#at first I was like… maybe I’ll give them the black and white horse cliche
cowardlykrow · 3 months
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I won’t even try to pretty this up in anyway 👍
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novannna · 3 years
Write Our Story in the Stars
so for school we did nanowrimo and i actually like the story I wrote so i’m posting it to tumblr :)  
This story is about a girl and a princess who grow up together, closer than sisters.  The girl wants only to be the princess’s guard so they can stay together forever.  When she gets a chance to prove herself worthy to be the princess’s sole protector, she jumps on the oppurtunity.  She and the princess leave on a journey to find a stolen treasure.  While on the journey, the girl finds out a dark secret about her past….(cliche, ik)
If you haven’t read the other chapters yet, you’ll definetly want to before reading this chapter.  
Chapter 3  here
The girl screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
The princess watched as the girl fell to the ground writhing in pain, the jewel still clenched tightly in her fist.
The girls back arched as she let out the loudest scream yet.
She slowly rose into the air, levitating, not unlike the stone when they entered the cavern.
Her limbs jerked open.
And something began to change.
The screaming ceased. The girl slowly fell down.
She landed heavily on a knee. The ground shook beneath her.
And slowly, the girl stood once more. She brought her hands together, now clutching the jewel tightly between her palms.
The girl clenched her jaw, but refused to let a single noise out.
She was done with pain.
And she was done with disappointment.
This stone would bend to her will.
She would get everything she had ever wanted.
And she would never let the stone fall into the hands of her enemies.
No, this was her fate. She was the one in charge now. And if the stone did not let her get that, then she would show it.
The girl hurled the jewel onto the ground, and it shattered into a million pieces. The energy disappeared. All of it, gone.
The absence left the princess gasping on her knees.
A beam of pure energy shot up from the ground, concealing the girl.
The princess stared at it, still trying to figure out what was happening still.
Just as suddenly as the energy had disappeared, the light disappeared as well.
And the girl stepped forwards, the very earth shaking beneath her feet.
Chapter 4
Mallory felt as if every atom in her body was splitting apart.
The jewel had hurt more than anything she had ever felt.
Until she had realized why she took it.
She wanted a chance to be something. And she would never achieve that from the princess’s shadow. She wanted to be the important one.
And if the jewel refused to let that happen, she would make it.
So she destroyed it, and let its power flow into her.
She became the jewel.
And for the first time in her life, Mallory was powerful.
And she felt giddy when she stepped out of the light. The shards of the jewel gleamed dully. They had no power. Mallory did.
So she tilted her head and laughed. And it felt good.
She laughed until she saw Talia watching her with wide, scared eyes.
She lay curled up on the ground, her face filled with confusion.
“Mallory,” she whispered. “What have you done?” The utter betrayal in her eyes almost made Mallory regret her choice. Almost.
Mallory laughed once more. “I’ve made my future, princess,” she spat.
“What do you mean?” Talia struggled to her feet. “You have a future.”
“A future? A future as your guard? Serving under you for the end of your life?” Mallory shook her head. “That's not a future. That's not a life. Now, I have something for myself.  Finally.”
Talia’s eyes started to tear. “You said it was me and you till the end.”
Mallory spread her arms wide. “Guess what. It’s the end.”
“Go home, princess. You aren’t wanted here.”
Talia struggled to step forwards. “Mal, my father will still let you come back if you give me the jewel. You can’t handle it. You don’t have the blood.”
“I can’t give you the jewel. It's gone. The jewel of Asno is no more.”
“But… how?”
“I am the power now. And I will never give it up.”
“Asnon will be destroyed!” Talia cried.
“Let it burn. I will never help your father. Not after what he did to my family.”
“Mal, what do you mean? Your family's dead. He’s never done anything.”
Mallory sneered. “Then ask him yourself. If he’ll tell you.”
“So that's it? You’ll just leave? And forget everything we were? Mallory, you are my best friend.”
“No. I was your servant. Quiet. Complacent. Always following your orders. We were nothing. Don’t try to tell me that we were friends. You never once asked me if I was okay with any of it.”
“I assumed..”
“You assumed.” Mallory sneered. “Let your father send his men after me. I’ll crush them all.”
Mallory reached for something inside her, and thrust out her hand. A gust of wind rushed out, knocking Talia back down.
Mallory laughed again. “You can’t stop me.”
“Mallory, please. Don’t do this. We can still go back, you and me. Together till the end.”
And Mallory shook her head. “No. Run back to your kingdom princess. I’ll find my own.” She jogged away, leaving the princess far behind.
Mallory emerged from the cave, blinking in the sunlight.
She realized with a shock that she had been changed by the jewel.
Mallory had been so preoccupied by the princess, she had not even realized what had happened to her.
Her skin had paled to a color close to white, and her nails were the same color as the jewel.
The same translucent white with shifting colors.
She reached up, and pulled a strand of hair down.
Her soft black was replaced by a harsh, shifting white.
Mallory grinned. She no longer was that helpless servant anymore. And she did not want anymore reminders of that.
She slung her sword off her shoulder, and drove it into the ground next to the horses. The armor too.
It all had to go.
She was not a servant. She was not a citizen of Asnon. She was not a part of their empire.  
And then, there was the matter of her newfound power.
She had caused a gust of air to knock Talia down.
Mallory raised her hand, and furrowed her brows.
WInd shot out, barreling into trees, knocking them over.
Mallory grinned. She lowered her hand, but still let the wind ravage the clearing. Slowly, she let it fade out.
Mallory tried something new. She let her mind relax.
She slowly bent down, and slid her hands up her body.
Armor coated her skin.
It was more like a second skin. It moved fluidly with her, and it didn’t press against her uncomfortably. It wasn't hot, or hard. But Mallory knew it was impenetrable. It was made of the same pearly white stone as the jewel, just without the power.
She could make things out of nothing. She had power.
Mallory spun around, wildly moving her hands. A wall of white flames leapt up, and bounded across the trees, but were quickly extinguished by a wall of water. Wind rushed overhead, and white rocks shot out of the ground.
And Mallory was in the center of it all.
She was the one who had caused all of this.
She was the one with the power.
Not Talia, not the king, not the other guards.
No. She had done this.
Mallory had the power to do all of this. She was the strongest person in the world.
And so, she let herself smile, a real genuine smile for the first time since she was a girl.
Talia struggled with each step as she inched towards the bright opening. None of the traps had bothered her, which was good because she would have most certainly been killed by them.
Her mind was still flooded with thoughts of Mallory.
The way she had looked at Talia, nothing but hate and malice in her eyes.
The way she had thrust her hands out, and pushed Talia away.
Talia never had known that Mallory had felt that way.
She never knew anything.
She had always thought Mallory was happy with her position. She only wanted them to be together. She never craved power.
But Talia had been so wrong.
And now her best friend was gone. Maybe forever.
Talia wiped her wet eyes again. She thought about the way Mallory had stepped forwards. The way her now pearly white hair streamed behind her, and her pale lips split to grin.
The way her now white eyes sparked with joy and happiness.
And the way that lovely face had looked at her, and twisted into hate.
Hate and loathing and utter spite.
It was too much. But Talia had to keep going. She had to get home.
Now Asnon was facing an even bigger threat, and they had no idea.
Finally, she stepped out of the dim cave, and saw the utter destruction waiting for her.
White flames flickered weakly, and huge puddles covered the ground.
Trees were knocked over everywhere, and huge shards of rock jutted out of the ground.
THe sharp smell of pine and smoke lay heavy in the air.
Mallory had done all of this. She had caused this complete destruction.
Asnon was in even more danger than she thought.
And...Mallory was even more gone than she thought.
Talia spotted her uniform ripped to shreds near the horses who were, miraculously still safe.
Talia rushed over to them.
A single spike of milky white rock had speared Mallory’s chest plate, and the cloth fluttered weakly in the breeze.
The sword Talia had given her was speared into the ground.
It was a warning.
Mallory was not the servant anymore. She was her own person, and she had severed all ties to them.
She would crush anyone who crossed her.
And Talia understood the message perfectly.
Mallory would kill her, if given the chance. She was not the little girl who just wanted a place to escape the world.
Talia slid to the ground, and stared numbly at the sword.
She had thought she had given Mallory the world, but instead she had just pushed her farther into the dark.
Mallory was going to tear apart everything Talia had ever known.
And Talia was struck by a realization.
It was all her fault.
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fereality-indy · 6 years
The Night Is Young
This is the sequel to The Geeks Get The Girls. Dipper and Wendy Have been dating for a month when she tells him that her roommate is co-hosting a Halloween party. Dipper uses this info to plan a surprise for Wendy.
Wednesday October 14th, 2020
Tanoak Terrace Apartments
Apartment 42
Beaverton, OR
“Dude, don’t go through that door!” Wendy called out at the television screen. She then stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth.
“Come on, it’s b-movie horror 101. When your friends start dying you don’t separate and you definitely don’t go through doors with blood on them.”, Dipper said as he walked back into the living room with a couple cans of Pitt Cola.
