#the person quoted is a paranormal investigator
master-gatherer · 6 months
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Oh good, the werewolf scientists are on the case.
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
I myself am trying to catch up on this corey stuff. I'm so lost
okay, i'm gonna give the quickest of rundowns on this whole thing.
aka i watched elton's video so everyone doesn't have to lol
so to give the slightest bit of backstory, corey left tfil/overnight/haunted homies a couple months back. he then came out with a video in april saying that the reason he left is bc he wants to pursue other ventures, in particular sketch comedy bc that's so timely. but he also said he would still be doing ghost hunting, just not with elton. around this time he also unfollowed elton, and devyn on her secret twitter was shitting on elton in some way (but idk what she said bc it's private). him and devyn have also started back up their old channel where they ghost hunt. and corey... i think... has posted some vlogs or whatever here and there on his main channel. but idk for certain since i don't watch him.
now, for some reason, elton has decided to clear the air on what happened with him and corey bc his leaving was very abrupt and confused a lot of fans.
imma just bullet point this list as best i can bc wow does that man love to talk and say almost nothing for over an hour.
elton alluded to corey possibly being the reason why the beef with snc lasted so long; mostly bc corey loves talking shit on ppl he's collabed with in the past. and full on would tell elton not to recollab with certain paranormal ppl bc. in particular, exploring with josh (who was also surprised to find out corey shit talked him since he commented "what" on elton's video)
the main portion of the video was solely to explain that while corey allegedly claims to be broke or not have made much money off of the overnight channel/tfil, elton very much begs to fucking differ
corey would get paid roughly $10k A WEEK during investigations, trips, whatever. elton also stated that he would pay anyone that would go on trips with them, roughly $2500 for the day, but that would fluctuate depending on the circumstances.
corey technically made over half a mil a year for the past couple years bc of elton paying him to be on the channel. elton also stated that corey makes more than elton on the channel bc elton basically pays for everything while corey has no stake in the claim.
corey did literally no work bts whatsoever. never suggested any places to go to, never paid for anything (not the hotel, driving, booking of spots, ect), and then on top of it never did any work like editing, getting ghost equipment, research. elton did everything, but would pay corey 50% since he was the other person on the channel mainly.
corey would flake out of a lot of things last minute for unknown reasons. or when they would discuss things to do/places to go, he would just not do it or go. and sometimes this would play out on camera, and to elton's justification, is why he would seem to "force" corey to do things. basically bc it was agreed on beforehand, only for corey to not do it once they got there.
during a charity livestream that was supposed to last for about a week (if not longer), corey claimed to feel ill, did nothing to help himself, and then left the charity livestream early.
then the fans that donated the most during that stream were supposed to fly out and meet elton and corey (all expenses paid by elton himself). corey decided last minute not to meet fans. elton then had to give refunds to some ppl who had wanted to meet corey.
corey would get a cut of the shares when it came to merch as well. even tho he wouldn't design it, be the one paying to ship it out, nothing. they created the haunted bundles that they did on the tfil site just so corey could make more money.
elton got rid of some of his staff just so corey could make more money/be paid more
the haunted homies tour that they did, elton planned all of it and created it bc corey wanted to do more funny bits instead of all of the haunted stuff. bc… it was corey's dream to eventually end up on snl. no, i am not joking. that is something elton actually claims corey wants lol
the second haunted homies tour, the one with matt rife, corey was contractually obligated to post about it/tell their editor in time what clips he would want to repost on his accounts. corey never did that/would take too long to get back to them on what he wanted, and then would later ask for certain clips to be removed from the vids long after the video was already up.
elton gifted $10k to corey bc he claimed to need more money… even after all of this shit played out
they had to make less content last year bc of how often corey would just not do projects with him/would flake out last minute
at the beginning of this year, elton had a bunch of tfil trips planned, with overnight videos in between also being filmed. basically had it laid out that they would only have to film for the first couple months, and then pick up filming again in october. so almost the entire year was planned out. he was just waiting for corey to sign off on it.
elton travels to some place (i'm blanking on it now) and then gets a single text from corey that says "hey man, i've wanted to bring this up for a while, but this year i'm gonna pull back from overnight and just focus on myself" with no explanation or conversation. and since that text, he has basically ghosted elton irl and online. but has apparently been saying things to friends in common that old roommates (like elton and whoever else all lived with them these past couple years) has stole shit from him, ect. and in general, he has been talking shit on elton bts.
i think that's everything i can remember off the top of my head that elton alleged. if i remember anything else, i'll add it. but this was pretty much a good chunk of the vid.
basically, the general gist is corey had one job: show up and make money. and he couldn't even do that lol
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frothingatthemaw · 2 months
okay i dont think itll fit in one ask but here we go (and by it haha well lets justr say the entire podcast)
MAG 1 anglerfish
the magnus institute is a research organization for the supernatural (oooOOoOoO). they take statements of people who have had Paranormal™ experiences !! jonathan sims believes most of them are fake.
our beloved head archivist jonathan "jon" sims was promoted (by the head of the institute) (elias bouchard) from researcher to !! head archivist !! of the magnus institute, london !!!! because the one before him (gertrude robinson) is missing (oooooo) (she died). the year is 2016 and he started at the institute in 2012 also i might give you specific episodes later just so you can hear peoples voices yk yk
but !! he has been assigned two (three (3)) assistants !! tim stoker, sasha james, and martin blackwood !! he Does Not like martin.
the archives are VERY disorganized !! the files are not all in their right boxes and the boxes have some strange labels like 86-91 G/H
most of the (thousands of) statements are handwritten or typed on a typewriter, with no digital/audio copy. "in fact, i believe the first computer to ever enter this room is the laptop i have brought in today". he is making audio recordings of statements. also. this is all recorded on a tape recorder. (attempts to record many of the statements on his laptop have been met with significant audio distortion) (but not all of them) (btw a lot of this is direct quotes. i am not currently listening to tma i just know it) (what autism does to a mf)
because the investigation and research isnt included in the files, tim, sasha, and martin have to do supplementary research. and he will Read them at the end of each statement. but since its super super disorganized the order of the statements is. not. like there just is no order its random
BUT !!!!! statement time
statement of nathan watts. regarding an encounter on old fishmarket close, edinburgh. statement given april 22, 2012.
