#meta logan x veronica
vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question: 
How long, if ever, would it have taken “our Veronica” to break out of her Pink Veronica shell if Lilly hadn’t died? How would the relationships within the Fab Four be different or the same compared to flashbacks if Lilly wasn’t killed?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@endlessly-besotted--Personally, I think she never would have broken out of her shell. From what little we have seen of Veronica before Lilly’s death, it seems like she is content to fill the role of sidekick. Once Lilly is gone, that’s when Veronica is forced to step out from behind Lilly’s shadow and begin to redefine who she is without Lilly’s influence.
@minipsychologist--I think she was already breaking out. She is the one that willingly helped make fake id’s, and she didn’t shy away from looking at naked pictures (she blushed and acted shocked, but she did not avert her eyes). She was taking notes from Lilly, she just kept in to herself. Overall, you don’t get her sass and wit overnight. It takes years to get to that level, so I truly believe that she was on the cusp of letting it all out.
I believe that Duncan played a bigger role in who she was rather then Lilly. I feel like Lilly knew Veronica as the kick ass soccer player pre-Duncan and then Duncan era Veronica tamed herself down to be what Duncan needed (he def. had a type, and Meg and pre-series Veronica were it), and Lilly wasn’t the biggest fan of that. While we don’t see it, Duncan gives off those vibes of being the boyfriend that states “you look so pretty with long hair”, “I like you in pastels”, “you look so much better when you’re fully covered up”, etc. I can see Veronica falling for that/not knowing that it’s not the healthiest relationship.
If Lilly hadn’t died, and Duncan/Veronica stayed broken up, Veronica would have ended up a lot closer to who she is during the series pretty quickly.
@cheshirecatstrut--Personally, I always assumed Pink Self-Effacing Sidekick Veronica was just a phase. It’s how V behaved as a young, hard-working, well-behaved have-not hanging with glamorous and charismatic haves. She was a little starstruck pre-series, and still learning self-possession.
We can already see, in the season 1 flashbacks, hints of a more assertive and confident Veronica–in the way she cuts Yolanda off at the knees, in the way she crushes on and sabotages her best friend’s boyfriend. She might not have adopted the androgynous styling and penchant for detective work if Lilly hadn’t died, and she hadn’t been raped; her appearance and lifestyle choices might have stayed conventional. But I think eventually, and certainly after Lilly went off to college, she would have grown more sexual and social confidence and come into her own.
And I do honestly believe Logan and Veronica would have ended up dating regardless. The attraction and compatibility were always there–Veronica had  the vengeful mean-girl tendencies Logan admires from the start, he’s the boy most like her beloved father. And the Kanes always planned to move on to more-far-flung and fancier lives…to them, Logan and V were temporarily-entertaining toys.
@iamjmgardner--I think that it’s important to remember that while Lilly’s murder and the ensuing case played a huge role in Veronica’s transformation, her sexual assault, etc. Veronica was still living her life as the child of an alcoholic.
The books give us more perspective on this to see that Lianne’s drinking had always been present in Veronica’s life–had always been a problem in the Mars family. Her drinking didn’t start up once Keith went after Jake–Lianne was always struggling with her own demons.
Knowing this, I think Veronica finds a welcome distraction and solace in the FabFour. I think Lilly’s problems with her parents help Veronica take her mind off of her own problems and Lilly’s wildness allows Veronica to play-act the more “normal, sweet, pretty in pink” teenage girl that she *thinks* she wants to be. Veronica’s problem has always been denying who she really is because “normal” seems easier or better than the truth. I think the version we see of Veronica pre-series was no more the “real” Veronica then the girl we see at the start of the movie. It was the part she was playing during those crucial middle-to-high school years trying to be normally while her mother continued to drink, her parents continued to fight, and she desperately wished her life were normal.
Then, when everything happens with Lilly, she’s heartbroken. Her mom becomes more public with her drinking and eventually splits. Logan starts to highlight all the imperfections in her life because he’s a master at it, and Veronica gets angry because she can’t go on pretending any more. She’s going to have to embrace the truth of her life mess and all, rebuild, and move forward. She does this successfully throughout S1.
 ♥✰_Nat♔Nat_✰ ♥‏ @NatNat (via Twitter)--Honestly I think that this is a no-brainer. Lily's death was needed for Veronica's character progression. She became stronger and more badass while in search for lily's killer.
cattyk8‏ @catty_k8 (via Twitter)-- I like to think of the evolution out of Pink Veronicaness as a question of causation rather than inevitability? Maybe if nothing life-altering happened, she'd have stayed pink. But she was always smart & probably always snarky (if secretly so—possibly why Lilly kept pushing her).
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nep2negrand · 4 years
Sooooo random. Just came across your blog and see you haven't posted in a few years. Kinda dying to know your thoughts on "Season 4".
