circe-poetica · 5 years
New Moon in Pisces
New Moon in Pisces- Spontaneous Healing, Unexpected Miracles, The Balance of Flow and Action
On February 23rd, the Moon, which rules: our intuition, feminine presence and emotions, becomes new at 4 degrees of Pisces. New Moons are always about: fresh starts, re-set buttons and initiations. Pisces, the 12th zodiac sign, represents: our subconscious mind, imagination, spiritual surrender and transcendence.
The New Moon in Pisces is here to initiate radical healing on many levels. There is a depth of intuitive guidance with La Luna a new in the deepest sign of the zodiac. We will be ready to begin projects and plans that call upon our more dreamy and imaginative sides. Digging deep into our subconscious patterning will be a common theme as well as healing past traumas. We are ready to create new brain wiring that deepens our connection to our intuition. This is an excellent new moon to begin a healing modality that may suddenly come about with little to no warning. Our dream states will also be quite active at this New Moon and provide clues into what areas of our lives that this healing will be most profound. We will be little "psychic sponges", so be extra protective of who and want you give your energy to at this time. Profound and enlightened downloads come to us with little to no effort. The veil is thin and we will be receiving constant communication from our angels and guides.
The New Moon in Pisces forms two positive, 60 degree, sextiles to her other planetary brothers. The first is with Mars, the planet of: passion, purpose and drive, currently in his "exalted" sign of Capricorn. The New Moon sextile Mars in Capricorn will increase our ability to be proactive within our emotions and projects. We will feel a steady inspiration and a call to action around these intuitive hits that we are receiving. The second aspect is with Uranus, the planet of: enlightenment, shocks and surprises, currently in his "fall" sign of Taurus. The New Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus will create sudden events connected to our resources and a burst of enlightenment around our emotions. We could feel very spontaneous but at the same time, this will be guided by a higher force that literally " moves and shakes" up the status quo. Epiphanies around how we value ourselves and tend to our emotional health could be activated by this aspect. We are ready to embark on the " unknown and untried" with a sensitivity of perception and perspective.
The New Moon in Pisces is here to allow for new beginnings within our old subconscious patterns. We are ready to heal and re-write generational loops of unwanted pain and struggle. There is a profoundly active healing that wants to be known with La Luna a new in the sign of the fish. Trusting the path of the unknown will lead us to such forms of healing and transcendence. We are ready to be guided by our intuition and at the same time, the earthly influence of grounding and structure is very strong at the time of this new moon. A balance of the "tried and true", along with the dark, waters of the abyss are highlighted. The New Moon in Pisces is here to: awaken our sense of self- healing and regeneration, provide inspiration and intuitive guidance, and re-write generational pain and suffering. We will be under the influence of the New Moon in Pisces for the next 2 weeks until the Full Moon in Virgo on March 9th. https://www.astromomma.com/
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circeart · 4 years
October 2020 Astro
October 2020- One In A Blue Moon Opportunities, Twists of Fate + Fortune, Finding the Balance + Grace Through the Madness
Welcome to October 2020! You have now made it to the 10th month of this cray year of 2020! Pat yourself on the back. You are a survivor. October 2020 promises to be another wild month indeed. Rare occurrences of many kinds are on the table. We begin the month with a full moon and end with a full moon. Once in a Blue Moon events are in store! This is one of the most magical months of 2020! Prepare yourself as life is about to get even more wild and wacky( if you can imagine)!We begin the month of October, with a Full Moon at 9 degrees of Aries. Full Moons are always highly emotional and signify: manifestations, endings and completions. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is all about: passion, purpose, courage and aggression. The Aries Full Moon will bring sudden and explosive emotions to the surface. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, being the 1st sign. There will be a declaration of feelings that could be rather erratic and full on. The Aries Full Moon will also be conjunct retrograde Chrion, who is also in the sign of Aries. Retrograde Chrion in Aries conjunct the Full Moon will bring up our most repressed desires and instincts related to our past wounding. This could happen very quickly and without much warning. The lesson with these two together is around our ability to recognize that whatever caused this wound, could also be healed by our persistence and fortitude. We all have this inner warrior. This Full Moon will be the catalyst for us to recognize our brilliance within struggle. Instead of it defeating us, we can now recognize its presence to make us stronger and more resilient.
On October 4th, Pluto, the planet of: death/rebirth, intensity, power and transformation, turns direct at 22 degrees of Capricorn. For the past 6 months that Pluto has been retrograde, there have been issues coming up around our sense of power and control. As the most powerful dwarf planet turns direct, the skeletons we dug up to analyze and probe within our psyches during his retrograde phase, could begin to make sense and be sorted. A cathartic release of structures could happen. Pluto direct in Capricorn wants to teach us how to honor this intense transformation of our purpose. It hasn't been easy but now as he moves direct, there will be some kind of reward and forward movement connected especially to our sense of order and power.
On October 13th, Mercury, the planet of: the mind, communication and travel, turns retrograde at 11 degrees of Scorpio till November 3rd. The planet of the mind will retrograde back all the way to 26 degrees of Libra before turning direct. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will bring up the deepest and most profound opportunities for healing major issues deep within our core. Of course, people and situations from the past could show back up. There could also be issues with electronics and biz plans, so make sure to triple check things before responding to others. Mercury in Scorpio will demand we get real about what mental blocks sabotage our ability to go full out and be successful. Painful but truthful realizations could come to the surface to be purged. This is a great time to go within and heal past conversations connected to our: vulnerabilities, dependency on others and money issues.
Moving to mid- month, on October 16th, we have the New Moon at 23 degrees of Libra. New Moons herald fresh energy and are known to produce: beginnings, initiations and fresh perspectives. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign, is all about: relationships, contracts and balance. The New Moon in Libra will be a time to begin new cycles around our partnerships and associations. Being ruled by Venus, the planet of: love, pleasure and joy, will make this a very promising and auspicious new moon. This is a great lunar cycle to beautify and bring peace back to our lives. La Luna in Libra is asking us to find our sacred sense of balance. Major new partnerships could form at this time. The sweetness of compromise and unity will be felt.On October 22nd, the Sun, which rules our: ego, life force and vitality, shifts from the air sign of Libra, over to the water sign of Scorpio. The Sun in Scorpio will bring our passions and deep sense of purpose to the surface. No other sign is as deep and committed as a Scorpio. Traumas that we have repressed for a long time will come to the surface to be healed. There is no running away... this time is about facing our demons and fears. The Sun in Scorpio will demand we get real and authentic.
Finally,( know this is a long one, lol) on October 31st, we have the fated and rare, Blue Full Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. Blue Moons only happen every couple/few years. It's 2020 after all, so of course this year we will have one. Full Moons, as mentioned before, deal with: endings, manifestations and completions. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign, is all about: resources, self worth and values. The Blue Full Moon in Taurus will be extra special, because not only is it rare, but La Luna is exalted in the sign of Taurus. Exalted planets feel extra comfy and powerful. The Full Moon in Taurus will bring up our emotions connected to our money and what and whom we value most in life.
