#astrea lucretia malfoy
snapesmorningcoffee · 6 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Astrea Lucretia Malfoy ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Please read my favorite fanfiction.
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hirukochan · 6 months
Do you have any face claims for Astrea?
Hey anon! Thanks for the ask!
The one who comes closest to my vision of Astrea is the talented, gorgeous Elle Fanning. Especially her in Malificent. But The Great also has her wearing some gorgeous dresses. She has such an amazing, contagious smile, just like Astrea <3
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Her on the swing with the bird?? That's literally Astrea in the summer with Mango.
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hirukochan · 6 months
this is a random ask but i had to know
can your ocs+harrie, snape, &voldy play any instruments/sing? (excluding dove&astrea with piano)
in my head your snape definitely play some kind of string instruments like cello/violin or back in his younger days in cokeworth at least trying out some guitars in a music shop
freya extra ahh i can pictured her playing with harp or some kind of instruments she found abroad somewhere
harrie…my guess is she can’t play any lol(okay, maybe at least a melodica?) i can imagined a scene, pre hogwarts when she’s 8/9 yo had to be pulled out from mandatory school choir because her atrocious tone-deaf voice XD (am i too cruel?)
did i get some right?
thank you for even considering to answer this ask haha
I love random! (and sorry for keeping this in my inbox for ages 😅 Life has been pretty turbulent lately)
Nah, I doubt Harrie has any musical talent whatsoever lol I was forced to learn how to play the recorder in primary school, is that a thing in the uk too? Then that, maybe. But more likely than not she couldn't practice at home because it annoyed her aunt and uncle and she sounded like a banshee while playing. She has no ear for rhythm or pitch but that won't stop her from belting out her fave songs in the dorms or common room.
With Severus, I love love love that @tuesdayspectacular's Severus plays the Cello! Snape definitley dabbled in playing bass guitar. he'd never be able to afford one but there was a small run-down record shop just a few streets away. Severus would share his pot (that he convinced some Hufflepuffs to grow in the abandoned Greenhouse 8 and is selling at Hogwarts. To anyone but the Marauders and they are pissed) with the owner and in return be allowed to play around with the few instruments they had for sale. He was planning to save up for a second-hand one after school but then the war sucked him in and Lily died. Now he can't look at his old note sheets without thinking of her.
In 'More than just a Death Eater', a fic I wrote ages ago and will be translating once 'The Weeping of the Songbird' is finished, my OC Theodora O'Brian gifts Severus a bass guitar to their wedding. Later she can convince him to treat himself to an acoustic guitar. He likes playing for her when they have some peace and alone time which doesn't happen much because both their jobs are demanding their attention a lot.
The image of Severus with a harmonica is intriguing 🤔 It would suit him to be freakishly good at playing it and pulling it out in the breaks when he's bored/nervous and needs to have something to do with his fingers (Theodor of course is down to be that something but young sevvy is a bit prudish, no public make out sessions :((). He would have stolen it from a classmate back in primary school, just like his skateboard, at learnt to play it just out of spite. And to annoy his father.
And ofc Severus sang in his church's choir! The church had a programm for the poorer families of Cocksworth. They paid the kids who'd sing in the choir a bit of money. They knew the families would never accept handouts and getting the kids off the street after school to practice was good as well due to the high crime rate. In 'A Servant of Death' and 'Carrying Atlas' that ended rather tragic for Severus though 🥲.
Freya plays the piano and violin. It's the standard education for all pureblood girls (alongside dance and ballet) in my fics. She hasn't really touched either, or any other insturment for that matter, since her mum's death and her father started treating her so horribly. It reminds her too much of life before that tragic day and she can't ever have that time back so she'd rather not dwell on it.
Dove, as you said plays the piano, she's decent at the violin but not exceptional which in her house means she's terrible. I like to think she has an almost angelic singing voice. Her children love listeninig to her sing while she works or cooks. And Severus of course too!
Astrea too plays the piano and violin. She has had a singing teacher since she could talk. Her parents love listening to her in the evening after dinner. Narcissa and Astrea often play together. And we all know Voldy likes to hear his little songbird sing as well 😏
With Voldemort I like to think he used the Room of Requirments and taught himself how to play the piano to fit in with the pureblood crowd but he wouldn't have had any access to instruments before that and would soon lose interest too for the sake of learning more about dark magic and magic in general.
