#at 3am on a worknight
djosephqueery · 2 years
The Steve Harrington that lives in my head is genderqueer.
Does he still use he/him because it’s convenient and he doesn’t mind it? Yeah.
Does he enjoy a little they/them sprinkled in every now and then? Hell yeah, all the gender euphoria.
They still wear the mom jeans and polos because that shit’s comfy goddammit.
Have they also been known to paint their nails? Absolutely . In fact, he always has at least a clear coat on and is just as finicky about his cuticles as he is his hair.
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inga-don-studio · 7 months
It's a shame I'll probably never have a house because I would be so good at being that neighbor who leaves xmas decorations up until spring & draws the ire of half the block.
But I'm doing my small part by finally taking my apartment's tree down a week before March.
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It's 3am on a worknight and I'm still awake.
Because I've spent the last TWO HOURS backscrolling nsft blogs. Looking for ONE (1) specific post that my brain wouldn't let me go to bed without saving.
The horniness wore off HOURS ago, but I knew I couldn't sleep until the post was safely tucked away in my kinks list.
Progesterone is one hell of a drug, man...
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i cant believe i stayed up til 3am on a worknight to draw the guys... time to SLEEP
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shawcl · 2 years
i would like to sleep through a worknight pls
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megabadbunny · 7 years
you may get requests like this all the time, firstly would you mind doing some tentoo and rose art, maybe with him tinkering with the tardis coral or something- maybe even just the two of them being the dorks they are. Secondly a little what if the doctor instead of regenerating as he will into number 13, insted regenerated into Rose
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three months in, he thinks he’s starting to get used to it all–the casual brush of her hand against his, the way she smiles from across the room, the way she delivers her kisses, freely, like candy, soft and sugary and sweet, and this treacherous human body no longer blushes every time she so much as glances in his direction. but he still catches her, sometimes, looking at him like he’s some sort of miracle (he’s not, he insists, and she just laughs), and more often than not, that look is followed by an immediate and urgent kiss, the kind that knocks his glasses askew and takes his breath away 
(maybe he’ll never quite get used to it all–maybe that isn’t such a bad thing)
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(and a bonus pic of the warm-up sketch in celebration of inktober!)
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
"Don't worry abt me it's not worth it" silence Komaeda kinny. I'm gonna scoop you into my arms and give you a big hug and get you some food and water! Take care of yourself hun, we're gonna worry regardless
aha.........im terrible at accepting this sort of stuff....thank you so much for your kindness.... i've been eating okay, and im trying to go to sleep earlier than 3am (at least one worknights) and im thinking about going up a dose on my anxiety medication cause this clearly isnt cutting it aha.... what im saying is uh.....thanks for reminding me to look after myself.....im very bad at it, my boyfriend does what he can but im very stubborn aha......
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kitkatcabbit · 7 years
@unforth-ninawaters I do not understand how you do this. My brain has decided to open the floodgates and fic is falling out. I am utterly unused to this. Is...does it stop at some point? I’ve got two and a half pages of this chapter with no end in sight, and I have no idea where it’s going, so no idea where it’s going to end. I had a basic idea, and it seems to have just...taken off somewhat.
