#astronema power rangers
Early Power Rangers stayed having evil bad bitches
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tampire · 9 months
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An Evil Game / A Date With Danger
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skyland2703 · 3 months
Ecliptor didn't deserve to die
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theastronovastarlight · 4 months
🩷⚡️Glitter Force X Power Rangers In Space?!⚡️🩷
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✨🫧🩷⚡️Glitter Force And Power Rangers In Space Have So Many References!⚡️🩷🫧✨
<— Left-Power Rangers In Space!
—> Right-Glitter Force!
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toku-soko · 6 months
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Astronema Appreciation Post.
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mateushonrado · 2 months
To describe Claudia from The Dragon Prince right now
Status Post #11257: By right now, I mean from the recent season Book Six: Stars and as confirmed at SDCC today, next season will be titled Book Seven: Dark, which will conclude the series as well as phase three, which will be a trilogy is in the planning stage (pending approval from Netflix), though it's unclear if it'll be either three more seasons of the show, a spinoff set before or after the show or a film trilogy.
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I'd say she can be compared to these four characters in question.
Willow Rosenberg / Dark Willow
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Due to reaching a despair event horizon and turning to darkness.
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Due to being the daughter of the first major antagonist.
Karone / Astronema
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Due to being the main female antagonist with a heroic brother and a conflicted alignment.
Sasha Waybright
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Due to being friends with the main protagonist as well as having a bit of an aloof personality, before and after her face heel turn, not to mention being bi coded.
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regaliasonata · 4 months
Ranger Pride Icons Batch 3🏳️‍🌈
Karone, TJ, Tommy and Syd
(Free to use)
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Also @pinkrangerv
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sophiasneerusrex · 27 days
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My reverse harem. Just some handsome boys.
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trakeena · 2 years
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Ugh! Men. Can't live with them, can't hit 'em with an axe.
Astronema, Power Ranges in Space
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invenusable · 1 year
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pinkrangerv · 1 year
So I was rewatching Power Rangers in Space for like the fiftieth time because I was diagnosed on Fark.com with 'weapons-grade autism' and I am very proud of this (also, I need to make a hat).
And I noticed something.
During Karone's arc, when she discovers who she is, we aren't supposed to be cheering for TJ and the Space Rangers.
At the point she goes onto the Megaship, it is very clearly established that she is 1) brainwashed 2) constantly being threatened with death and 3) being abused by Dark Spectre. We know this. Andros knows this. And Andros has told the others, repeatedly.
This is the point where the Power Rangers are supposed to save her from Dark Spectre. We've seen this in other cases of Rangers getting turned--usually Tommy, but Kat also got saved, because that's what Power Rangers are supposed to do.
Instead Karone thinks she needs to bargain her way to safety with Zordon's location, and she's right. Andros tries to stand up for her, but TJ and the others override him almost instantly.
We aren't supposed to agree with that. That's why TJ apologizes later. That's why the Rangers get so close to dying when they ignore Karone's plan and don't ask her for help.
So let's just take a minute to remember: A kid's show in 1998 expected people to use critical thinking, even about superheroes.
Because holy shit, I love this show so much now.
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skyland2703 · 3 months
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augment-techs · 3 months
What if: What if Skull had come with Bulk onto terraventure in lost galaxy 👀
First thing's first: *instantly kills Professor Phenomenus* Sorry guy; I know you were in the 'I'm a Ranger' civilian call, but you should never have been on Terra Venture, you're like a thousand year's old.
On with the good thoughts.
Bulk and Skull in space--the one year Earth got a break from attempts to take it over.
I would like to take this opportunity to posit the theory that while Bulk and the Professor had jobs as tech originally that got sidelined due to constraints with the staff, Bulk and Skull are basically jack of all trades and could probably present their hundreds of recorded jobs to be able to do literally anything.
Bulk can stay on as a restaurant proprietor; Skull can swap around with assisting in the upkeep of the various biomes when he's not taking the opportunity of free time to better himself with as many musical instruments as he can get his hands on.
They are both Friend Shaped and because I am highly convinced Damon and Maya could never be happy with just the Rangers--Damon because he was never supposed to be on Terra Venture and Maya because all the Rangers were involved in the worst day of her life and thus instantly brought up trauma in the back of her mind--I am going to have Maya stumble into friendship with Bulk, while Skull proves himself to be reasonably interesting enough for Damon to find worth talking to.