He sat down beside her on the sofa and placed and arm around her. As he did she snuggled into the embrace.
“So Halloween’s coming up,” Wendy started as she opened her can of Pitt and took a drink.
“Yeah?”  Dipper prompted her to continue, the movie half forgotten with her in his arms.
“And I remember that it used to be you and your sister’s favorite holiday,” She continued.
“Uh-huh,” He murmured as he took a sip of his cola.
“Well Lacey, my roommate, is co-hosting a Halloween party and she invited us. She wants to meet the guy who broke the ‘Corduroy Curse’ as she called it.” she said with a smirk.
“Corduroy Curse?” Dipper asked confused.
“Yeah, she kept setting me up with guys during our freshman year and none of them lasted more than the first date. Guess I just kept looking till I found what I wanted.” Wendy replied as she leaned her head back and kissed Dipper on his chin.
“Well I’m glad you found me when you did,” Dipper said as he leaned over and kissed her nose.
“Well actually, I have her to thank for that even.” Wendy said as she settled back into her snuggled position.
“Yeah, she had been at a conference for her sorority and ran into Pacifica. When Paz mentioned that she was originally from Gravity Falls, Lacey remembered me mentioning it before. Lacey said she thought that her roommate was from there and told Paz my name. Paz asked her to call me so we could talk. And the rest is history.” she said before she grabbed some more popcorn and popped it into her mouth.       
“That explains it, that has been bugging me a lil bit. But I definitely didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth.” Dipper replied as he prepared to take a drink.
“So?” she queried.
“So what?’ he asked back.
She looked up at him and asked, “Do you want to go?”
With a smile and a twinkle in his eye he said, “If you do, then of course.”
“Are you sure? It’s a costume event.” Wendy said, remembering his reluctance at dressing up back when they were younger.  
He perked up a bit at this, “Even better, if you’ll let me I’m sure I can come up with a great couple’s costumes set if you want.”
“You mean Mabel will come up with a great couple’s set of costumes.” Wendy said as she jokingly elbowed him in the ribs.   
“Hey now, I’ll have you know I came up with at least half of our costume ideas in Mabel’s scrapbook.” Dipper said defensively as he jokingly rubbed where she had elbowed. He then added, “Of course she would always make them.”
“Well we could just get something from a store.” she teased.
He physically flinched at the suggestion, “No thank you. Have you seen those outfits. Lord, no. Ninety percent of those ‘costumes’ are nothing more than an excuse to show off skin.”
“I get you. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing you in one of those thong outfits.” he started sputtering as she finished and she burst out laughing.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” he managed to get out despite his flustered sputtering.
“Yep, deep down you’re still the same sweet, shy, dork I fell for all those years ago.”  and with that she pulled him into a kiss.
Thursday October 15th, 2020     
The Spiced Panda Buffet
Beaverton, OR
“And so that’s the situation sis,” Dipper said before he took a bite of his sweet n sour drenched rice.
“So you asked me to make the hour drive, to leave Pacifica in the dark, and make it sound like an end of the world type crisis all because your girlfriend wants to go to a halloween party as a couple.” Mabel said after she had finished her third crab rangoon since he had begun. “Ok, sounds like fun. Any ideas?”
“Well I want it to be a romantic costume set. Possibly Romeo and Juliet.” Dipper said as he gathered up another spoon full of sweet n sour rice, ignoring his chicken. His chopsticks lain to the side of his plate as he ate the soupy concoction.
“Too cliche, how about Bonnie and Clyde. Talk about a ride or die couple.” Mabel tried. She was looking at her plate and trying to decide if she wanted to eat her schezwan barbecue or orange chicken first.
“Uhm, I dunno. I’m not sure how I’d feel with us carrying around guns, especially on a campus. How about Arthur and Guinevere?” He said before finally eating a piece of the chicken from his sweet n sour plate.
“Well, wait a minute. You said it was her roommate that’s throwing the party right?” She asked. Once he nodded in affirmation she continued, “Then nope. No can do, broseph. Paz and I are going to that party as Lancelot and Guinevere. We got invited by Lacey after Paz helped her get seats to a Seattle playoff game for her dad’s birthday. I can’t risk Wendy’s Guinevere out shining Paz’s. Also the party is supposed to be a big bonfire get together, no wait a minute that’s not right. Think, think. Ok. I got it. it’s gonna be at the other co-host’s family farm and they were going to have a bonfire with it so you wouldn’t have to worry about the gun issue, but I totally understand. Maybe you could do one of the Mizmey Princesses couples, like Echo & Narcissus or Othello & Desdemona.”
“Nah, she’s still too much of a tomboy for that. Mizmey always makes their princesses be way too girly. I almost think it needs to be something where she can be seen as my equal or even superior.” he pauses there and absentmindedly shuffled the chicken and rice on his plate. After a moment he he saw that somehow he had separated the dishes so they had some familiar paths in between them. Routes he hadn’t traveled in years, the paths in the woods of Gravity Falls. Including the one to Wendy’s house. The woods where they sure used to have fun. “Wait a minute, I got it. Robin Hood and Marian.”
“But isn’t Marian a Mizney Princess?” Mabel said around a mouth full of orange chicken.
“Well yes, but not the one I was thinking about. I’m talking about the one from the Sherwood television series. Marian was just as much part of Robin’s band as Little John. And she dresses similar to the rest also, so breeches and such. See.” He pulled out his phone and looked up pictures from the series to show her what he meant.
“Ok, I think I can pull this off fairly easily. I’ll need to meet with Wendy to get her measurements of course.” Mabel said as she pulled a notepad out from her purse. As she wrote she continued, “And I have a friend in the costuming department that should be able to help get the two of you jerkins that fit properly.”  
“Can’t you just make them?” He asked as he looked over the table at what she was writing. Once he got a better look he realized that she had not only written down the show name and the website he had just showed her, she had already started sketching out the pieces needed for the costume.      
“Not all of them bro-bro, I may be a mistress of fabric but leather is out of my wheelhouse.” she explained as she continued sketching. Pausing she took a bite of her barbeque before she asked. "Do you want to keep the traditional Errol Flynn hat?”
“Yeah, it’s iconic.”
“Hmm, how about I use the idea from the show as a basis but blend in stuff from other versions of the characters. I mean there’s the old black and white serials, the Flynn movies, the one with Azeem, the parody one, etc.” Mabel rambled on as she kept making notes.
“Oh, the parody movie. I loved that one.” Dipper replied with a smile, “The opening rap, the one guy stopping to pump up his shoes, the panty hose gags, the songs…”
After hearing her brother stop rambling caused Mabel to look up from her work. “What’s up Dip-Dop?”
“Well there is something else that I’ve been thinking about,” Dipper said looking down at his plate, somewhat avoiding his sisters eyes.
“Ok, what?” Mabel said putting down her pen and studied his face intently. She knew it must be something good as he was starting to blush and he hadn’t even said anything yet.
“Uhmm, as you know Wendy and I have been together for almost a month now. And you also know we haven’t exactly been chaste in that time.” Dipper went even redder as he said that.
Mabel smiled as she remembered the morning after her brother and his other first got back together. “Oh yeah, I remember seeing her in flagrante delicto half buried in your covers that that first morning. You certainly got lucky there broseph!”   
“Yeah, well. Like I was saying, we’ve been together for over a month and,” he turned his head at this point blushing even more, “neither of us have said the L-word yet.”
“Don’t be a fool Dip, you told her that years ago.” Mabel said with a serious look on her face.
“That doesn’t really count sis,” Dipper said as he turned back towards Mabel, still red in the face. “I was still just a kid. Look let’s not get off track. I’ve been wanting to tell her but I don’t want to do it during a make out session or something heavier. So this party will be the perfect chance and I think I have a plan.”  
“Uhmm, Dipingham.” She said with a wane smile, “You don’t usually have a good track record when it comes to plans and Wendy.”
“Well this party is where it’s gonna change.” he had a gleam in his eye that he hadn’t had for awhile (since around the time he had given up on his dream of filmwork) and Mabel had missed it “Cause really there’s only a couple items needed for this plan; an instrumental recording of the song, speakers, and a couple of back up singers.”
“Now where could we find you back up singers,” Mabel started till she saw Dipper give her a ‘You’re not fooling anyone’ look, “Oh you know I’m just kidding you, of course I’ll talk Paz into it.”
“Great, now here’s the plan.” Dipper said as he leaned in closer.
Saturday October 31st, 2020
Gladden Farms
Beaverton, OR
Our young couple have just arrived at the party after parking his truck. They had noticed that there were only about a dozen or so cars parked in the drive. Wendy had said that Lacey told her they weren’t inviting that many people.
He was dressed in a pair of cedar colored breeches, a dark hunter green leather jerkin worn over a dusty tan tunic, and the Robin Hood hat in the same hunter green. On his back were a quiver and real wooden longbow that Wendy had insisted on getting from her dad once her told her of the costume idea. And finally he had a stage scabbard on his hip. Wendy was in a pair of forest green breeches, a ladies cut version of the jerkin Dipper was wearing, and a white tunic. Like dipper she sported a quiver, longbow, and scabbard. Her hair was pulled back in a gentle braid.   
