ximpishx · 2 years
She supposed in a way the luxuries of that of a royal were missed – an easy life rendered with little worry of the everyday masses. But Belle was never the materialistic type, hardly one who took a zealous joy in the many parties and balls she attended. They seemed more of a requirement than something she’d choice as an enjoyment. She’d much rather busy herself with a book, at least when trapped in prose adventure could be found, entranced by the journey of a story that was not her own.
Being here within these castle walls didn’t bring her displeasure, rather it was found to be more interesting than originally supposed. While the deal was made to protect her kingdom, it was slowly becoming less of a barter and more like a home of sorts – despite her position being a maid. She wasn’t oblivious to the continued advantages she held. Never in worry of food or shelter like so many others suffered the lack of daily.
The main questions dancing inside her head remained to be held towards the individual who offered such a contract. Was he simply lonely living in solitude? And honestly, Belle couldn’t help her curiosity on the matter no matter how well she managed to only ask when he appeared complicit in her desire of conversation. Belle was careful to tread certain subject as well, the life he had before becoming the Dark One always had to taken in measured steps.
“Of course, they were nice to have, but I find myself missing my books more than any of those. And perhaps a comfortable bed as well, falling asleep is quite difficult otherwise,” Belle explained. A degree of surprise managed to tinge her features; his offer unexpected to say the least. “You would allow me to do that? Yes, it would put me at ease. I wouldn’t have to worry so much of his well-being and I’m sure he must want to know I’m safe.”
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 “Well yes Dearie. I can’t very well keep my word that “they will all live” if your dear ole papa frets himself into the grave now can I?” he excused with a wave of his hand.
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 It was a ploy of course, he had asked her if she wanted to correspond with her father before he’d even thought to ask the question. Though now he quickly covered it up to make it seem as if he was only doing so to uphold his end of the deal. Truth was, his little maid was getting into his head and even more worrisome, she was getting into his heart. He could freely admit that if only to himself.
 He’d have to think about giving her a proper room as well rather than the dungeon. In his eyes, she’d more than proven that she wouldn’t leave and break the deal. There had been a few times already when he left, acting as if he had a deal and came back expecting to find her gone. But she had stayed there, true to her word. Now if he could just keep her from touching his things while he was away.
 “I imagine your father will think it a forgery done by me if you were to only send a letter though. Which would of course be counterproductive. So I believe a visit would be better.”
 Either way, being a father himself, he could only imagine how Maurice must feel. The Dark One’s reputation was very dark of course and he could practically smell the fear coming off the monarch the night he took Belle for his price. He remembered the way the man hadn’t hesitated in telling him to leave despite the fact that he was the only one who could save them. Belle had known though and stepped up to do what her father wouldn’t.
 “I’ll let you visit while I’m away on business. Should you need me for any reason, you have only to speak my name. I will hear you.”
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ximpishx · 2 years
The thunderous boom of a gun shot rang relentlessly – the sound nearly causing Belle’s hearing to block out all other noise around her. Too much in shock perhaps, it took her a moment to react, to take in anything but the blind rage of the one holding the gun. Killian stood there freely, gloating or so she assumed given her ability to pick up very few of his words.
Just as she was afraid he might fire the weapon again a car came slamming into the captain, sending Hook straight to the road. Seeing Emma appear gave her all the more reason to turn her attention away and bring it back towards Rumple.
When he started shouting Baelfire’s name, Belle realized he was still past the town line. Meaning he couldn’t heal himself but also something else was wrong. She pushed it aside however, getting as close as she could without risking the known effects. The last thing she needed was amnesia. Having all her memories gone again terrified her.
“Rumple.” She knelt down and reached her hand out almost able to reach him. “Come back across the town line. Your son’s not here. You were going to go look for him, remember?” Belle wasn’t sure if she was getting through to him, but she needed to have him next to her to know anything for sure.
 Rumplestiltskin’s heart raced as he paused to listen for any signs that his boy was nearby and could hear him. However, his heart accelerated for another reason entirely when a metal beast he’d never even heard about came barreling down the road and he had to quickly roll away lest he be trampled on or worse, eaten by the monster! Without his memories and thus without his knowledge of the twenty-first century, he didn’t know that, that monster was in fact a car.
 He could only gape at it even as his shoulder agonized him along with his ankle. Was it broken? It felt like it was broken if not worse as he pressed his hand to the wound, unsurprised to find it came away warm, wet, and sticky with blood. Then there was so much going on all at once that he couldn’t seem to focus on one individual thing as his heart drummed. At least one thing stood out though, one person among all of the chaos.
