#astrology in teyvat must be bonkers lol
ymechi · 8 months
Hii, I hope you are having a good day or night! If not, maybe tomorrow will be a bit better. Anyway, I recently saw your brain rots, and I may or may not have loved them. Especially the ones about Freminet and Lynette being chosen by the creator (or was it reader?) So yeah, I like your brain rots! However, I have some questions. Take your time answering them, cause your health is also important!
Constellations 6. I have Freminet c6 and Lynette c3. So that got me wondering. How do constellations work in your brain rot au? I first thought that maybe constellations would make the characters feel more warmth. But then my brain went running with my brain cells, and came up with this. Constellation, when you unlock one of said characters' constellations they, and all other vision users, will be able to see the characters unlocked stars in the night sky. When constellation 6 is reached even people without vision will be able to see it.
But that's not all. My brain went further with questions and ideas. Cause my next question, is about 5 and 4 stars in this world. What's the difference? I thought of something along the lines of, 5 stars would be able to feel more warmth than 4 stars. But that was too similar to the original constellation idea. Then I thought of some other ideas, but I didn't want to make this text too long.
So yeah, still I hope that this might be able to get those creative ideas flowing again. If not then that's, okay too! I enjoyed writing and thinking about your brain rots, and maybe you'll enjoy this too. Take good care of yourself, cause your health is important, and stay hydrated!
Ohh i can't tell you how happy i am thank you so much for your compliments and kind words! I am glad my weird ramblings interested you enough to comment i love hearing about what other people think!
As for your question well- er- to be honest i have no idea i have been trying to think of something of what the constellations could mean in sagau. So far i have been thinking it makes them stronger, as in they are more in tuned with their element it also gives buff for skills and extra perks etc etc it's not very creative but i haven't thought of anything concrete really.
i love your idea of people being able to see the constellations that would be so cool and cute as well! i guess for more introverted characters it would perhaps be too much for them (but hey it's their grace's blessing), personally i headcanon that everyone can see when the creator is doing pulls and the constellation would shine when they get an acolyte, i do wonder what would happen if the creator is pulling when it's day time? maybe the sky turns temporarily into a night sky and then it reverts after the summoning is done? food for thought. TBH this makes me think how astrologians work under these circumstances like Mona, what the summoning means for them and how they do research on it. (But like imagine you are a humble researcher then your god creator breaks the laws making it nighttime during daylight hours to summon some random vision user halfway across the globe and now you have to report and research on this and it makes no sense)
This is all i came up with i hope it was enough ^^' and thank you again for asking!
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