I think that was all of them and I didn't miss anyone 🤣
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hirukochan · 9 months
I know you are busy right now with your fics and I really admire how brilliant they turn out to be with you working on multiple projects. I really appreciate all your hardwork and dedication and ugh, I just love your work so much.
But can I just say that I saw your comment in one of your fics about a potential forbidden Malfoy OC/Reader x Voldemort and I am really looking forward to that? I'm a huge Harriet x Voldy fan but i really love the Malfoy idea and the whole corruption concept. I have this weird imagery of them like Voldy being the snake from the apple tree in Eden and Malfoy Reader being naive, trusting, and too curious for her own good Eve.
Thank you so much!!! It means the world to hear that! I am thrilled to know so many people enjoy these silly little stories I come up with :D!
I am very much looking forward to writing that story! And I will. First I need to finish some published stories but this one is at the top of the list! I hope I'll get to it some time next year and I will be certain to post about it here too!
I don't know from what perspective I will be writing it yet.
Corruption is a main theme for the fic as I've been planning it right now. The youngest child of Narcissa and Lucius is a very sickly girl who had little influence outside her family and who has never even left her family's estate! Voldemort shamelessly preys on that and revels in the slow but steady destruction of her innocence and purity - something he never got to have.
I have a little snippet/teaser here of that fic for anyone who is interested! I have yet to find a name for the fic - because love coming up with names for stuff!!!! (not.)
Malfoy daughter X Voldemort Snippet
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words: 1200
warnings: none that I can think off :D
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Astrea Lucretia Malfoy knows there are certain expectations that come with being a member of the ancient and most honourable house of Malfoy. Astrea knew these expectations before she could as much as crawl. They were handed down to her from the very first beat her heart took inside her mother’s womb and Astrea would sooner throw herself off the roof of her family home than do anything that would bring shame to her house and her parents.
Astrea loves her parents.
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are proud people and Astrea would never want to embarrass them. Astrea knows how to behave. She knows how to greet people and how to make pleasant conversation. Astrea can play the piano and dance and yet despite having devoted her life to trying and be the perfect heiress to her proud parents - she is not.
She is a smudge on her family’s proud family tree and there is nothing she can do.
Astrea looks down at the crimson spots on the snowy white handkerchief in her trembling hands. Steps sounding from the hallway have her hastily fold it and stuff it in her dress. The corset her governess put her into for today’s special occasion.
Time has run out. Astrea can’t escape him any longer. She knows it was an endeavour doomed from the beginning but she had to try.
Her governess opens the door, looking like a banshee coming to announce Astrea’s death, dressed in her stern black uniform. Astrea hates the sight of that uniform. Hates the black dress that makes her think of death every time she sees it because death is the last thing Astrea wants to think about it and yet it’s the first thought on her mind when she wakes up and the last when she falls asleep. Death hunts her in her dreams and she knows death is approaching steadily in reality as well. The handkerchief stuffed between her breasts and the corset bears the proof of that.
Astrea has been sick for as long as she can remember. Despite hiring the most renowned healers and researchers and even shamans nobody has been able to give the proud Malfoys and their inexhaustible vaults at Gringotts an answer as to why their only daughter is a sickly, weak child. She just is. Getting infected with the Dragonpox that would later take her severe, powerful and feared grandfather Abraxas Malfoy did little to improve her condition.
Nowadays Astrea can at least leave her bed and walk freely about the Manor but she knows that little and treasured freedom will be snatched from her the second her overprotective father learns of her relapse.
Astrea pushes her governess' hands from her hair and gets up. She ignores the lightheaded dizziness rushing through her at the swift movement. She does not let it show either.
She can wait no longer.
He is expecting to be introduced to her after all.
The Dark Lord. The most powerful wizard of all times, once believed to have vanished and now returned, reborn. Of course, Astrea knows all about him. She has been taught about him alongside her older brother Draco all her life. Taught of his greatness, his might, his goal to save wizardingkind and she has been taught of her duty to serve him.
And yet she stole from him.
The precious dress made of fairy-spun silk slides over the carpeted stairs. Astrea’s chest strains against the corset. Her governess tied it tighter today against Astrea’s protest.