The door to the farmhouse was opened by a by a somewhat mousy looking brunette, dressed as a stereotypical nerd. “Wendy, glad you came.”
The brunette pulled Wendy into a hug. As she was released, Wendy said “Hey Clarissa, thanks for inviting us.”
“No problem, so is this the curse breaker?” Clarissa asked as she eyed Dipper up and down.
“Yeah. This is my boyfriend Dipper.” Wendy said as she went about introducing the two, “Dipper this is Clarissa. She’s one of our hosts this evening and one of Lacey’s Theta Sigma sisters.”
“Good to meet you,” Dipper said as he shook Clarissa’s hand, “I like your Tri-Lamb outfit.”
“Finally, someone who gets it. So far most of the guests have called me Leonard, Sheldon, or Leslie.” Clarissa said shaking her head.
“Well I guess it takes a nerd to know a nerd.” Dipper said with a smile.
“Ok, I like this guy.” Clarissa said to Wendy, “Lacey was in by the refreshment table the last I saw her.”
“Thanks.” Wendy said as she and Dipper headed into the party    
As they walked through the farmhouse Dipper took stock in their fellow party goers. There really were only about a two dozen people at the party with a sixty/forty slant in the female to male ratio. Surprisingly there were really only two ‘sexy’ costumes and the Gladiator and the Cowboy seemed to be together. At least he doesn’t have to worry about Pacifica and his sister being out of place here.   
Truth be told he never was a party type but he planned having as much fun as possible with Wendy. The plan was to start the song sometime after the party moves outside for the bonfire.
As they walk up to the snack table a pair of mocha colored hands cover Wendy’s eyes. “Guess who?”
“Well considering only three people are foolish enough to do this and I’m holding one of their hands and another is gonna be in armor, I’m gonna say Lacey.” Wendy said before the hands dropped.
When they turned Dipper saw a mocha skinned beauty dressed as a calico cat. She gave him a once over (including an appraising walk around) before she  turned to Wendy and remarked, “So this is him? Sheesh girl, if you had told me you into the bookish type I’d’ve had you hooked up ages ago.”
“Nah, this one is special. Ain’t another like him in the world.” Wendy said before she kissed Dipper on the cheek.
Lacey chuckled at his blush, “Man, this is too adorable. So what’s your name Loxley?”
Still blushing Dipper said “Everybody calls me Dipper.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” Lacey joked as she shot Dipper a wink.  
“Lacey!” Wendy exclaimed as she chucked her roommates shoulder.  
“Well, she hasn’t complained yet.” Dipper said with a little smirk as Wendy went as red as he had been and Lacey snickered at her reaction.
“Dipper!” Wendy marveled at what she just heard her normally quiet boyfriend say. He just leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.
“Ok. I like this guy,” Lacey said around her laughs, “Girl he’s a keeper.”
“Oy, I see you found my brother.” Mabel called out from behind them.
As they turned around they saw Mabel standing there in full chainmail armor, with her hair done up in a crown braid that led to braided tail, a blue tabard with a gold fleur de lis in the center, and a glorious blonde van dyke. Pacifica was beside her in a flowing regal purple gown with gold and silver inlay, her hair was plated and topped with a silver tiara. and a golden scepter.
“Mabel,” Dipper said as he walked over and gave her a hug. As he leaned near her ear he whispered, “Is it ready?”
“Yep, take the path to the left of the bonfire as you leave the farmhouse.” She whispered back before she released the hug.
“You guys look great,” Wendy commented, “Beautiful dress Pacifica, and Mabel I love the armor.”
“This old thing,” Mabel said as she attempted to twirl around as if she were showing off a dress. “It was just something I had laying around in my closet.”
“And she means that, it’s been on the floor of her closet since she helped the design costumes for the theater department’s production of MacBeth last year.” Pacifica remarked with a smirk.     
“Well it was too great to be thrown away at the end of the production’s run.” Mabel smiled as she patted down her tabard.
Later That Night
Dipper and Wendy walked around the bonfire while the party went on around them. Dipper led them down the path Mabel described. When he got to the small clearing that was partially hidden he said, “You know Wendy, we’ve been together for almost two months now and I have something to tell you.”
Dipper called out to apparently no one, “The Night Is Young, B-flat.”
“Dip, what’s going on?” Wendy asked as suddenly music began to play.
“The night is young and you're so beautiful,” Dipper sung out as he looked into Wendy’s eyes.
Pacifica and Mabel walked into a nearby clearing and began to harmonize to the music.
“Here among the shadows, beautiful lady, open your heart.” Dipper swept his arm out to show they were currently in a shadowy part of the farmland.
“Oooooo” Mabel and Pacifica sung along to the harmony
“The scene is set, the breezes sing of it,” Dipper sang as he pulled Wendy into a hug.
“Can't you get into the swing of it, lady, when do we start?” the two of them spun around in a slow waltz like dance.
“When the lady is kissable,” he bent down and kissed the back of her hand, “and the evening is cool.”
“Any dream is permissible,” he place their hands over his heart, “in the heart of a fool.”
“The moon is high” he sung looking up to the sky before coming back down to her. He took his right hand and traced her jawline as he continued, “and you're so glamorous,”
“And if I seem over amorous, lady,” he leaned over and placed a kiss on her lips, “what can I do?”
“The night is young” Dipper paused here before he quietly said, “and I mean this from the bottom of my heart”
“I'm in love with you.” Dip finished up the song looking directly into her eyes.
“Dip,” Wendy said with her eyes beginning to mist up, “You didn’t have to go through such a production just to tell me that.”
“Oh I know, I just wanted the first time I told you that to be memorable.” Dipper said a little more shyly than he wanted.
“And it was, but this isn’t the first time you told me. Remember.” She said with a smile on her lips.
“Yeah but…” was all he got out before her lips met his. And while the party, the bonfire, heck even the world seemed to disappear he did hear ‘I Told You!’ from somewhere in the distance.  
Sometime later when they finally came up for air Wendy whispered to him, “I love you too, dork.”   
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Game of Thrones rewatch - season one, episode five
G'day to whoever is actually reading this and welcome to another GoT episode rewatch. Still stuck at home (thanks to the virus being a bitch), the first episode on today's schedule is no five of season one. Starting with an outdoors shot and a corpse of a rather forgettable guy. Did we even have outside shots in later seasons or was that a season one only thing for kings landing? I mean, we have plenty of scenes taking place outside later, but it's always either in the streets of flea bottom or, if not, more fancy areas. And once again, Robert's back at insulting my boy Gilbart erh Lancel. To be fair, I still like the scene in general thanks to Ned and Robert just being old friends. I definitely need more of this. Not to mention the grim reminder that Robert doesn't really seem like he wants to be king if he can't just do what he wants. We're back at the jousting grounds... with old Mountain vs Loras Tyrell this time. If I hadn't read the books before watching for the first time, I would've laughed at the suggestion that Loras could ever become one of my favourite characters. That guy really needs someone to wipe the arrogance off his face. I'm fine with his cheating though as it's not really cheating. Also, Renly still really reminds me of some guy named Steve. Guess I'll start giving everyone nicknames from now on to make the show easier to watch. Gregor you cunt, you can't just kill that horse! Well,at least we have the not-knight in not-shining armor jump in to save the the life of Ser Smugface Tyrell.
Tyrion and Cat need their own show just wandering through Westeros to meet old friends and relatives and argue along the way. And, in Tyrions case, to make new friends as well. Can someone explain me why everyone hates Catelyn Stark so much? She's always been behaving rather reasonable even towards her enemies. Is it because we know Tyrion's innocent? Because ffs, there's no reason Cat should know or suspect anything else. Or is it because we now have Bran complaining, despite having an adult who's practically family to explain why she had to go to both us as the watchers as well as to the boy? Miracles happen, one of the very few scenes of male full frontal nudity. A hint of fanservice at last. That's not how you catch a cat Arya. Just pretend to not care and it'll come right after you to catch you. Seventeen years actually? I thought it was just sixteen in the show. Do we really need that conversation between Varys and Littlefinger? Don't think so. Especially not with the "joke" included. They could've cut half the scene and it would've been much better. Arya really does look like someone who's not even remotely part of the upper class. Boy, though? Maybe if you've met long-haired boys looking prettier than her. Still wanting to see someone punch those guards though. Despite not being a good father by modern standards, Ned surely is one by his times' standards, or at least one with good intentions trying his best. Oh, Arya, the day when you'll stop insisting to reveal who and what you are sadly will come. Half of it being reasonable and half of it being bad writing because there's not always a reason to keep it a secret either. Of course Tyrion doesn't look like a prisoner because there was both good reason to untie his hands as well as nowhere for him to run. As sad as it may be, big old Bobby B is damn right about honour being rather useless compared to fear. Ours is the fury indeed. OTOH, Ned is right regarding the Dothraki and their horses not riding over water. Yet.
