Discover 6 Secret Health Benefits of Astaxanthin - Is it the Top Underrated Supplement? Astaxanthin can be found in Krill Oil.
Here is a video comparing it to Algae Oil and Fish Oil: https://youtu.be/0DSJkFfDS8w
Discover the best supplements to fuel your ambitions: https://super-achiever.com/category/health/supplements
Astaxanthin: The #1 Underrated Health Supplement?
#astaxanthin #healthsupplements #naturalsupplements
🌊 Dive into the Depths: The Unveiled Power of Astaxanthin 🌊
Hello Achiever Fam! Today's adventure takes us beneath the waves to uncover a marine marvel that's been quietly shaping the health of the ocean's mightiest creatures and can do wonders for us too.
We're talking about astaxanthin, a potent red pigment that’s making waves in the health world for its incredible benefits. Join us as we explore "Astounding Astaxanthin Health Benefits They Don't Want You to Know!" Astaxanthin: Nature's Super Antioxidant Astaxanthin stands out in the carotenoid family for its exceptional antioxidant prowess, dwarfing the capabilities of its cousins like beta-carotene and lycopene. This powerful pigment is produced by microalgae and consumed by various marine life 🐟🦐, giving salmon, lobster, and shrimp their distinctive red hue. And now, it's available for us to harness its strength. Unleashing the Power Within Cellular Shield: Astaxanthin operates like a formidable force field around your cells, neutralizing free radicals and minimizing oxidative stress. Imagine it as an ever-vigilant guardian 🛡️, protecting your cellular integrity from invisible threats. Immune System Booster: It doesn’t just protect; it empowers. Astaxanthin stimulates your immune system, enhancing the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells. It's as if it awakens an ancient army within you, ready to defend against health invaders 🛡️⚔️. Inflammation Fighter: This mighty antioxidant doesn't shy away from battle. It confronts inflammation head-on, offering relief and protection against a multitude of inflammatory diseases, from heart ailments to arthritis 💪.
Skin’s Best Friend: Astaxanthin is your ally against the sun’s fierce rays ☀️, penetrating deep into your skin to mitigate damage caused by UV exposure. It's like donning an invisible suit of armor every time you face the day. Brain Protector: Remarkably, astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier, safeguarding your neurological health 🧠. Its presence in the brain could help protect against cognitive decline, acting as a guardian for your mental faculties. Heart Health Enhancer: In the realm of cardiovascular health, astaxanthin proves its worth by improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure ❤️, ensuring your heart remains strong and resilient against common foes. Your Takeaway Astaxanthin is more than just a pigment; it's a powerhouse of health benefits waiting to be unlocked 🗝️.
Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, protect your skin, or support your heart and brain, astaxanthin could be the natural supplement you’ve been searching for.
We Want to Hear From You! Have you incorporated astaxanthin into your health regime? Noticed any changes or benefits? Share your stories in the comments below 💬, and let's spread the word about this marine marvel.
Stay Tuned: Subscribe and hit that notification bell 🛎️ to stay updated on the latest in natural health supplements and tips to enhance your well-being. Thank you for joining us on this deep-sea dive 🌊 into the world of astaxanthin. Remember, the quest for health is an ongoing journey. See you in the next video for more health treasures!
#AstaxanthinBenefits #MarineHealth #AchieverFam 🌟
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murielcook · 1 year
I decided to pop by good ol swanson to see what's cheap for supplements today and decided to look up two i'd never heard of before:
Pyrroloquinoline quinone [pubchem]
Apigenin [pubchem]
Astaxanthin [pubchem]
The former seems to be of an antioxidant nature similar to our friend emoxypine, and the latter is billed by pubchem as "antineoplastic" which apparently means it inhibits cancer cell development.
I'm ordering both, to see if there's any difference in antioxidant effects on my overall ability to function. Different interactions could mean different outcomes.
Apigenin is interesting for a studies relating to cellular regulation, especially when it comes to collagen and bone. Important for people who aren't spring chickens and have shitty joints.
Edit: adding 1 more.
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Unlocking the Power of Folic Acid: Benefits and Trends
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Discover the numerous benefits of folic acid and why it's currently trending in health and wellness. Read on to explore how folic acid supports overall health, including brain function, heart health, and prenatal care. Learn why Healthyhey stands out as the best choice for high-quality folic acid supplements, offering premium formulations and exceptional customer satisfaction.
The vitamin B9 compound is essential for preserving human health. It has a wealth of advantages, so it's no surprise that it's become a hot issue in the health and wellness industry.