statements are given in first person but im just gonna summarize
SO. this guy is at college (or uni as the brits say) (for biochem) (it was a few years before he gave the statement thats probably important to note) and he has a weird birthday + took a gap year so hes like 2 years older than his classmates which means he tends to hang out with older students
so hes at a party for his friend michael mccauley because he got accepted into an earth science masters and theyre down at a place drinking very disruptively so they have the place to themselves
so now hes drunk so he decides to walk (30 minutes) (very hilly) home (he did resist going home but he went anyways a bit later) but so hes walking home and he has a bit of a tumble stumble (on account of the hills) (steep) (he is drunk) so he has a cigarette to calm himself
suddenly (gasp) there is a Guy in an alleyway next to him and he asks "can i have a cigarette" and so our man nathan is a bit unnerved but he holds out a cigarette nonetheless but the alley guy doesnt move and keeps Swaying (hes swaying) and says it again
the guy had a Blank face and was lookin kinda sickly and was Swaying some more (from the waist)
so then the alley guy asks again and then statement giver nathan is like. woahg that guys mouth is not moving. so then he looks at Alley Figures feet and well gosh golly they are not on the ground
so he drops his cigarette and turns on his phone flashlight but then the Alley Figure disappears (folding in by the waist) (like they were tied to a string that suddenly got pulled tight)
so hes looking in the alleyway and he sees nothing. its just a boring old alley.
so he goes back to the Public where there are People due to it is Public and goes home the rest of the way in a taxi. and then he goes to bed mimimi
and then the next day after doing hangover stuff he goes to the Spot again to look at it while the Sun is out. but nothing happens. and there is an unsmoked cigarette (marlboro red)
he looks it up and theres nothing. he tells his friends and they go erm well you were drunk but hes never hallucinated while drunk but nobody believes him
and then a few days later a student disappears. john fellows. who was at the party longer than nathan and in the picture on his missing poster he has a pack of marlboro red cigarettes in his pocket (woahg)
nathan has not quit smoking. but he does take more taxis
what a first episode !! crazy right so now the research
- no evidence to prove this. our beloved archivist was going to refile this statement in the discredited section that he made because hes a skeptic
- BUT. sasha (love her) found missing person reports from between 2005 and 2010 and there were six (6) people who went missing there in those years
- jessica mc something in 05
- sarah baldwin in 06
- daniel raulings(?) in december 06
- ashley dobbson? and meghan shorr in may and june 08
- john fellows in march 2010
they were all unsolved !! baldwin and shorr were smokers but we dont know about the rest
sasha also found the last picture taken by ashleys phone that was sent to her sister, captioned "check out this drunk creeper, LOL" (pls note he says el oh el like the letters personally offended him its really funny) except the picture is an empty alleyway (the same one described in the statement)
sasha increased contrast and it shows the outline of a very long hand at waist height of ur average guy. and the hand looks like its beckoning.
i love tma so much bro why can't my stupid brain let me do anything..... guys can't have anything around here smh smh /silly
i love you jon so bad.....
also. i did listen to this episode but my brain got a little confused with it (i cannot visualize things in my brain well) so this has made me understand this episode a hell of a lot better, thank you <3 this was so pleasant to read, it's laid out very well and very informative for the shorter formant <3 thank you beloved arson!!!!!!! doing god's work for me fr
i also want to note i have listened/read the first 5 episodes (6 being the next i haven't heard), but i would love to hear more even about the episodes i do know, because you telling me about them helps me a lot to understand all of it better :] no pressure though but feel 100% free to come back and do this anytime at all, i would genuinely love to hear more <333
thank you again, love hearing about this ^v^
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tearinthepages · 6 months
Writer Intro
Hey there, I'm Ivy! I use She/Her pronouns and I like to write. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but nothing I've written has worked for me so I'm trying something new on here. I've tried writing a couple novels, but I've had a lot of trouble getting my brain to be able to format my thoughts properly so instead of trying to fight it and force my writing, decreasing the quality, I want to focus on my stories still, just in short pieces that I might be able to sew together into a bigger tapestry some day!
Things I plan to post about: Arcadian Dead ~ My main writing project, a group of paranormal investigators struggling after the freak death of a friend The Witches Cats ~ A queer romance from the pov of a witches familiars Nothing Ends ~ A narrative from the unaware pov from the same character after the universe continuously ends and begins Open Space ~ Two lovers are separated by space, war, and ideals Generic short stories Poetry Short personal quotes
Ideally I want to write for TV, movies, or comics
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dehliman · 2 years
Happy Pi. day I didn’t prepare anything to draw but here’s a quote from the source:
“I am Johnny Ghost, Paranormal Investigator Extraordinaire, and I am here on a quest- a personal quest; one of my dear and greatest friends… who I really don’t like that much […] ate so much macaroni he believed himself to be a butterfly. […] He went north for the winter. And by north, he went to the dimension known as The North.
So I have come after him to find him. Butterflies actually go south for the winter, he doesn’t know though, he’s stupid. Today I hope to […] find my dear friend known as Spooker.”
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doomandgloomofficial · 3 months
Hello and welcome to the official "Everything's Not All Doom & Gloom" blog!
Everything's Not All Doom & Gloom, or Doom & Gloom for short, is a comic that I've been working on for 3 years now. Yesterday, at the time of making this, was its 3 year anniversary. It's anniversary date is June 11, 2021.
This blog is here to be a documentation of my progress and just to have fun!
Feel free to ask me anything related to Doom & Gloom.
⚠️ Brief Warning!! ⚠️
This story IS intended for mature audiences. I'm not going to say 18+ because I am a minor writing this, so that'd be very hypocritical, I'd think. But it IS intended for a mature audience.
