#at least i have gaiden and die neue and the books
hyper-elastagirl · 5 years
Hoh is he doing it. Is reuenthall being a dumbass and trying to rebell. Blondie is completely umphased. He even looked happy to have some excitement going on with that dramatic cape twirl.
Lutz is gonna die because they emphasized that he had a fiancee earlier. Tragic deaths are always hinted at :/// GODDAMN IT I REALLY LIKED HIM WHY DO THE GOOD GUYS ALWAYS DIE
He's being framed isn't he oh fuck poor dude. Oh noooo he's doing the whole "yep gonna die time to reflect on my past actions" thing people do. Damn this show is just one tragedy after another
EXCUSE ME referring to reinhard as "Dearest Him" is uh. Something my dude. Reuenthall congrats on joining the ranks of "goddamn he needs therapy" .
God fucking damn if people would just talk to each other and get over their fucking pride. Ugh. Men.
Mittermeyer my man you have a wife don't do anything stupid. You are in possession of the brain cell. Use it.
God I love schonkopp he's a fucking riot. And once you get to know her so is Karin??? I love them both. Julien good luck with that guy for a father in law.
Noooo the boys parted on bad terms. Mittermeyer once again showcases that he is the only one capable of rational thought. He understands that men like reuenthall and reinhard need to fight in order to feel alive and that is muy no bueno. Jeez I have no idea how things are gonna end for reinhard I assume him dying will be the only way?
Nothing more badass than throwing off the remains of your prosthetic arm in the middle of a battle to continue fighting
Oh my fucking god the man was impaled in the chest with a big ass spike and he stops to fucking fix his hair and chastise a subordinate for getting upset. Rest in peace reuenthall you glorious narcissistic bastard. Christ he just pulls it out and stands up like it's no big deal. They wear button downs under velvet uniforms god fucking damn those imperials are wack.
"Adjutant, bring me new clothes. I don't like smelling my own blood" akdnskzbeh fuck reuenthall you crazy bastard.
I wish truhit got a better death that was kinda lame. When is this crazy bastard gonna die sldnsisbsvrhec "I am enjoying the process of dying" what the actual fuck reuenthall. Oh! It's her. She is so vile wow. Well, he did make a cute kid at least. He deserves a better death than this T.T oh she just fucking left the baby what a bitch. And the last thing he does is name his kid? Oof.
Holy shit I never would have imagined reinhard having a shotgun wedding but heeeere we go.
Being a bastard saved that bastards child oh the irony.
Wow that knitting animation was good?
Conquers the entire universe. Can't make small talk with a girl he banged and knocked up. Way to go Blondie. Ohmyfuxh his face that is not a happy face. But he's being emotionally vulnerable so that's good
S norts muller says he thinks reinhard looks godly does everyone have a bit of a crush on that man I don't blame them I mean look at that hair
Have I mentioned that I fucking hate bittenfeld? Because I fucking hate bittenfeld. God he never shuts up and thinks his opinions are important. Nobody cares buddy!!!
Oberstein the fuck did you have to interrupt them during the fucking ceremony are you trying to get every one to hate you. Because they do.
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hyper-elastagirl · 5 years
Let it be known that I am going into this after reading chapter 8 of stag beetles and broken legs and I am feeling all sorts of things right now.
Ohhhhboy they usually don't show him as visibly feverish reinhard is looking kinda run down.
Julien is a little fucking genius and reinhard is slacking because he's suck aaaaaaaaaa
Omg that scene was dramatic with that big entrance and the cape swirl and then he just fucking passes out. Mood but what's going on Blondie????
