#at this rate this will in fact just be me straight-up retelling turnabout trump
April 20, 2026: 9:50 AM
Following some mysterious, lawful-good influence, you reach into your briefcase to check over your trial notes for a final time before everything begins. You open up the neatly-labeled file folder and—
“Phoenix Wright??” you exclaim, barely suppressing the impulse to clutch onto Mr Gavin’s arm to steady yourself. “THAT’S Phoenix Wright? Famed lawyer, permanent underdog, the Turnabout Terror?”
Mr Gavin’s gaze turns frosty. “Disgraced lawyer, might I remind you. Following the…incident with that magician, he was disbarred.”
You’re still in shock—recalling the many hours you’d spent while at university poring over the transcripts of Wright’s cases. And now he’s on the stand, accused of murder?
Well, it isn’t the first time, you remind yourself. But this time he’s counting on you!
The sound of the judge’s gavel snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts, and you look up to see Wright on the stand. He seems almost nonchalant, leaning back with a hand grasping the railing.
The piercing voice of the prosecutor at the opposite bench fills the room as he begins his opening speech. “Mr Wright! You stand before the court today accused of murdering a man in cold blood over a game of poker at the Borscht Bowl Club. With this bottle—” here, the prosecutor holds up a deep green bottle, whose label proclaims that it once held grape juice—“you hit the victim, one Shadi Smith, over the head, killing him instantly!”
You check your notes. Seems that the prosecutor is called Payne, and what he says is the prosecution’s main argument. You find the eyes of the courtroom turning to you.
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