Nobody here listens to her.
Nobody cares.
Oh, they all ‘care’ - they bend over backwards to delay the inevitable, forcing her to go through heinous treatments to expand her life and yet nobody cares.
Expect for her Uncle Sev perhaps. Her godfather, her father’s best friend and also on the few occasions she is allowed to practise magic, her tutor. He always has an open ear for her and a shoulder to cry on when she needs it.
But there are a few secrets she keeps even from him. The handkerchief and her impertinence. Both she carries on her person tonight. Perhaps a mistake though she seriously doubts the greatest Legilimens to ever live would need her to carry her sin with her to detect it. He’ll know the second he sees her, therefore her avoiding him. In the days before the Dark Lord’s arrival to take up residency in her family home she strategically scattered gasps and moments of pause into her demeanour and speech, then on the morning of his arrival Astrea dipped the thermometer her governess forces past her lips every morning in her teacup for a few seconds as the old hag was preparing her bath.
She spent the past week in her bed but she can’t keep this charade up for long without risking her feeble sham-freedom.
Astrea treasures her freedom above all else.
She enters the sitting room. Her parents are sitting on a sofa with Draco in between them. Uncle Sev sits on their opposite, his face as expressionless as always, swirling whiskey in his glass lazily. There, right across from Astrea is he.
The dark one.
The most powerful and dangerous man to ever walk the earth.
And Astrea not only gets to walk on the same earth at the same time, she gets to be in a room with him, to breathe the same air as him, share dinner with him.
Her chest is bursting with pride, her heart flutters in its cage of fragile bones like the many exotic birds in their cages in her room. Her father keeps bringing them home in hopes of making her smile but Astrea finds no joy in dooming others to share her fate and yet what can she do? These birds, much like her, have no chance of surviving outside their cages and yet she can’t help the occasional thought of just letting them all go, letting them try their luck and run after them, with bare feet and no shawl and wouldn’t that be worth the impending death following them? Living and if only for one second?
Astrea has never felt so alive as she does right now. Her trembling fingers grasp the edge of her dress and lift it slightly as she sinks to her knees, bowing her head at the same time. She struggles to keep her back straight and her body stiff, to not fall over and to make it all seem effortless too. Her long pale blond hair falls over her shoulder. She doesn’t even pause to remember she has never curtseyed in a dress cut like this one, doesn’t remember the corset, doesn’t realise her hair is shielding the sight from her parents and Uncles and doesn’t notice how crimson eyes darken as they skim over her, lingering on the neckline of her dress.
Astrea has grown up well-protected and so she does not realise the different ways men look at quickly coming-of-age girls like her. Merely a year away from being presented to society, something Astrea has never had to worry about as her poor health will hardly allow for such a thing her mother has neglected to prepare her, to warn her of the more unsavoury desires of some men. And still - Astrea knows more than her parents think. She is no idiot and has read nearly every book in the Manor, even those her father keeps away from her in his own library and especially his study and what she can’t find in books her friend tells her about. Her only friend.
“Rise.” The high-pitched voice caresses her skin like morning dew, the leaves of her flowers in front of her windows. Like the wings of her feathered companions, her bare arms. Astrea shudders and - against all her formidable education - she stares.
Amusement twinkles in the crimson eyes of her lord and master, dark red like the drops on her handkerchief. They assess her, gliding over her body, her dress and eventually coming to a halt on her eyes. The corner of his lipsless mouth twitches and for a second Astrea has forgotten everything. The blood, the fatigue, the guilt at lying to her parents, the weight of her sin pressed against her naked thigh beneath her dress.
Lord Voldemort looks different than she could have ever been able to picture him. Pale skin that’s scattered here and there with a bundle of scales that shimmer in the flickering light of the gas lamps on the walls, shimmering like the expensive opal jewellery her parents brought back for her from one of their trips to France once. His pupils are long, shaped like those of a snake and where there is supposed to be a nose, only slit nostrils stretch across his skin.
He is tapping his nails on the armrest of his armchair, one with a regal, high back and luxurious tropical wood, stained dark to fit the room’s aesthetic.
“It is an honour to meet you, my lord.” Astrea says, though her voice sounds strange even to her own ears. “I am saddened to have missed your arrival.”