If someone or something isn't bringing us a sense of security and stability, then they will likely end at this lunation. Retrograde Uranus, the planet of: surprises, shocks and enlightenment, also in the sign of Taurus, will conjunct the Full Moon. Retrograde Uranus conjunct the Full Moon in Taurus, could lead to wacky and wild occurrences with our: money, resources and energy. A sudden epiphany around who we are and what we stand for could come out of the blue. Be aware of any sudden electrical or mechanical issues at the time of this Full Moon since Uranus rules such things. October 2020 will be a month of many twists and turns, yet there is an air of brilliance and the miraculous present as well. Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any wilder( wait for November + December) this month will test your ability to keep going no matter what life throws at you. Many sudden realizations are in store this month, so instead of resisting them, practice allowing and receiving. This is one of my most powerful messages. When you can truly allow and receive without any previous attachments or preconceived notions, the universe shows you magic + miracles . All of that magical + miraculous energy was within you the whole time. It isn't dependent on outside circumstances. This is the lesson of October 2020. October 2020 is here to bring: fiery emotions to the surface to be transformed, the acknowledgement of your own sense of power, and the continued ability to be able to deal with the unknowns of life with grace and resilience. If you are interested in how October 2020 and beyond will personally affect you, please check out my site for a list of my personal astrology and tarot readings: https://www.astromomma.com/collections Your support and love of Astromomma means so much to me, especially as I know it's a tough time for many at the moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued love and trust!© Astromomma, 2020
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/mars-enters-aries-a-rush-of-hot-passion-fiery-ambition-the-warrior-rises-once-again/
Mars Enters Aries- A Rush of HOT Passion, Fiery Ambition, The Warrior Rises Once Again
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Mars Enters Aries- A Rush of HOT Passion, Fiery Ambition, The Warrior Rises Once Again
By Astromomma
On June 27th, Mars, the planet of: aggression, passion and purpose, enters his home sign of Aries. Whenever a planet enters the sign its rules, it becomes: very powerful, directed and fruitful. Since we have had no fire within the planets, since the Sun was in Aries, this will feel like a huge wave of increased vitality and energy. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is all about: initiative, action, innocence and innovation.
Mars in Aries is here to bring back spunk and action to our lives, with an ushering in of fiery ambition. Mars, for the last 6 weeks,has been in the sign of Pisces and struggled to show his strength and prowess in the murky waters of the fish. Now, as he enters his home sign of Aries, he is ready to rock and roll and light sh@t up, lol! He will have an extended stay in Aries until January 2021, as he will be going retrograde from September- November 2020.
While Mars is home in his home sign, this is a great time to be energized to risk it all and to feel empowered to go after your goals and ambitions. The flip side of Mars in Aries will be: aggression, irritation and fighting. He also represents our sex drive. This could get a real boost during this transit! It is all how you transmute his energies. Many great accomplishments that take courage and will power will be honed in during his transit, but this can also raise our tempers and hot headed tendencies. Anyone with Aries, as their: Sun, Moon or Ascendant, will be most affected by this transit. We will all though, have our libidos raised to maximum capacity and will have to be responsible for these increased energy levels.
As Mars transits through Aries, he will make tense aspects to: Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, all in Capricorn. Saturn, is the planet of: obligation and restriction, Jupiter, is the planet of: expansion, wisdom and finally, Pluto, is the planet of: death/rebirth and regeneration. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: authority, government, big business and control. Mars in Aries square to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, could produce epic fighting and conflicts among, the people vs. the established orders that prevail. Aries is about freedom and liberation and Capricorn is about order and control. You can see the big clash of energies. As much as I don’t want to predict war, this aspect sure signals the potential for it. This will be especially true around election time in US here in early November. This year of 2020 is giving us many tests and these aspects certainly will play a pivotal role within these lessons and trials.
Mars in Aries is here to bring back the passion and drive that might have thought disappeared for quite some time. As the warrior planet dives home to fight for his right to party, our internal flames will be ignited. Remembering to keep a sense of grounded calmness and peace, might be more difficult during this transit. The best way to utilize the warrior planet in his home sign, is to use the extra boost of passion and purpose into a: hobby, project or life style transformation. Mars, within his home dwelling, is here to: ignite you into action with loads of energy, bring back the courage and will power to achieve and light a fire under you ass to get going and to make it happen. If you have Aries as your: Sun, Moon or Ascendant, as well on your: IC, DC, MC, then this transit will be most potent and noticeable for you. Mars will remain in the sign of Aries, until January 6, 2021.
For this HOT transit of Mars in Aries, I am doing an extended sign horoscope on my Astromomma Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
These horoscopes, which are channeled from spirit, give you: practical, tangible and enlightening advice on how best to navigate this transit according to your individual sign.
Patreon is a huge supporter of mine, and is a subscription based model of a $4 or $6 USD monthly contribution, that gives you access to all my special extended horoscopes and articles. In addition, you receive discounts on my astrology and tarot readings. Your support is always appreciated but even more so now with all that is going on. Thank you for your trust and love, be well my loves!I
© Astromomma, 2020
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circe-poetica · 4 years
New Moon in Gemini
New Moon in Gemini- Chatty Chatty Baby, Re-Invention is a Slow Process, Playful Masterpieces
On May 22nd, the Moon, which rules our: emotions, gut instinct and intuition, becomes new at 2 degrees of Gemini. New moons are all about: fresh starts, new beginnings and new creations. Gemini, the 3rd zodiac sign is known to be: intellectual, communicative, playful, curious and whimsical.
The New Moon in Gemini will bring in a fresh air of intellectual prowess and communication. We are ready to speak our truths and create a new dawn of existence. The New Moon's ruling planet, Mercury, the planet of: communication, contracts and news, is also in his home sign of Gemini at the time of the new moon. This makes for a DOUBLE dose of verbal expressions and masterpieces to be created. This is an excellent time to create that blog, book or any other project that deals with communication. We will be feeling lighter and more curious. Gemini, being a mutable sign, is very flexible and will provide a child like imagination to all of these new plans and projects.
The New Moon in Gemini will be forming a beautiful and beneficial 120 degree trine to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn, is the planet of: structures, obligations, hard work and lessons. Aquarius, the 11th zodiac sign, is all about: invention, originality, genius invention and independence. The New Moon in Gemini in harmony with Saturn in Aquarius, will allow for slow but steady progress to our creations. The systems and plans we put in place with this aspect might take a while and patience to develop but they will be long lasting and sustainable. Being that both the New Moon and Saturn are in air signs, a lot of this invention and mad hatter creations will come to us perhaps through the airwaves and could be sudden and perhaps unexpected. The intellectual channels of expression will be strong with this aspect and our little brains will be hard at work conjuring up these new en devours.
