#at least its not clone high oc tag ✊(he says as he has clone high ocs)
sunnixsunshine · 1 year
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Hehehehe San Marino my beloved 🇸🇲
Decided to revisit her character and put more depth into her personality! :)
Republic of San Marino // Repubblica di San Marino
Natalina Stefanelli • she/her • September 3, 301 AD • 1,722 years old (19 human years)
Founded by Marinus of Rab, a Christain stonemason, who fled from the Roman Empire in an attempt to evade religious persecution by Emperor Diocletian. She’s an enclave microstate located in North-central Italy atop Mount Titano, the closest Italian city being Rimini, which is also the only access point by bus. The capital of San Marino is the City of San Marino. San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world.
Although her boarders are open to anyone with a valid visa for Italy without any necessary boarder checks needed, she’s a fairly closed off person— well, she opens up a little bit with her family or selected friends around. But she prefers her own company over others the most. She’s very fond of old fashioned aesthetics and likes to keep things fairly the same. San Marino doesn’t get out often, but when she does it’s usually by force of Vatican City trying to make her socialize with someone other than her favorite barista, her next door neighbor, and mailman. She’s very welcoming to tourists and will interact with them when she feels like it. Veneziano visits her more than forces her out of the house. Sometimes he paints the pottery she makes. Romano and Seborga don’t visit much, they mainly interact during the family dinners Vatican City forces San Marino to come to once a year.
When she does open up, she’s a kind and inviting person who tends to talk a lot about the historical aspects of her home. She’s more than happy to bake you a special treat known as Torta Tre Monti— Cake of the Three Moutains/Towers. She prides herself on being the oldest sovereign state.
Being an enclave has made San Marino so used to limited space that she prefers it to having a big space. But it is nice to get out and go to the beach every once in awhile, by her choice of course. The Rimini beaches are her favorite to visit because it’s the closet.
She has three moles which represent the three towers of Mount Titano; the first mole by her mouth is the Cesta, the highest tower on the summit. The bigger mole on her neck is the Guaita, the oldest and most famous of the three. Lastly is the Montale, the smallest tower. The single stray curl in her straightened hair is a reference to her relation with the Roman Empire.
Pottery making
People watching
Stamp collecting
Little note :)
I focused more on the fact that she’s land locked by Italy and translated that in her being an ambivert— she prefers having time to herself, but she’s willing to spend time with others— sparingly that is. I dunno. I just thought it’d be a nice contrast to Veneziano, Romano, and Seborga’s personalities! She’s the one with the untreated social anxiety in the family :) /j but fr, I just thought having another bubbly freak or a grumpy boo would be way too overwhelming and would cause the characters to clash so I kind of settled in between that— depression! :DDD /j also I kind of wrote her with having the role of aunt for the Italy brothers. I remember debating on making her the big sister or aunt and landed on aunt for specific reasons I barely remember lol. But I really liked the idea so I ran with it. She and Vatican City are brother and sister. I wanted to add quite a bit of historical facts in this little character profile thing to kind of explain how she reacted in those situations but it’d be way too long if I did that lmao. But with what I did add, please feel free to correct me if it is wrong. I don’t care, just let loose and correct, fuck me up if you have to lmao. Also it was her birthday yesterday, September 3rd! Wish her a belated birthday :)
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