Every moment with Lysa Arryn should be on a list of "the top N creepiest scenes". That's all there is to say about it. And maybe that we, once again, have a reminder that Cat's way nicer and more reasonable than almost everyone would like to think. Why does that shaving scene even exist? It's cliche, annoying and neither of them is pleasant to look at. Especially shaved. Ser Smugface doesn't even look strong enough to wear any type of armor. Guess magic must be alive and well if that guy manages to be good at jousting. At least Not-Steve doesn't have sticks for arms. Regards to anyone who manages to get that joke, fetch me a message to get a fancy price badge. Damn... I do understand why some people were confused about how explicit this scene was. Doesn't change that, despite it not really being in there books, the relationship was at least hinted at. Why is everyone except King Bobby B right, even the people I can't stand? It is rather irritating to see Cersei being reasonable. Worse, having two being right in some way at the same time... if only anyone knew that it's not always all black and white but the truth being grey and somewhere inbetween. Never thought I'd feel sorry for Cersei, at least not while rewatching this scene. Or any other. Don't get me wrong, I still don't like her. Doesn't mean I can't feel at least a bit sorry. Despite all his talk about honour, Ned's definitely not above talking to a lowly whore the same way he'd talk to anyone else... guess that could be seen as rather honorable in its own way. Modern AU Ned would not only be nice to the waiter but also tipping them rather generously. Seeing Jaime still having both hands and being able to fight is such a strange sight. Not so strange is the first glimpse of him being much more honourable than everyone else considers him to be. After a lot of blah about honour, we're done with episode five... better than the one before, let's see if that'll continue in the next episode after a short break.
0 notes
loosescrewslefty · 7 years
Once Upon A Dream
Is it possible to die of fluff overload from something you wrote yourself? because I swear I need life alert after this shit.
dedicating this one to @megatraven, since I know these two are your jam.
Femslash Feb 05- Stars
“Seriously girl?” Alya shook her head in dismay as Marinette giggled and playfully threw a pillow in her direction. “Any place in the world and money’s no object, and your ideal date is cuddling at home on the couch?”
“Well sorry not all of us are 'spin a globe and fly to wherever your finger lands’ types.” Marinette retorted, sticking her tongue out at the brunette.
“As much as I love agreeing with Alya, she’s actually got a point this time.” Chloe said, ignoring the dirty look Alya shot her for her jibe. “Dream Dates are supposed to be special. Cuddling on the couch is something you can do any day.”
“Well maybe I think cuddling on the couch with the person I love is special, no matter how often I can do it.” Marinette retorted crossing her arms and turning up her nose to the duo.
“Or maybe you can get some standards, Dupain-Cheng.” Chloe shot back with a smirk. What's so bad about getting spoiled every now and then?”
“Literally you are the last person in Paris who should be asking that question. You realize that, right?” Alya teased, tossing Marinette's pillow at the blonde.
“I think it's sweet, Marinette!” Rose offered with a glowing smile.
“Why thank you, Rose!” Marinette replied with her own grin. “It’s nice to know someone else can enjoy the simple pleasures in life~!” Rose giggled as Chloe and Alya both whined in protest at the slight on them, smiling apologetically at the dirty look Chloe shot her for managing to win the pig tailed girl over.
While most of their old classmates were still surprised and confused at the drastic change in Chloe and Marinette’s relationship from vicious rivals to fiercely close, Rose was secretly thrilled at the way their relationship had evolved over the years. Chloe had grown into a much kinder person ever since she and Marinette had begun hanging out, and she and Marinette seemed to have so much fun sassing one another and play fighting rather than actually going for each other’s throats.
It was a little unfortunate that things between Chloe and Alya weren’t progressing quite as smoothly. They got along much better than they used to, but both girls made no bones about the fact that Marinette was the center of their worlds, which lead to a rather tense rivalry between the two for the designer’s attentions.
It was a little worrying, but Rose was sure three girls would smooth things out sooner or later. They all cared about one another too much not to.
“What about you, Rose?” Marinette asked, smiling encouragingly at her friend as she offered her another of her father’s eclairs (Rose had a weakness for them, and Marinette had sniffed that out in no time flat). “What would your Dream Date be?”
“Me?” Rose asked, humming as she tried very hard not to look at the tall, dark haired girl at her side (she didn’t quite succeed, but was quick to look back to Marinette after her guilty peek). “Well, If it were my Dream Date, it would be dancing under the stars right here in Paris! Can you imagine how romantic it would be, the Eiffel Tower glowing and the music playing as you embrace the person you love?”
“Except you can’t see the stars here in Paris.” Chloe pointed out dryly. “It’s too polluted.”
“Chloe!” Marinette huffed, glaring at the heiress.
“I’m not saying it to be mean! It’s true! Papa’s trying to get some laws through to change it, but right now the air quality here is still terrible, and the smog is too thick. Hard to have a romantic dance under the stars when there’s no stars to see.”
“It’s alright.” Rose laughed, patting Marinette’s arm when she saw her gearing up to argue. “I know it can’t happen the way things are now. But that’s why it’s a dream date, right?”
“So Marinette wants something that’s too simple, and Rose wants something that can’t happen.” Alya shook in head in bemusement. “I’ll tell you what, you two are a pair.”
“Ah, don’t listen to them Rose. I think that sounds like a beautiful dream date!” Marinette praised, earning a giggle from her smaller friend.
“Thanks, Marinette!” She said with a grin, before turning her attention to the silent girl at her side. “What about you, Juleka? What’s your Dream Date?”
“Me?” Juleka asked, pointing to herself as her cheeks darkened from pasty white to red. “Uh… I don’t… well…”
“Oh come on! You HAVE to have a Dream Date!” Chloe pushed. “A romantic stroll through the catacombs, maybe?”
“Chloe!” Marinette scolded sharply as Juleka flinched inward, casting her eyes down to the ground. Rose felt her heart drop to her shoes as she laid a consoling hand on the other girls back, only half her attention on the other blonde, who looked surprisingly abashed when she realized how much her taunt had affected the shy goth.
“I only meant she could stand to be a little more confident!” Chloe mumbled, half apologetic and half defensive. “If she likes that kind of creepy horror stuff, then she should own it! At least a catacomb date is more realistic than seeing the stars in Paris, and less ordinary than cuddling on the couch!”
“And less horribly cliche than a five star dinner followed by a romantic parade down Paris so everyone can see how much you’re adored.” Alya chimed in with a smirk, earning her a pillow to the face for the second time that night.
“It’s not a parade! It’s a romantic stroll through the streets, followed by violinist while we are serenaded by Jagged Stone, then a ride on a horse drawn carriage back home!” Chloe reminded the brunette primly.
“Yeah, who would ever mistake that for a parade?” Alya asked, rolling her eyes. Marinette gave her a slight knock on the shoulder for her jibe, but had to hide a giggle behind her hand as she did so.
“Keep that up, and I won’t invite either of you to my wedding with Ladybug.” Chloe warned the pair, sticking her tongue out at Alya. For some reason Rose didn’t understand, Marinette practically died laughing at that threat, which caused Alya to look an odd cross between indignant and amused as Chloe grinned smugly at them all. Even Juleka shook with silent laughter at the heiress’ declaration, and- not for the first time- Rose was left wondering at the joke she was apparently not getting.
“Pretty sure I can line up a hot date to get me into that bash, Chlo.” Marinette said with a confident grin.
“And I’m not gonna cry any tears over missing that party when I’ve seduced Ladybug into divorcing your skinny blonde butt and taking half your fortune to fund my ‘whirlwind world travel romance’ date.” Alya confided with a smirk.
“Oh please. Like Ladybug would even look at any other girl as long as she has me to make her happy.” Chloe retorted, blowing a raspberry.
“You two keep arguing and Ladybug will wash her hands of both of you.” Marinette warned the pair with a pointed look. Chloe and Alya both looked thoroughly chastised at that warning, which apparently satisfied Marinette enough that she turned back to Juleka with a smile. “Okay, your turn, Juleka! You get to decide the next question!” Juleka gave Marinette a shy, grateful grin for providing her with an out, then quietly mulled over her options while Rose tried not to feel too disheartened at her side.
It would have been nice to know what kind of date Juleka would like, even if it was a walk through the catacombs. Because honestly, Rose was prepared to walk through Hell itself if it was for Juleka.
Almost a month later, Rose found a superheroine on her windowsill.
Admittedly, this wasn’t entirely an uncommon thing in Paris anymore, since there were now four superheroines fighting day and night to protect their beautiful and vibrant city from the evils that attempted to plague it. But Rose couldn't help but give a delighted gasp when she recognized the girl outside her window nonetheless. Her hands trembled as she undid the latch and threw the window open, nearly spilling out onto the street below in her excitement.
“Titania!” She breathed out, cheeks going pink as she stared up in wonder at the girl. “What's going on? Why are you here? Do you need Briar Rose again?”
“Easy!” Titania begged with a laugh. “I don't need Briar, but if possible I’d like to borrow some of Rose’s time.”
“You would?” Rose asked, curious and excited all at once. The Butterfly heroine had approached her before to thank her for serving as her main Champion, but never like this.