The New Moon in Gemini is here to awaken your mind to infinite possibilities around communication and curiosity. This airy and cerebral moon wants to allow your mind to roam with imagination and child like wonder. What could you create if you didn't have any boundaries? The Gemini new moon wants you to stay sharp and present within the moment. In reality, that's all there really is.
The Gemini new moon is here to: shine brilliance to your intellectual side, help you speak up and speak loud, and allow your dreams and plans to be created from a solid and firm foundation.
Those who have early degree Gemini placements( between 0-4 degrees of Gemini) as their: Sun, Moon, AC/DC, IC/MC, will be most affected by La Luna a new in Gemini. We will be under the effects of this New Moon in Gemini until the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 5th, which will also be a Partial Lunar Eclipse.
© Astromomma, 2020
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circe-poetica · 4 years
April 2020- You Are Me, I Am You, We Are ONE
 Unification in Unforeseen Times
Welcome to April 2020! Whew! What a hell of a year 2020 has been thus far? Quite an understatement!! April 2020 is another dynamic month. In fact, April, every year always tends to be a big month with the astrology and this month holds no exception. As we proceed into these unprecedented times, this month offers: renewal, awakening and healing for all.
We begin the month on April 4th, with Jupiter, the planet of: expansion, wisdom and fortune, meeting up with Pluto, the planet of: transformation, power and regeneration in the sign of Capricorn. These 2 powerful giants only meet up every 13 years, and the last time they met was in 2007, in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is here to bring: expansion, growth and power back into our lives. This combo is often described as the "millionaire's aspect" as many prominent and successful folks have this aspect in their natal charts. The planet of luck and the planet of power meeting up in Capricorn will inspire us to achieve and accomplish many remarkable and groundbreaking discoveries. Being that both are in the sign of Capricorn, these huge developments could occur within: business, our structures, responsibilities and obligations. This is the 1st meetup in 2020 between these planetary giants and the next times they come together will be June 30th and November 12th.
A few days later on April 7th, we have the Full Moon at 18 degrees of Libra. Full moons are always an emotional time and signify: completions, endings and manifestations. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign is all about: commitment, partnerships, balance and justice. The Full Moon in Libra will bring about a completion to a relationship dynamic and herald peace and equilibrium back into our lives. While there are definitely other stressful aspects occurring at the same time, La Luna full in the sign of the scales wants to temper these heightened emotions. This is a great full moon to put the final touches on a business project and unite with others on creative and artistic plans. Compromise and unification of principles will be blessed with this aspect. Major relationship issues will be brought to the forefront and the Libra full moon will ask us to be fair and accountable within such negotiations and partnerships.
Moving into mid- month, the Sun, which rules our: ego, vitality and life force, moves into the sign of Taurus on April 19/20th. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign is all about: earthy principles, our resources, self worth, practicality and sensuality. Happy birthday to all the Taurus folks!
The very next day on April 21st, the moon,which again, rules our: emotions, intuition and feminine sides, becomes new at 3 degrees of Taurus. New moons always herald: fresh starts, new perspective and new beginnings. The New Moon in Taurus is here to bring an awakening to what we value and hold dear in our lives. There is an interest in our resources and the way we care for and protect those assets. Uranus, the planet of: shocks, surprise and enlightenment, also in the sign of Taurus, makes a loose conjunction this new moon. Uranus conjunct the New Moon in Taurus, will shake up and wake us up to how we care for and handle these inner and outer resources. Sudden surprises with our finances are certainly possible and at the same time we are ready to be more innovative and original with our investments. We are awakening to who and what truly matters in our lives and Uranus could enlighten us to many truths that have been hidden below the surface.
April 2020 is a time where we hit the reset button. After so many changes and tense circumstances, this is a month to go outside and give thanks to mother earth. She is doing her best to heal us and its in April where we can really unite to honor her journey. In a time of such distress and uncertainty, April 2020 wants you to come together with another to unite in an act of love and understanding. We are all in this together and we can all get through this together. April 2020's message is one of hope and determination to proceed with courage and tenacity. April 2020 is here to bring: an awakening to our power and regeneration abilities, a further appreciation for our mother earth and the unification of our humanity to bring love and peace back to our world.
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circe-poetica · 4 years
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn- The Finalization of 13 Years of Karma, Death of the Ego, Raw Power Personified On November 12th, we have the final meetup in 2020 of Jupiter, the planet of: expansion, wisdom and abundance, and Pluto, the planet of: death, power and intensity, both at 22 degrees of Capricorn. These two first met on: April 4th and again on June 30th. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign deals with: control, order, restriction, hard work and obligation. The final meetup of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn is here to end a 13 year cycle connected to our world's need to exhibit power and domination. Every 13 years these two planetary "giants" come together to expand and eliminate. The next time will be in the year 2033, when they come together in the sign of Aquarius. This final meetup of 2020 is about ending a cycle connected to: order, structures and obligations within our lives. This is not to say that these things are bad or not necessary. It does suggest however that the way in which we have tolerated and allowed these: orders, structures and obligations is ready to be purged.A new level of accountability and respect is being asked from us at this time. The feeling of being "in control" and "high achieving" has lost its grip. There is an awakening that these states of being no longer cut it. A death of the ego is being asked of us by the divine. This process to many can feel quite like a shedding of skin and like a death of consciousness. This final meetup of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn is here to break down our defenses and allow us to rebuild with power and substance. We will first have to let go of any old habits around control and dominance. There is no room for the old. Jupiter is expanding our awareness and Pluto is asking for a final surrender and this could be quite shocking and dramatic. A windfall of frenzy around this dramatic transformation is possible. There is power and honor as we release these tight grips of feeling bound and trapped.Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn says that grip must die. That grip must be relinquished so true power and order can find its way back to us. Jupiter conjunct Pluto is here to: expand and personify our power but within letting go and allowance, bring up extremes with our sense of security and have us recognize the power of ultimate surrender and the cycles of death + rebirth.
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Full Moon in Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini- Voice of Truth, Ending of Relationship Cycles, Illumination of Secrets
On December 12th, at 12:12 am EST, the moon, which rules: our emotions, soul and inner core, becomes full at 20 degrees of Gemini. Full moons are always an extremely emotional time, and represent: endings, manifestation and completions. Gemini, the 3rd zodiac sign, is all about: communication, malleability, curiosity, and intelligence. This is the last full moon of the decade and the last one before the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 26th. Prepare for massive shifts and change!
