#ata/proximity dialogue
peeporoons-notes · 8 months
back to MSQ | part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from East to West (part 3, Emerald Avenue)
About halfway around the street
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* Wymond's flavor text is available only after you take his sidequest 🟠"Due Diligence." Wymond "Keeping that coinpurse bulging, are we? They say the streets of Ul'dah are made o' gold, but it's piles o' gil what pave your way."
💬 Proximity dialogue (1) Female Twin: "All hail the sultana!" Male Twin: "The city's alive once again!"
💬 Proximity dialogue (2) Shop Crier: "Custom embroidery on all purchases! Shop attendant: "One size fits all or half your money back!" * Amusing because with the player clothes for sale, one size really does fit all.
* Now passing the aetheryte plaza - ◾back to MSQ?
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Skywatcher "A wise woman once said that she who does not pay heed to the skies will most surely get wet. Sound advice if you ask me. Would you like to hear what the skies tell us this fine day?
* An expansive weather forecast for the realm is displayed.
* At the Hall of the Immortal Flames
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Mimio Mio "The flame is not the fuel, praise the Traders. The Immortal Flames depend not on any one soldier—not even Raubahn Aldynn. Low it may burn at times, but as long as there are men willing to serve, it is forever."
Hunt Billmaster "The marks posted on the Hunt board are not for the faint of heart or slow of sword-arm. Only those of proven ability to dodge death need apply."
Flame Mage "I am the official charged with the bestowal of sanction upon our members. As you are not one of us, I am afraid you cannot avail yourself of these services."
Swift, Flame Commander "We Immortal Flames fight to protect Ul'dah from all who would threaten her.
Ever do we swear to uphold our oath: for coin and country!"
* Behind the important-looking desk.
Flame Quartermaster "Only members of the Immortal Flames are allowed to exchange flame seals for goods and services."
Flame Personnel Officer "You stand within the Hall of Flames, the burning heart of operations for the Immortal Flames. We're always seeking kindred souls possessed of unquenchable spirit to join our cause.
I sense something of a fire within you, but it flickers as candlelight. Stoke this inner fire till it becomes a raging inferno, and we can speak again of your part in the Immortal Flames."
* System: In order to join a Grand Company, you must progress further in the main scenario.
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💬 Proximity dialogue Young Boy: "I want another honey cake!" Male Guardian: "And I said no!"
Agnys "I had no idea that the Platinum Mirage was such an exclusive establishment. That they can afford to turn away wealthy individuals like myself speaks volumes.
It's probably for the best, though. An old acquaintance of mine lost everything in the gambling halls. Last I heard, she had run afoul of some dangerous people─or was it that she had fallen in with them? I can't seem to recall…"
Rand "Can't say I much care for the ridiculous uniforms those blokes over there at the Hall of Flames have to wear.
If you fancy sporting the same blue duds, though, you could always enlist. The Immortal Flames take everyone—even foreigners."
* At the Platinum Mirage
(Across the street from the Hall of the Immortal Flames.)
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💬 Proximity dialogue Peacocking Man: "Took down three opponents today, I did." Girl-simp: "How would you like to take down one more...?" Gullible Babe: "And not a single scratch? Incredible!"
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💬 Proximity dialogue Monocled Attendant: "Lookin' to borrow some coin, maybe?" Mammet: "BlOoD! MaImInG! FuN fOr YoUnG☆aNd☆OlD!"
Essylt "The gambling halls of the Platinum Mirage are as an oasis of fortune—a glimmering, silvery dream to which one cannot help but be drawn.
Beyond these doors are found fantastical amusements and thrilling games of chance to delight and entertain…assuming you are part of our exclusive membership.
I regret to announce that this most privileged club is not currently open for applications. But do not lose heart! Hoard your gil and pile your precious stones in preparation for that day when a position opens, and you, [sir/miss], might purchase the right to stride across the threshold into paradise itself."
* Pugilists' Guild
* Under the same street-front as the Mirage, the entrance to the Pugilist's guild sits in a deeper recess, down some stairs.
💬 Pugilist's Guild flavor text TBA
* Jajakuta's flavor text is available only after you take his sidequest, 🟠"Tougher Than Leather." Jajakuta "Did you ever wonder why the Pugilists' Guild is found next to the Platinum Mirage? The casino hires the members to watch over their elite clientele. But not to keep them. No, they are there to see to it the wealthy patrons do not cheat the house."
back to MSQ | part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
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Brain Squids :thinking:
So while I was making that other post about Krazoa Palace, I started really thinking about the various enemies you see on Dinosaur Planet.  Not just the villainous dino tribes, but the monsters that populate the planet.  In particular, I started thinking about
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these guys.  And I started really analyzing their design.  Which led to an “oh shit” moment earlier today, in which I nearly spat out my drink irl and my boss gave me a weird look and yeah, it was... not my most graceful moment.  BUT MOVING ON~
Let me preface this theory by stating this: It’s just a theory and I have no way to back it up.  I’m looking at design and I’m looking at what we do know.  So let’s get started on unpacking the eerie brain squids.
First off, let’s look at where we find the brain squids, as their preferred environment will probably tell us something about them.  The brain squids are only found in 3 areas -- various Krazoa Shrines, the Ocean Force Point Temple, and Krazoa Palace.  All three of these locations are sacred in a way and not easily accessible by the populace. 
Now, let’s take their design into consideration.  They seem to lack faces, yet despite this they are able to react to things that come within a close proximity of them.  They use their tentacles to attack and have a strange pink and blue glow about them.  The brain that sits on their “head” seems to be concealed in transparent flesh, though it is hard to tell if that is exactly the case. 
Now that I’ve stated these facts, it’s time to ask... So what does this mean?