 His eyes moved and locked onto the young woman that somehow knew his name, asking him to come across the town line. Town line..? So past this place was a town..? He couldn’t even remember leaving his hovel recently, the last trip he’d taken, he and Bae had gone to market day a town over so he’d maybe have a little more luck in selling his wares. How did he even get here and where was Baelfire? Not there from what the woman was telling him, he had been about to go to look for him.
 “Where is he?” he begged of her.
 Even so, he reached out for the hand she offered with his clean hand. With all the craziness going on around him, he felt that she was the only one he could trust. Something or someone had injured him, perhaps the same someone or something that had taken his son away. Was there a monster that guarded this area? A monster that had attacked him when he tried to leave?
 “Please! I have to find him!” he begged as he stood and moved over the line.
 There was a short tingle and light gust of wind that he was somewhat familiar with. It reminded him of the Dark One’s magic, but a bit less evil and intimidating. A town barrier maybe provided by another sorcerer or witch or something. That feeling didn’t keep his attention though. He looked over at the monster that could have killed him and noticed that it wasn’t moving anymore and that there was a person inside it. Someone that the monster had eaten..? The person didn’t seem to be awake, was he okay?
 Then beyond that, another person who the monster had trampled. If he squinted, he could see who that person was. But that person.. He knew him! That was the pirate who took Milah away! What was he doing back there?! Was he after Baelfire now too? Or perhaps came back to kill him for his cowardice before.
 Even so, only one person took precedence and that was his boy. He had to find him!
 “Do you know where he is? Where he was last spotted? He’s just a boy. He needs his Papa.”
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ximpishx · 3 years
Return of the Spinner
He shook his head, a strange fogginess and dizziness making him feel disoriented. But shaking his head was a very bad idea, it only made his vision swim which then had his heart racing in fear. And as much as he hated himself for that automatic reaction, the feeling beneath his hands not of dirt, grass, or even stone scared him far more.
Instead he found himself kneeling on all fours, staring at some kind of black, rough stone of some kind. It was unlike any stone he’d ever seen before much less felt. Worse, he had no idea how he’d gotten there and why he was in the position he was in.
Then his heart nearly stopped when he didn’t hear his son calling for him either in concern or looking for him. And looking around he didn’t see him either. He saw nothing in fact except for what he guessed was road that stretched for miles and forest surrounding him. No houses or signs for miles that could tell him where he was or act as a landmark.
He didn’t even notice the pain in his ankle or in his shoulder where Hook had shot him on the other side of the town line. Nor did he notice what he would consider to be "strange clothes" that he was wearing. All he knew was he didn't know where he was and a glance around his immediate surroundings told him that Bae wasn't close by either. He stood shakily to his feet and turned in every direction trying to spot a head of dark, curly hair to no avail.
“Bae!” he shouted, his heart in his throat, praying to every God he knew that he’d hear him call back. “Bae! Please answer me!”
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ximpishx · 3 years
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     The silence that fell between the two of them when Baelfire asked his questions didn’t make the boy’s heart settle easily. In fact, it made it rise in pace as he looked at his Papa. 
     The worst part was that it was clear that his Papa was thinking about something. It was written on his facial features clear as day and Bae just had to wait for those thoughts to come out in the open. It was making him anxious– scared… He didn’t really know what to do. All that he could think of is, ‘What would Mama have done…?’ As the world he once knew began to change far faster than he could hold onto in his small fingers. 
‘But I took on this curse for us, for the children just like you almost was. Children that are out fighting a war they have no hope of winning.’
     Bae’s eyes softened at the words he was hearing. “You… Did this for me?” He couldn’t believe it… His Papa got these powers because of the war, because of him, and because of other’s like him… ?
     It almost sounded too good to be real.  “I-… I know that we have no chance of winning as children, Papa, but it’s what we have to do. That’s what the decree says, that children have to fight. Now that you have magic, I’d still not let you fight. You could get hurt again, Papa. Or worse… .” ‘You could end up like Mama.’ 
     He swallowed hard as his mind tried to piece together the next bit of information. Something wasn’t quite adding up, but he didn’t know enough about magic or the Dark One to figure it out. “He passed the curse on to you? What happened to the Dark One now if you have his powers? You can’t keep them, Papa. You musn’t! The Dark One’s powers are dangerous. They hurt people, Papa. I don’t want you to become like the Dark One. I want you to be true to you, to be the person you’ve always been. You don’t need magic to do that.”
