auroraborus · 2 years
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Text Inside Images transcript. Note: Text is in order of appearance in images from top to bottom. Context may be added or grammar fixed, but this is an accurate transcript of the text. Note Ends.
Image 1 text:
(Title) Moon Dragon
- This dragon species is native to the North Continent crystal fields and tundra
- (Related to horns.) Moon Dragons are the only species of Dragon to have true horns!
- (Related to wings.) Male wing patterns are very unique!
- usually they are not symmetrical
- Markings start to appear at 30 yrs and stop arnd 32-35
- Dragons that transition can gain markings w/ hormone therapy.
(Title) Kaeya prototype art
- All continents - Predator of Dragons
- Top running speeds approaching 60 mph
- Pack predator
End Image 1.
Image 2 features two labels on the body of the right dragon.
- 6 toed feet (label)
- Cloacal Slit (Haze wants you to know this is not where the genitals and reproductive organs are located on the dragon's body, this was an anatomical label only 😭)
End Image 2.
Image 3 text ID.
(Title) Flying Dragon
- Native to sea mountains and volcanic islands
- Can fly for days on end.
(Title) Surf Dragons
- Coastal.
(Title) Tree-Top Dragons
-Rainforest biome
(Title) Mountain Top Dragon
- (relating to posture) displaying subordination.
- Main continent, mountain terrain biome.
End Image ID.
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Start Here - Lore
The universe of Norland is a setting with Sci-fi, fantasy, post apocalyptic society, and alien culture. It's also a mess because we have been writing the lore since early childhood! I have made a commitment to never entirely throw out the lore we wrote back then, instead we rework it and shore up plot holes. The term "Life's work" usually implies a degree of excellence, but we take it literally. This is the culmination of our fucked up little life.
The Four Worlds: A balanced alliance of four large nation; Norland, Makkedá, Cölmolak, and Stalkfír.
Norland: The federation of many planets, cultures, and species under the hands-off control of the Norland State. The original nation was founded by the Minthe planetary government, the Dragon Council of the sacred 144, and the Galactic Motorist Association. It expanded to include many hundreds of groups, before being broken into the Four Worlds after a series of conflicts called the Shricka Escalation Crisis.
Modern Norland is a sprawling socialized nation which includes The Dragon Council of the Sacred 144, the Whéle nation of Kandor, Dequite, The Tragan Democracy, the Federation of Aquarian Nations, and many more.
Q: Where are the humans?
A: Humans are definitely a part of the story! They are refugees in space after a massive environmental collapse on earth, leading to a near-complete evacuation of the planet. Most humans live in colonies provided by various private nations.
Q: Is there magic?
A: Yes! The magic system is very flexible to individual cultures, but it's based on energy exchange and auras.
Q: Is there Sci-Fi?
A: This is a future setting with many scifi elements. There is space travel, wormholes, medical crises, oxygen leaks, strange technology, and many unique aliens!
Q: Is this from your mental illness?
A: Well, okay, yes. We are a DID system and many of our alters come from Norland and have exo-memory lore. We also have maladaptive daydreaming and this is our daydream from many years of building. However, this is also a creative endeavor as we attempt to make a complete story! I hope you are excited for the ride!
Feel free to ask questions. This blog is an open floor
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If I ever have a large enough audience that people ship my characters, I want the ship name for Vashka and Kveis to be Vice (Vveis)
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Concept art for a scene I'm writing!
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Some concept sketches for ship designs
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I sketched some concept art for my novel tonight and I'm feeling so inspired, I'll post some pics tomorrow
I'm trying to do a few sketches of specific scenes so I can visualize them better, and I've also been working design themes for different space ships. I'll admit it, star trek is a huge inspiration for me and I love the way that every race's ships look unique. Harder to do that in a novel, but I still want to be able to picture them for certain scenes!!
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Calendar, Dates, and Seasons
Start with the time post if you have not seen it !
The calendar of Jube is based on seasons. The planet has a temperate climate and weather forms stable patterns that repeat every year. There are four official Season (sort of like months,) each 100 standard days long. The names are based on the perspective of the capital city of Norland in the southern hemisphere at around 30 degrees longitude.
Cold Season
Rain Season
Hot season
Dying Season
Years are calculated in the 'new' Norlandish system as the number of Orbits since The Quartering, and pre-Quartering counting backward. I will explain the history of that event at a future date but essentially the bloated supernation of Norland was divided into the Four Worlds that are in alliance today, the birth of the system that has been working now for ~12,461 Orbits (11,266 earth years.) The Quartering is so universally known and referenced that people often write it as a single letter in the syllabic alphabet of Capital. I have mimicked this here by abbreviating it to "Q."