In this story, you will find:
Blood, guts, and gore, as this is a horror story
Depictions of poor mental health
Rough familial relationships
Depictions of bullying of various kinds
Dark Humor
Explicit language
Nudity (nothing sexual, don't worry)
Sexual Implications (no nudity, nor is it explicit. Its only implied)
And possibly some existentialism
Story Synopsis:
Everything's Not All Doom & Gloom is the story of two boys growing up in their totally real and totally not made-up hometown of Loveland, North Carolina. One boy, a miserable, wannabe paranormal investigator, and the other, a mad scientist who wears his heart on his sleeve.
The two go on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and maturity. During the process, however, the two have experiences that are far more unusual than what other angsty teenagers have to go through. Experiences that combine both boy's niches and personal ails.
What Content Can You Expect To Find On Here?
The type of things I'll be posting on here all pertain to the story. It may be a variety of things including but not limited to:
Drawings of the characters
Images I find that remind me of the story and it's characters
Quotes that remind me of the story and it's characters
Small updates of my progress
Music that reminds me of this story
Genres are a very important part of a story, as I'm sure everyone knows. I have a love of many different types of genres, so I combined a lot of them to create Doom & Gloom:
Horror (of many kinds, paranormal, body, and gothic, to name a few)
Coming of age (this one was on accident, but expected)
And a few more that I shall not disclose
Comprehensive Major Character List:
Moxie Velazquez Rosales
A miserable, wannabe paranormal investigator
Dexter (Dex) Gore
A mad scientist who wears his heart on his sleeve
Nico Velazquez Rosales
The cutesy yet callous little sister of Moxie
Victor Velazquez Jimenez
The negligent father of Moxie and Nico
Diana Gore
Dex's trashy southern mama
Valentina Rosales Martinez
The dearly departed mother of Moxie and Nico
ALL.E, the little blue robot
Dex's hyperactive, little, blue robot
Pete, the zombie dog
A little undead Chihuahua that Dex brought back to life via jumper cables
A spooky black cat that appears out of nowhere and scares everybody doing so
And Finally, The Credits:
Profile Picture found on pinterest (not sure who made it)
Quote in header: "Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly" - Charles Addams, creator of "The Addams Family"
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tuesday again 3/28/2023
accidentally read five books.
look i know there's a new fall out boy but i have conflicting opinions about that band bc i am no longer seventeen.
MARINA (formerly Marina and the Diamonds) was another artist coming up when i was in high school, but even though Family Jewels was one of the first albums i really got into, she has soundtracked far less of my life compared to FOB so listening to her is a little less fraught. nothing else has taken up space in my brain this week like the lyrics to hollywood: "hollywood infected your brain/you wanted kissing in the rain".
kind of obsessed how the music video cuts out an entire chunk of lyrics about dissatisfied flight attendants? also jesus christ this came out in 2010. BABY marina
originally stuck in my brain bc my sister and i were talking about the musical chicago, and this song contains the lyrics "oh my god you look just like shakira/no wait you're catherine zeta/actually my name's marina"
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Star Wars: Dark Disciple by Christie Golden. ventress has never been my favorite of count dooku’s batmanesque kidnapped children. i respect her! she’s awful! i want to see her flirt with obi-wan more but maul (my beloved) has always had more screen time and depth.
it’s spackled together from most of a cancelled eight-episode clone wars arc and it kind of shows? this is not to say that star wars books are uninterested in the interiority of their characters, but we rarely get in their heads. star wars books are much more focused on what it looks like in the movie— there are big cinematic set pieces where it’s important to know exactly where everyone is in a fight.
golden writes a competent action scene. this is more than i can say for many star wars writers.
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^ i am shoving my fist into my mouth and screaming.
anyway, one of my worst character traits is a latent previously discussed fondness for steampunk and a less latent fondness for urban fantasy.
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i read Alexis Hall's Iron and Velvet Kate Kane book a million years ago possibly at the rec of @bronanlynchh during the new hampshire internship, one of the worst depressive periods of my life, but i did consume a lot of gay romance during that period. bc im in my noir era now, reread it and realized there were more! so i devoured them all over the weekend.
to quote @quaraxuanzenith who seems to be the only other person here who has read them recently,
have you ever thought, "Twilight sure is a book, but it would be better if Bella ( a ) realized that Edward is a weird controlling creep, ( b ) dumped him, ( c ) came out to herself as lesbian, and ( d ) went off to become a paranormal private investigator"?
these are just fun nonsense! i loved them and will buy paper copies after i move! i would not call these "spicy", but she falls in and out of the arms of SO many femmes and fatales (who sometimes overlap). there are SO many women throwing themselves at her. it is a delightful way of nodding at the genre's roots bc kate has some game! she doesn't have zero game! she not an oblivious useless lesbian archetype either! but she's usually like ?????? this person is OUT OF MY LEAGUE and never actually realizes a tall, tortured, sad, purple-eyed lady in a trenchcoat is catnip to nearly all wlw.
i think the third book hits its stride and flings you into a rapidly entangling web of loyalties and motivations that i really enjoy in a noir. i like how the author feels no need to write the YA vampire book trilogy she survived. i like how kate has a life going on apart from the stuff that happens in the books. she does not feel like she started existing the moment the book opens.
i finally understand the little old lady love of endless mystery series, bc this is some really comforting reading. i would read twenty of these. i trust that this author's got me and may fling some twists or red herrings at me but ultimately i won't turn the page and she'll be beaten in the street for being an out lesbian. okay so she does get whumped in the street but it's for case reasons
virtuosity (1995, dir leonard). the tagline of this film is "Hell hath no fury like a composite of 183 serial killers. Meet Sid 6.7"
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is this a Good film? oh god no. if you've seen the tv show interview with the vampire, it has the same contrasting vibes between the two leads, where one is turning in an incredible performance about a black man trying to hold onto family and dignity while the other is prancing around like a deranged show pony. except without the clarity of purpose or production values of a big budget amc tv drama. however, russell crowe (guy i love to see) put his whole ass into this performance. this is not a half-assed acting effort. it is a joy to watch him zip around screen while denzel washington is giving a very good performance as a disgraced, widowed ex-cop.
