#at least go hunt some bigfeets
master-gatherer · 6 months
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Oh good, the werewolf scientists are on the case.
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Welcome to our weekly round-up! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
What’s new in town?:
Strange crystals have overtaken the town, and touching them creates a “link” to the doomed people of Bleak Point. Some may find they have a stranger influencing their actions, while others might find their emotions amplified. The least fortunate may transform into creatures from the mines and terrorize the town. Come join the chaos of our latest POTW!
It's summer time and the charming tree worms are giving birth to their young. This means their hunts have become more frequent and several people have gone missing under trees in populated areas.
Looking for something strange and unusual? Or trying to sell something of the same variety? A new market is popping up around town and it's a little bizarre. It never seems to be in the same place twice!
Tendrilla has blessed us all! There has been a sighting of a massive mushroom around the woods. Everyone is hiking and trying to get a peek, which has led to some missing persons and strange side effects.
Something is off with this barstool and Bridie has questions
Anyone else seeing these gopher holes around town? Mateo has questions
Chaisai is looking for any and all ideas how to repair the rides at Bigfeet's Adventureland that are blocked by the crystals
If you're good a photography Ren is looking for tips
If anyone has seen a very specific necklace, please let Regan know right away
Looking to adopt a puppy? Hit your mime guy Kaden up!
If you could stop skinny dipping in front of the lighthouse, Marcus would really appreciate it
Send your best chicken noodle soup recipe to Clement!
It's summer time and Psyche is decidedly over everyone littering on the trails
For liability reasons, Dis is letting everyone know to avoid the rose garden a Elysium as its been overtaken by crystals
Hit Winter up with any information you have on being able to use the university library or other good spots in the area
You know what's great? The Mines. Go see Teddy, there's ham!
Teagan is trying to master the art of a perfect cup of coffee so send any and all tips her way
Does anyone know what could be causing Milo's issues with chunks of lost time?
Leila needs to get out of the shop and is looking for recommendations on things to do around town
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krizaland · 5 years
Been curious about this. What would Dib think about having a friend/s/o who is a vampire?
Ooh! What an interesting idea!
 I’ll be honest, when I was younger I wasn’t allowed to read Twilight because my mom thought it would scare me. (In her defence, I was actually really scared of vampires and werewolves back then. So she meant well.)
However, everyone else and their grandmother was reading all the books and raving about how amazing they were.
I got so mad that I developed an intense hatred of Twilight. 
I hated Twilight so much that I vowed to write a story a million times better than it!
Then I  immediately proceeded to write a terrible Kirby fanfic that makes me cringe to this day.
Anyway, the reason why I bring this up is because your request finally gave me the inspiration I needed to live out one of my childhood dreams!
Be warned: Because reader is a vampire, there will be lots of talk about blood and dead creatures.
When Dib went out hunting for vampires, you were not what he had expected to find.
Dib was expecting a grotesque, 7 foot tall goblin, with sickly white skin, and blood stained fangs!
Or maybe a monstrous Bat-like creature, feasting on the remains of its victims.
What he wasn’t expecting was a breathtakingly beautiful human-like creature!
Just seeing you basking under the glow of the full moon almost made him drop his vampire hunting supplies!
If it wasn’t for the moonlight glistening off of your fangs, Dib would’ve never even suspected you were a vampire!
He would’ve assumed you were a nymph or a moon spirt of some sort.
But a Vampire wouldn’t even cross his mind.
“What are you looking at?!”
The sound of your angry voice snapped Dib out of his trance.
Dib opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was incoherent gibberish.
“What’s the matter? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a vampire before!” You giggled as you turned to face Dib.
Dib felt his heart flutter in his chest.  Your eyes twinkled like rubies!
Dib swallowed hard and cleared his throat.
“I have seen a vampire before! I just, you know wasn’t expecting-”
“One to look like me? Yeah, there’s a lot of nasty misconceptions about us vampires.” You chuckled.
“W-well can you really blame anyone?! I mean you literally kill people and drink their blood! How are you expected to not be seen as a terrifying monster?!” Dib stuttered as he snapped a finger in your direction.
“Again, that’s a misconception. Most Vampires don’t go out and kill humans anymore. It’s inconvenient and humans are kinda annoying anyway.  We prefer to go to blood banks or drink animal blood instead.” You explained casually.
“Well, that isn’t much better.” Dib muttered as he looked down at his feet.
“Meh. Drinking blood isn’t exactly the the nicest thing but hey, a Vampire’s gotta eat. Besides, I find human food waay more disgusting. I mean, you actually eat the animals body parts and stuff! Say what you want about Vampires but at least we just take a bite, slurp, and go! You guys make a show out of your meals!” You ranted as your hands accompanied your words.