Cognitive Function and brain health By Folic Acid
It is necessary to promote mental and cognitive wellness by using Vitamins. Folic Acid is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers in the brain. According to studies, it may assist overall brain health by improving focus, memory, and learning.
Cardiovascular and Heart Function
Homocysteine is an amino acid that, when its levels are high, can raise the risk of heart disease. It also aids in lowering these levels. Levels of Folic Acid must be kept in a healthy range for cardiovascular health. Along with this, it promotes a healthy heart and optimal cardiovascular function by lowering homocysteine.
Prenatal Care and Folic Acid
In addition to this, it is essential for optimal foetal development throughout pregnancy, especially the development of the neural tube. The importance of folic acid in prenatal care is one of the most well-known advantages of this substance. To lower the risk of birth abnormalities, it is advised that women of reproductive age take enough folic acid.
Why Choose Healthyhey for Supplemental Folic Acid?
You can obtain the most significant benefits by using the premium pills that Healthyhey offers. They excel in the following ways:
High-quality folic acid supplements from Healthyhey are made with the cleanest components and have premium formulations for optimum potency and performance.
Trusted Brand: Healthyhey is a well-known brand in the health and wellness sector, with a focus on customer happiness, quality, and safety.
Wide Selection: Healthyhey offers a variety of supplements to meet a variety of needs and preferences, making sure there is a product fit for everyone.
Expert Advice: Healthyhey's team of professionals is committed to assisting you in making well-informed decisions about your health. They offer helpful advice and assistance to ensure you get the best results.
Experience the difference in quality and efficacy when you choose Healthyhey for your requirements. Put your health first with their high-quality supplements.
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 8 years
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Lachs – der Tausendsassa der Speisefische
Roh aufs Brot, gegrillt oder als Teil einer sämigen Soße zur Pasta: Wir Deutschen lieben Lachs! Hier erfährst du mehr über den rosaroten Leckerbissen.
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careforeglobal · 22 days
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nackseo2 · 1 month
What you need to know about Nature’s strongest antioxidant – Astaxanthin
Described as the strongest natural antioxidant known to science, Astaxanthin has gained curiosity among leading nutritionists and is one of the most sought-after antioxidant supplements right now- and with good reason. It’s not only an antioxidant powerhouse with potent anti-inflammatory properties, but also provides plenty of other health benefits for the whole body.
This forthright in-conversation with Malin gives us more insight about the king of carotenoids!
What Made Näck Choose Astaxanthin As Their Key Dietary Supplement?
I believe that the key to gain your consumer’s trust is by providing sound evidence for the product claims. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading communication and sometimes even false product and health claims within our industry. This is of course totally unacceptable, and also highly unnecessary if you ask me. Why make up miracles, when the truth is good enough? A key criterion for us at Näck when we select active ingredients for our product formulations is that it needs to be backed by science. There needs to be evidence-based benefits proven by clinical research and human trials.
When compared with Vitamin E and Vitamin C, Astaxanthin has been shown to be 550X to 6000X more potent! With these astonishing results and rigid research, Astaxanthin was chosen as the key active ingredients for our launch product, Immunity Boost. Another aspect about research around Astaxanthin which is close to my heart is the strong links to  Uppsala University, Sweden where I am an alumna. It is one of the most renowned institutions in the world for medicine and biological studies.
The research breakthrough at the laboratories in Uppsala around the beginning of the 90’s made it possible for the first commercial production of natural Astaxanthin by the Swedish company Asta Real AB. Asta Real is today a world leader in Natural Astaxanthin cultivation, and it was a clear choice for us when we decided our supply partner. Hence the natural Astaxanthin used in our Immunity Boost is grown in Sweden by Asta Real.
But What Is Actually Astaxanthin And Where Do We Find It In Nature?
The richest source of natural astaxanthin in nature is Haematococcus pluvialis, a microalgae and natural carotenoid that can be found in artic marine environment and common freshwater rock pools across the world. The microalgae from which Astaxanthin is primarily extracted is initially green.
Astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory known to science until this moment. Put simply, antioxidants are molecules which hampers the oxidation ( break down) of the cells. They do this by neutralizing free radicals, and hence provide protection against the damaging effect of these free radicals, which if not balanced leads to oxidation of the cells.
What makes Astaxanthin so powerful? Well, it is due to its unique molecular structure which allows it to quench free radicals in both the water and fat loving zone of the cell membrane. For reference, most antioxidants work either in the inner (Vitamin E and Beta Carotene) or outer (Vitamin C) side of the membrane, whereas Astaxanthin can provide the cell all-around protection.
What Are The Benefits Of Astaxanthin, How Long Until The Results Can Be Experienced?