“Will you come with me?” Titania asked, holding her gloved hand out to the small blonde girl before her. Rose grinned widely as she put her hand in the taller girl’s, giving a squeak when Titania pulled her closer and picked her up bridal style.
Large semi-translucent violet wings with black lines patterned on it like lace and White eyespots took form behind Titania, making her look like her namesake. Turning back to the streets of Paris, Titania stood tall and unfurled her beautiful wings in an all too impressive display.
“Hang on tight, okay?” Titania told her. Rose had absolutely no problem complying to the request, snuggling close and wrapping her arms around Titania’s shoulders as the wings began to softly beat, carrying them up into the sky.
Of the four heroes who possessed the power of flight, Titania was undoubtedly the slowest. Rose knew this well since she was better acquainted with the superheroes and their powers than most, as Titania’s main Champion and the only civilian to work with them regularly in the midst of battle. She knew how all of them flew. Queen Bee like lightning blur across the Parisian sky in a fight, and Talon Bleu the most powerful flyer, with stamina that easily outpaced both the Bee and the Butterfly, while Ladybug was the most balanced, adept and clever, with fewer exploitable weaknesses then the others.
But by far, Rose loved flying above Paris in Titania’s arms the most.
True, she wasn't as fast as Bee, and couldn’t fly as long as Talon or possess the stunning precision of Ladybug, but there was grace and charm to Titania’s style of flying. It felt peaceful, like floating in a cool, calm lake on a hot summer day.
It was all too soon that the flight was over, and Rose was gently deposited on the ground in the middle of a rooftop garden.
“Oooh, are we having a midnight picnic?” Rose asked cheerfully, grinning eagerly at her companion.
“Not quite.” Titania replied with an enigmatic smile. “Have I ever told you what my power does, Rose?”
“Well, you make Champions, right? Give people superpowers so they can fight evil? Like turning me into Briar Rose.” Rose answered.
“That’s part of it.” Titania admitted, smiling softly, summoning her butterflies to rise out of the nearby plants and flutter around them softly on silent wings. “My Miraculous allows me to guide people out of the darkness and into the light. I find the best part of people, their strength and beauty and the courage they all have inside of them, and bring it out so it can shine. I’m not like Hawkmoth, I don’t turn anyone into anything, I just bring them up to the surface for everyone to see. That is what my Champions are. What Briar Rose is.” Rose flushed a little at the candid remark, thinking back to the photos she had seen of Briar Rose and how beautiful and remarkable she looked as Titania’s Champion. How confident and powerful the Butterfly made her feel.
That was really her? All of it? Truly?
“Th-that’s…” Humbling? Uplifting? Overwhelming? Yes to all of that, honestly. But before Rose could decide which word to choose, the butterflies around her began to glow, flying up and out of view, and a familiar magic pulsed through the air.
As the magic took hold and did it’s job, Rose suddenly found it impossible to breathe as she stared in awe at the sight above her.
“I can see why you wanted this. I never imagined the sky could look so beautiful.” Titania mused, smiling as she stared up at the stars at Rose’s side. “It won’t last, but I wanted to do this for you. To thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” It took everything Rose had not to start crying then and there.
Bringing the light out of the darkness. Rose realized numbly. She used the same magic she has for making Champions to clear away all the smog, so I can see the stars. She… I...
Rose never wanted so badly to kiss someone in all her life.
Giving a watery giggle, Rose turned to Titania and held out her hand, smiling at the superheroine’s confused look.
“Please?” She asked, tilting her head. “I’ve always dreamed about dancing with someone under the stars in Paris.” Titania smiled at the request and took Rose’s hand, settling her other hand at Rose’s waist as Rose took hold of her shoulder and started to hum a familiar song.
Not for the first time, she was tempted to let Titania know that she knew. That she was okay with who she was under the mask. More than okay, honestly. She wasn’t at all surprised that the shy, quiet goth she had know for so long had a hero inside of her that had been waiting to spread her wings and soar, and she was grateful that Juleka would want her to be a part of her story, her partner even.
But she knew that Juleka wasn’t ready for that yet. Titania was still new to her, her first chance in her life to speak and be heard, to be seen rather than just fading into the background as she had so often growing up. She had promised herself that she would wait until Juleka was ready to tell her her secret, and properly introduce her to the adorable little fairy that she kept at her side. Difficult as it was to wait, Juleka needed this- needed to feel confident and strong and ready- much more than Rose needed to fully understand the double life the other girl was living. She could wait. And, until that day…
“But if I know you, I know what you’ll do… you’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon… a… dream...”
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
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nicegoodgolden-blog · 7 years
All the One Direction asks :) xx
Oh my gosh. Im about to bore everyone e to sleep. (Tagging you, @petalsharry, because you sent me in a few too!) Here we gooooo…
What Makes You Beautiful: Name three things you love about yourself.My kids(they’re part of me)…honestly, that’s it…
Gotta Be You: Talk about your crush!Crush…hmm…so besides hubs, I’m gonna go with my man Niall Horan this time. WHAT A BABE…amiright?!
One Thing: What’s one thing your dream girl/boy HAS to have?A good heart
More Than This: What’s the bravest thing you ever did?Given birth…lol, I really don’t know…
Up All Night: Talk about the craziest night of your life.Probably the night in 11th grade when I got so drunk and started throwing up so hard that I lost my shoe somehow & partied with one shoe on for the rest of the night.
I Wish: What’s your biggest dream?I’d love to be a singer
Tell Me A Lie: What was your most recent lie?I told my son that if he ate his dinner he’d get a surprise…I am not above bribery.
Taken: Talk about your last relationship.I’ve only had one relationship really…and I married him, God help him
I Want: Name three things you want in lifeGood music forever, for people to love one another, for my children to grow up happy
Everything About You: Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?Harry Styles, for this question lol
Same Mistakes: What’s your most common mistake?I stay up too late
Save You Tonight: Which three things would you save if there was a fire?Things? Computer bc it has so many important photos on it, my kids old baby blankets, clothes for my kids
Stole My Heart: Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn’t have fallen for?Boy, have I…
Stand Up: What’s your favourite sport?Basketball
Moments: Talk about something good that recently happened to you.I got to go grocery shopping all by myself without the hubs or kids & it was so relaxing
Another World: Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?I just wanna go to Hogwarts
Na Na Na: What’s one thing you can never say no to?Fried chicken
I Should Have Kissed You: Is there something you regret?Im about to sound so cliche…but no. I really do t regret a thing. Everything I’ve done had gotten me where I am, and I like where I am
Live While We’re Young: Talk about a childhood memory.My fav is probably spending so much time with my Nana when I was younger
Kiss You: Tell the story of your first kiss.I was 15/16, I finally convinced my older crush (who liked me too) to come to the party my friend & I had while her parents were out of town…we ended up sitting on the front porch talking about life until like 6am…I walked him out to his truck as he left & he leaned in and it just kind of happened. It was both terrible & wonderful at the same time
Little Things: Name five things you find attractive in others.Intelligence, a good heart, sense of humor, musical talent is always nice, good hair
C'Mon, C'Mon: What’s your dream destination for a good vacation?Ireland
Last First Kiss: Do you want to get married? If so, talk about your dream wedding.I am…my wedding was my dream wedding lol
Heart Attack: Are you jealous?Nah
Rock Me: List your ten favourite bands.Bands? One Direction, Jonas Brothers, Kings of Leon, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, The Eagles
Change My Mind: Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?I really don’t know…I’m really indecisive at first, but once I actually make a decision, I’m stuck with it
I Would: Name three guilty pleasures of yours.I hide some of my kids candy that they get from their grandmas house & eat it myself, I hide honeybuns so that I’ll have a stash when my husband thinks he’s eaten them all, sometimes I act like I have a bad headache so that my husband will pick up dinner on his way home from work so I don’t have to cook…in conclusion, I’m a fatass
Over Again: Talk about your first love.First love…idk if it was love…maybe it was. He was my first kiss. A wonderful guy that “got away.” He actually live a few houses down from me with his gf, lol. Damn tiny towns.
Back For You: Talk about your best friend.I miss her.
They Don’t Know About Us: Share a secret!I hate my husbands mustache
Summer Love: Talk about a summer memory.I spent a week in a beach house with my bff when I was 16/17…a good fuckin week, man
She’s Not Afraid: What’s your favourite horror film?Probably The Strangers……..“because you were home”
Loved You First: Are you a possessive person?Not too bad
Nobody Compares: Who’s your idol?No idol…but I really admire Harry Styles, wonderful human being
Best Song Ever: List your ten favourite songs.Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley, Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones, all of MITAM (counts as the rest of the 10) lmao
Story Of My Life: List five things you can’t live without.Air, food, water, blood, food
Diana: What would you name your children?I’m not gonna give out my kids’ names…but if I ever have anymore, I love the names: Blythe Opal, Heslin James, Thea Rose, & Noah Silas
Midnight Memories: Talk about a dream you recently had.Last night I dreamt that Harry Styles was never a real person & he was a figment of our imaginations 🙃
You & I: Talk about your OTP.OTP within the fandom: Sophiam, I just loved them…I do love Chiam too, but Sophiam was just…wowOutside the fandom: Jack Dawson & Rose DeWitt Bukater…don’t make me elaborate because id be here typing for 8000 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong: Where do you feel home?Anywhere that I get a certain vibe
Strong: What are your three best qualities?Um, motherhood is my best quality…my kids make me who I am. I don’t know about the other two, really…I mean, I can drink a 2liter of Dr. Pepper in one sitting & polish off a box of honeybuns in less than 24hrs…do those count?