I don’t know what to dooooo... o.o
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bitter-fell-child · 6 years
maybe i should stop being awake at 3am on a worknight
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imnotbrokcn · 8 years
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Who is more likely to raise their voice? NavWho threatens to leave but never actually does? NavWho actually keeps their word and leaves? Nav but he’d be back like the day afterWho trashes the house? Joseph, but only after Nav leavesDo either of them get physical? No (verse depending tho since a few days ago)How often do they argue/disagree? Not that oftenWho is the first to apologise? Nav
Who is on top?Who is on the bottom?Who has the strangest desires?Any kinks?Who’s dominant in bed?Is head ever in the equation?If so, who is better at performing it?Ever had sex in public?Who moans the most?Who leaves the most marks?Who screams the loudest?Who is the more experienced of the two?Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?Rough or soft?How long do they usually last?Is protection used?Does it ever get boring?Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? YeahIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? Probably oneWho is the favorite parent? Hopefully bothWho is the authoritative parent? I feel Joe would be the strict one lolWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? NavWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? BothWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? BothWho goes to parent teacher interviews? BothWho changes the diapers? Both, of course?Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Taking turnsWho spends the most time with the children? Same amount of time.Who packs their lunch boxes? Maybe Joseph since he’s up early for work too while Nav works later in the dayWho gives their children ‘the talk’? Nav, Joe can’t do thatWho cleans up after the kids? BothWho worries the most? Both, honestly maybe Nav?Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Could be either honestly
Who likes to cuddle? BothWho is the little spoon? JoeWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? It depends on the day, but like for maybe an hour tops for Joe.Who gives the most kisses? NavWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? Watch a movie and cuddle maybe? Or just have a nice dinner togetherWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? CouchWho is more likely to playfully grope the other?How often do they get time to themselves? Whenever they’re both off work
Who snores? Nav probably?If both do, who snores the loudest?Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Both. Sometimes they share and sometimes Joe needs his separate bedIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They start cozied up together but Joe get’s uncomfortable after awhile and moves farther apartWho talks in their sleep? Joe does, maybe Nav too?What do they wear to bed? I feel like Nav only has his underwear while Joe wears either full pajamas or at least a pair of pantsAre either of your muses insomniacs? Nah?Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Don’t think so?Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Legs might be wrapped up until Joe moves awayWho wakes up with bed hair? Joe has awful bed hair honestlyWho wakes up first? Joe probably because Nav works lateWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Both would do thisWho hogs the sheets? They have separate sheetsDo they set an alarm each night? Only worknights but Joe.Can a television be found in their bedroom? NoWho has nightmares? Joseph suffers from really bad nightmares, dunno about Nav?Who has ridiculous dreams? if they’re not nightmares Joe’s dreams are really weird but he doesn’t remember themWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? I think they both stay to their own sideWho makes the bed? Nav probably since he often gets up after JoeWhat time is bed time? They don’t have a set timeAny routines/rituals before bed? No special ritual except brushing teethWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Nav I think
Who is the busiest? Nav probably Who rakes in the highest income? I think it’s the same level tbhAre any of your muses unemployed? NoWho takes the most sick days? Nav?Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Neither i thinkWho sucks up to their boss? NeitherWhat are their jobs? Joe is a bookstore clerk and Nav a bartenderWho stresses the most? Nav maybe?Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Joe loves it, dunno about Nav. I think he likes itAre your muses financially stable? Yeah.
Who does the washing? taking turnsWho takes out the trash? taking turnsWho does the ironing? They don’t really iron that muchWho does the cooking? Joseph probably. He loves to cookWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither I thinkWho is messier? Nav probablyWho leaves the toilet roll empty? Both i thinkWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Joe does that in their room Who forgets to flush the toilet? NeitherWho is the prankster around the house? Nav probably likes to scare Joe sometimesWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Joe doesn’t drive so I guess Nav?Who mows the lawn? taking turnsWho answers the telephone? BothWho does the vacuuming? BothWho does the groceries? togetherWho takes the longest to shower? Joe probablyWho spends the most time in the bathroom? I dunno, Nav?
Is money a problem? NoHow many cars do they own? One if Nav drives, otherwise noneDo they own their home or do they rent? OwnDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? near the coastDo they live in the city or in the country? cityDo they enjoy their surroundings? YeahWhat’s their song? I’m not sure yet.What do they do when they’re away from each other? Like far away apart like on is traveling? Talk a lot on the phoneWhere did they first meet? SchoolHow did they first meet? Probably just saw each other in the hall one day?Who spends the most money when out shopping? Joe probablyWho’s more likely to flash their assets? NeitherWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? Probably both but both would also be worried if they were okayAny mental issues? Joe has ptsd and depression. Nav is bipolar I think?Who’s terrified of bugs? NetherWho kills the spiders around the house? Joe lets it out, Nav maybe kills itTheir favourite place? Joe’s favorite place is either just wherever Nav is or the forest. I feel Nav is pretty similar?Who pays the bills? BothDo they have any fears for their future? Not really?Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Joe probably because he loves to cookWho uses up all of the hot water? neitherWho’s the tallest? NavWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?Who wanders around in their underwear? Joe can do this if he’s home alone. (tho not anymore since after that ‘cameras in his house’ thing) and I think Nav does too when alone but doesn’t if Joe is around for respect.Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? JoeWhat do they tease each other about? Everything honestlyWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? neitherDo they have mutual friends? A fewWho crushed first? NavAny alcohol or substance related problems? NoWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? NavWho swears the most? Both i feel.
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