#atf 2x17
vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s the latest Ask the Fandom question from a lovely anon follower:
They blew up old Shark stadium in season 2. Where is the new stadium and who paid for it? Public financing of stadiums is almost as contentious as incorporation, and would have been a talking point during the election.
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
They blew up old Shark stadium in season 2. Where is the new stadium and who paid for it? Public financing of stadiums is almost as contentious as incorporation, and would have been a talking point during the election.
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And here’s what you had to say:
@mysilverylining--Can’t answer this question. Woody died five episodes later, so  have no idea how or if a new stadium was funded.  
But…I’m super-intrigued by the idea of Gia  inheriting a (minor league?) baseball team, and triumphing over an Old Boy’s Club who resents her intrusion.
@nicemom93--Maybe that’s how she and Luke first got together. He was the baseball expert so he was helping her with her team.
@susanmichelin--I’m sure some of it came from public sources - for example, the federal government allows states to issue tax-free bonds to help finance new stadiums. But the new stadium could’ve been sponsored by Woody’s Burgers. If the Sharks were a fictional stand-in for the Padres (that’s a whole nother subject), we can look at Qualcomm Stadium and then Petco Park to see that corporate sponsorship isn’t out of the question.
It’s also not unheard of for a business that owns a baseball team to have the stadium named after them (think the Cardinals who were owned by Anheuser Busch and played in Busch Stadium, or the Toronto Blue Jays who were bought by Rogers Communication who proceeded to change the name of the SkyDome to Rogers Centre). So perhaps the new stadium would be… Woody Field? Goodman Center? Goodwood Park?
As for its location - doubtful it’s anywhere inside the 90909 zip code, but perhaps close enough so the rich folk could enjoy a day at the stadium? Probably just outside the area Woody wanted to incorporate.
And if anyone is interested (or still reading this post), the implosion of Three Rivers Stadium in PA is supposedly what they used for the demo of Shark Field. Here’s a video of the real demo:
Leigh‏ @NorCalSC (via Twitter)--Oh no  this question. The existence of the Sharks while referring to the Padres was something I couldn’t dwell on (it’s a fictional show ) but now that this question has been asked I may need to write a paper about it.  I have a degree in sports management
Merrick Green‏ @MerrickGreenVM (via Twitter)--I feel like the new stadium would have been just outside ‘09 zip code, Woody sticking it in an easy-accessible NIMBY (kinda like Atlanta Braves new place). And he totally stuck Balboa County with the bill, which is how he got into politics in the first place.
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vmheadquarters · 8 years
Here’s the latest Ask the Fandom question:
I’m doing yet another rewatch of VM, and one instance that makes my heart hurt each time is the moment Veronica asks Logan to dance in Season 2, Episode 17 - Plan B. That scene is so well acted and so emotionally heavy, and yet I have a hard time understanding why it’s so intense? Can anyone please explain why Veronica suddenly wants to dance (besides saving Gia from verbal abuse)? And why is that scene so wonderfully painful to watch?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@mysilverylining--Because she really did want to be first in line to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance, but recited his prize-winning paper when she lost the element of surprise? Because she has a thing for politicians, and somebody’s rocking the  Honorary Deputy County Commissioner title? Because after finding the truck driver, she proved to Logan that stakeouts can be much, much sexier in real life?   Because protecting Gia gave her the perfect excuse to get that close to Logan again? Honestly, I don’t know what Veronica’s motivation was here, but it’s one of my favorite L/V scenes ever.  The way she keeps sneaking peeks from under her eyelashes, the way Logan’s hand tightens on her hips, the way the other couples disappear, and it’s just them under the spotlight as the scene ftbs.
@brittany4824--I honestly don’t think I can top what @mysilverylining just said because it was too perfect for words but I’ll try to add some more. Veronica seemed to see the almost-verbal-smackdown as a good chance to get her hands on Logan (literally and figuratively). For me, I think it seemed like an impulsive move on her end. Because as soon as she pulls him away, I almost get this “oh shit what did I just do,” feeling from her. So she’s like, “well screw it, I’ll dance this dance and sneak some pretty cute looks at the love of my life."   The episode was really building for the execution of this moment, and so I think the intensity partially comes from that huge build up of tension. There’s minimal release here in this scene– they’re just dancing and they don’t even speak much, and yet it’s such a big moment (at least for us fans). It’s the gaze they both share. It’s what’s unspoken. Maybe it’s because I read far into things but… it’s the unsaid I’m sorry, it’s the regret they both share, it’s the yearning for something they don’t think they can have. As an audience we know they’re idiots in love whether they want to admit it or not. So that intensity, that wonderful pain, stems from the building need to have our two favorites finally admitting their real feelings. It’s a very intimate and raw and real moment between them, and I feel like it’s rare when we got that from Veronica and Logan (at least Veronica.. maybe that’s harsh) and here we get that. It’s a window into what their true feelings are. And we, as an audience, know that. We feel that. And it’s wonderfully, painfully beautiful.
@fatherjerusalem--Also though, it’s cuz she wanted the D (and I don’t mean Duncan), but didn’t quite know how to admit that yet. I mean, sure, mostly the nice emotional stuff above, but don’t ever doubt the D.
@risssaar--The scene just screams YEARNING to me. It’s in everything from the intense way they stare at each other to the placement of their hands and the way they barely move to the music. Don’t even get me started on the music - the lyrics are so freaking perfect for them and where they are in this moment it’s like the Perishers sat down and crafted it just so Logan x Veronica could have the dance of ultimate UST at the Sadie Hawkins dance. The focus of this whole scene is just them moving slowly in tandem with their hands around each other and gazing at each other really really intensely while the Perishers croon things like “It feels as though we’ve made amends. Like we found a way eventually” in the background. I mean…COME ON, could it be MORE perfect? There’s some epic eye contact here and there’s no doubt at all that these two idiots want each other SO badly yet neither of them takes the first step, so the tension just BUILDS AND BUILDS and we, the audience can feel it. We can feel the tension and the want and the way they almost ache to close the distance between themselves - it leaps off the screen and creates one of my favourite Logan x Veronica scenes ever. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because it’s one of the few scenes where Logan x Veronica are not a couple but still kind of vulnerable and letting their true feelings bleed through,albeit unwittingly/unwillingly. Usually their post breakup conversation is conducted under a layer of sass and snark and this is one of those times where its all stripped away. Once they start dancing it’s all about what their faces and bodies say, the walls usually erected by their words is gone and all that’s left is the WANT. And yeah @fatherjerusalem she wants the D. BADLY. I don’t refer to it in my head as the dance of Ultimate UST for nothing.
@alzaetia--When I watched this ep with my husband, he said, “This dance is exactly their whole relationship. (pause) She should probably just fuck him. She obviously wants to.” Just thought I’d add another opinion from the male mind. Personally, I also saw this dance as a physical representation of their entire season 2 relationship. I call it, “In case you missed season two: This.”
@catalina-infanta--All im going to say is, THANK the GODS we got a movie!!!! Thank Venus the Goddess of Love, Thank Neptune, God of the sea, and yes, thank MARS the GOD of WAR!
@hermione-mak-gilmore--I mean, how perfect is this? This is literally LoVe’s story, or specifically what Logan would say to Veronica if he could. I would elaborate on this, but I think it’s pretty self-explanatory (although, if anyone wants to go full in depth, please do)! As usual, perfect song choices on Rob Thomas’ part!
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