“That’s different! We cook our food so that it’s safe for our consumption! We would get hundreds of diseases if we didn’t!” Dib snapped as he lifted his head to look at you.
“Wait, even salmonella?”
“Yes! No human wants to catch that!” Dib confirmed with a shudder.
You hummed and stroked your chin.
“So, do you think that cooking blood before consuming it could kill salmonella? Because my friend’s uncle Larry caught it yesterday and it’s like reeeally bad.” You shuddered at the memory.
“I….Don’t know,” Dib blinked for a moment, “Wanna go find out?”
And with that, you and Dib went back to his lab and begun to preform experiments on cooking blood.
Dib had to admit, despite being a blood drinking monster, you were actually really cool.
You both shared a love of science and even had a similar sense of humor.
It had been years since Dib had this much fun with anyone!
In fact, you were the closest thing Dib had to a friend.
Dib found himself wishing you weren’t a vampire so he could make your friendship official.
“Ah! Son! I can’t tell you how happy I am seeing you getting so excited about REAL SCIENCE!”
The sound of Professor Membrane’s cheerful voice jolted Dib from his thoughts.
“Gah! Oh! Hey..Dad. Y/N! This Professor Membrane, my dad.” Dib stuttered as he gestured to Professor Membrane.
“It’s nice to meet another mind interested in the field of legitimate science! Maybe your friend here can finally help you get over your silly obsession with ghosts and vampires and whatnot.” Professor Membrane beamed as he patted your head.
Dib’s face fell a bit as a groan escaped his throat.
“Yeah…thanks, Dad…”
“Well, you kids have fun now! I’ve got another cure to discover!
And with that, Professor Membrane trotted off to his main lab.
“Did he not notice my fangs or….”
“Ugh! He never notices anything! I’ve literally shown him countless photos of aliens and bigfeets! I even had you, a real vampire, standing right in front of him! Nothing!” Dib ranted as he buried his face in his hands.
“Really? So he just brushes off everything you show him? That’s awful! You seem like, really good at paranormal investigating and stuff. I’m surprised he doesn’t believe you!” You admitted as you rubbed the back of your head.
“That’s just it! No one ever believes me! No matter how hard I- Wait did you just say, I was good at paranormal investigating?” Dib blinked in surprise.
“That I did. You see, humans don’t catch me on my late night walks. You’re literally the first human to ever find me. That’s why I agreed to come over to your place. Your skills have definitely earned my favor.” You explained with a fanged grin.
“Wait! Really?!” Dib’s eyes nearly popped out of his glasses.
“Yep! I honestly could’ve flown away at anytime I wanted but you seemed so cool I decided to stick around.” You confirmed.
Dib’s eyes lit up as a wide grin spread across his face!
“You think I’m cool…”
In that moment, Dib decided that it didn’t matter that you were a vampire! You were really nice and didn’t even try to drink his blood once!
He wanted to make your friendship official.
Dib cleared his throat as he regained his composure.
“So, does this mean we’re friends now?” Dib’s words came out sounding more eager than he had intended.
“Sure! If don’t mind being friends with a ‘blood sucking monster’” You teased.
“You know what? I don’t mind! As long as you don’t, you know…suck my blood or anything.” Dib chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.
“I think I can do that. Just don’t try to expose me anymore.”
“Oh don’t worry! I won’t! I don’t want to lose the only friend I’ve ever had!” Dib replied.
“N-Nothing! Hey! Wanna help me expose an alien?!” Dib stuttered, trying to change the subject.
“Sounds like fun!”
And with that, you and Dib spent the rest of the evening plotting various ways to torment and expose Zim.
While you being a vampire was going to take some getting used to, Dib was excited to finally have a real friend on his side.
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The Shadow of Bigfoot 2013
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Well this is different, a British made Bigfoot movie. Will that be a good thing or a bad thing? (Hint, it’s not a good thing). I am all for new perspectives and such on Bigfoot, but it is a little tricky when you have an ocean between you and the proper filming locations for your subject matter. It does make me question though why on earth would you just pretend the UK is the US? The whole prospect of the main character going broke, ruining his career and such would make even more sense when you add in the cost of trans-atlantic flights. It would greatly aid the suspension of disbelief as well, ‘cause his “expeditions” appear to be just regular camping trips. And I don’t see ‘em even paying for the campsite. Like Howls, the only real point in the favor of this trainwreck is that it is not found footage so it actually has a plot of sorts. That isn’t nearly enough to save it. All we ever see of Bigfoot is a shadow, so the title is accurate, but the idea that this is based on true events is utter shit. Unless it is based on the idea that three guys went into the woods, one of em was a total jerk, one was kind of a jerk and one was named Robin.
