really wonder ; reflex takes charge of this retort.
“  ---  the one where we mudwrestle.  ”
                 grave,  as though this                 were a matter of great importance.
       “  && that’s probably my favourite too.  ”
    oh,  how would anyone dare call him a liar !    he’s a compulsive liar - half titles don’t count.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
❛❛ I took a fall and found out I could bleed. ❜❜
DEIDARA.          slip of fingers about wrist,  a c c i d e n t a l k i s s - no decision has been made to offer comfort of so delicate a nature,  yet here they are.   paused midway through uninvited brush of warm lips to softer skin ( && what does he think he’s doing // lips’ drag along wrist’s blunt curve,  undecorated ? ).
well.   this is awkward.
          “  uhh -- yeah.  ”        shifting gears from light && stupid ( out of his depth )         to the simple truths of shittiness - it’s easy.   easier        than meeting her eyes,  too.               “  that’s how it usually happens.  ”
      --- just gonna pretend that never happened,  &&   tuck both hands deep into pockets.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
"You're so cute when you're flustered." // Sasori
FLIRTS.  ll  @leafmedic  ll  not accepting.
SASORI.           “  ...  ”
this little girl, hepins to the wall with chakrastrings,  to be honest.
                              (  ---  then leaves.  )
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
"I wouldn't tell you to stop." // Deidara
DEIDARA.    “  ------ an’ i wouldn’ tell ya t’make me.  ”
        GRIN  pressed to  GRIN  as they maneuvre blindly through her little home,  theirs a kiss of softer affections.   eyes closed  //  hands a lazy fumble ; they’ve got all the time in the world ( when passion skips && stutters at skintoskin ).the wall catches her slighter frame,  its sloppy thump when he forgets his strength.   when she doesn’t complain,  he just keeps forgetting.                            [  she does,  too ; && he’ll roll his shoulders come morning                               with barely a groan of pleasure’s memory  ]                      (  “  ‘nless we was gettin’ a lil too kinky,  ”  )              - passes through without brain’s consult,  drips rough && teasing from lips soon occupied - [ her mirth in tune with her pleasure  //  his smile in tune with his hands ].
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
leafmedic  icebloodedprince  "Have you ever fucked nii-san in...
That’s totally a yes.
oh no,  honey,  if i had you’d have heard him all the way over in the hokage’s tower.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
So I can send you three asks for each of your male muses?? :D
FIRST THREE GET KISSES ( dei 2/3 ).  ll  @leafmedic  ll  accepting !
DEIDARA.        wind’s howling.   goldenblonde whips about both their faces,  tangles with soft pastels.   at this height,  the air is chilled enough to cut through skin && weaken bone,  but,  even so - they are tucked together in its embrace.green eyes water ; the air steals oaths from purpling lips,  only their hoarse quality left to one’s ears.
deidara’s ( upside-down ) smile is giddy.   w i d e it stretches as a slighter frame shivers against his own,  seeks his heat even as she curses him && his wilder fancies.
            he just laughs ( another stolen gem ) && presses the shiver of his own against her mouth.
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
❛hey – can you get off their dick for five seconds?❜
JEALOUSY.  ll  @leafmedic  ll  accepting !
------  jaw actually drops,  along with deidara’s esteem of her.
                            OUTRAGE wars with hurt ; && w i n s.
                     what was shocked wide open comes closed,  a snap                     of teeth bared ‘neath the furrow of blonde brows ---
           but he’s already moved on.
        hand pleasantly posed :  middle finger flicked in the general        direction of where sakura stands  //  he turns away without        another wasted glance.   shisui doesn’t answer the thinning        line of one’s lips,  doesn’t argue the leg thrown over his        thighs  ---  instead,  warmfirm palms slide up unto hips taut        with unspoken [  tension  ] ( && help tease it back out ).
                  the man is being diplomatically neutral where it matters.                  can’t decide whether to kiss or throttle him for it,  but one                  bitching lover an evening is already more than comfort                  requires.                           what the fuck was that,  sakura ...
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
HOW’D MY MUSE KISS YOURS.  ll  @leafmedic​  ll  accepting ! ( i was like  ‘ who for ?? ’  BUT U SENT 3 ... OFC. ) under the cut bc gifs. idk wtf tumblr won’t let me use more than two gifs in my inbox ?????   or smth ??? but w/e tf here u go.
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