The Full Moon in Gemini will bring forth communication and confessions to the surface. If there has been a long held truth that needs to be spoken, then La Luna in the sign of the twins, will bring forth transparency and clarity. Known to be highly intelligent, the sign of Gemini, loves to learn and explore. The issue with the sign of the twins, is sometimes they will say one thing and mean another. This is due to the fact that the sign holds dual energies. Although communication will be center and focus at this Full moon, we might need to look deeper to see multiple perspectives to a situation. What might seem obvious, could actually have another side that we are not aware of or willing to see. The Full Moon in Gemini will demand us to be flexible and malleable inside of shifting situations or confusing circumstances. Truths will be spoken but will these be the whole truth and nothing but the truth? That will be a major question at the time of this full moon.
A lot of these confessions could deal around love and money. This is due to the fact that at the time of the full moon, Venus, the planet of: love and money, will be conjunct both Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn, is the planet of: obligation and karma and Pluto, is the planet of: power and regeneration. Capricorn energy deals with: control, authority and responsibility. Venus conjunct both Saturn/Pluto, will bring up lots of hidden and heavy energies connected to our love lives and material resources. There are major shifts occurring at this time and some won't be pretty or easy to comprehend. It is time to get real and some romantic situations might get a huge wake up call. This heavy energy of Venus conjunct Saturn and Pluto will add a weight of consequence to this Full Moon in Gemini. What could begin as a light conversation, will soon evolve to a serious discussion and as mentioned, could be rather confronting. No more hiding or running from what we truly want and desire. There is a final chapter being acknowledged at this time. Prepare for karma to strike. The energy is ripe for authenticity and truth barring confessions.
The Gemini Full Moon is here to have us speak up and share our authentic truths to the world. Major cycles are ending and it is at this time that we need to find the strength to be true to ourselves. Although Gemini energy can be light and breezy, there will be a heavier energy to La Luna this time. She is being forced to look deep within and speak from a place of self worth and self respect. La Luna full in the sign of the twins will reveal many deep secrets and some could come as a complete shock and surprise. The Full Moon in Gemini asks you to be open and aware. Sometimes awareness isn't a fun process. This Full Moon in the sign of the twins is here to bring: truthful confessions to light, secrets to the surface and the ending of BS cycles. We will be under the influence of this Full Moon in Gemini till the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, which will be on December 26th.
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circe-poetica · 4 years
July 2020 Astro
July 2020- Realizing How Resilient You Truly Are, Resolution of the Mental Clutter, A Boost of Courage + Will to Succeed
Welcome to July 2020! Finally, we enter a month where perhaps we can catch our breath?!? 2020 so far has proven to be one roller coaster ride after another. After the eclipses, you might feel pretty worn out and ready to have some fun. Luckily July 2020, offers a bit of a reprieve and a chance to finally catch your breath. I would say with 100% confidence that we all have earned it?
We begin the month on July 4th/5th, with a powerful and juicy Lunar Eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn. Lunar Eclipses are full moons on steroids and signify: massive endings, manifestations and culminations. All eclipses can bring: change, surprises and curve balls. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign is all about: order, responsibilities, work, duty and obligations. This is the final eclipse in the Cancer/Capricorn axis that began in 2018. A work project, business or investment might bear fruit or complete at this full moon. We will be asked to stand in a space of authority and responsibility for our past actions. Capricorn also rules karma, so past deeds, whether pleasant or not, will come back to us. Wherever Capricorn falls in your natal chart is where these powerful and life changing events will occur.
On July 12th, Mercury, the planet of: communication, the mind and contracts, turns direct at 5 degrees of Cancer. Slowly but surely, projects and plans will begin to be sorted out and move forward. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign deals with: family, home and our emotional foundations. While Mercury was retrograde for the last 3 weeks, deep and emotional realizations connected to our soul and past wounds could have come up to be re-examined. Now, as the planet of the mind turns direct, still in the sensitive sign of the crab, we can begin to lay the groundwork and produce miracles connected to these epiphanies. Major childhood wounds could be sorted out as we surrender to forgiveness for ourselves and those in our family.
Moving to the mid month, on July 20th, we have an inspiring and comforting new moon at 28 degrees of Cancer. New moons herald: beginnings, invitations and fresh starts. Cancer, as described before, rules the 4th house of: home, family, emotional foundations and our soul. The New Moon in Cancer is actually a Black Moon, meaning its the 2nd new moon within a 30 day period. This signals a double dose of fresh starts within our emotional foundations and soul. A healing of the inner feminine is suggested here and a sense of comfort and security begins to unfold. This is a great new moon to purchase a new property or begin a project connected to your home and family.
On July 23rd, the Sun, which rules: our vitality, life force and core, moves from the watery sign of Cancer, over to its home in the fiery sign of Leo. All of a sudden we will feel a surge of courage and manifestation powers! Any time a planet or celestial body moves to its home sign, it gains tremendous strength and vitality. As the Sun enters Leo, a warm and sunny disposition of energy returns to our lives. We will be less in the deep waters of emotion and more in our heart space of authenticity and trust.
July 2020 is a month of renewal and a chance to put the pep back in our step. We finally have more planets in fire signs and this will add a sense of passion, fun and exuberance back to our weary hearts. This year of 2020 has been nothing short of crazy. While July still could exhibit some curve balls and unknowns, the planetary activity for the most part is relatively quiet.
As we step forward into the 2nd half of this year, remind yourself how far you have come and how courageous you have shown up to life. This isn't a small act, but rather a brave and vulnerable stance of a true warrior. Acknowledge yourself and give thanks to these experiences that have made you: stronger, wiser and more grateful. July 2020 is here to bring: resolutions to past mental conflicts, the courage and willpower to achieve your goals and the remembrance of just how far you have come.
© Astromomma, 2020 
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circe-poetica · 4 years
New Moon in Taurus-Astromomma
New Moon in Taurus- Awakenings Around Values, Owning Your Worth, Invention In the Moment
On April 22nd/23rd, the Moon, which rules our: emotions, intuition and gut instinct, becomes new at 4 degrees of Taurus. New Moons herald : fresh beginnings, starts and a new dawn. The days leading up to the new moon can feel intense and uncertain with no light +  guidance from La Luna. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign, deals with: resources, self- worth, values, practicality and the body.
The New Moon in Taurus is here to cultivate grounded fresh beginnings around what we hold near and dear in our lives. This could be around our: finances, sense of stability and our own inner power. The moon loves to be in Taurus as its exalted in the sign of the bull. Planets in "exaltation" are strong and give positive and directed energies to that planet. We are all craving something solid and secure with this New Moon. In our current world with lots of unknowns and uncertainty, La Luna in the practical sign of Taurus so wants to give us this sense of comfort and ease. Mother nature though, has something to teach us about herself and each other. While there will certainly be moments of solace and peace with this New Moon, there is a deeper lesson at play. True stability is created in the moment, despite outer circumstances, not due to them. This new moon is here to awaken our inner guide of calm and direction.
