#at least she found solace in prayer and got to proclaim her innocence
annabolinas · 1 month
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May 18, 1536 - Anne's Last Confession and "A Little Neck"
"This morning, she [Anne] sent for me that I might be with her at such time as she received the good Lord [i.e. the Eucharist], to the intent I should hear her speak as touching her innocence … In the writing of this, she sent for me. And at my coming, she said, 'Master Kingston, I hear say I shall not die before noon, and I am very sorry therefore, for I thought then to be dead and past my pain.' I told her it should be no pain, it was so subtle. And then she said, 'I heard say the executioner was very good, and I have a little neck', and put her hand about it, laughing heartily. I have seen many men and also women executed, and … they have been in great sorrow. And to my knowledge, this lady hath much joy and pleasure in death." - William Kingston, Constable of the Tower, to Thomas Cromwell, May 18, 1536
"She confessed and took the Sacrament yesterday. No one ever showed more courage or greater readiness to meet death than she did, having ... begged and solicited those under whose keeping she was to hasten the execution. When orders came from the King to have it delayed until today, she seemed sorry and begged and entreated the governor of the Tower ... for God's sake, to go to the King, and beg of him that, since she was well disposed and prepared for death, she should be dispatched immediately. The lady in whose keeping she has been sends me word, in great secrecy, that before and after her receiving the Holy Sacrament, she affirmed, on peril of her soul's damnation, that she had not misconducted herself so far as her husband the King was concerned." - Eustace Chapuys, May 19, 1536
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kaizokunohime · 7 years
LawLu Story Idea 41
Snow White:
Luffy was nicknamed Snow White when he was born for his blindingly white smile. All who look upon him proclaim that he is the cutest baby ever born. He grows up loved by his mother and father, a ball is thrown in his honor for his every birthday, with noble families from across the kingdom invited to attend, sometimes even neighboring royalty. But on Luffy’s twelfth birthday the Queen is stuck by an illness and dies, leaving the King devastated. Luffy is neglected as the King attempts to find solace in the arms of women, eventually marrying a noblewoman named Boa Hancock who was well known as the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and as a hater of men that had made the King an exception. This exception did not apply to his son Luffy, however, so she declares that he is forbidden from being in her presence, a rule that is eagerly enforced by her sisters and guards. In fact, all of her followers go out of their way to make Luffy’s life miserable.
Years later Luffy has grown into a fine looking young man, still maintaining his innocence and cheerful attitude against all odds, when one of Hancock’s followers consults her magic mirror and finds that Luffy will soon surpass her to become the most charismatic person in the land. Determined to stop any from surpassing their Queen they hatch a plan to have him die in an unfortunate accident. Unfortunately for them Luffy had great instincts, and deftly avoided all of the traps that were set up for him around the castle. But the attempts became more and more serious, causing him to grow concerned. So before another plan could be put into place Luffy escaped the castle, not wanting to take any more risks that they might one day succeed.
He wandered through the nearby forest, completely ignoring all of the danger signs that had been placed at its entrance, in search of a place to stay in for a while. Who knew when those crazed fans would actually succeed in killing him? Unfortunately, in his rush to get out of the castle he had forgotten to steal some to take with him as his lunch and was now faint from hunger. And though he had been in the forest a number of times his sense of direction was not the best, so he was very lost. Luckily he stumbled his way to the home of the seven dwarves whom he had befriended in his previous adventures outside the castle. Zoro, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, Brook, and Jimbe were all glad to see their precious friend again, but were concerned about his condition; it was very unusual for him to come to the forest so unprepared; he would have normally brought food at the very least. They decide to let Luffy stay with them until whatever is troubling him is resolved.
Unfortunately one of Boa’s followers is a proficient witch and is able to track Luffy down to the house in the forest and prepares a final attempt at his life, a poison apple that would trap him in endless sleep until he is kissed by a Prince. One of Boa’s sisters then disguises herself as an old woman and visits the cabin while the dwarves are away and gives Luffy the apple and watches him collapse. At the same time a cloaked figure watches the scene with concerned eyes and quickly mounts his horse to report back to his boss, he needs to know as soon as possible.
Hours later Prince Law of a neighboring kingdom is still muttering under his breath about his fears for Luffy being founded, no matter how many times Sachi and Penguin have accused him of being overprotective. Of course that beautiful idiot would have people trying to kill him. He’d been unable to forget the raven-haired prince since he had seen him all those years ago at one of his birthday celebrations, just a small boy with a beautiful smile, blissful innocence, and the desire to make Law his friend. He will always remember the warmth of the small hand that held his when he was pulled into joining Luffy’s ridiculous dance and the delightful giggle he received when he finally gave in.
So he was traveling deep into a supposedly cursed forest, hoping that he’d reach Luffy in time. By the time he reached the cottage Luffy’s comatose body had already been laid out on a bed and despite all of his knowledge of medicine (which he liked to study in his free time) he could not find a way to heal Luffy. As a last ditch attempt and a prayer Law leaned down and pressed his lips on those of his beloved before turning away in anguish, unable to look at his still form any longer. The seven dwarves joined him with their heads lowered in sorrow. Not seconds later Luffy began to stir, a yawn forming on his features, the resulting sounds alerting everyone in the room to his presence. He was soon covered in the overjoyed forms of his friends, who seemed determined to break his ribs in the act of making sure he was ok. Then he suddenly noticed the last figure in the room and wondered who he was. The white, furry hat and wild blue-black hair were giving him a sense of déjà vu, yet he couldn’t place where he remembered them from. But the minute their eyes met the memories came flooding back. The ball, Torao’s scowl, his desire to be closer to the other, and finally the moment he finally got him to smile.
The journey back to the castle allows the two princes to grow closer and when Law eventually finds the courage to confess Luffy immediately knows that he feels the same for Law, now that he has a name for the mysterious urge to always be around him and make him smile. When they reach the castle Law immediately confronts the King and reveals all of the plots of Boa’s followers which shocks the Queen as she had no idea this was going on. She decides to finally give Luffy a chance despite being a man and ends up becoming a doting mother, becoming perhaps a little too obsessed with her step-son. None of her followers dare harm Luffy after that. After this incident the King realizes how much he had been neglecting his son and promises to be there for him in the future. And he is more than happy to allow Law and Luffy to become engaged once he sees the love they hold for each other.
Sorry there wasn’t much romance, this ended up getting very long. ^^; I’m glad people seem to be enjoying my fairytale series, thank you for all the likes and comments. My ask box is open if you have a question or request (or just want to say hi) and authors are always welcome to write my ideas (just ask first). ^o^/
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