"I'd do anything to keep you safe, Bae. That war can't be won by neither man nor beast. The Dark One however, can. Our Duke is a corrupt leader, he knew to win the war he could use the previous Dark One. Instead he used him to recruit children."
Did Baelfire truly not know how important he was to his father? Did he truly not understand the depth of love between father and son? Rumple supposed it made sense that his son wouldn't quite understand it yet. Bae was still a boy right now. One day when his son grew up and had a family, a child or children of his own he'd understand.
He'd told his son the day he planned to set fire to the castle, what his plan was when he got the power. He would start by saving the children of their village and put an end to the war. And of course, not knowing yet that magic had limits or that it had a price attached, he truly believed he could raise the dead back to life.
Of course he had thought to use the dagger to control Zoso with it at the time. But that fiend had known exactly what to say and he'd acted before he really thought to. If he hadn't been holding the dagger then and knew now just how much control it held over the curse he would have thought that Zoso used magic and had forced him to stab him.
"The previous Dark One is dead son.." he quietly admitted at last. "I won't tell you what he said, but he goaded me into it. I can at least tell you that much.. This dagger-"
He paused to take the dagger from his coat and place it between them on the table.
"-Is the only thing that can end the curse in me now and it will only cause the curse to pass on to the person who stabs me with this blade."
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ximpishx · 3 years
Belle couldn’t pretend this new world wasn’t strange to her – just the buildings alone held an oddity, but she wouldn’t question everything they passed or ask how something worked. Likely it would be a taxing task for Rumple and honestly, she needed the time to settle herself. The town was full of unfamiliar people and she couldn’t help but wonder if her father was around somewhere. If he knew she was alive and alright.
They hadn’t parted on the best terms, but Belle was determined to believe her decision was the best one for the kingdom. Even if she had missed the man terribly.
She nodded at his suggestion, eyes drawn towards his phone, the object unrecognizable.
Regina kept her captive without a false memory, leaving her with nothing to cling onto, no sense of self either. For twenty-eight years the solitude ebbed away at her. Belle was unaware of who the man who saved her was, but she did wish to thank him if they ever managed to cross paths again. Because Regina probably wouldn’t have freed her despite the curse breaking.
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“Yes, I remember him. I suppose that means he still works for you now. You asked him all that with that thing you used? It’s going to take me a while to learn how everything works and what they’re called for that matter.”
She couldn’t stop herself from wondering how different Rumple was here compared to the Enchanted Forest. His silent insistence not to talk about certain matters hadn’t changed, though she supposed it could wait a little while. Belle felt too out of place at the moment, in need of clean clothing and really, she wasn’t looking her best either. Yet Rumple still welcomed her with open arms.
It wasn’t as if Belle could forget there parting. He broke her heart – she spent so long hurting over him, fell in love only to literally be forced away. And if she was being honest with herself, the pain never really faded, even when determination to find him set in. Though Belle couldn’t deny what her heart was telling her.
She wanted to give him, give them another chance. They could start over and try to be together. But not without trust. She needed to know he changed, that he was the man she knew he could be.
And she hoped he wanted to be better, otherwise everything could fall apart all over again. Belle was the type who believed in second chances and they were getting theirs after so long. Once they talked about everything, to which she was willing to answer anything he might want to know truthfully, she’d feel much more at ease.
“I would very much appreciate a change of cloths and the bath. Maybe at some point you can show me around as well? After I get the chance to settle and we get to talk, I mean.”
 She definitely wanted to talk about their last parting, she had all but said it right then. He of course also knew that they had much to talk about regarding that and after he pled for her forgiveness for his idiocy back then, he’d pledge to her to never let her go again. That and more was necessary to speak on together, though the coward he was tried to show himself at the very thought.
 He didn’t know what all she would expect and require of him to be with her. But he knew already that there were in fact stipulations attached. One of them had already shown itself earlier that very day on the hill with the well. She didn’t want him to go after Regina. After all that evil woman had done to her, to them, she wanted him to spare her.
 That would only make Regina think she could get away with doing the same or worse to Belle though he knew. The Evil Queen wasn’t one to learn her lesson the first time. And whatever vendetta she had against him, she clearly wasn’t afraid to drag Belle in the middle of it and if there was one thing he knew well its that Regina could hold a massive grudge.