Astaxanthin has demonstrated the ability to protect our cells and the DNA within our cells from oxidation and inflammation. Due to these foundational properties, natural Astaxanthin has various health benefits for more or less the whole body.
If we start with immunity, numerous clinical studies have been conducted which conclude that Astaxanthin improves several blood immune markers and enhances our immune response. Supplementation of 2 mg of Astaxanthin for 8 weeks has shown to increase the antibody production, hence providing our immune system with the fuel it needs to fight off disease.
In addition, Astaxanthin is a proven anti-inflammatory. The marker used to measure how much silent (systematic) inflammation is occurring in a person’s body is called C-reactive protein (CRP). Even though silent inflammation does not cause any pain it has been singled out as one of the leading causes of many serious diseases.
Research shows that even a low dose of 2mg Astaxanthin supplementation per day decreases CRP levels after eight weeks of supplementation in healthy subjects. Astaxanthin has also got a lot of attention for its ability to improve the appearance, quality and health of our skin. It is commonly recognized as a natural anti-aging and beauty from within supplement.
Research shows that a daily consumption of 4 mg Astaxanthin over a period of 2 months improves skin elasticity, moisture and reduces visible signs of aging. Furthermore when Astaxanthin has had time to accumulate in the skin, it has also demonstrated a protective effect against UV light exposure as well as sunburn.
Astaxanthin has also proven very beneficial for active people. Several studies with 4mg dosage across 1-2 months have been conducted on Astaxanthins ability to reduce joint and muscle soreness after exercise with positive and consistent outcomes.
Researchers attribute these findings to Astaxanthins anti-inflammatory benefits and its ability to protect cell membrane against free radicals which are generated during exercise, thus preserving the functionality of muscle cells.
In addition, Astaxanthin has been clinically proven to increase strength and endurance in healthy subjects. One very interesting and extensive study worth noting in this regard is a 6 month long clinical study conducted in Sweden by lead researcher Dr. Kurt Malmsten.
The subjects, healthy young males, took 4 mg of Astaxanthin per day in conjunction with an exercise program which included doing deep knee bends to exhaustion after a warmup period. After 6 months the results showed an increase in strength and endurance by 62%. The placebo group also showed improvement of 22% which is normal for young people participating in sports and exercise activities over a 6-month period.
If you are as interested in clinical research as myself, I suggest a visit to our research library. There you will find the results of the studies I’m referring to now and even more evidence-based benefits of Astaxanthin to dig in to.
Read more about the Naked research
What Made Näck Prefer A Vegan Capsule For Its Immunity Boost?
Dietary supplement capsules are commonly made out of bovine or porcine gelatin, which is derived from animals. At Näck we make these capsules out of starch which makes our product 100% vegan. As a company we are careful about our environmental impact and if a vegan alternative exists, that is what we will always use.
Is Astaxanthin Safe To Consume By Everyone, And What Is The Recommended Dosage?
Astaxanthin is safe to consume by everyone. However, if you are pregnant, lactating or suffering from any chronic disease you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
We do not recommend Astaxanthin for children as there have not been any long-term studies conducted for this age group. With regard to dose, most clinical research on safety and efficacy with Astaxanthin has been done with doses ranging from 2mg-12mg per day. The general consensus among researchers involved with natural Astaxanthin is that people derive excellent overall health benefits within this range. Immunity Boost by Näck provides 4mg per capsule.
To know more: https://nack.life/blogs/news/what-you-need-to-know-about-nature-s-strongest-antioxidant-astaxanthin
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bantennewscoid-blog · 5 months
Manfaat Astaxanthin yang Kaya Antioksidan Tak Cuma Bantu Bikin Awet Muda
SERANG – Antioksidan memiliki peran penting dalam menangkal efek buruk radikal bebas. Selain didapat dari buah dan sayuran, asupan antioksidan bisa didapat melalui suplemen astaxanthin. Astaxanthin mungkin belum sepopuler vitamin E, namun kandungan antioksidannya rupanya lebih kuat. Hal itu dibuktikan dalam sebuah penelitian tahun 2001, yang dilakukan oleh Profesor Debasis Bagchi dari Creighton…
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granolagalbeautytips · 6 months
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sheerherb-antiage · 7 months
Astaxanthin powder benefits.What is the use of astaxanthin powder?
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einliebesmensch · 10 months
Astaxanthin - Die rote Kraft der isländischen Algen
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text…
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kingherbs · 10 months
The six functions of astaxanthin
Dr. Jared Sisulski, the world's recognized leading expert on microalgae and known as the "father of astaxanthin" in the industry, once said: For 99% of the world's people, astaxanthin is the world's best secret weapon to keep healthy. Many benefits of natural astaxanthin are bound to change the world in the near future, and astaxanthin will become a household word. People will improve their body and physique after taking astaxanthin.