My dog is screaming to go play in the rain Zelda whyyy
"Variant acute collagen disease" ???? Reinhard von lohengrahm has eds. He is a zebra confirmed. Fksnajab jk jk jk but how ironic that he basically has a disease relative to my Ehlers Danlos syndrome. He's the right age to start being affected by eds at least it hits in the early to mid 20s usually. Oh shit I remember someone I think Hilda mentioned how annerose looked a bit pale and sickly? Is it genetic can it affect her and baby Alec? Didn't their mom die in childbirth too? Common complication in people who have eds ... Brb doing some googling. Art will be made related to this ohhhhmygod
Okay yeah I guess this was a made up term or what they called unspecified connective tissue disease back when this was written. I am taking this headcannon to my grave though slams hands on table the sibs have an eds like disease.
Awe i knew merkatz was gonna die but I'm still sad. He was a good guy. Hmmmm I am getting Bad Feelings about the way julien and schonkopp are parting the kids need a parent on either side alive for their wedding schonkopp don't let karin down.
NO. COME ON. NOT SHENKOPP. God fucking damnit at least he died well. What a fucking badass he just yanked that axe out of his back and kept fighting. Rest in peace you glorious bastard.
"Do you love me? I do. Democracy is great isn't it?" ???
Also thank you narrator for the good news that karin and julien get married!! That means they fucking live!!! How ironic that both of their dads died on the same day but a year apart though.
Snorts dusty "shit stirrer" attenborough at it again.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Rubinsky oh my god. Hasn't there been enough death you fucker. My grandparents fire alarm went off at the exact same time as the explosions and I didn't figure out that they were 2 different things at first and !!
Reinhard!!! Idiot. He was fucking carried out on his couch after being all "if I'm going to die I want to do it here" boi. He's gonna fucking die god.
Excuse me. Do we not get an imperial family reunion??? I want to see reinhard meeting his kid and Hilda and annerose's reaction to the news! Come onnn.
"We're not your tranquilizers" good one my dude ohmygkd the quiet guy threw water on them lmfao.
Hhghh they're playing moonlight sonata.
"Annerose saw a gentle, soft light swaying in Reinhards eyes that she's never seen before ... Hasn't reinhard been burning his own flesh to fight in order to satisfy his unfilled heart? Reinhards gentleness was like the warmth of the white ash remaining after his heart and body are all burned out." God. I usually don't care for the narrator but that summed up the tragedy of his character perfectly. Hoh and he admits he was too ambitious in the end.
Good. Julien gets his revenge in the end.
Goddamn. Oberstein does sacrifice himself in the end. And he tells the doctors to make sure his dog is taken care of goddamnit he's such a complex character.
Reinhard I get what you're doing but these are infants. Maybe not try and turn them into you and kirchies? That kinda didn't end well the first time. They're babies mittermeyer oh my god let them play with each other don't make your son cry.
This is fucking awful his death keeps getting drawn out!
Final thoughts for the night: this bitch is doing a reinhard cosplay. Blonde wavy hair? Check. Sassy attitude? Check. Pale skin and sikly demeanor due to an incurable collagen disease? Check. And I'm gonna put a fucking cape on the back of my wheelchair and deck the wheels out to look like the filigree on their uniforms. Maybe make a custom cape for Zeldas harness too.
It's incredibly ironic and tragic that a man like reinhard is going to die of an incurable disease. I think it's a major plot hole that his illness was undiagnosed for so long. I'll probably write up a whole meta on this but like, I know people with other collagen diseases with fucking paralyzed intestines and failing hearts. Doctors still find ways to keep them going.
Reinhard dying like that just feels unsatisfying to me. I've heard people laud this series as different than game of thrones because it's resolved in a satisfying way and I get it, kinda. It is entirely because I live with a disease similar to the one that killed him that I'm so eh with this ending. Fucking hell this disease almost killed me a year ago and I'm still alive and kicking.
It really was Reinhards story in the end, yang was just the antagonist and it was framed and conveyed in an incredibly way. This series is going right up there with berserk and FMA and ghost in the shell as one of my favorites to have experienced. Now I get to watch gaiden and die neue and may be even read the manga. And for sure read the books.
I currently have 2 big logh pieces in the works but I already have ideas for many more sooooo sorry all y'all that follow me for hollow knight. The two are going to coexist as mutual special interests for a while.
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