this really throws a wrench into my whole "if a movie is about being afraid of a robot it's about being afraid of women" bc crowe is not a woman, but he is a malevolent neural network given an android body. a private company has a contract for a police training tool (the neural network trained on 183 serial killers who you can fight in VR) and is testing the interface on prisoners. i wish this movie had anything to say or critique about this three-way partnership other than using it as an inciting incident for what turns into a chase movie. the movie does not attempt to convince you this would be a good idea in a different private company's dev team but i wish the movie spent slightly less time going AAAAAA HOW TO STOP and any time at all going AAAAAAA HOW DID WE LET THIS HAPPEN
i would call this film camp on vibes alone except it is almost completely uninterested in sensuality. the special effects have not aged very well at all, but the film has the same production designer (Nilo Rodis-Jamero) as Johnny Mnemomic (also 1995) so the film Looks.
why? it was leaving canopy soon and when my gender isn't "woman in the same way a sailing ship is a woman" it's "nineties movie club scenes"
weird west! still! (image from the steam page bc i keep forgetting to take screenshots)
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not terribly worried about the somewhat repetitive nature of the locations themselves, bc the enemy encounters are varied enough it feels like solving a new puzzle each time. also im still having fun.
i have been picking off guys from around the edges of enemy encampments with a silenced rifle and then tanking through this rest with a shotgun and liberal bandage application, as i am wont to do in shooty games, but i cannot currently break my husband out of a mine run by...cannibals? human traffickers to the cannibals? the xp-giving bad guys without getting one of my companions killed. i really don't want to ditch ann lara (i'm not entirely sure what her deal is? sort of a smooth-talking hustler archetype? but really good with pistols?) who has been with me for most of the eight hours i've played this game. the sheriff/my neighbor, along for the ride for her own reasons, has four times as much health as either of us so she's staying. she's been the only one left alive most of my attempts at this one FUCKING cave.
so i am looping back out into the world (sorry husband) to go think about some real tactics. practice my dodge rolls in a less tense environment. perhaps level up some guns and armor. now you might say "kay! isn't it worrying that you're hitting such a big difficulty cliff?" and to that i say "not really bc i cannot stress the amount of simply dicking around and exploring ive done, also i am not a clever woman."
fallow week
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calicohyde · 1 year
Hi! I'm Jack. I'm 29 and I use he/him pronouns. I write horror, erotica, and romance. I paint and draw with oils and markers. I make prints and merch, currently to-order and by hand. I read tarot and make tarot decks too. I also make writing and planning videos. I'm a Pisces and I live in the Midwest United States. I'll be using this blog to post about all my creative endeavors, tips and inspiration, and share others' work. Everything is tagged for easy filtering.
Where To Support Me!
Patreon | itch.io | Gumroad | Amazon | Etsy | Ko-Fi | buy directly
Blog Navigation
jack facts (all original posts) | jack chats (asks, tags) | ft. jack (selfies, picrews) | my writing | my art | writing process (bts, memes, resources) | progress report | reading process (literacy, interests) | fic rec (other people's writing) | word (typography, quotes, poetry) | horror tag | tragedy tag | cowboy tag | noir tag | romance tag | theme | tarot | video | smut sunday | tune tuesday | tgif (trans gender it's friday)
Priority Projects
Curse The Messenger adult paranormal horror, sapphic romantic subplot, first novel in a quartet publication goal August 2024
Eddie is a Seer, or someone born to involuntarily prophecize in her dreams. She and her sibling Fred run a private investigation business finding lost things for the witch society that has shunned them both for being clairvoyant. Then secular, or non-witch, Jessica begs them to help her solve a murder that the police have determined never happened despite the gory crime scene.
[tag, playlist, taglist form]
Any Publicity Is Good Publicity adult romantic comedy, achillean, stand alone novel
Asher is a punk rocker who is forthright to a fault. He writes a diss track about politician Gwaine after Gwaine doesn't deliver on his campaign promises. When he starts getting asked about the song by the press, Gwaine goes to a show to see what the fuss is about. Ash sees him in the crowd and gets off stage to perform it directly in his face. So obviously Gwaine hires him as a sensitivity coach.
[tag, playlist, taglist form]
Minimalist Tarot Deck launch goal June 2023
Cryptids & Creatures Tarot Deck launch goal January 2024
Other Projects
5+1 format kink positive erotic romance novella | high schoolers who made a deal with the devil - they're all grown up! | corporately owned superhero is seduced to the "dark" side of neurodiversity and socialism by hot monster | serial epistolary 1920s mafia boss/vigilante journalist enemies to partners in crime to lovers
Content Warnings You can expect content applicable to these tags to appear on this blog. If you need or want something else tagged, send an ask about it and I'll let you know promptly and without judgement if I can do that for you.
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I use the citrus system for content rating. That means I'll tag using the terms orange for suggestive content, lime for mature content, lemon for explicit content, and grapefruit for extreme kink or gore.
∙ you are under sixteen years old ∙ your main blog has a H4rry P0tter url
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∙ you are an "anti" or are pro-censorship, including for such content as RPF (Real Person Fiction), "non-con", etc ∙ you are not comfortable viewing content about sex, romance, kink, polyamory, etc. This content will not be tagged unless it's explicit. It will not be hidden behind a cut unless it's very long. ∙ you are not comfortable viewing fictional violence. I will never post real world violence for any reason. ∙ you are not comfortable with casual swearing/profanity, including reclaimed slurs. This content will be frequent and never tagged.
Ask & Chat Guidelines
DO send me asks about: My WIPs, OCs, fic, and art | writing and art in general
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DO NOT call me by any pet name or title without permission.
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sohkrates · 1 year
The Abyss Stares Back: My Work in Progress List
So @msmcnevertweet tagged me to share my work in progress list (wip) and I warn you I have the distinct good fortune to do this full time after decades of awful customer service work so I've been playing catch up these past few years:
There are games that I am working on, more or less, right now.