 One just had to look at the long time grudge the woman had against her step-daughter to see that. Blame misplaced as it was, Snow had been enemy number one to Regina for years for the stable boy Daniel that Cora had killed. Seemed he’d have to tell Belle this. For her sake he wouldn’t take revenge on Regina, but he would most definitely be using any magic he could think of to keep her safe from that vile woman’s clutches again.
 For now, he’d help her slowly get accustomed to life there in Storybrooke with everyone else. Though he must say, he himself missed the solitude of the Dark Castle and wondered if Belle would feel the same once the self righteous, self proclaimed heroes started coming knocking on the door at all hours of the day and night.
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 “A bath first then I think. I should have something for you to wear for the time being until Dove gets here. Come, I’ll show you how to work the bath.”
 With that he slowly made his way to the bathroom, the one on the ground floor as he didn’t want to embarrass himself on the stairs. Twenty-eight years he’d walked with a limp again, it was hard to remember he didn’t have to now. So he took her to the easier to access one and showed her how to control the temperature on the tap and answered any questions she may have asked as well.
 “Towels and wash cloths are in the linen closet on that far wall there,” he added, pointing to a skinny closet situated in the wall. “I’ll be back with some clothes for you, Sweetheart. Oh better yet, here..”
 With a wave of his hand a change of clothes were waiting on the sink for her. Another wave of his hand and some shampoo and body soap were waiting to be used, the scent one he remembered she favored back home.
 “The one in the taller bottle is shampoo for your hair. The smaller bottle is the soap for your body. I’ll leave you to it now, Dove should be back soon and I’ll get started on dinner once he returns.”
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ximpishx · 3 years
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“You see these notches? He was keeping track of how much I grew.”
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ximpishx · 4 years
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold blog right here~
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ximpishx · 4 years
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ximpishx · 5 years
 From what he remembered back in the Dark Castle, their tastes in food seemed to coincide together. So choosing a meal was simple and what he should make for them came easily into his mind. Except for one thing.. Mr. Gold rarely ever cooked for himself, choosing instead to go the little diner in town more often than not. If for nothing else than to intimidate the matron and her granddaughter with his presence.
 Not much different than how he’d been in Misthaven. But Mr. Gold was more stoic and reserved whereas the other persona had been giggly, childish, and seemingly half crazed.
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 “I believe you may like chicken alfredo,” he replied and frowned to himself as he got out his phone.
 He wasn’t usually one for texting, but he still shot a quick message to Dove to pick up the things he’d need from the grocery store for him. Like he’d thought before, he wasn’t about to leave Belle on her own and he wasn’t sure if she was ready for the town yet having been kept captive for so long and now finding herself in a world so different from their own as well.
 “Alas, my cursed self rarely cooked so the kitchen isn’t stocked. So I’m having someone pick up the things I’ll need. You remember Dove don’t you? Giant of a man, ran errands for me from time to time back home?”
 While he was at it, he asked the man to pick up a bottle of wine as well. But once that task was done he returned his phone to his pocket. He knew what he was doing, he was avoiding the actual subjects they should be talking about. Like their last parting and what had happened to make them part in the first place. He had promised at the well that they could be together, but that wasn’t talking. Not like they should.
 He may still be a bit reserved and uncomfortable with such things. But even he knew that it had to be talked about. The question was “when?”. He knew now that Belle had never been working for Regina, he knew it shortly after he threw her out. But he had thought it was better for her not to be associated with him more than she already had been.
 He cursed himself for the fool he was every day afterward when he thought her dead. And cursed himself now that he had believed it for even a moment. Cursed himself for not looking harder.
 Surely their conversation could wait a little longer though. Just a little longer, until she’d had time to settle in and get used to this new world. Or at least until he could get her fed and in better clothes. They would talk, he would confess his guilt and his thoughts of her every minute, every day that she was gone. But not yet. There would be time to do those things now.
 “I also asked Dove to bring some clothes from my shop for you so you can have a bath. I imagine you’d like to relax a bit and get clean, yes? I’ll take you to a shop another time so you can pick what you’d like to wear.”
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ximpishx · 5 years
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 “The ogres, son. Those giant beasts won’t be around much longer now.”
 Not now that he had the power of the Dark One. The coward he used to be was no more. Now he knew he could walk into the battlefield and not worry about whether or not he’d ever see his son again or lose his boy. The children there forced into fighting could come home as well and the war would finally be over.
p a p a‌:
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 “The bigger they are, the harder they fall~”
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     Baelfire looked up at his Papa from across the table, concern gracing the young boy’s features. “What do you mean, Papa? Who’s bigger than you that you are trying to make fall?”