Let’s talk about why the brain squids are in the locations that they are in.  Krazoa Palace, the Krazoa Shrine, and the Ocean Force Point temple all have 1 thing in common-- they are sacred places built for or by the Krazoa.  This would imply they have some sort of tie-in with the Krazoa since they are only found in those places.  At first, I thought they were some form of ancient guardian left by the Krazoa to protect sacred sites.  But why attack us (the good guys) even when we have a Krazoa spirit?  And why would they only show up in some sacred areas but not others?  That made no sense the more I thought about it and that’s when I really came to my headcanon/theory conclusion but I’ll save that for after this next bit of “evidence”.
The brain squid’s design features a glow that is only seen in one other creature in all of Dinosaur Planet.
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Do you see it?
I’ll find a better image for you so this sinks in a little bit.
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The Krazoa spirits-- who also are floating entities primarily featuring disembodied heads and flowing tendrils.  By now you probably realize where I’m going with this. But where is the link?
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This guy.  He who drove General Scales to steal the SpellStones, attack Krazoa Palace, and drive Dinosaur Planet towards destruction.  He who also conveniently is associated with
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... yeah.  Brains.  (Note: the brain phase in SFAdv has like no pictures on Google so I had to make do with a screenshot from SF64 lol).
So, to be frank, my theory is that the brain squids are corrupted Krazoa Spirits. 
You might ask “Corrupted?  How?”  
Think about Andross’s role in SFAdv and even SF64.  In SF64, he is always tinkering with life forms, no matter what they are.  In SFAdv, he shows not only the knowledge of magic but the knowledge of how to use Krystal’s powers to enhance himself.  He was able to live on even after “dying” in SF64.  He was able to force the Krazoa Spirit out of General Scales.  Clearly, Andross was powerful, even in his state of undeath, and who is to say the limits of that power?
“Okay, that’s nice but why wouldn’t he just catch the Krazoa since he needed them to be reborn?  Why would he bother corrupting Krazoa?”
This might seem a bit of a stretch, but when you look at old Dinosaur Planet dialogue and datamined material, it appears as though the Krazoa you capture are very specific-- perhaps even leaders of a sort (”We are the Quan ata Lachu, six stars of eight” being the key bit of evidence to that being the case, because that does seem to be referring to those specific spirits).  Krystal, at some point in DP, traveled back in time to the war that the Krazoa were fighting with their longtime enemies, the Kamerians. It would appear the Krazoa used to be a fully-fledged race, probably with their own government system and maybe even containing a hierarchy of power?  Perhaps those with the most magic power were the elite?  Maybe the top Krazoa (the magic-rich elite? the Quan ata Lachu?) were the ones that became the spirits we see in the game?  And they scattered prior to the start of SFAdv because of the danger, fleeing to shrines to be approached and brought back by someone worthy.  Meanwhile, the lesser spirits that still dwelt in the palace were not-as-lucky when the SharpClaw attacked, and, well...
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fell to Andross’s corrupting influence...?
It’s all conjecture at this point, but hey, that’s what theories are for!
Sorry if this made no sense, I’m running on 2 cups of coffee and like 4 hours of sleep.
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peeporoons-notes · 8 months
back to MSQ | part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from East to West (part 2; Ruby Road Exchange)
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Silver Nettle "Oi, 'venturer! Why not spend some of that hard-earned coin here at the markets? Go on an' treat yerself! Ye deserve it!"
Lalayoma "What may appear to many as a pile of rags can sometimes turn out to be cloth of extraordinary value. It takes the trained eye of a merchant such as myself to judge the difference."
💬 Proximity dialogue: Antiques Shopper: “I simply must have this vase!" Nearby Street Juggler: "Now watch and be amazed!"
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💬 Proximity dialogue (1) Elderly Manbun-wearer: "I'll take a sack of sunset wheat." Sack Saleswoman: “Making some bread today? Or maybe ale?"
💬 Proximity dialogue (2) Discerning Buyer: "A Fifth Astral Era copy of the Enchiridion!" Tome Vendor: "You won't find another outside the Holy See."
💬 Proximity dialogue (3) Wildly-gesticulating Miner: "Shake it, ladies!" Rowdy Dude: "If it's gil you want, come stick your hands in me pockets!" Drunk(?) Hyuran woman: "How do I get me one of those tails...?"
💬 Proximity dialogue (4) Jewel Salesman: "I've the finest gems in all this fine town!"
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💬 Proximity dialogue (5) Impatient Buyer: "Hey, you! Over here!" Sleeping, or Possibly Drunk, Liquor Salesman:
back to MSQ | part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
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peeporoons-notes · 8 months
back | back inside —— part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from East to West (part 1; Outside the Quicksand)
Early game, done right after the tutorial.
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➺ Select "Chocobo Porter"
Mimigun "If you came looking to hire a chocobo porter, I'm afraid I must disappoint you. Our birds are very fickle creatures, and tend to become agitated around those with a certain lack of demeanor. Return once you have proven you can handle yourself, and I will personally see that you are assigned our best bird."
[Chocobo porters are available for hire upon attaining level 10.]
➺ Select "Rent a Chocobo"
Mimigun "You must forgive me, but I am afraid my superiors would deem it inappropriate if I granted someone so obviously and painfully new to adventuring leave to take the stable's birds out beyond the city walls without proper supervision."
[Chocobos are available for rental upon attaining level 10 in any class.]
* At the steps to the Quicksand.
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Emelin "If I take this opportunity, will I miss out on a better one? It's all so overwhelming… Maybe I should mull it over at the Quicksand."
💬 Proximity dialogue: Hooded Thaumaturge: "Shall we be going, then?" Armored Roegadyn: "As you command."
back | back inside —— part 1 —— part 2 —— part 3 —— part 4
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