Nostalgia & Dragons 4th Edition. This is a game I'm making for a friend's bachelor party. It's a one-pager that seeks to replicate the experience of 4th ed. D&D with minimal rules and failing forward resolution.
RIG. Mecha souls-like solo game. Based on the Rune system. This is uh... gonna come out sooner than later.
Big Damn Heroes. Classic D&D shit with an irreverent take on western fantasy tropes. Inspired by Blades in the Dark and Slugblaster. (someone please suggest a better name for this I don't want it to be a fucking Joss Whedon quote but it's so perfect I can't think of anything)
Fealty. A collaboration with the incredible Galen Pejeau. Commoners in a monarch's court try desperately to steer the nation. Inspired by the novel Wolf Hall.
The 55. This is my #dungeon23 project. A cyberpunk megatower full of unique locations, corpo suits, and more.
Neon Black version 8.0. The next reincarnation of my cyberpunk forged in the dark game. I have a fairly comprehensive notes document that summarizes all the new changes. I pick at it every day. My goal is to have something that can be tested this fall.
These are games that have had a significant amount of work done. Some are playable prototypes, some are incomplete but are more than just notes, or at least have a lot more notes than other projects. Not being worked on right now due to time, lack of personal interest, etc.
Stiletto. Single player game set in the city of Doskvol. You play as people trying to survive by themselves trying to make money, dodge the Bluecoats, and their shady pasts. First playbook is playable, but it ballooned way out of scope and I got burnt out.
Kassandra King: Devil's Dice. Single player urban fantasy noir game. Set in the world of External Containment Bureau, and using the same system. This game has had several iterations and is mostly ready for testing. Play as a hardboiled paranormal private investigator trying to figure out why you made a deal with the devil.
Blade Wings. This one is just Band of Blades but in space. You have pilots and ships as distinct playbooks. Options for different campaign types (robots, zerg like aliens, etc.)
Working Stiffs. A redacted materials game about being corporate contractors in space. Inspired by cassette futurism, Alien, Deadspace, etc. Progress determined by how much money you make, light PVP elements.
Untitled PbtA Card Game. Another collaboration with Galen. This one is a year or two old but it still lives rent free in my head. I really wanna get back to it one day.
Glocknights. Over the top epic fantasy. Players wield cursed weapons, IRON, in order to defend the mortal realm from the tyrannical angels that seek to enforce their divine mandate. Started as a collaboration with some other designers but I don't think any of us have touched it in a while.
Die-Atonic. Every see an assassin pursuing their target through an upscale nightclub and thought it was kinda hot? Anyway start the music, take turns asking and answering questions that illustrate the scene, history, and pursuit of two people through a location. When the music ends, the climax begins. Do you die, kiss, or both?
Blood & Tears. Vampire forged in the dark game all about living long and being sad about it. 4 playbooks based on classic humours.
These are games that exist as just a few notes, one solid idea I like, or maybe a cover page if I got wild with it.
Where We Dropping? A battle royale RPG inspired by the Lumen system.
Alone RPG System. A rough idea for a game SRD that lets you have an interesting and unpredictable solo experience.
Extraordinary Renditions. Y'know how in Horizon Zero Dawn there's that awesome moment in the history of the game where the government is black-bagging people from all over the world in order to get the expertise necessary to save it? What if that was a 2 player RPG?
Prisoners of Light and Matter. Matrix style RPG using the redacted materials system.
Untitled Wargame. I got back into 40k and hated all the rules so I tried to make something simpler. Just enough to maybe test but it's pretty rough right now.
The Gild. What if the slick futuristic data collection and analysis system you see in the new Hitman games fell into the hands of a bunch of rabid socialists?
Fire in the Stars. Revolution and revolt in the alpha centauri system. Had a version that was kinda playable. Spent a lot of time on the fiction, less on the mechanics. If I did this again I might just use the Nasty Brutish and Long rules, that could be fun.
Modern Exiles Hack. You cannot go home again, Night in the Woods-ass RPG. A potential collab. with the incomparable Jex Thomas of Bump in the Dark fame.
Skyscrape/DNGNCRWL. Real basic dungeon crawler where you control a party of characters. Might be cyberpunk, might be fantasy. Don't know yet.
Realm & Write. A roll and write style RPG inspired by my time with Crusader Kings III.
Slugblaster Loot Tables. Literally thought of this yesterday, just a bunch of random loot tables for the Slugblaster RPG. Could be fun?
So yeah that's it.
I'm still settling in here and don't follow a whole lot of active folks in the TTRPG scene so I'm gonna tag @monsterfactoryfanfic cause I really wanna know what they are working on or what their lists look like, be it videos or games or whatever.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
French police have arrested a fugitive yoga sect leader called Gregorian Bivolaru and 40 of his followers.
A reported 175 officers carried out morning raids on different arms of the group, often called Misa or Atman.
Police also found 26 women being held in "deplorable conditions", according to AFP news agency.
French prosecutors began investigating the group in July for alleged abuse, rape, human trafficking and kidnapping.
Its 71-year-old Romanian leader was arrested at a house in the Paris suburb of Ivry-sur-Seine, along with other sect leaders.
French prosecutors began investigating the sect during the summer on suspicion of rape, people trafficking and kidnapping. There are allegations of followers being forced to have sex and perform in pornography.
The raids were coordinated by France's Central Office for the Repression of Violence against Persons (OCVRP), after complaints were made by victims who spoke of women being held against their will, according to judicial sources quoted by French media.
Bivolaru was convicted in Romania in absentia in 2013 for sex with a minor and he was extradited from France three years later. He fled Romania in 2017 when he was conditionally released.
He is also wanted in Finland on suspicion of human trafficking.
He founded Misa - the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute - in Romania in the 1990s. It later became known as Atman as it spread beyond Romania promoting "erotic tantric yoga" and boasting schools in nearly 30 countries.
People who have left the group have said that Bivolaru, who refers to himself as a guru, forced them to have sex with each other and with him, and hand over large amounts of money.