What's so amazing about astaxanthin, let’s starts with astaxanthin's six benefits below:
1, Improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems
2, Improve neurological problems
3. Improve bone and joint problems
4, Delay aging
5. Regulate human immunity
6. Improve vision problems
Being so powerful and without side effects, astaxanthin makes a huge difference to human health. Astaxanthin is the world's best secret weapon for keeping the body healthy.
article from:The six functions of astaxanthin - Kingherbs Limited
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ritumistry11 · 10 months
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AstaReal Astaxanthin 4mg is the most powerful antioxidant. It supports skin & eye health and improves muscle endurance & recovery. Buy Astaxanthin online from BodyFirst!
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 8 years
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Lachs – der Tausendsassa der Speisefische
Roh aufs Brot, gegrillt oder als Teil einer sämigen Soße zur Pasta: Wir Deutschen lieben Lachs! Hier erfährst du mehr über den rosaroten Leckerbissen.
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careforeglobal · 25 days
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Discover the wonders of astaxanthin! 🌿 Dive into the fascinating world of this powerful antioxidant that promotes skin health, supports eye health, boosts exercise performance, and much more. #Astaxanthin #HealthBenefits 🌟
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nackseo2 · 1 month
Healthy Skin From Within
What do these signs tell us? Gut health is super important for healthy skin. Skin is the largest organ in our body, and just like any other organ, its proper function depends on what nutrients we are providing it.
Do We Need Supplements For Healthy Skin?
Are we getting enough nutrients from the food we eat? And do we need supplements for a healthier skin? Our skin, hair, and nails are the last parts of our body to receive nutrients, and basically get what’s leftover – brittle nails, dry skin, or thin hair speak volumes about the deficiency in our body.
While consuming a balanced and healthy diet is important, it can be helpful to supplement your meals with a skin supplement.
What Supplements Help With Healthy Skin?
Vitamin C is found at high levels in the epidermis (outer layer of skin) as well as the dermis (inner layer of skin) and plays a huge role in collagen production which helps keep your skin healthy. A deficiency of Vitamin C can cause bruising, loss of skin elasticity, poor healing.
Vitamin B or the popular Niacinamide on every skin care enthusiast’s shelf, which helps with faster skin healing and prevents dry, flaky skin.
Vitamin A, or Retinol, another staple which helps prevent premature wrinkles.
Antioxidants decrease free-radical damage to the skin. Free radicals generated by sun exposure damages the genetic structure of skin cells, which contributes to the development of premature aging with fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity to follow.
Meet Your Skinemies
There are many factors that most of us likely already know are not good for our skin. The sun is public enemy number one, of course, pollution and radiation are equally damaging to the skin.
There are basically 2 kinds of skin enemies, or skinemies.
Intrinsic (eg. Aging) depletion of collagen.
Extrinsic (eg. UV light) DNA damage in skin cells.
Skin aging manifests as wrinkles, degradation of elasticity, and age spots (liver spots). Anyone who is aging – ( everyone) or exposed to UVA, UVB and other harmful rays needs supplements and sunscreen to protect themselves from these skinemies.
Aging is inevitable but has been proven to be delayed with proper skin nutrition and care. Supplements like Collagen, Astaxanthin, resveratrol Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and Omega-3s promote anti-aging effects.
Out of all the nutrients mentioned above, the one that caught my eye is Astaxanthin which is a carotenoid and the most powerful antioxidant known to science. Primarily a powerhouse of immunity, it is 6000 times stronger than Vitamin C and it’s antioxidant property is 550 times more than in Green tea catechins.
So instead of drinking gallons of green tea for better skin this might just be a more effective way to get those antioxidants in our skin to fight free radicals that cause skin damage and get a healthier skin.
Astaxanthin works physiologically (it protects the collagen network) and extrinsically (it inhibits photoaging) Carotenoids protect skin from UV-induced photodamage, while collagen promotes skin elasticity decreasing the appearance of wrinkles.
As an antioxidant primarily it’s been linked to healthier skin, muscle performance and endurance, as well for its immunity and anti-inflammatory effect.
The most important thing to remember when starting your ingestible beauty journey is that supplements are not miracle solutions. Supplements, and skin supplements especially work to fix the root of the problem to prevent long term skin issues.
So, don’t expect to see results overnight and don’t try to replace a healthy, balanced meal with a skin supplement. Both should work in tandem.
To know more: https://nack.life/blogs/news/healthy-skin-from-within
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datenarche · 5 months
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