That is so flattering, @ayy-ohh thank you!!!
I haven’t watched season 4 yet. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure if I ever will. I’ve heard a little tiny bit about what happens and it’s enough to make me feel like I would be a lot happier never seeing it. 
Veronica Mars is a great show that has a lot more to offer than just Veronica/Logan but Veronica/Logan is what matters the most to me so I think I would just be better off without seeing season 4. 
When I rewatched the series for the first time after it had been on originally, I watched the bonus features and there was this pitch video that Rob Thomas did for season 4, with Veronica going off to the FBI Academy and it had a whole new cast of characters and a new love triangle and everything. It made me feel like, “Wow, this guy would literally do anything to keep this show going. He doesn’t even care about the characters who aren’t Veronica.” 
And then I read the novels that take place after the movie, and Logan and Veronica were having issues (there were cute moments too, though) and something seemed to be developing with Leo again. And I thought to myself, “He’s so obsessed with his bittersweet noir endings, he’ll never let Logan and Veronica be happy.”
And then Veronica Mars got a season 4 on Netflix and I was worried, and then I heard a little about it and all of my worst suspicions were confirmed. 
So I’m happy with the movie and I think I’ll just leave the story there. 
I’m one of those people who takes sequel and renewal news and especially spin-off news, for anything, with mixed feelings. I just have too much experience watching the integrity of a story and character relationships get ruined just for the sake of keeping a story going. 
I like the Veronica Mars movie a lot, but even the movie compromises a few things I liked about how the season 3 finale left off. 
But I don’t mean to have a negative attitude about it. For those who liked it, great. I’m happy too...by ignoring it.
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Most people are too hard on Duncan Kane and his relationship with Veronica. Most people tend to give characters like Logan Echolls and Lilly Kane a free pass. The writers dumbed Duncan down quite a bit in Season 1. He knew how Celeste is with his relationships with women. If his mother knew that he and Veronica were siblings, she could have told him from the very beginning. Since we have seen how smart Duncan is in Donut Run, it would make sense for him to find his mother’s claim on he and Veronica being brother/sister very suspicious and out of the ozone. Duncan&Veronica are no Dan&Serena. Yeah, his sister, Lilly, has a more outspoken personality than Duncan, but that is no excuse and reason to paint Duncan as the worst one out of the two. Lilly was the rebel of the family. In the episode, The Girl Next Door, Veronica had asked Lilly to talk to Duncan to figure out why he broke up with her so abruptly. The next day it was very obvious that Lilly knew the reason, but didn’t tell Veronica anyway. Perhaps, Logan also knew of that reason and didn’t tell Veronica, too. I see posts about people criticizing on how Duncan handled the break up by withholding information from her. If people were to say that he was so bad on that, then people should say the same about Lilly, and Logan, possibly.
We see in the exact same episode on Logan and Weevil being all buddy buddy with each other over their African-American teacher being a tight ass on them, giving them detention. The process of them becoming all buddy buddy was a bit slow due to their opposite beliefs on how things should run in the world. When they bonded over their dislike for Mr. Daniels, they decided to damage the teacher’s car by putting it over the flagpole. The result got Weevil expelled up until Logan confessed his part of prank. They then have to paint over the graffiti. While they were starting up, Logan sees a tattoo of Lilly’s name on Weevil’s back and gets pissy over it. Later on in the season, he gets involved with his best friend’s(Duncan) ex-girlfriend. Two years later he sleeps with one of his best friend’s(Dick) serious ex-girlfriend. He gets mad at Piz for being with Veronica, and Duncan for getting back together with Veronica. It’s as if his feelings matter more than any of his friends as long as his dick gets pleasure, which would make him as a horrible friend in that aspect. Duncan gets pissed at Logan over Veronica. Dick gets pissed at Logan over Madison Sinclair.
Most people shit over Duncan at what happened at Shelly Pomroy’s party. What he did in that episode wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t even in his right mind since one of his drinks(or more) have been laced with GHB. Logan and the other people in that crowd weren’t doing Veronica any good service. They used her as a toy for their own amusement, and didn’t care about the repercussions. If anything Dick let her make out with him. Madison spat in her drink and wrote SLUT on her car. Beaver actually raped her. He was in his right mind, and in that right mind he had sex with Veronica without her consent. There was no excuse on that. Logan and Dick got Veronica wasted. They had women and men doing body shots on her without her consent. Logan and Dick were the reason why Duncan and Veronica had sex that night. BOTH Veronica and Duncan weren’t in their right mind that night. Their  inhibitions  were lowered that they couldn’t process anything the right way. Yeah, Duncan was given false information about Duncan’s relations to Veronica by his mother, but he wasn’t in his right mind that night. If Dick and Logan weren’t using Veronica as their toy for the night, Duncan wouldn’t have to play the hero to Veronica that night. Duncan told his friends to leave Veronica alone. If it weren’t for him to tell them that, they would have to proceed to use her as a toy for their own amusement. Another valid comparison between Beaver’s and Duncan’s actions on having sex with Veronica is that she looked willing to consent to Duncan. With Beaver, Veronica was completely knocked out. He didn’t care. He just decided to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his jeans, and unzipped his fly to then proceed to have his dick inside of Veronica’s vagina. Beaver had no remorse towards his actions toward Veronica that night while Duncan clearly did. 