In the past, Bivolaru has denied accusations of criminal activity and the website for the Atman International Federation for Yoga and Meditation calls some past allegations "fabricated facts".
He published a book on tantric yoga and relationships in 2010 that describes him as a teenager achieving "a whole series of psycho-mental accomplishment that are generally considered paranormal" and says he started teaching yoga in 1978.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 1 year
For Fanfiction Writing Asks: 6, 50, 68 please? 💙
<3 coming right up
What’s the last line you wrote?
Ummm, it's actually from one of my original works, story Eternals from the 13 short horror stories:
A soul of endless words, smelling of coffee, sounds depicting a writer’s struggle.
or even better from the horror paranormal investigators book, quote by one of my characters called Nemesis:
Sometimes time needs to be found somewhere else, even if it's not in our world.
How would you describe your writing style?
Angsty? Dark? I don't know why per say at this actual moment but I actually struggle with providing an answer. It could be the transition from fiction to original and trying to find my footing once more, but I guess mainly I will always write things that pack a punch or tell some hurtful truths in some ways.
Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
I remember falling in love with Felix Rosier because of a fic written by someone who is no longer on Tumblr, or better yet left @juniperwindsong. I remember reading the best 1st person sort of self insert for another fandom by @luckystarchild
These were mainly two writers that made me stop, look and rethink my style. To try and do better, put more effort, try harder in order to reach a different level. It's been years honestly since I first read their pieces and I still remember them.
None of them were as dark or gloomy as my type of writing but they made me better.
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cheerful-sixears · 1 year
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Sooni is my original Fictionself/Self insert. More often than not, I'm a creechur and not a hooman. So, Sooni has always been that creechur when not a pweeple. full traditional piece by @starscrumpt who wanted to draw Sooni again, for me. Sooni is mine. I might indulge our DreadBeast stuff here, over time, or I'll create a page manned by Scrumpy and me for this kind of world building.
His Transformers design || [Link]
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•Name: Sooniper Wesley Brickenden
•”Sooniper” came to light as a result of his deadname, “Juniper” which resulted in a hybridized variant of “Sooni” plus “Juniper” is where "Sooniper" came to be.
•Commonly Known As…: Sooni or Syn…“WraithHeart”
•Nickname(s): Sooni, Syn, Poe, “Swiss”
•Species: Dreadbeast™ [with chimeric qualities of other animals]
• ©  @megatrxnic  + © @starscrumpt
•…A Winged Nuisance™…a Wraith’s Conduit™...Devil's Advocate™...Your Choice, Really…
•Age: 29 years, ages slowly; [Creator is 29 years]
•Gender: Demiflux (Trans-Masculine; demiboy) 
•Pronouns: he/him/his & dread/dreadself
**Documented Pronouns: He/Him/His
•Sexual Preference: Demi-??? (Masculine/Femme-Leaning)
•Generally fluid, but very timid about even considering an established acquaintance with someone, unless he feels a spiritual or strong attachment to anyone in the first place.
•Occupation: Paranormal Investigator & Cryptid Protector 
•Height: 5’3”
•Weight: 300+ lbs
•Common Phrases: “Yes’sir’”, “Lordy..”, “That’s so weird” [affectionately], “YOH, Bro..”, 
•Accent: vague, yet lazy southern accent
•Years spent masking resulted in his relaxation and stress levels depending on his overall show of vernacular. 
•He has a natural mimicry, in part with bird genetics, that allow him to mimic voices and vocal patterns/accents. 
•Clairvoyance Magic [Early-Advanced]
•Spectral Alchemy
•Summoning Sorcery
•MBTI: INFP-T (Mediator)
•Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
(+) -Courageous, Respectful, Caring, Humble, Protective, Faithful, Gentle, Insightful, Modest, Friendly…
(-) -Blunt, Reclusive, Childish, Hostile, Self-Centered, Meddlesome, Overly Dependent, Oblivious, Temperamental, Attention Deficit…
•Hobbies: Necromancy, Writing, Drawing, Deep-Dive Research, Reading, Cooking, cryptozoology, obscure trivia, early decade horror flicks, Jaws/shark horror, Eldritch horror, dark, moody poetry, gothic themes, soft pastel grunge, especially pink, 
••Sooni’s Theme Songs:••
•Dead By April-My Tomorrow
•Dustin Lynch-Small Town Boy
•Pogo-Living Island
•Echo 3-Peek-A-Boo [cover]
•Quote: "Self-acceptance with a gentle calmness is the key to inner peace within a mind of tumultuous uncertainty."-Sooni (usually spoken in an encouraging tone to those in need.)
••Random Facts:••
•Sooni cannot rest or sleep without some stuffed animal in his arms or within close scent-range.
•Sooni has scars littering his forearms and a few scattered here and there upon his upper arms and shoulders. This is due to severe anxiety-driven scratching and digging at sores.
•The scars on his right elbow are from a Dread-child accident (five Years old). Some say-those who knew him then-that on that very day is when he discovered his clairvoyance and ability to bridge gaps between an existing spiritual realm and the material plain. It was a terrifying discovery for him. Dreadbeast don't normally become aware of their clairvoyance and spiritual connection until they are much older and pass through a rite to do so. 
•He always acts childish when not getting his way and becoming temperamental as a result. Sometimes, he may also end up mute for minutes to hours in a day. On worse occasions, these episodes may last for days.
•One of Sooni’s quirky developmental facts is that his humor and spontaneity can be relatable to that of Jim Carry’s role of Ace Ventura.
•Sooni’s personality also carries similar, chill traits from Gregg, the fox character in Night in the Woods.
•He also carries some unhinged aspects of the character of the same movie title, Donnie Darko (2001).
••Random Facts(From Creator):••
•Sooni (previously referred to as, “Katy or Suni-Kat”...) *winces* was originally, physically designed back in 2006, although his visual was concrete in mind three years before, back in 2002. I spent a long time switching his visuals over the years to greener tones and scales, back to the bat/canine-esque visuals he has today. I mean, as a young one, who doesn't spend most of the time changing little aspects of a character with every single detail somehow changing?
