#at least haruta and maki got married finally.....
cherimaho · 6 months
cherry magic fans i fear this is not our week. volume 13 was mid. tody is kurodachi breakup day. and now this. im back to being an ossans love main idec about kurodachi like that tbh
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ghost--apple · 4 years
So yeah after a very long wait and one massive heartbreak *coughsOLinthesky*, finally I’m able to watch the OL movie! My DVD was supposed to be delivered to our office last March 16, but that was also the start of our work-from-home arrangement due to the virus situation but fortunately, I was able to email and ask DHL to reroute the package to my home address (I bought it from Amazon Japan)!!! AAAAAHH I will be forever thankful they managed to do it, seriously my OL movie DVD is the only thing keeping me sane in this quarantine period, I haven’t set a foot outside since March 14!!
OK so let me rant first hahaha! XD I enjoyed it thoroughly but I still think it lacks HaruMaki scenes. >_< I feel as though the screenwriter/producers still can’t bring themselves to believe that Haruta and Maki’s relationship and Hayashi Kento (aside from Tanaka Kei of course) are two of the main reasons why the 2018 drama was so successful, so they still try to drag the buchou-is-in-love-with-Harutan plot for so long. Or they’re still being so stubborn so they’re like “this is called ‘Ossan’s Love’ so buchou and Haruta scenes are so important!1!1!!”.
Yes, I’m not very fond of buchou and I explained it before already. 
(Cut because SPOILERS AHEAD)
Also, what’s with the writer’s obsession with having Haruta and Maki spend the first few years of their relationship apart???? I mean, in the series they lived together and dated for few months and then broke up and had to spend 1 year ignoring each other. OK at least they were still in the same country during that one year but then after they got back together Haruta was sent off to Shanghai+Hong Kong for another one year? And then when he came back, Maki moved out from his house and then by the end of the movie, Maki’s the one to be sent off to another country for god only knows how long. Really, I can’t understand why Maki has to leave as well right after getting married. Was this the writer’s way of being dramatic or something lol. Sometimes I think the writer and producers got so afraid of how huge Maki had become so they try to downplay how important he is and his relationship with Haruta as much as they could and continue to try to shove buchou to our faces. We just want to see HaruMaki being in love and domestic, no need to be so dramatic and come up with complicated plots and scenarios. 😂 
ALSO!!! One of my dreams ever since the series ended was for Takekawa-san to have a new young lover, WHY CAN’T YOU GIVE ME THIS?! XD I simply can’t accept Takekawa-san who had THE MAKI RYOTA as his ex-boyfriend to suddenly fall in love with buchou. It’s not believable that he suddenly likes buchou, it just feels too forced. Also, buchou has been so obsessed with Haruta for so long, I don’t think he’ll suddenly fall in love with someone like Takekawa. I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR TAKEKAWA-SAN. Buchou can go ahead and obsess over someone else though I seriously hope he’d stop being creepy.  
And finally, my biggest complaint is WHY DIDN’T THEY SHOW HARUTA AND MAKI GETTING MARRIED TO EACH OTHER???????? I MEAN I’M PRETTY SURE 98% OF THE PEOPLE WHO WATCHED THE MOVIE WANTED TO SEE IT???? The movie went through all that trouble of setting up a wedding scene, why did it have to be the wedding of a heterosexual couple who has just appeared in the movie? Don’t get me wrong, I loved Justice but I don’t think his character is that important that the movie has to show him getting married to a person he just met?? That scene wasn’t even important to the plot, I think OL producers were just so keen on testing the limits of HaruMaki and Maki fans LOL. 
2018 had Japan and a lot of overseas fans rooting for Haruta and Maki and OL producers can’t even give us the wedding of the two people who made their TV show extremely successful. orz
Plus the ring is a very important part of the movie (heck, it was even there in the movie poster) but they didn’t even show Haruta giving it to Maki???? Things like this seriously make me have a love-hate relationship with Ossan’s Love LOL. Sometimes I’m just so confused if where do their priorities lie. D=
And don’t get me started on the lack of Kento and Kento+Kei moments in the bonus discs..............
Wow my rant has gotten so long but believe me I enjoyed and loved the movie hahaha! I guess I’ll write the things I loved in the movie and my other thoughts in a separate entry. XD
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