Happily: Name three things that make you happy.My family, good music, people being nice
Right Now: Do you miss someone at the moment?Nah
Little Black Dress: How would you describe your style?Hobo-chic
Through The Dark: What helps you when you’re feeling down?My kids & music
Something Great: Where do you see yourself in ten years?Mommin’ it tf up
Little White Lies: Talk about your #1 sexual fantasy.Any sex that doesn’t involve trying to hurry before the kids bust through the door 💀
Better Than Words: Do you read fanfiction? If so, what’s your favourite fanfiction?Not a lot
Why Don’t We Go There?: Which big cities have you been to?Vegas, Houston, NOLA
Does He Know?: Would you be up for a threesome?No thanks
Alive: What’s one thing you’d never tell your “real life” friends?I really don’t know lol
Half A Heart: What’s your favourite lovestory? ( Book, film, etc. )Titanic
Steal My Girl: Did you ever steal anything?Once even I was 4 I stole Reese’s cups from the store & my mom made me go back in & apologize
Ready To Run: If you could have one super power, which would you choose?I’d fly
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?: Talk about the best concert you ever attented.Jonas Bros WYLMITE Tour. 4th row. Nick pointed & winked at me. I haven’t been the same since.
18: Do you wish you were younger or older?I’m good where I am
Girl Almighty: What makes you sexy?Lmao nuthin
Fool’s Gold: Do you fall for people quickly?I used to, yeah. I’m still quick to be infatuated though. I get attached to things/people easily
Night Changes: What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?Good question…
No Control: Can you control your temper ?Most of the time
Fireproof: What scares you?Nothing, I’m fearless…kidding. Everything.
Spaces: Did you ever let someone go for good?Yes
Stockholm Syndrome: Name five kinks of yours.All I know is I like my hair pulled & my ass grabbed tight. Hollaaaaa
Clouds: What’s your star sign? Does your personality match it?I’m an Aquarius…is that the same as a star sign? Lmao idk
Change Your Ticket: What would you do with a million dollars?A lot of cool shit
Illusion: Do you believe in higher powers?I believe in God
Once In A Lifetime: What’s three things you want to do before you die?Meet Harry StylesHug Harry StylesMeet Harry Styles
Act My Age: Do you consider yourself mature?Sometimes…old soul, young heart
Just Can’t Let Her Go: Name five turn ons.Just be nice lmao & like good music
Phewwww…thanks babes xx
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maergo · 5 years
Get to know me! - Sooyoung
Colours: Red- What is your biggest kink? Quirofilia, honestly when someone knows what to do with their hands... then I don’t even feel the need to actually have sex with them Orange- What are your turn ons? Teasing, especially if it’s really sneaky with a double meaning Yellow- What are your turn offs? It turns me off when others expect I will please them and not get pleased in return at the exact same time Green- What is your sexiest trait? The question is, what is my least sexy trait, and that doesn’t exist.  Blue- What traits in someone else do you think are sexy? Pffft, confidence, as cliche as it may sound Indigo- Have you ever had sex in a public area? No, but I’m very willing to try it out sometime Violet- What’s your favourite thing to do after sex? Smoke a cigarette Grey- What is a bad experience you’ve had sexually? Haven’t had one Black- What’s something sexual you regret doing? / White- Do you like roleplaying? Haven’t tried it out so I don’t know Pink- What are your favourite sex toys? Vibrators, especially the ones that go on like there’s no tomorrow
Months: January- What is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day? Watch tv maybe? February- Ever been alone on Valentine’s Day? Yes March- Ever found a 4-leaf clover? Nope April- What is the worst prank you’ve ever had done on you? I haven’t been pranked May- What’s your favourite flower? Sunflowers June- What is your first thing you do when summer starts? Live my life like any other day July- How patriotic are you? I\m not patriotic at all August- What was your worst sunburn? Haven’t had one September- What was your worst beginning of a school year? Every year because my parents always started nagging a lot about money and that I needed to be careful with my stuff October- What was a Halloween costume you’ve never done but always wanted to do? / November- Who is your least favourite family member? Don’t actually have one? Other than my parents I don’t even see my family members anyway December- Worst gift you’ve ever received? School supplies
Numbers: 1. Name one thing you miss. Attention 2. Name two foods you love. Burgers, fries   3. Name three things you can’t live without Myself 4. Name four things you wish you didn’t have. A house that doesn’t have enough rooms for my clothes   5. Name five of your favourite attributes. I ain’t gonna do that honey 6. Name six places you want to go to. Any place will satisfy me   7. Name seven names you adore. I don’t care for names   8. Name eight things that bring you comfort. Money, clothes, that’s it   9. Name nine people you wish to meet or you wish to see again. I don’t have anyone that I want to meet   10. Name ten things you would do again. Nah
Animals: Lion- Are you dominant? I can be if I want to Lamb- Are you submissive? Yes   Kitten- Are you a Little? What Wolf- Are you a Daddy/Mommy? No Bird- Are you into bondage? Sure Monkey- Are you into spanking? Not so much Kangaroo- Do you like to ride? I really don’t Dog- Are you into doggy style? I am Horse- Are you into strap-ons (giving or receiving)? No, if I want someone to fuck me I’ll find someone with an actual dick to fuck me with. I don’t care for other people’s pleasures so I wouldn’t use it to fuck someone else with either Rooster- Are you into three(+)somes? As long as I’m the center of attention
Seasons: Winter- What are your favourite pjs? The lingerie kind Spring- Do thunderstorms soothe or scare you? I don’t care for them Summer- How bad do you sunburn? I don’t  Fall- Does crunching of leaves calm you? I don’t know?
Weather: Rainy- Are you a squirter? I might be Thunderstorm- Do you moan loudly? Ask someone else because that’s the last thing I notice Sunny- Are you comfortable with complete nudity? Yes Snowing- Do you use ice cubes during sex? I can’t recall ever using them
Foods: Oyster- How high is your sex drive? Not necesserily high Steak- How easily wet do you get? Not too easily Eggs- Do you like morning sex? Sure Burger- Are you a top or a bottom? ..Bottom Orange- How sweet do you taste? I’d say it’s pretty sweet Pineapple- Do you swallow? Yes Popsicle- How much do you love giving head? I don’t mind giving head as long as I get pleased at the same time Taco- Have you ever done it with a girl? Yes Sushi- Have you ever eaten out? I have
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brimmsedge · 7 years
Dream: Wildfire
The dream started me as Chloë Grace Moretz. I woke up at my mother’s old house. I went downstairs and heard people talking in Teamspeak but I wasn’t in it. Then I realized I was listening to the past. I call my friend Morgan and tell her I can hear her conversations from the past. She’s weirded out but asks how.  (My writing is really sloppy here so I don’t understand) I notice when we first moved into the house. We had the weird mirror with the 7 lights on top like at a play. The right 4 were always out. Or at least I somehow remembered that. Thus, sparking my lucidity. I remember fixing the bulb sockets and all the lights worked. Yet here, in the dream they were broke again.  But once lucid I begin to make things dance as I clean the house. It’s a sunday so cleaning day naturally. My mother drops a plate when she’s sees me and insists I go get help at a doctor. She rushes me into the car and we speed to the Emergency Room.  The doctors start to run tests on me and then emit me for scientific study. They strap me down, kidnapping me basically. And roll me out taking me to a weird camp.  It doesn’t take long for the doctors to realize my powers and try to hardness it. The camp is a military camp. Figures.  My supervisor from work is the lead scientist . haha.  He begins to inject himself with my blue blood trying to get the powers. It makes him feel strange. So he thinks it’s working. Day after day he begins taking more. Overdosing on my blood. My lucidity begins to allow me to control him. He has too much of my blood in him that he essentially becomes an additional extension of my mind.  I begin to use him as a scout and plan my escape. 
Eventually after little success getting my powers harnessed they started to let me out more. They had a little horse play ground near a swamp for me to ride. Each day brought me closer to escape. I had begun to use my powers to also probe the minds of guards as well. Not control, just knowledge. I learned what paths weren’t guarded or had traps.  One day I did it. While my supervisor was taking my blood he had to loosen a strap on my arm to properly draw blood. And I broke it and used my mind to knock him to the ground.  I ran my planned route. Exactly in tune with my schedule. In truth, I had already escaped 13 times by now. It was almost routine now. 