Dates are written as a numerical day, a letter for the season, and the year. Ex: 23/C/12460
Many cultures use different systems and few are so simple, and there is a reason for that. The Jube date/time system was intentionally established by Norland in 5006 pre-Q when the official capital of Norland was established on Jube. Astronomers had made note of the regular planetary movement, and the planet was eventually chosen for this purpose. The previous capital of Norland is unknown since so much history was lost in the years after.
The year-date system used before the Quartering was based in some early and unsound psuedomagic and was abandoned in the restructure.
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Time System of Norland
Norland and the rest of the four worlds (except Stalkfír where linear time does not apply) use a standardized system of dates and times based on the Capital of Norland for trade and shared records.
The planet Jube in the Jubua solar system has a remarkably stable orbit. The capital of Norland experiences 400 solar days per orbit around the Jubua sun. These years are the standard Norland year, also called Orbits. The days are called Standard Days or sometimes called a Full Cycle.
Each Jube day is about 20 human-hours (19.8). Norlandish culture divides the days into 10 cycles/standard hours (~118 minutes,) half cycles, quarter cycles, and deccycles (~20 minutes.)
Mini-cycles are 1 percent of a cycle and are about 1.2 minutes each, these are used for tasks and cooking times. Mini-cycles are further divided into 100 Micro-cycles (0.7 seconds) for a similar measurement to the speed of counting naturally.
The standard work 'week' on Jube is a 10-day period. Workers are expected to work 3 days and then rest 2 days in two 5-day increments, then receive pay before the end of the next. These work period units are called Zars.
See the next post where I explain the calendar
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Cölmolak formed in split from Norland during The Quartering (over ideological differences.) Soon after, the Minevites, Moon Women and Morvins formed a nation that expanded to accept hundreds of cultures.
The core values of this new supernation were universal access to basic rights (as defined under the Sentient Creatures Act) community, art, and freedom (As defined by The Book of The Fruit, Minthe, 1304 years pre-Quartering.*)
The modern day (12,461 post-Q) government structure is formed by a representative council of ambassadors (political position) from the different cultures of the worlds. This council is responsible for advocating for their respective culture and for high level legislation.
This council exists alongside a Queen who is responsible for the well being of people throughout the entire nation. This position is both political and magical, with a specific set of powers and access to a vast amount of information about the realm. The duty of the Queen is to ensure that the nation is happy and healthy, that citizens have access to the wealth of their nation, and that every person has the opportunity to do what they want with their life. This is an incomplete summary of the Queen's duties. The role of Queen is occupied by the same entity for the full length of their life, and the magic is passed from Queen to Chosen Heir at the moment of their death. Most Queens are well prepared for the role and spend years living as the poorest among their citizens to better understand the position.
*See posts about date and time system.
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As the ecosystems of earth collapsed, humans were forced to evacuate very quickly. All human spacecraft were utilized, as well as many kind volunteers who owned private craft, emergency response from the four worlds, and the help of other governments.
Colonies were set up wherever governments could donate space, and cheap land was allocated to the use of humanity like deserts, cold planets, and some low-value mining colonies in the tragan asteroid belt. 
In the exodus of earth, not much was preserved. Humans have few seeds, agricultural specimens, textiles, and records left over from earth. This makes earth-originating food, textiles, and literature very valuable. In an alien world, often in poor living conditions, many humans have become traditionalists.
We’re in the third generation since the exodus (~60 years from the astrokomeo story) and many kids experience a culture clash between the world of their parents and grandparents and the comfort they have in alien culture. 
Primary food sources are soy beans, alien grains, nutritional yeasts, and algae supplements. Meat is highly valuable in most colonies. This varies regionally
The main colonies are China on Morvos, Station A-67 (Locally called Nueves Brazil) in the Norlandish Belt near Traga, Xiānhuā on the Minivite Moon of Rose Diamond, Florida on the 12th moon of Jube, Sunaji in the Cheeteh lands of Xan-Kodext, and several hundred smaller colonies.
Humans are a minority group among the numerous races of the galaxy. Many aliens will never speak to a human (As opposed to large populations of many other species and a level of integration that ensures more contact)
One of the first colonies ended up losing contact with the others. It was over 30 years before the missing evac fleet was even noticed as missing since the chaos of evac was so bad.
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"The society of humans post earth collapse. They are spread out through the galaxy in preserves gifted to them by local governments, many of which are poorly supplied or located in undesirable space. The people are resourceful, curious, and value heritage above many things."
- The description of humans in a standard adolescent/older child xenocultures class textbook. This, accompanied by a picture of 7 humans of various races, and a single picture of a decrepit Walmart, compose the entire article. From here it moves directly to a sea bird species and humans are only involved in footnotes.
Many textbooks have less than this, even at a higher education level.