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ximpishx · 5 years
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 “The bigger they are, the harder they fall~”
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ximpishx · 5 years
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 Belle had been a source of strength to himself and his son since she had first come to the Frontlands. The young woman was so kind to both he and his son that he had quickly come to see her as a friend if not a part of the family.
 Because of that he had made sure to set some wool and thread aside every time he went to market day until he’d had enough to make a blanket for her. He’d given that to her the previous winter solstice and now was working on a dress for her.
 He couldn’t do anything fancy as fabric dyes were very expensive. But she’d done so much for he and Bae that he wanted to give back to her in some way. And since there wasn’t much that he was gifted in, this was the best he could do for her.
 He just had to get her measurements now and somehow not sound weird about it. Its not something he could just ask her out of the blue though.
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ximpishx · 5 years
 Rumple hadn’t been expecting to see Belle walk into his shop that day, in fact he never expected to see her again. But the truth that she’d been there the whole time and captured even before that shouldn’t have surprised him. Regina was an evil soul that had tried to turn her on him and through her machinations had him throwing her out.
 He should have known even back then that Belle hadn’t just gone back home, he should have known that she hadn’t ended her own life. He should have searched for her with his magic more. So many things he should have done, but didn’t and because of that his love had suffered. But not any longer. He was going to give her the life she deserved from the very beginning, starting now. Step one was to get some actual food in her stomach now that she was in nicer and warmer clothes rather than that flimsy hospital gown. After the food he’d show her how to work the bath and show her to a room she could use.
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 “I’m sure you’re hungry, Belle. What would you like?” he said softly.
 He couldn’t keep himself from staring at her either, a part of him still unable to believe she was really there in front of him. After so long thinking that she was dead, it was hard to grasp what his own eyes were telling him. It didn’t help either that before the curse was cast, his power had gone haywire in a way while she was gone. He had often seen illusions of her in the castle or walking back in from the doors. Even in his cell he had seen illusions of her in the cell with him or coming down the tunnel.
 He still had half a mind to go after Regina for what she’d done to her, for what she had planned. He knew perfectly well that the woman had only kept her alive to use against him when she felt she should. The only thing keeping him from it was ensuring that Belle was comfortable and wouldn’t come to any harm. Now that he finally had her back, safe and sound, no way would he be leaving her to the mercy of the town. 
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ximpishx · 5 years
 “Are you looking forward to market day, Bae? Maybe this time I can afford to get you something sweet. Would you like that?”
 As he asked this, Rumple was gathering up the wares he would be taking to sell in the next village for the next day. It was a long trip to the next village over, but well worth it in the end in his opinion. At least there he could actually sell some wool, yarn, and thread where as he couldn’t from his own village. No one wanted to buy anything from the village coward even if they had money to buy anything with.
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ximpishx · 5 years
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 ;; Starter call~ Smash that heart button for a starter from Mr. Gold/Rumple~
Follow this link for the spinner Rumple starter call
Follow this link for the impy Rumple starter call
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ximpishx · 5 years
From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, I survived.
Craig Scott (via quotemadness)
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ximpishx · 5 years
 In a village as small as the one Rumple and his son called home in the Frontlands, it was hard to miss a new person coming into it. Much less a person who had guards traveling with her and a caravan. A royal then, he surmised, most likely passing through to get to another region or off to see the Duke which governed them.
 For a moment, Rumplestiltskin dared to let himself hope that the presence of this royal would mean the end of the war with the ogres. That peace would finally come to their lands and things could finally settle, that people like himself could stop fretting that eventually the beasts would come and raid the village itself.
 For now he did his best to keep his head down and keep a respectful distance as he made his way back toward his little hovel. As long as he maintained a respectable distance and kept his head down, surely he wouldn’t be stopped by the guards. Right?
 Right, left.
 Right, left.
 Keep your head down, Rumple.
 “You there!”
 He was stopped rather abruptly though, nearly jumping out of his skin when one of the guard’s loud voices called out to him and had him turning to the speaker, his head still down.
 “Yes sir?”
 “Where can we find lodgings for the night?”
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 “Ah..” And of course he’d blank now on the name of the tavern where the caravan could find lodgings and food. Instead he pointed further down the dirt road. “There’s a..um.. A tavern just a little further down sir..”
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