I got to my horse pen and let her out. She was saddled up and ready because it wasn’t too far from ride time and they prepare a few minutes in advance. After I rode her as far as the swamp would let her I got off and into the truck I had planted there.  Which now in retrospect, doesn’t make much sense. Maybe I wanted her to go back and not get lost. Who knows. Then I drove the truck as far as I could and started walking. Jumping from the small archipelagos to a small island in the center of a lake. On the island there was a big shanty, Weasley styled home. An alligator almost got me while I was crossing from the swamp to clear water. Behind the house, after I arrived, there was a white hill. Not snow, but fallen flowers it seemed. Soft blanket of lilys maybe.  It was beautiful. I walked around with a very thin cloth over my body that twisted in the wind.  It was all cliche, but it was peace and happiness. The wind would toy with my naked soft skin. After my little dance. I went inside to the makeshift family of orphans and runaways. I realized they were stealing from the camp. They’d hijack trucks so they could eat and sell things they could for repairs and additions to their home. I touched a small black box and was able to see where it came from. In real time I saw my supervisor getting a militia ready to head out and find me. They were coming here.  Sure enough they showed up. But the vision wasn’t real time, I was fooled.  He was here now. And they shot and killed most of the people until they rounded us up into the supply room where I was. Before I could run they had us surrounded.  My supervisor came into the room with a veiny neck and blood red eyes. He had gotten some of my powers it seemed. I promised to give myself up if he let the family go. He agreed but before I stepped forward he ordered his men to shoot them all.  I closed my eyes as tears slipped out. I spun. Or my world spun. I couldn’t tell anymore.  When I opened my eyes, my breathing was steady and I could feel every molecule in the air. Waiting to bend at my will.  I lifted my hand to allow a sort of channel. Lifting the men furthest from me with the guns and ripped them down the middle. Their blood didn’t obey gravity. I had complete control of the room. The blood droplets staying mid-air, I grabbed new hosts and dragged them to the floor. Pounding pressure over them, crushing their bones with an invisible force. Then twisting to get the men behind me, I snapped their bones furthest from the body first. Starting slowly then quickly ending their life. Finally it was my supervisor left. He was grinning. Thinking he was immune to tackled me to the ground and began beating my face. I just glare at him and he stops. Confused, I force his eyes out of his head and pulling, lifting his body off the floor by his eyes. Making sure I don’t pull too hard that the eye strings of flesh snap. A woman comes rushing in. Unaffected by my standstill room. She begs me not to kill him. I warn her that I’ll kill her too. But the woman starts to sing to me. I drop my supervisor and angrily look at her. But my vision fades. I hold my hand out to crush her throat.  But my vision shows my mother singing down to an infant. Then my POV pans out from my body and shows my face. Then the face of the infant. The reality sinks in. I haven’t even lived yet. I’m just an infant. All the blood is gone. I’m just laying in my mother’s arms while she’s singing to me to sleep. I close my eyes.... And then I wake up
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matarabarian · 7 years
I realized I haven’t posted much about any story other than the first two chapters of Throne of the Abyss and I’ve already talked a lot about Vica so I figured I’d post the first scene he appears in.
A few notes on the plot so far so no one gets lost:
Ruuno is the protagonist who works with the Lumen Dias Knighthood(LDK)
Anima are an antagonistic species
Izera was an anima overlord who was sealed in a necklace years ago
Izera is going to break out so Ruuno and a group of select knights are going to destroy the necklace he is sealed in.
In short, it sounds like a totally cliche story, but that’s the point, because I like to take cliches and spit on them. It’s kinda a sadistic pleasure So trust me when I say this story has a twist at the end. Anyway, enjoy! Please?
But as he looked off into the trees, a flicker of violet caught his eye. He stopped his horse, pulling back on the reins as he stared into the trees. A pair of purple eyes met his own and Ruuno's heart stopped in his chest. Looking a little closer, he saw the form of a man, dressed in a fashion similar to a noble, with a pitch black coat over a pale daisy yellow buttoned up coat with ebony buttons and a white jabot collar. He appeared to have dark gray, almost black, hair, but looked very young, maybe a year older than Ruuno himself. But the bright purple eyes told him this person wasn't even remotely human. The man—no, anima—cocked his head to the side, his eyes never leaving Ruuno's. His eyes shifted in color from purple to a bright blue and he winked. Ruuno's jaw dropped a little and the anima waved at him, smiling.
“Hey, what's the holdup, little blond riding hood?” Tiara called.
“That,” Ruuno replied, pointing to the anima with his arm trembling. “That is the holdup.”
The group followed his finger and a second later, a sword surrounded by a glowing purple light thrust through the air and almost impaled Guryon if he hadn't unsheathed his sword and blocked it at the very last second. The sword recovered from the block and went on the offensive. As if controlled by an invisible swordsman, it swooped around, thrusting and slashing at Guryon, but a few seconds later it retreated, floating next to the anima, who stepped out of the shadowy woods, along with several other blades and other weapons. The entire party dismounted, preparing for battle.
The anima held his hand up and waved at the group, although it was a bit more sarcastically than how he waved to Ruuno. “Why, hello there, noble knights! Care for a cup of tea? We can sit around, gossip, and eat biscuits around a table!” his voice was melodious, but possessed a distinct eerie tone to it because of how unhinged it sounded. His eyes had turned a reddish-purple in color and he seemed to be on the verge of giggling like a schoolgirl. “Hahaha, no. No, no, no, nono!” He sang the last part and burst out into gleeful laughter.
“Oh, shit,” Aegeus muttered.
“What?” Helen asked.
“I think know which anima this is, and it's not good,” Aegeus muttered.
Ruuno racked his brain from his anima studies class, trying to run through the names and descriptions of all the infamous anima before his internal monologue became something like claws on blackboards. His eyes went wide and he could hear his heart pounding in his throat. “Vica,” Ruuno whispered, wondering why the powers that be hated him so much. This got a reaction from everyone, even Fulbright. Apprehension graced their faces and fear slipped through some of the brave facades they had attempted to put up when they heard Vica's name.
Vica had been Izera's right-hand man back in the Spectral War. Izera trusted him above all others and Vica in return was devoted to Izera on an obsessive level. Ever since Izera fell, Vica had been a near-constant threat to the LDK but had been abandoned as an active target because almost every knight who faced him was killed. The ones who didn't either ran or Vica just kept them alive to mock them. That wasn't to say Vica didn't still go after the LDK on a regular basis. Vica was able to store and summon weapons from his aura and control them with deadly accuracy, making him one of the more lethal anima out there. There was even one recorded case where an entire regiment was sent to fight him, and were all killed. What was the icing on this doom cake? He was bloody insane even by anima standards.
Vica laughed and clapped his hands together as Ruuno said his name. “Bingo! Glad you all still remember me!” He brought one hand up and started waving it distractedly as he rambled. “I mean, I don't forget about the LDK, ever, although I don't know all of the names of it's members, but I do remember most of you because you're all, I don't know, complete scumbags?” Vica said this as a question, but it was clear there was no ambiguity about it in his mind. He giggled and pointed at them one by one as he named them. “Colonel Aegeus Euclid, Captain Fulbright Behnam, Sergeant Helen Manius, Major Guryon Haluk, Lieutenant Tiara Dobroslav, and a cute John Doe.”
Ruuno's mind drew a blank for a few seconds. “What?”
Vica smiled, the innocent smile jarringly out of place on an anima's face. “Don't worry, cute in a non-romantic, purely aesthetic way. Although, I would like to know your name. It would be really unfortunate if I had to go run around and burn and ransack LDK bases to find your file with your name.”
Ruuno gripped the hilt of his sword and pulled it out of its scabbard. “Ruuno. Corporal Ruuno Lykke,” he growled out.
Vica rocked back and forth on his feet as his eyes turned a blue-violet. “Ruuno. Rune no. Rune-o. That's a pretty name. Not like Fulbright or Guryon. The title doesn't sound nice with it, though. It's cacophonous. Ooh, that's a word some of you might have to look up in a dictionary! And Lykke. Like Lykke. Pretty.” Vica seemed to muse over this for a few seconds, like it was a riddle or something important, then smiled again and was in front of Ruuno in a second.
Ruuno's eyes widened and his hands holding his sword shook, having barely seen Vica move. He had never been this close to an anima, especially not one who Izera himself relied on. He tried to swing his sword, maybe chop Vica's head off, but his muscles just couldn't move. Vica reached over and tapped Ruuno on the nose. “Bop-boop!”
“W- what?” Ruuno stuttered, shocked that he both let an anima touch him and that said anima didn't even hurt him.
Vica beamed. “You are too cute to be a member of the LDK. Why don't you hop off that horse and let me give you a safe place to stay?”
That snapped Ruuno out of it. He slashed at Vica with his blade, who nimbly danced back. “I'll never join you, or Izera, or any of you monsters!”
“Aw, that's a shame,” Vica whined. “But don't worry!” He winked. “I don't give up, so how about I kill alllllll your little friends, and then you come with me because I won't leave you another choice?”
Ruuno gritted his teeth. “I would rather die.”