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The main aspect to the New Moon in Taurus will be a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of: surprises, shocks and innovation, who is also in the sign of the bull. Uranus conjunct the New Moon will add a dash of excitement, instability and originality to our lives. Values and beliefs that once held such importance to us could suddenly be replaced or vanish all together. Upheavals and reversals around our stability and security could also be in the works. The gift of Uranus is not to shake us up for just the hell of it. Uranus wants to create enlightenment and awakenings. The lesson of Uranus meeting up with the New Moon in Taurus will be our ability to be inventive and innovative around the relationship we have to money and our sense of worth and security. We so desperately want a guidebook on how it will all work out. The universe doesn't work along the lines of a guidebook however. This aspect of Uranus and the New Moon in Taurus is a calling that all the love and stability is not outside of you, it is INSIDE. Once you can own that and believe it, the outer reality will match, even under the most bizarre and funky circumstances in life.
The New Moon in Taurus is here to awaken and re-adjust your values and sense of security. In a world of unprecedented chaos, La Luna wants to offer you a fresh perspective on comfort and peace of mind. What if you didn't rely on outer circumstances to give you peace and stability? There is a chance with this lunar cycle to dig deep and reclaim what true security is to you and what really matters most in life. This is something that the: government, a bank account or a title cannot give to you. This is declared from your inner stand and recognition of your soul and heart. This is true security and peace...created from an inner knowing and calling.. not a system or established structure. The New Moon in Taurus asks you to stay grounded, yet open to listening to mother nature's song of wisdom and guidance. She is here to bring: awakenings of inner strength and fortitude, detachment from previous values + beliefs and the ability to calm the mind and spirit with grace and patience.  
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Saturn in Aquarius 21/22 march
Saturn in Aquarius- How Isolation Has Brought Us Closer Then Ever, Re-Invention of Old Systems, Revolution=Evolution
On March 21st/22nd, Saturn, the planet of: restriction, obligation, karma and order, moves from his home sign of Capricorn, into Aquarius. Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, represents: the maverick, genius, voice of the people, originality, invention and hopes/wishes. This is just a taste of this transit as Saturn will only stay in Aquarius until early July 2020 before going retrograde back to Capricorn. In late 2020, Saturn will re-enter Aquarius where he will stay until 2023.
Saturn in Aquarius is here to bring order and structures to: large groups, social interaction and upcoming inventions. Of course, we are already seeing a lot of this playing out with the current pandemic. The term social distancing was just a mere phrase in our vocabulary, prior to the last 2 weeks. This phrase is quite a literal interpretation of what Saturn in Aquarius represents. I expect as the transit continues to see more restrictions on large group gatherings. On the positive side, Saturn in Aquarius could also produce sub communities of folks that are tired of the government's rules and decide to go " off grid". While there are already lots of folks living off grid lifestyles, we could see these being formed even more rapidly as more restrictions are placed on our freedoms.
The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was in 1991-1994. This was a time when the general public was first introduced to the world wide web. The first "www" code was released by the CERN making internet access available to everyone. Interestingly enough, it is this invention that is now keeping us connected to one another as we are shacked up in our homes. Within government systems, this transit is bringing up the need to re-invent all systems that no are no longer progressive or forward thinking. This is where we could see an old remedy( Saturn) be re-invented and revolutionized( Aquarius). Certainly, there will be more restrictions on travel, as Aquarius is an air sign. Again, tying it back to " social distancing" and regulating the ability for us to see whoever we want, whenever we want.
Saturn in Aquarius is here to bring awareness and responsibility back to the people. Through the limitations and bailouts from the government, we are realizing in a big way of how we must care for ourselves when times get tough. Aquarius is the sign of the people and universal love and unity. How can we truly unite when we cannot see and feel one another? Through technology of course, which also happens to be ruled by Uranus, Aquarius's ruling planet. This " disconnection" we have all been going through has surprisingly brought us closer then any kind of device could accomplish.
It is the unity of consciousness that this transit will invoke. You can separate people on the physical level but you cannot disconnect them from their soul and heart. It is time with this transit for us to step up to the plate and become a united force like we have never seen in our lifetime. Saturn in Aquarius is here to: teach us how to live with social restrictions but not be divided, create better systems that promote change and progress and remind us that even while distant, how we truly are ONE.
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circe-poetica · 4 years
Super Full Moon in Scorpio May 2020
Super Full Moon in Scorpio- Goodbye Is the Hardest Word to Say, Secrets Surface, The Intensity of Letting Go + True Colors Emerging Today, May 7th, the moon, which rules our: emotions, gut instincts and intuition, becomes full at 17 degrees of Scorpio. Full Moons are always a highly emotional time and represent: endings, completions and manifestations. Considering this is a Super Full Moon, and the last one of 2020, this full moon will be even more intense and full on. Scorpio, the 8th zodiac sign, deals with: power, shared resources, depth, secrets, transformation and the underworld. The Super full moon in Scorpio will bring up skeletons from the deepest and darkest parts of our soul. There is nothing light and airy about the sign of Scorpio. It is one of the reasons why the sign is so feared and at the same time, so admired. Hidden truths and hidden motives could make themselves painfully known with La Luna in the darkest sign of the zodiac. This Super Full Moon in Scorpio will ask you to dive deep and mourn a lost part of your life. Whether this be: a person, a job, or former way of life, there is an element of grieving that is coming up. No other sign can plunge to the depths of a matter and no other sign can release and transform themselves, like a Scorpio. We are all being called to let go and let god. This process can feel very emotional and dark. Perhaps we thought we could just go through the process of transformation unscathed? These illusions are just what this full moon will bring up. Acceptance and allowing will conjure true freedom from the chains of the past. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio, however, is making a beautiful, harmonious, trine (120 degree aspect) to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune deals with: spiritual pursuits, imagination, healing and transcendence. The Full Moon in Scorpio in harmony with Neptune in Pisces, will bring a healing balm of divine intervention. Spirit is close by with this aspect. As these traumas and secrets emerge, we will be able to deal with them and release them. This aspect between the Moon and Neptune will be a spiritual awakening and test of our faith and strength. Unusual and prolific encounters with the "other side" could happen at this time. We so desperately want to heal and transcend this pain and sorrow. The Super full moon in harmony with Neptune will allow for divine healing to emerge, perhaps from unlikely sources and places. We are being asked to trust ourselves and this process of transformation. It might not be easy but it will be life altering. Divine has the wheel; all we need to do is to surrender to the ride. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to teach us how to be ok with a part of ourselves and our lives "dying". It isn't in fact "dying" but transforming into something that is more authentic and true in nature. If you understand the cycle of life, than this process will be a lot easier to deal with in the long run. If you resist these "deaths" then this process will be grueling and unkind. The choice is yours. This full moon in Scorpio will not mess around; it means business. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to: have you face your darkness with love and compassion, reveal true intentions and motives, and spark the process of the phoenix rising up from the ashes; transformed and reborn! © Astromomma, 2020  
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Last night’s new moon
On June 3rd, we have the airy and light New Moon at 12 degrees of Gemini. New Moons are a time of: fresh starts, initiations and beginnings. Often the days leading up to the New Moon( and the actual day itself) are very difficult as we are in the "dark moon" phase. With no visible light from the moon, we can tend to feel lost and directionless. It is best to wait a couple days after the New Moon( in this case, June 5th) to set new intentions. The ancients believed that it was advantageous to see a crescent of the moon to declare new ventures, as these new projects or plans would grow and prosper with the fullness of the moon. Gemini, the 3rd sign of the zodiac deals with: communication, learning, playing, curiosity and flexibility.