•He was originally designed after watching Jeepers Creepers, and then seeing the sequel a couple years later kept his visual appearance ever-changing and…yeah.
•Today he’s turned back around to square one, with his oldest concept I managed to scrounge up from around 2006-’08. (I cannot completely confirm the ACTUAL date this was drawn…as it is literally that old, and years of moving from home to home, bad situation after horrid ones, nothing was really ever saved.)
•The DreadBeast™ species was an early concept that was floating around in my headspace for years until we decided to utilize it again-with Sooni and Milo, funnily enough-after years of dormancy on the concepts. Originally brought into fruition back in 2013-2014, we are determined to keep it alive somehow, and we realize-what better time than now?
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museraya · 7 months
PORTAL TO YOURSELF: A blog inspired by the conjuring series of Sam and colby.
The famous author, Dan Brown, in his book “The lost symbol,” quotes in the very first line of the novel “The secret is how to die.” A novel, which concludes with the word “Hope.” Death and Hope are often in seem different light, death is often seen as “The End” whereas if we are hopeful for something it is just the beginning, but if we may argue of them being different, they do have one thing in common, which is “Life”
Death and hope are reflections of how a person leads their life, they are an individual’s portals. Portals are doorways of known and unknown, here, within ourselves.
Few months ago, paranormal investigators, Sam and Colby visited the infamous conjuring house, which is known by all of us through the hauntings of the conjuring movie series. The house was built in 1680 and has a history of roughly 400 years, having almost 8 generations of families who lived on this property, Initially, named as “The Arnold Estate.” Presently, the house is open for paranormal investigations, and hence, is explored and investigated by many paranormal investigators.
Sam and Colby being one of them, have been to Conjuring house back and forth for 2 years, and in 2023, they stayed at the house for a week for investigations. Sam and Colby were able to decipher the purpose of each human’s existence as “Love” in the house, while communicating to the said active ghost of the house, Abigail Arnold, belonging to the Arnold family. There are debates on internet about the communication method used to communicate with Abigail. Nonetheless, it is more about the optimistic word that came through a house infamous for its negativity.
The idea of love presented here by Abigail Arnold is; being kind, spreading positive energy, being gently expressive, importantly; trying to stay optimistic in situations that give you very little scope to do so. For example, finding optimism in one of the most haunted houses. Even that being said, it draws us back that even if we want to spend a life doing everything we love, it is not possible, as we are bound with time, we cannot do everything and that’s the reason why love is spelled as time, we have a lot to do, yet we cannot do it all, and hence that is the reason why what we do becomes even more special, and makes us willing to work hard.
While some of us have the ability to work hard in finding their ways to make their decisions work, some of us work hard trying run away from what might their decision hold for them. Indeed, we do all work hard this way, but when we choose to run away, we give ourself a prospect to regret, a word we are all afraid of. Prioritizing is a perspective of a person of what they hold dearer to themselves, what they cherish to do. In every small decision we take we prioritize, by assigning a purpose to each alternative we have.
The decisions we make is what make us all unique, while we are a little lost even in knowing ourselves, is what complicates prioritizing, we fall short to understand our capabilities and limits, which is not wrong, a life is indeed short enough to not understand ourselves fully, embracing our unknown self yet trying best to understand our priorities and following them. Lastly, I want to conclude by meaning to ask everyone, “Where are you going?” towards your priorities, or are you running away from them?
Thank you.
~ Raya
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greenlodgecypher · 1 year
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Crying Diamonds, 2/6
Part 1
"Mother knew what it was, of course. The gems were real. The thing was set in platinum, for Pete's sake! He pretended surprise, and she could tell that something was wrong. She thought that he had stolen it from his uncle, and started asking questions. In ten minutes, she had the whole story. It wasn't just 'nasty gaudy'; it was nastily haunted.
"A phone call to the uncle confirmed it. We'll call him G. G didn't want to see the thing again; said it was un-Christian; said the nephew was doing him a favor. He didn't care what Mother could get for it, as long as it went. Given that Mother and I have earned something of a reputation for dealing with such artifacts cheerfully, I suppose it was only natural to come to us. "She walked the customer through the proper process, of course. Appraisal, insurance. Took photos and measurements. She said she'd quote him on it. He didn't want to wait, though, and it was only with much reluctance that he agreed to take it home with him. She asked if it could really be that bad. "Oh, you'll see," he said. "Well, she quoted him, and he brought it back. The price was cleared with the uncle; it wasn't enough, really. The thing would have gone for more at auction. But they must sell, and sell they did. And after the first night it was kept in the safe, Mother knew what he'd meant about seeing. "She had stayed longer than usual, working on some things to make up for her conscience about how much she'd paid for the necklace. Usually she doesn't make such purchases lightly, but it was a steal and she knew it. The clock got on to seven, and since it was the dead of winter, it was well after dark. "Around then, the howling started. It was horrific; like a scream, but nothing like a person could make." "Not a fox or a rabbit?" Sayers asked. "Mother said no. We have them out here, of course, and sometimes you'll find a legend or two about a big cat; but Mother knows what a screaming rabbit sounds like. No; she said it was more like a sustained roar. It did sound like a scream; but it was wrong. Too hollow. Too even. "And then there were more of them. Mother sat frozen there, listening to the sounds move around. They were outside, she thought; but she couldn't see anything. No footsteps, nobody crossing between the lights outside and her window. She was almost too afraid to look, but she did very well, I think. She always tells me she doesn't have the nerve for creepy things, like I do." "Did she call the police?" Eliot asked. "That was the first thing she did," I said. "It was the right thing to do, of course, at least when one has to consider a human agency as opposed to a paranormal one. And, as you might suspect; by the time they arrived, the howling had gone. They didn't find a thing. The ground was frozen, without any snow on it. No way to tell what might've been about. "So it was my job, after all. 'You'll see', the nephew said, and I indended to. I had great plans for this object, if it could further my research. I didn't have the advantage of Patrick's company this time—he does have a home life, you know—but I thought I could handle an investigation on my home ground. I probably should have had someone else afoot, but then that's the benefit of hindsight.