The Plot:
Jon Morgan is a professor at Fake University That Is Totally Not In the UK, and he gets fired because he keeps talking about bigfoot instead of doing his job. Deciding that he needs to go and actually find bigfoot this time instead of just failing again, he recruits some friends and gets his “guns” for one last expedition. The trio glimpses something, but Jon isn’t just after proof, he wants a corpse. Or at least enough of one to prove he’s right. So he take a shot at it with his BB gun, I mean, rifle, and wounds it. The three of them then go after the corpse, then get chased around by the unseen Bigfeet that respond. Robin gets got, Carl gets a broken leg and Jon has goes full out Quint. Instead of trying to leave he drags Carl around in circles, then eventually kills one and cuts it’s head off. Head bag in hand they finally try to leave, Carl lets Jon die, then he trys to run off with the head and gets killed himself.
My Thoughts:
What accent is this? British fake southern? Why would you do that? It hurts. Why not just have it be an English expedition to NC?
“True Events” huh?
That's a terrible fake recording screen
That is an awful fake footprint
Why is the lecture only attended by 4 people?
Why is this lecture being given in the middle of an office building? Surely a high school or local college would have let you film that one shot
Take a shot, someone said dermal ridges.
This is a very English Pub to be in North Carolina.
Hmm, comments on fake face photographs, I think I know who he is supposedly based on. That must be the “true events”
Is this his wife? Why is she so shocked to see him? Does she not know he was fired? Did she kick him out?
That is not proper firearm storage
That's also not how you carry a firearm when you want to use it. Take the blanket off.
How did Robin, who was farthest away, get to Carl and the prints first? Morgan was directly in between them?
What's with this movie and things being 30 feet away? That's practically nothing.
Oh look, he took the blanket off the rifle
Is that a pellet gun? Could you not find a prop gun or an old shotgun you could borrow? At least now I know why they kept it wrapped up. At best that would be a 22.
Great, it’s wounded, now let's split up and wander around. There's nothing safer than a wounded animal.
Ha! I love the comedic timing.
Carl is the smart one
Are those CGI stones?
Why didn't he pick up his “rifle”
Is that the same real stone?
I rewound to check, that was the same stone. Why would you do that? You can literally find them lying on the ground for free.
The idea of isolation doesn’t work when you can see buildings in the distance. And if your actors are standing in a clearly man made path
Brave sir Robin ran away away.
And now he’s dead.
Things ain't looking good for Carl either.
Carefully strewn litter is carefully strewn.
Oh look, a “rifle” didn't stop one, but now he has a pistol. I bet those Bigfoot are screwed now.
Oh no, Morgan has gone full Quint, doubling down on killing one instead of calling for help.
I'm guessing Morgan is planning on using Carl as bait at this point.
Potato head Lied about the phone, and now he's lecturing Carl about taking Bigfoot seriously.
“We're being hunted and need to stay quiet. Let's have a shouting match,” Intelligent Well Written Characters.
Carl asked Potato Head how he knows what the Bigfeet are going to do. Potato Head angrilly replies that he's knows because he has studied them for 25 years. That would have been the perfect time for Carl to point out that he was wrong about them being solitary
Oh that was a dick move with the flask potato head. but on the other hand, you're not supposed to take alcohol and painkillers at the same time. That's how Heroin Bob died in SLC Punk
Take a shot, they mentioned the smell. Wasn't Carl supposed to have done this before? Shouldn't he know some of this stuff?
Uh oh, it's getting sexy, Potato Head tool off his jacket.
Wait, no. he kept his shirt on.
Carl's about to find the phone
He found the phone
Carl isn't going to live through this, is he?
Why confront the deranged man with the gun when you can't walk? Just make the call
Or grab the gun and then make the call
Annnnnd now he dropped the phone
They're really upset about the body they left lying around being mutilated.
Well now at least he grabbed the gun.
And he shot potato head and left him for dead, because that way the Bigfeet will let him leave.
Carl is clearly an optimist. Stupid, but an optimist
Potato head, you do not have the right to call Carl names.
And shadowy comeuppance has arrived.
And even dying he insults Carl.
Uh oh, Carl, who is injured and knows that the Bigfeet don't want anyone taking the head, is trying to take the head, proving that he is no better than Potato Head.
Makes you wonder why they didn't take the head when they had the chance.
And now Carl gets killed too.
It really doesn't make sense in why they ripped up Robin, but just tore the head off Morgan.
This is aptly named “The Shadow of Bigfoot” because that's all we ever see of it.
Well there's a company called USA Cop Cars Ltd over in the UK. That explains the shot of the cop car on Potato Heads way to the pub.
According to the credits, this has elements based on true events, but these characters are all fictitious. Well that's good to know, otherwise we would have had zombies coming back to recount their story of being killed by Bigfoot.
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