The New Moon in Gemini is a reset button within our ability to speak our truth from new levels of perspective and enlightenment. La Luna's rebirth within the sign of the twins, will propel us to communicate with authenticity and balance out our feminine and masculine sides. If there has been a question or piece of the puzzle within your own life that has been hidden, this is the New Moon to usher in awareness and revelations. Because Gemini energy is malleable and sometimes fickle in nature, our verbal and mental declarations could feel fleeting or "up in the air". There is a lightness and playfulness to Gemini energy that can be both refreshing and at times confusing. It is all inside of the duality of the sign. Remembering to stick to our word and honor its depth, could be challenging, although we might have sincere intentions to do so. Many of us will exhibit " diarrhea of the mouth" with this new moon. It is best to be exploratory and leave room for diversions with our plans and projects, as this energy could be hard to pin down and changeable in nature.
As mentioned in my monthly forecast, this New Moon in Gemini is extra special as it sits right next to the royal star, Aldebaran. Aldebaran, is a large fixed star, located on the left eye in the constellation of the Bull (Taurus). This star is known to bring: power, fortune, determination, intelligence, prestige and honor. With Aldebaran joining up with the New Moon in Gemini, many of our new projects and plans will be blessed with an extra dose of magic and miracles. Folks that enter into your life around the New Moon in Gemini, will bring fortunate events or circumstances. Aldebaran will also bring destined events to our lives, perhaps without warning. Synchronicity and divinely guided messages could rapidly appear at this time. Staying present is vital as the signs from the universe will be particularly active with their celestial exchange.
The New Moon in Gemini is here to arouse your mind and spirit to new heights of awareness and guidance. This chatty new moon asks you to speak from your soul but to also listen with intention and purpose. There is a call from divine to be true to our word and honor our heart with communication that is both fluid but meaningful. It is important at this new moon to speak from unconditional love and understanding. This includes how we speak to ourselves. This Gemini New Moon asks you to be aware of how you speak to yourself and how that reflects your communication to others. We are mirrors on this journey. The New Moon in Gemini is here to awaken your ability to honor both the masculine and feminine... within your own being and within your relationships. La Luna, being born new within the sign of the twins reminds you that what you honor in another is a mere reflection of yourself. The time has come to to honor both with: understanding, flexibility and heart centered awareness.
Below is your New Moon in Gemini forecast for each zodiac sign. These are relevant till the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius( on June 17th). You can read for your: Ascendant, Sun or Moon signs( or all 3).
Aries- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 3rd house of: communication, contracts and learning. Time to venture out and learn a new skill. You have been feeling burdened by the daily grind of life lately; its time to explore and open your mental and emotional horizons. Speaking from the heart always leads to breakthroughs and peace of mind.
Taurus- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 2nd house of: resources, self-worth and values. Time to take your income to the next level; you have laid the ground work for abundance and its time to cha-ching your way forward. A new realization of what you deserve could come to the foreground; listening and honoring yourself in new ways is both inspiring and fruitful.
Gemini- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 1st house of: the physical body, outlook and destiny. Time to evolve from the caterpillar to the butterfly; you are ready to shine bright and fly forward. After a hard last month, spirit is here to bring you unprecedented breakthroughs and victory. You deserve it; divine reminds you to remain humble and grateful.
Cancer- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 12th house of: the subconscious mind, dreams and imagination. Time to set forth a healing routine; this doesn't have to be complicated, in fact, spirit wants you to find simplistic ways to soothe your aching heart. Divine is sending you all kinds of signals; pay attention as many will reveal the truth and clear up deep mysteries of importance.
Leo- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 11th house of: friendships, goals and dreams. Time to step out of the box; you have been bogged down but divine wants you to remember the light and brightness of your dreams. Taking one small step a day towards these dreams is important; let go of doubt and embrace surrender + trust in the process.
Virgo- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 10th house of: career, authority and responsibility. Time to make it rain; you have been all over the place lately, but spirit wants to ground you with a gift of prosperity. You have the ability to empower others; they are listening so be careful what and how you say something; recognition after a long battle.
Libra- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 9th house of: secondary education, truth and wisdom. Time to stop guessing and become a detective; the universe has something spectacular to show you but you must be open and present to receive it. Authentic communication about a matter that has been unresolved for quite some time; clarity and understanding appears.
Scorpio- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 8th house of: intimacy, vulnerability and shared resources. Time to re-invent yourself(again, l know); you have learned important lessons on self respect and what you aren't willing to tolerate anymore. Rising up and showing em how you roll; bringing light and love to yourself and everyone you encounter.
Sagittarius- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 7th house of: commitments, contracts and peace. Time to seal the deal on new important relationships; they could appear out of thin air. These new folks or contracts will bring great fortune and prosperity. You might be skeptical but trust in divine's plan is crucial; faith and love are here for you to enjoy.
Capricorn- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 6th house of: health, work and service. Time to re-invent your daily routine; even though you all like things to remain steady and secure; you might want to mix it up and bring back some play to the everyday grind. Feeling strong in your body; meditation + breathing techniques could be particular appealing to you at this time.
Aquarius- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 5th house of: true love, fun and creativity. Time to go out and explore your heart; this could lead you to bump into another lovely soul. You want to play and be fully self-expressed. Hold nothing back but also remember to LISTEN; others want to be acknowledged as well.
Pisces- Beginnings, Communication, Awareness in your 4th house of: family, home and the soul. Time for a new abode or remodeling of your current home. You are ready to set your heart free in a new direction that inspires and uplifts you. Pay attention to your gut; there are signs everywhere and the universe is urging you to stay extra aware with this new moon. AstromommaAstromomma
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn- The Most Positive Eclipse of the Decade, A Change Is A Comin, Twists of Fate + Luck Built on Solid Ground
On December 25th/26th, the Moon, which represents: the emotions, intuition and our inner core becomes new at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This isn't just any regular ol' New Moon. We have now entered into the fated and destined eclipse time. Solar Eclipses are new moons on steroids and herald: major new beginnings, starts and initiations. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: authority, structure, obligation, responsibility and destiny. The days leading up to any New Moon/Solar Eclipse are always dark and tense. It's as though we can feel the momentum building but cannot see the light. Release is necessary and we could feel quite lost and perhaps heavy with sadness and confusion. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Prepare yourself; this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is one of the most positive and encouraging astrological events of the decade.