“Not an option,” Vica said, winking again. He reached over and patted Ruuno's head, one of his swords parrying the blond's attempt at stabbing him again. Vica turned back to the rest of the group. “As for you, I don't like you. You've killed a lot of anima, especially you, Captain Shiny! I think I want to hurt you, very badly.” Vica paused and thought for a second. “Yep, definitely want to hurt you. Oh, and you are trying to kill Izera! I really hate you for that!”
Aegeus' eyes widened. “How do you know that? That information was-”
“Classified?” Vica asked. He smiled and glanced up and to the right. “That's a funny word. Classified. Class, if, I, and Ed. Classes are where knowledge is dispersed, if means possibly, I means me, and I don't know who Ed is, but I don't think he has anything to do with restricting information either. Huh, weird word.”
“Hey! Looney bin!” Helen snapped. “Where did you learn about that?”
Vica played with a small white flower he had gotten from somewhere, smiling at it. “Oh, you know, I have friends. Some of which may or may not be in your organization.”
“We have a mole?” Guryon cried. “Oh, this day just sucks more and more.”
“He could be lying,” Tiara reasoned.
“He knew about our mission, he couldn't have found out without inside information,” Aegeus growled. “We can worry about the mole later, we have to deal with Vica now.”
Vica grinned maliciously, more swords and daggers appearing around him along with a few axes, a mace, and a club. “I won't let you hurt Izera, so I'll have to kill you.”
“Fat chance, psycho,” Guryon growled and lunged at him. Vica dodged then sent three swords directly at his head that Guryon barely managed to block. Ruuno thrust his sword directly at Vica's chest, wanting to tear the anima's heart out but Vica parried the blow happily then knocked him back with the club.
“Sorry, Ruuno!” Vica sang. “But I can't have you getting in the way of the fight! Don't worry, I'll pay attention to you later.”
“Wow, that borderlines on creepy,” Tiara commented.
“Borderlines?” Ruuno demanded. “Just borderlines?”
“Oh, hush up, I need to deck the cuckoo anima,” Tiara said, grinning confidently, but there was a quiver in her lip. Like a ninja, she dodged around Vica's blades and delivered a vicious roundhouse kick that Vica somehow blacked with his forearms, smacking her leg off to the side. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her to the ground blocking another kick in the process, this one with a sword which left a deep cut in her leg. She fell on her back and Vica stood over her, fighting everyone else off with his army of blades.
“Aw, you don't think you're the only one who knows martial arts, do you?” Vica smirked and held one of his swords above her body. “So sweet, but so futile. Bye-bye!” With that he thrust the sword down but at the last second, it was knocked to the side. Vica frowned and his eyebrows rose, looking both surprised and annoyed at the same time. Tiara glanced up and saw a familiar pair of green eyes mixed with blond hair and smiled in relief.
“Leave her alone!” Ruuno shouted.
Vica crossed his arms and looked like a petulant child. “Ruuno, please stay out of the way. It's distracting to fight and have to worry about you being in the middle of it. What if I hit you?”
“And he's just doing this because he thinks you're cute?” Guryon asked while trying to avoid being hit by a pack of daggers. “Jeez, how far gone is he?”
“Vica's obsession gives us an advantage so I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth!” Aegeus yelled as he dodged a golden sword, trying to knock it out of the air. “Ruuno, try to get in and stab him! Vica doesn't want to hurt you for now and we might as well use that!”
“Oh, you want to use my love for Ruuno against me?” Vica cooed, frowning at them. “That’s so cruel.”
“Says the anima who gets off on murder,” Ruuno said scornfully.
Vica sighed, twirling a strand of hair around his finger, looking bored. “It's amazing how you could twist a story around so much. If a normal man started screaming bunnies want to kill all of humanity, people write him off as a crackpot. If he starts acting on his beliefs, people call him insane. When a knight started screaming the same thing, somehow people paid him attention. When he started acting on it, they joined in.”
Guryon gave him an incredulous look. “Did you just relate murdering, bloodlusting lunatics to bunnies?”
“No, I related them to knights,” Vica replied.
Ruuno could not believe Vica had just said that and neither could any of the others. Ruuno’s hands clenched into fists and he started to tremble in rage at Vica’s callous brush-aside of all the harm anima had caused and his scorn at those who only wanted to protect people. “You son of a….”
“Before you finish that, know that my mother was actually an anima who could morph into a dog and speak to canines, so it wouldn’t actually offend me,” Vica said with a smile. Ruuno felt his anger boil over as he lunged at Vica, his sword slashing faster than the human eye could see. Vica looked ever so slightly surprised as he repeatedly blocked Ruuno’s strikes with five different swords. “Wow, you’re really good when you get angry. Maybe we can train sometime? I could show you some moves, if you want.” Vica winked at him again before blasting him to the side with a purple light. “But for now, just sit over there and watch me turn your friends into shish-kebabs like a good boy.”
Ruuno winced as he got up, every muscle in his body protesting. “I won’t let you hurt them, I won’t let them fight you on their own.”
“Famous last words of the meat shield, everyone,” Fulbright muttered.
Vica’s smile faded from his lips and his eyes turned pure red. “Excuse me, Ruuno. I need to take care of someone.” In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of Fulbright and lifted him up by the collar. “I don’t like people who diss their own allies and comrades. It’s wrong and it’s mean. People like that don’t deserve to have their comrades watching their back, and if any of you get in my way except for Ruuno, I will kill you as well, extra bloodily.”
“Get the hell away from him!” Guryon roared, charging forward and stabbing at Vica with his sword, which Vica blocked as usual with one of his many swords, but Guryon didn’t stop.
Vica glanced over at him for a second and narrowed his eyes. “So be it.” Eight swords surrounded Guryon and attacked ruthlessly, with the brown-haired man barely hanging on.
Ruuno breathed heavily and he limped over to the fight. He couldn’t let Fulbright or Guryon die. His arm feeling dead, he started to throw his own strikes, weak as they were. Vica gritted his teeth and looked honestly annoyed as he blocked Guryon’s and Ruuno’s attacks, as if he was straining himself. Ruuno focused on a drop of sweat trickling down from Vica’s forehead and saw Vica’s constant focus for blocking so many strikes so close to his body was taking its toll on him. Ruuno took a deep breath and yelled, “Guys! Attack him so he has to block you! It’s harder for him to block
Aegeus, Tiara, and Helen looked at Ruuno in bewilderment, then saw Vica’s face. Aegeus met Ruuno’s eyes and nodded solemnly, then ordered, “Everyone, attack now!” Tiara pulled out a knife and started slashing the blades themselves and trying to hit Vica when she had the chance to force him into blocking and Helen threw fireball after fireball at him with his swords barely able to absorb the blows. Aegeus took up the role of defending the others when Vica tried to counterattack.
Ruuno’s hopes lifted up as he saw Vica struggle to stay on top of everything, the anima’s eyes darting around like a trapped animal before his lips drew back in a vicious snarl. He threw down Fulbright and curled his hands into fists that began to glow with a purple light as he shook in rage. “You’re all meanies!” Vica screamed, a flash of purple energy throwing everyone back. Ruuno slammed into a tree and felt a new wave of pain wrack his body and a quick glance at the others’ faces showed him the fear that had crept into his body wasn’t just him. Vica stood up straight and moved his angry, unstable glare from Guryon to Tiara to Fulbright to Helen and finally to Aegeus. “I will hurt you,” Vica seethed. “You’re meanies! You people hurt Izera two hundred years ago and you’re trying to hurt him again! No, you’re trying to kill him! I’ll never let you kill him! If Izera’s going to be strong enough for his seal to break soon, that means he’ll come back! I want him back! I need him back!”
“Yeah, to wipe out humanity,” Tiara snapped.
“No! I just want him back!” Vica cried, shaking his head and stamping his feet like he was throwing a temper tantrum, tears falling from his eyes. “I want my Izera back! You won’t prevent him from coming back!” He suddenly laughed, the merriment sounding unhinged and twisted. “You will never win! Izera will be back! Izera will live through this, and in three months, I’ll see him again! Izzie will return! Izzie, Izzie, Izzie, Izzie!” Vica started to giggle and he suddenly seemed a lot more dangerous than he had a few minutes ago. “I miss Izzie, and if I kill you, Izera won’t be in any danger.” Vica glanced over at Ruuno, madness glinting in his eyes. “Oh, Ruuno! I hurt you! I’m so sorry! But you seem to want to put your faith with these people, so I guess I’ll have to cause you pain before things get better. But I’m not giving up, I’ll make you reject them and everything they stand for! You’ll be mine in the end!”
Aegeus scrambled to his feet and sheathed his sword, looking panicked. “Retreat! Retreat now!” he cried, then mounted his very spooked horse and rode off a gallop. No one disagreed in the face of a livid anima who was five seconds away from murdering everyone minus a certain blond and as if a hive mind, the other five got on their horses and rode off at lightning speed in a pack formation.
“Oh, you’re running now?” Vica yelled behind them. “Well, the LDK has always been a bunch of cowards. But don’t think I won’t follow! Izera will return!” Vica’s voice dissolved into chilling, maniacal laughter that echoed in Ruuno’s ears as he urged his horse to go faster.
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