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Rashtaleon People
Rashtaleon (rawsh-tah-lay-own) or Leona (Lay-own-uh) are the only intelligent species from the planet Corvos. Leona evolved from a evolutionary branch of feline-predators and developed the traits to walk upright in a savannah/scrub forest habitat similar to human ancestors. The modern society is loosely affiliated with Norland, but does not have a formal planetary government which could officially join the supernation.
Cultural Notes
Rather than nations the Leona operate as a series of Prides, a lot like clans. Each clan usually has 8-9 large families within it, and young males and females leave the pride to find mates. Traditionally, the females bring new males back to their original pride and raise 1-2 children with their family. Occasionally Prides combine, dissolve, or form.
The people eat a diet of primarily raw meat, fish, and occasional greens and fruits.
An area of several hundred miles will be occupied by a few prides. They are nomadic within the land and have set meeting places and times where they trade with other prides. Elders are chosen to represent prides and they usually gather at these meeting places to discuss politics, trade, and anything else. Other races interested in trade must trade individually with prides.
The homeworld of Corvos is open to immigration, but there is a significant culture clash to incoming immigrants. The presence of only a few established “cities” that are empty for much of the year is a significant difference from many other cultures.
Leona do not have personal names, but usually identify with a class or vocational name. Like a human who only goes by "the chef." This is confusing to outsiders, but Leona use a range of extra signals to clarify the person they mean.
Calendar based around seasons and solstices
Numbering system is base 8
The Leona speak many languages, but most know Common Leona which is a trade pidgin.
Common Leona has flexible grammar and a loose grasp on tense. The language has several ways to avoid redundancy and sentences are short but content rich. The language uses tradition syllabic sounds, but also many natural sounds like clicks, purrs, growls, etc. There are also many outside the range of humans!
Leona use a lot of body language to communicate. Tails, ears, whiskers, and large expressive eyes are useful for conveying emotion.
The Leona writing system is a phonetic alphabet written as a series of lines and dashes along a vertical channel. This suits the making of sign posts and displays.
End Cultural Notes.
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Ooru, Kveis, and Ron looking stylish in these original design pictures from a few years back
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In our story, the character of Etél is a Morvin. This species from the planet Morvos had a very unique evolutionary path!
In early evolution fungi diverged and lichens formed, but this route continued and led to symbiote organisms and later animals. The intelligent Morvins evolved from this line of fungi-symbiotic insects. Rather than being a complete organism, Morvins need to maintain plants, fungi, lichen and other living cultures to stay healthy and metabolize. The culmination of this is the living gardens of the Morvin people.
Adult Morvins place a lot of importance on cobio selection. They carefully choose organisms to host that will keep them healthy, but they also customize the arrangements to look, smell, and feel attractive. Cultivating a beautiful garden is part of looking put together and appealing.
Morvins are a magical species with specific innate abilities. Nearly all adults can communicate with each other through the telepathic "network" of the planet. They can finely control their energy, choosing where to direct aura in order to grow plants and heal themselves.
Some individuals have greater gifts and can control plants, break/invade minds, create curses, bless, or purify energy to name some.
Morvin magic is reliant on the life force of Morvos and the living colony that the host tends. Most Morvins never leave their home planet due to this. When separated from Morvos for too long, Morvins with dry out and die. They are understandably unable to use magic if too far from home.
Etél has figured out a way around this, but I'll get to that eventually.
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Quick sketches of the three characters I missed in my last post!
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The top two are a couple! The shape shifter Jade (They can look however they want, so this drawing seems somewhat useless) and their partner Etél!
Etél is a species that has a symbiotic relationship with plants and fungi that they plant into their bodies. The self gardens are worn like fashion, and a lot of work goes into selection and upkeep of the living clothes!
The bottom image is Dr. Dru, an accomplished aura expert and magical healer. His species is a type of desert reptile from the planet Dequite (Deh-kite). These large dinosaur-like people live long lives and form big family groups in connected underground homes.
Dr. Dru, however, has left his family and his warm home planet for the space hospital: Astrokomeo.
Jade, Etél, and Dru are friends and often hang out together in the greenhouse. Dru thinks of Jade almost like his child, and the two are very close.
As always, open to questions. More coming soon.
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Most of my main cast
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Ron: Human, grew up as a 2nd generation colonist of Nueves Brazil.
Morgo: Aviate Tragan (bird species from planet Traga)
K'Ooru: Rashtaleon (Cat people)
Garnet: Minevite (Insect species from planet Minthe)
Kveis: Type-2 Echo Fae (Type of vampire fairy, but her specific species is nearly extinct.) She looks different to everyone who sees her so difficult to do her justice in a drawing
Vashka: Moon Dragon (Dragon species from the planet Xan-Kodext
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