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The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is here to awaken and give life to our dreams. These new massive beginnings will deal with the tangible, tried and true in our lives. Being an earth sign, Capricorn energy focuses on the material and practical realms of existence. This re-set button will encourage our ultimate responsibility and integrity to what truly matters in our lives. No mucking around with this powerful eclipse. Each eclipse either meets up with the North Node or South Node. The Nodes are elliptical points of fate and karma on the moon's axis line. This Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is greeting the South Node also in Capricorn. The South Node deals with: the past, lessons and karma. We must let something go at this time, and it could feel rather isolating or uncomfortable. The astrological gods are asking us to give up something and step into a new phase of our lives. It is time to rise up and meet our fate with a determined attitude of hope and renewal.
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn will demand us to get real, VERY REAL, about what structures, obligations and duties are working in our lives and which ones are not constructive. Major twists of fate are possible as Eclipses bring surprises and shocks. If things have been breaking down or falling away, it is imperative to trust divine in her plan. As humans, we can be very comfort driven and want to stay safely in our cocoon. This Eclipse is encouraging us to step forward, even if we are afraid and skeptical. The time has come to reclaim our power and purpose. This is an excellent time to begin to focus on our mission and life purpose. The universe is giving the green light for massive action and the strength and willpower to face our darkest shadows and fears.
This Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is in fact the most positive one of the decade. This is due to the fact that the Sun is being positively aspected by both Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter, is the planet of: hope, optimism, expansion and wisdom. Uranus, is the planet of: invention, surprise, evolution and enlightenment. The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn will add a silver lining of hope and expansion to this powerful new moon. Lucky breaks will manifest and this will be a testament to all the hard work and sacrifice we have experienced. Educational and teaching pursuits are favored with the Solar Eclipse conjunct Jupiter. The Solar Eclipse trine Uranus in Taurus, will bring forth a genius stroke of invention and enterprise. We will want to try something new and at the same time be very grounded and practical among st these new discoveries. Major deals surrounding investments and business will be the highlight of this aspect. Everyone will benefit from these positive alignments with the Solar Eclipse but especially those born with early degree Earth placements( Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Hence, why I titled the article one of the most positive eclipse's of the decade. We are all ready for a powerful and positive change and this Eclipse won't disappoint.
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is here to renew your tired spirit and infuse your soul with a powerful new beginning of faith. Eclipses are always change agents and this one is chock full of positivity and promise. We are ready to begin again and this Solar Eclipse promises major starts that are built on solid foundation. No other sign can "make it rain" quite like a Capricorn. This sign also rules karma, so this is the time where you will reap what you have sewn. We are being asked to release what no longer serves our highest good and trust that new doors will open that lead to prosperity and peace of mind.
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn wants to bring you a new chapter of immense strength and conviction of character. La Luna a new in the sign of the mountain goat promises: exciting new ventures of hope, solid foundations, and renewal of our greatest hopes and dreams. Eclipses tend to manifest events in and around the actual dates but can effect folks a few weeks prior to 6 months to 1 year later. If you have personal planets, points or angles in/around 4 degrees of Capricorn( or any of the Cardinal signs- Aries, Cancer and Libra) then this eclipse will be more potent and life changing for you. We will be under the effects of the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn until the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10th.
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circe-poetica · 5 years
New Moon in Sagittarius
New Moon in Sagittarius- Clarity Through Action, Finding Your Authentic Voice, Rise of Inspiration + Shooting the Arrow to Your Dreams
On November 26th, the moon, which rules: our emotions, soul and inner voice, becomes new at 4 degrees of Sagittarius. New Moons are a time for fresh beginnings, initiations and starts. Sagittarius, the 9th zodiac sign, is known to be: philosophical, wise, daring, adventurous and fiery.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is here to bring a spark of inspiration and authentic action to our lives. After a long and strenuous Scorpio season, we are ready to feel lighter and move forward in our lives with confidence and hope. A surge of fiery passion is here with La Luna a new in the sign of the archer. Sagittarius is known to be both the philosopher and the clown. No other sign can bounce back and forth between such contrasting worlds quite like a Sagittarius. Our sights will be on matters connected to: education, spiritual truths and freedom.
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Being a mutable sign( like Gemini, Virgo and Pisces) makes Sagittarius very adaptable and malleable. Mutable signs are: here, there and everywhere. While we will be all fired up and ready to create new exciting plans and en devours, we will have to watch for over promising and under delivering with this changeable energy. Creating a solid plan could prove to be a challenge as Sagittarius often expresses itself on a whim and when the inspiration hits a peak. This is a good time to practice being grounded as we create these exciting new plans. While we can shoot arrows towards our dreams all day long, the ones that will stick will be thought out and created with patience and a solid plan. This is something to keep in mind as the energies will be high and ripe with passion and vigor. Keeping a solid footing could prove to be difficult but will be required with these malleable vibes.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is here to re-ignite a new vision of hope and inspiration. While we could feel rather un-grounded and all over the place, there is a light in our heart that wants to be expressed with hope and faith. No other sign can lift our weary and tired hearts, quite like a Sagittarius. Blunt truths are on the table, as this sign says it like it is and has no qualms with truth bearing confessions. La Luna a new in the sign of the Archer, wants you to believe in something greater then yourself. It is time to create with an open mind and vision for the future, that calls you forth to shine your greatest light and achieve your greatest dreams. The New Moon in Sagittarius is here to: inspire action through vision, proclaim truthful confessions and to conjure the belief that everything and anything is possible with a positive mindset and action. We will be under the influence of this New Moon for the next 2 weeks, until the Full Moon in Gemini on December 12th.
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circe-poetica · 5 years
July astrology
July 2019- Tremendous Change, Universal Shifts Within the Soul, Massive Completions + Ecliptic Transformations
Welcome to July 2019! We are now stepping into the intense Eclipse season. Eclipse season brings: changes, shifts and twists of fate. The eclipses occur along side the direction of the North and South nodes.The North node, which is currently in Cancer, is where we are headed; our destiny. The South node, which is currently in Capricorn, is what we need to release and let go. We are all purging karma and trauma at unprecedented rates during this eclipse cycle. At the same time, we are being guided towards a higher calling of coming home to our soul and nurturing our path forward. Eclipses tend to bring shifts and events in and around the actual dates of the eclipses and within 30-40 days post eclipse. If they are aspecting your Sun, Moon or Ascendant or Angles(1,4,7,10 houses) these effects can last up to 6 months to 1 year.