Let's keep in mind that the boys probably joined the colony in an effort to move away from how they were in Angel Grove, prove themselves as more than just in the way or laughingstocks or--because I am interconnecting the comics with this, fight me--found themselves lonelier than they thought when literally all the teens they'd grown up with or come to respect (all Rangers) had left without saying goodbye.
Given the opportunity, I think Bulk could prove to be invaluable as a source for Maya to understand Earth's history in a clear and concise way that Kendrix and Kai don't have the time to explain, and Leo, Damon, and Mike just...aren't very good at. Bulk in his position as bartender and chef would be able to feed Maya human food Mirinoi could never fathom: potato pancakes, Pad Krapow Moo Saap, yakitori, Gulab Jamun, sanguinaccio dolce, Qumbe--and then teach her the background on the continents and cultures the cuisine originated from; more than happy to answer any additional questions the woman would inevitably have.
Skull, contrariwise, would most often find himself nearby when Trakeena or Scorpius's Generals happened to teleport in to cause trouble. Being from Angel Grove, he is not at all impressed by the insectoid species constantly interrupting his work. Would eventually being able to straight up just chase off any Stingwingers that would try and mess with his duties, and would gain a bit of a reputation among the staff of Terra Venture's lower staff as the guy to call to work under high pressure. Something Bulk would be incredibly proud of if he wasn't fully aware that Skull still had troubles with anxiety and only had one injection from before the launch that was supposed to keep him balanced for a year.
Damon kind of feels bad for being a little standoffish the first time Skull bails him out of an incident before morphing in the middle of a barely controlled panic attack and ends up requesting Skull as a partner for assignments on the ship.
As a bonus to Bulk becoming friendly with Maya, he also ends up becoming something like friends with Kendrix and Kai who, while brilliant, don't have encyclopedic knowledge of ancient Earth and enjoy picking his brain from time to time; even asking for aid with Ranger Problems when Alpha mentions "knowing" both Bulk and Skull when Zordon was alive--which would bring about a hilarious, confusing, and heartbreaking misunderstanding.
Leo instantly respects Bulk for reasons he can't really put into words except that he seems to be really good for the Team.
Mike, when he returns to the world of the living, is more inclined to...maybe not respect...but enjoy the company of Skull--especially when he finds him after curfew in the park trying out a new guitar.
Also the Lost Galaxy is not going to be misleading. Terra Venture LITERALLY gets lost because of an interdimensional transport accident. The Rangers still have the Astro Megaship, but they are SUPER lost.
Which means lots of things.
Like maybe the Rangers do wind up with Karone, but only because, say, both Damon and Skull got recruited by Trakeena to mess with a machine she didn't understand and they wound up resurrecting the Psycho Rangers as a unit, which means MORE interactions with MORE Astro Rangers.
But Karone showed up to fix the Psychos' brains and Kendrix didn't die--in fact, they wind up KEEPING the Psycho Rangers with the Astro Rangers sticking around for a little to help everyone acclimate.
Bulk ends up with a whole new set of duckies lining up to follow him around juuuuuust in time for Terra Venture to make contact with some Guardians of Eltar that ran aground their ship because the humans don't have a registered charter and, lo, Zelya and the Sentry Force Four come to meet with Stanton and Reinier while negotiating with Trakeena the return of Damon and Skull after the miserable bitch snapped them up again to see what else they can do.
So many possible intergalactic incidences...but so much more fun. Relationships: Psycho Rangers & Bulk; Psycho Rangers & Karone; Maya/Kendrix Morgan; Maya & Bulk; Bulk & Skull; Skull & Damon Henderson; past Zelya/Skull. Additional Tags: Bulk is having a much better time than in canon; Skull is having a so-so time; NEW SKILLS; Big Papa Bear Bulk; Skull Needs a Hug; Past Relationship Trauma; PTSD; Leukemia; Amnesia; Post-Human Weapon ANGST; Trakeen spends three Episodes Flirting with Zelya; Stolen Beauty Episode - Canon Divergence; Skul Confirmed Gay; Food as a Metaphor for Love.
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mobilerafie · 1 year
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Space Dad is Finally Here!
Power Rangers In Space: Ecliptor
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