Part 3
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Rivals? Rivals! (Plus some stuff about Vu)
[February 3, 2023]
Who are all the prominent Rivals you can think of?
Do Parker and Dolly/Barbara count since they were each other's rivals?
But also Blue in the original run was seen as a follower of Dome, making him an indirect ally of Bill
I personally am not counting rival hosts because they have their own long storyline
I know of
- Blue (the last obstacle for Red. Staunch Domeist. May be the same one with Abe.)
- Brendan T. Birch (the survivor / keeps an eye on A-Chan)
- Pearl (Fellow gambler and on the run with Napoleon. May be the same one from R.Plat)
- 4 (The Glitch Hunter after Aoooo)
- N (Gazillion crowns and often shipped with Jimmy)
- Shauna (often shipped with D)
- Wally (some lore about being a Bill clone)
- Greens (Both Moemon and Touhoumon had a Green but Touhoumon's was a girl. Moemon Green was a huge jerk calling Athena rat face and was part of the problem in a system that had Moemon as second-class citizens)
- Raijin (Brendan of Alpha Sapphire. Real music snob who liked classical and dismissive of Nina's DJ-ing. / Possibly onto her about being an Aqua and ready to get her deported if he can catch proof)
- Azure (oh Azure where to begin?)
- Mura (Wizard angry that Paul is a natural talent at magic when he's been studying and Paul would rather go into business)
- Hau (I don't know if Sun got any but Waning Moon had lost host lore as Quips)
- R. Hurt (Fellow doctor with Alek. May or may not be corrupt)
- Trevor (Team Flare Admin), Tierno (Team Flare Grunt) Shauna (Heir to Mega Evolution Guru) Calem (Trying to find who he wants to be, I think he ended up as a Punk)
- Rocket (Still mostly Silver but his ties to Team Rocket are more obvious. Tends to be more ruthless as well)
- Blue (Red0 was always told to keep away from him by the Cult, but he's honestly just worried about him)
- Alaija (baby... Reluctantly ends up helping Dippy and more open about his family issues)
- Cedric Diamond (Glitch on the reader gave us his name, close friend of Izzy / may be a fellow paranormal agent)
- Yang (Reese is ignoring the plot, sees himself as the hero)
- May (Yandere for Ebnert, nearly destroys the world when he rejects her)
- ChereN and Chili (Mars' rivals. Both are concerned about Cilan being head of Plasma)
- Hugh (Glitch Hunter having conflict about hurting Forrest)
Okay, well you already covered the rivals in way more detail, so I might not be much help here, lol
There's also Logan from RTHE, who is the "hero" of the story yet killed one of Quotes's pokemon with self-destruct :Kappa:
I'm not sure if there's any prominent lore surrounding Logan in the original TriHard Emerald
Oh that's right! He hates her for being a gang member, right ?
Super self-righteous
Had some pretty smothering parents, got the old gym leader before Norman fired when his parents sued the guy for child endangerment. And also Quotes stole his college fund
I had fun with Rocket in my summary having 🎵 Rocket Man 🎵 come up whenever he showed up but that's just me 😂
How could I forget Quotes robbing Logan's house, I had a headcanon that Vu didn't approve, but Quotes stole a bottle of milk from the fridge to bribe the cat
bribe the cat
i remember doing abhiwg (burning red) as kinda a goof. get all up in ya space for the giggles.
worlds makin no sence but the mans just livin wimsy. maybe he keeps bugging kay bc kay is clealy investigating it
That would make sense ☺️
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diphthongsfordays · 2 years
WIP Title Tag
Tagged by the lovely @winterandwords, thanks!!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
Actual Scrivener Docs I currently have in dropbox
Blood Mage - old story I've cannibalized like five times and only keep because I'm physically incapable of deleting files
Dealer of Death - fully outlined duology about a young woman who uses magic and decks of cards to tell fortunes and also sometimes kill people.
Death by Dawnlight - demons that spawn out of sunlight, a sun cult that uses prisms to enact violence, several key locations, two and a half characters, and no plot
Deathdancer - current wip, more info here!
Firetide Rising Master Current for Realz -other current wip, more info here! (scrivener kept freaking out and I ended up with a bunch of copies so I needed to know which one was current lol)
Kingdom Eternal - one of the first stories I seriously worked on. The first book was called Gather the Pieces, about a secret messenger in a conquered kingdom trying to deal with her father's murder and help the former princes rescue their parents and take back their kingdom
Paraphotography - about a college student having an existential crisis who takes a risky job with some paranormal investigators to try and solve the mass disappearance that took her brother. Outlined as an experiment for 2021 NaNo, which I proceeded to...not write for 2021 NaNo
Shadowrunner - old story about mages who draw power from death and shadows. I really like it, but it needs some massive reworking and I hate the dark=evil color symbolism I somehow accidentally filled it with.
Stormshaper - love the magic system, love the city I set it in, hate the actual outline.
The Marked - half-baked idea about gods who mark their chosen ones to give them power, where each god has a set number of marks they can give. Wars are fought to gain the gods attention, favor, and powers. The Forgotten God can give one mark, and gives it to a random girl in a backwater village who doesn't know what marks are. Chaos ensues.
All of the homeless subdocuments in my Random Ramblings scrivener doc, which serves as my brain dump file
Random Writings - the dumping ground for literally anything I like. Lines, quotes, descriptions, ideas, etc.
Razanne and Ailin
Familiar Magic
Niv and the Neverwhere
Rook and the Red Tree
Asha the Float Rider
The Never-Dog
Spanner/Realmwalker/Broken World
No Third Chances
The Thundering Dark
I don't know who's already done this, so I tentatively tag (no pressure!!): @afoolandathief, @writingonesdreams, @hyba, @avrablake, @zmwrites, @the-orangeauthor, @drippingmoon, @thegreatobsesso and OPEN TAG for anyone who wants it! Seriously please take it, I love seeing title stuff! And I have too many files to actually tag a person for each one, lol.
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