The month begins on July 2nd/3rd with a Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 10 degrees of Cancer. Solar Eclipses are new moons with 10x the power and magnitude of a normal new moon. They signify: life changing new beginnings, starts and initiations. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign of the zodiac, represents: the mother, the soul, home, family and our deepest emotional core.This New Moon is aligning us with the North Node in Cancer. The Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer will bring a spotlight to how we nurture our soul path and how we express our tender and vulnerable sides. New dynamics around home and family are possible, and these could entail big changes and surprises. There is a sense of being pushed by the universe to honor and express our deepest emotions and at the same time an awareness of how to protect and honor our heart. Major lessons connected to our inner mother or actual mother will come up to the surface to be faced. With the North Node guiding this New Moon eclipse, there is a sense of destiny unfolding and an inner compass of unconditional love and acceptance being brought forth, perhaps, among such massive changes and shifts.
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A few days later on July 7th, Mercury the planet of the: mind and communication turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Leo. Mercury will move backwards all the way to the 23rd degree of Cancer, before going direct on August 1st. Leo, the 5th sign of the zodiac, deals with: children, self expression, love, creativity and our vitality. Mercury retrogrades are known to bring delays in: plans, communication mishaps, technological issues and prompt us to go inward to: redirect, reflect and revise. Mercury retrograde in Leo will be a time to return to our inner child and work on our self-expression and sense of self. Many could feel extra prideful and we will need to watch the tendency to express ourselves from our ego. This is a perfect energy to go back and work on creative and artistic projects and revise how we express our deepest desires and wishes. If you have planets between the 23rd degree of Cancer- 4th degree of Leo( such as myself with a 29 degree Cancer moon) then this Mercury retrograde will be significant and felt very deeply. Past issues will come back around to be dealt with and the inner yang/yin (Leo/Cancer) energies will need to be re-directed and re-focused.
Moving to mid-month, we have another fun ride of ecliptic energies. On July 17th, we have the Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 24 degrees of Capricorn. Lunar eclipses are full moons with 10x the magnitude of power of normal full moons. They signify: huge endings, culminations and manifestations. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, represents: the father, authority, responsibility, karma and obligation. This Full moon is aligning us with the South Node in Capricorn. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn will bring endings and culminations to how we perceive control and structure in our lives. There is a purging around lessons of obligation and responsibilities. We could feel a huge sense of relief around having to figure things out and around being weighed down by obligations and duties. Many could receive a promotion or big boost around business and economic affairs. The patriarch side of society will be highlighted with this full moon, and massive shifts in energy and direction will occur. With the Partial Lunar Eclipse conjunct retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, massive transformations around power and sense of entitlement will be purged and released at this time. If your inner planets or your angles(1,4,7,10 houses) are between the 20th-28th degree of Capricorn, then expect massive endings in those areas. Many of these endings could come as a surprise or bring unexpected events.
On July 23rd, the Sun, which represents our: core, ego and vitality moves into its home sign of Leo. Leo, the 5th sign of the zodiac deals with: children, play, creativity, self-expression and pride. We will all feel lighter and ready to explore our creative and loving energies. At the end of the month, on July 31st, we have another New Moon at 8 degrees of Leo. This is known as the Black Moon. This occurs when we have 2 new moons within one month cycle( like the Blue Moon, which represents 2 full moons within one month cycle). New moons as described, represent: new starts, beginnings and initiations. The New Moon in Leo will highlight our sense of freedom and self- expression connected to our heart and joy. We will want to get out and play and be free from external and internal dynamics. After a heavy month of ecliptic energies, this New Moon in Leo will feel like a breath of fresh air and a chance to embrace our inner child with a sense of joy and wonder.
July 2019 is a month that will begin massive changes for many folks. There is an emphasis with these eclipses to honor both the feminine and masculine in profound and life shifting ways. We are at a crossroads within our soul and where we are headed in life. The important thing to remember about eclipses is to let go and let the energies direct you where they will. If you resist change and transformation, then these shifts will be met with much difficulty and turmoil. Remembering that the only way "out" is “through” is key to this month's energies. July 2019 wants you to come back home and re-discover all the amazing gems within your own being. You are so much braver and more resilient than you may have known previously. July 2019 asks you to honor this courage and step forward into a new life filled with: massive breakthroughs in being, life changing soul growth and the ability to manifest miracles.
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Jupiter goes retro
Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius- Internal Consciousness Shifts, The Truth Shall Set You Free, Exploration of the Soul
On April 10th, Jupiter, the planet of: abundance and luck, turns retrograde at the 24th degree in its home sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the 9th fire sign of the zodiac, deals with: higher consciousness, travel, secondary education, truth and wisdom. Since November 2018, when Jupiter entered its home sign of the Archer, our spirit has been propelled forth with new adventures of the mind and spirit. Now, as the largest planet in our solar system, turns retrograde, those awakenings of truth and perspective, will become more internalized. There is a misconception with retrograde planets, that they don't produce or manifest outward movement or events. While there is an internal recognition and pull to a planet's energy when it retrogrades, I often see events actually begin to manifest, when a planet turns in direction. This is mainly due to the fact that a retrograde planet is actually closer to us, then when it's direct, so the energy is more potent and easily felt.
Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius could produce events connected to: immigration, travel and our education system. Expect for the next 4 months, until he turns direct, for authentic and telling circumstances in those areas mentioned but also within our own internal higher consciousness of understanding and awareness. These realizations could be large and reveal major truths, as Jupiter in Sagittarius, even while retrograde, is still in his home sign, and very powerful. There will be a new level of internal optimism, faith and hope that this aspect will produce. We will all become a magnet for growth and our inner guru will be particularly active, craving higher knowledge and spiritual understanding. Those folks with planets or angles between the 14th-24th degree of Sagittarius( or any mutable sign: Gemini, Virgo or Pisces) will be particularly effected by Jupiter's retrograde motion. Since Jupiter is the planet of expansion, expect a grand enlargement of events in those areas of life effected, with piercing and blunt truths to be revealed and brought into focus.
Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius is here to bring the focus inward around our sense of: growth, authenticity and awareness. The guru sky god turning retrograde will give all of us a chance to breathe and take stock of where our inner truth and direction lie. Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius will be a time to redirect any limiting belief or viewpoint that has halted us in the past. This could be revealed inside of a very gigantic "awakening", as mentioned, Jupiter always goes big and magnifies whatever he touches. For the next 4 months until he turns direct on August 11th, there will be an inner guide of faith and trust that will be produced by his retrograde motion. Jupiter retrograde in his home sign asks us to pause before shooting our bow and arrow forward into the future. He asks us to be patient and keep our hearts engaged with a holy fire of : truth, freedom and expansion of consciousness. Jupiter will be retrograde in Sagittarius, beginning on April 10th at the 24th degree and then will move direct on August 11th at the 14th degree of Sagittarius.
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