“I am as well.” Voldemort says, his voice silky smooth, sounding so familiar and yet so strange. Though the fluttery feeling it ignites in her belly is very familiar. She has only ever felt it around her only friend…
Voldemort rises from his seat, abandoning his untouched drink on the table beside his armchair. He towers over her, taller even than her father and uncle. Astrea feels minuscule next to him, not only due to the size. She doesn’t even reach his shoulder.
“Join me? I am curious to learn more about the youngest Malfoy offspring.”
“I am an open book for my lord.” She says with a chaste incline of her head, hiding both from the intense gaze of her master and the redness spreading across her cheeks. “My lord merely needs to ask.”
The stolen leatherbound diary pressed against her thigh she accepts Voldemort’s arm and follows him into the dining room where he even pulls out her chair. No man who does not also share blood with her or is made of ink and magic has ever treated her like this. Astrea sits down and is glad for the rest, ignoring the sweat drenching her back beneath her dress and corset. She doesn’t notice the eyes wandering to her décolletage once more.
“I hope my family’s home becomes my lord well?”
“Yes.” He says, red eyes blazing. “Alas I was uncertain for a bit but it could convince me after all.”
“I am relieved.” Astrea looks up and smiles, finding it contains the same amount of joy it has when addressing it to her ink friend and all the joy it lacks when looking at her family.
“So am I.” His upper lip twitched into a crooked grin, revealing a single, sharp, long fang. The grin looks so familiar-
Astrea shakes the thought off.
Perhaps she should not have brought the diary but she can’t leave Tom in her room alone! He is her only friend and she has to keep him safe! Perhaps Voldemort does not know she has stolen it from her father’s study all those years ago in a fit of infantine anger and desire to hurt her father back for all that he is keeping her from. All she wanted was to join Draco’s birthday celebration and he forbade it. Tom said she did no wrong and that she should believe him but Astrea finds it difficult at times.
She has considered putting the diary back many times but Tom has told her how lonely he was before she saved him and one does not abandon friends! At least that’s what Tom says. Astrea has never had a friend but she trusts Tom. He would never want to harm her.
What a curious little creature, Voldemort thinks as he slips into the girl’s room unnoticed. She is lying in a huge bed framed by flimsy, delicate curtains, as delicate as the girl they give fleeting shelter to.
She is asleep, her lids closed, hiding the bright blue of her big eyes. Her luscious lips are slightly parted. Beneath her hand, curled into a feeble fist on top of her pillow, beside her head sits it.
The impertinence. The utter impudence to bring the stolen object to her first encounter with its rightful owner. It’s almost charming. Like an ant that believes itself so powerful it can revolt against the boot.
He will take pleasure in crushing her. In ripping her chaste innocence from her to savour it, to claim it for himself. He’ll punish her for her crime and Lucius for being so careless he has not even realised it’s missing. The object Voldemort entrusted to him. A piece of his master’s soul - though that part he is obviously unaware of. Voldemort is not so stupid as to hand over crucial information to a mere henchman like Lucius. Though his daughter will make a lovely addition to Voldemort’s bed.
He reaches out a pale hand with skeletal fingers to take the diary, reclaim his stolen Horcrux-
Voldemort is pulled away, something tugs on his mind and he falls forward, like dragged into a pensieve and he finds himself in the Slytherin common room, standing by the fireplace he once tossed the annoying cat of a classmate into. In front of him on the leather sofa lies the girl, the same girl, in the same flimsy, nearly see-through nightgown and she is asleep in his arms. In his arms.
Within the blink of an eye his younger self, looking the role of the proper Prefect he had been at the time, stands in front of him. Voldemort had never been short but his adolescent self can’t match the height of his new body and yet he doesn’t seem impressed or like he even remotely cares.
“She is mine!” He hisses in angry parseltongue, his eyes flashing red and Voldemort is forcibly expelled from the diary, such force he stumbles a step backwards, staring at the girl sleeping on his diary as peacefully as humanly possible.
Read it here
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hirukochan · 8 months
Astrea Lucretia Malfoy
And while Astrea sets out to explore the borders of her home the world outside the walls of Malfoy Manor begins to forget there had even been a second Malfoy child.
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The Weeping of the Songbird on Ao3
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