Some of the fandom shits on Duncan for his behavior on Veronica after the break up. They only put the blame all on him for how his own friends made a mockery of her when she picked to stick by her dad’s side. Logan has shown to taunt her and taking dibs at her while Duncan had told him to stop. Duncan still cared about Veronica throughout Season 1. It is just he had to be dumbed down in order for a storyline that wasn’t needed to happen. Again, it is highly suspicious of Celeste to bring up such unsettling information while one of her offspring was in a relationship with Veronica. Veronica to me has Keith like qualities in her. I don’t see any Jake in her.
Most of the VM fandom pays more attention to Logan’s trauma from his dad. I don’t condone what his father did to him, abusing him, enticing his dead girlfriend, and neglecting his mother. I honestly wouldn’t want that from any of my parents. Duncan had some abuse from his parents and trauma from them as well. Jake appeared to be out to get the Mars family.  Celeste was a worse parent than Jake. But they were both bad parents. You remember the ep where they're at the dinner table and he brings up Molly, their dog-and says they got rid of her because she ate one of Celeste's flowers, or something like that? Then Jake was always trying to control Duncan-by putting his name in for class President and he didn't even know it? Telling him life goes on...not understanding his grief over losing his sister like that? Just horrible parents. Very controlling. And just plain mean, when the kids didn't act a certain way like they were supposed to. Duncan has some mental problems that he has to take medication for them. Seeing people shit on a guy with mental problems, yet praise a man who has some problems who doesn’t have to take any medication just doesn’t really do it for me.
Most people often bring up the fact that Duncan never told his parents that he got back together with Veronica. I actually understood his reasons. It was never like he was embarrassed by being with Veronica or ashamed by the relationship. He loved Veronica to the moon and back. It is just that he knows that his mom told him a bullshit lie about he and Veronica being related, and how she is about the relationship. Like I’ve said that his parents tend to be controlling and close minded towards him. I have been through the same thing, but without a paternity reveal.
If the people who are too harsh on Duncan, they have to not be so blind sighted by Logan and own up to his defaults because I know damn well that he has some!
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So i know a lot of people feel that season 2 and 3 was lacking compared to season 1, especially in terms of Veronicas character. But i cant pinpoint why? Anyone want to give some insight?
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My 2019 Blog Review
Today's the last day of 2019, so I thought it would be fun to dig through my archive and reflect on my blog activity over the past year. I am doing this on my phone but once I have access to a computer again, I'll put this all under a cut. I just can't do it on my phone.
Jan 2019
- Tumblr's background color changed and apparently I'm the only one who liked the change.
- Kingdom Hearts 3 release -- of course, this was a huge thing in my blog at the time. Afterall, I'd only been waiting 15 years for this game. And while I definitely had problems with the game, it also had some very memorable moments that I loved...like Sora punching Davey Jones (I never ever want to forget that moment).
- I began my adventure of learning Japanese. I'm doing pretty good so far.
- The Mummy (Brendon Fraser) appreciation. Occamshipper apparently doesn't like these movies but I love them. I met some great people because I told occamshipper that whereas they didn't like The Mummy Returns, it is in fact one of my favorite all time movies.
- Lots of rambling about my love for Lucy Heartfilia and the Nalu ship from Fairy Tail.
Feb 2019
- BoA Appreciation. I love K-Pop and BoA is one of my all time favs.
- The Vic Micnogna scandal. Honestly, I don't really care about what's going on with the trial, what bothers me is the stain that was left on Funimation because of it. The voice actors really alienated the fanbase in this scandal and I didn't like that.
- Power Rangers appreciation. I love Power Rangers and unironically, too. My favorite power ranger is Adam from Mighty Morphin.
- Within Temptation's new Resist Album dropped and I loved it. I love these epic stories they tell with their albums and the vibes they give.
- I watched the Mythica franchise and my appreciation affair for Zombie Girl began.
- Ronon/Keller appreciation. I loved this pairing so much and I'm super sad the show never did more with them.
- Legacies Reviews. Apparently people find me funny? I have a sense of humor that people enjoy?
Mar 2019
- Emily Bett Rickards revealed she would not be on Arrow for its final season. I was really depressed a out that and I got a lot of hate from comic book fans for daring to say that I like the character of Felicity Smoak.
- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles appreciation. One of my favorite anime/manga of all time.
- I was a victim of credit card fraud because of Creation Entertainment and then they tried to deny they were at fault despite hundreds of their customers reporting credit card fraud all at the same time. They eventually retracted their statement but because of this, I will probably never go to a Creation convention again. They're way overpriced and I certainly will not entrust my important info to them again.
Apr 2019
- Shadowhunters final season started airing and they went from irritating to just plain boring. Seriously, the season's biggest crime isn't how misogynist and racist it was, it was that it was completely nonsensical and boring for me.
- The release of Taylor Swift's and Brendon Urie's collab of ME! and I seem to be the only one that seems to legitimately love that song (even the "spelling is fun" part, RIP you beautiful lyric, alas, you were too good and pure to last in this hateful unfunny world of judgemental culture).
- The X Family appreciation. This is one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas and definitely my favorite series in the KO franchise.
- I broke up with the main SPN meta community (otherwise known as the Positive Police). We just didn't see eye-to-eye. I didn't appreciate them lording over the fandom telling people what they should and should not ship, telling people what they should and should not like...and they didn't appreciate me saying so. Lots of blocking went on and I'm still eternally sorry for the people that got blocked by these big fish because they simply liked my posts.
May 2019
- Game of Thrones crappy ending. What is there to really say about it? It was terrible and misogynist AF.
- Ezra appreciation from the Natural Oneders TFS at the Table D&D campaign. Ezra Lockwood was my favorite character and I'm not okay with how he was written out of the campaign.
- I was quite angry about Dean destroying Chuck's guitar like Dean was a 5-year-old child angry that he didn't get his way (seriously, Dean needs to be sent to time-out).
Jun 2019
- Quicksilver and Dadneto meta commentary from FOX 's X-Men franchise. So much lost potential there, unfortunately (thanks, Dark Phoenix).
- Orca appreciation. They're beautiful, majestic creatures and I love them, they might be my spirit animal.
- Someone unfollowed me because I wasn't giving enough attention to real-world problems. Essentially, I wasn't woke enough I guess. But I'm sorry, if I want to feel all righteous and justicey, I'll watch the news. Social justice and politics are not primary focuses of this blog.
- Godzilla King of Monsters was fantastic.
- Chuck TV Series appreciation. I love this show and I miss it dearly.
Jul 2019
- Veronica Mars Season 4 discourse. Essentially I hate what happened to Logan and what it means for Veronica's character moving forward.
- Played Love Island The Game and had way more fun than I probably rightfully should've had.
Aug 2019
- Re-watched Sailor Moon and then watched Sailor Moon Crystal. Both shows are so much fun. Plus, I love Sailor Jupiter. I love Jupiter's personality and her power aesthetic is badass to match her personality.
- Taylor Swift's Lover album dropped. I might be in the minority but it actually ranks pretty low on my list of Taylor Swift albums.
- Skillet's Victorious album dropped a d ot was a huge disappointment for me.
- I found watermelon to be my new favorite post-workout snack.
Sep 2019
- I watched The Untamed and I absolutely adore this show. I started watching more chinese dramas because of this show. And whereas I haven't found something I enjoyed quite as much from the chinese drama list, I've still greatly enjoyed a lit of the shows...but they still have nothing on The Untamed. The Untamed is just so good.
- Lover Fest was announced. And it was real shady the dealings that were going on with this. It actually kind of made me wary of actually wanting to see Taylor live.
Oct 2019
- I began the Korean drama, Extra-Ordinary You. I haven't finished it yet, but I plan to. I wanted to wait until the entire series was done airing. It does really interesting things with tropes and I greatly enjoy this show and can't wait to to return to it.
- Sherlolly appreciation. Rediscovered my love for the Sherlock/Molly ship from Sherlock.
-Leverage appreciation. Absolutely fantastic show. Highly recommend it.
Nov 2019
-Psych tv series appreciation. Another one of my favorite shows of all time.
- I wrote a Dean Winchester endgame meta. It was fun.
Dec 2019
- Kamen Rider Den-O appreciation. My favorite from the Kamen Rider franchise. I've been re-watching it and it's so much fun. Sato Takeru is amazing in it and the fact that this one of his first acting jobs and he's able to pull off doing so many different characters is seriously amazing.
- SPN finally brought us an angel/vessel dynamic in the form of Adam and Michael and it was amazing.
- The Jumanji re-make appreciation. I love it and The Next Level is just as good as its predecessor and I'm anxiously awaiting the next film in the franchise.
- My thoughts on why I'm single. Mainly because I'm lazy and I just don't feel like doing through all of the work involved in dating.
There you have it. That's 2019 for me. It had its ups and its downs but blog wise, I think I had a pretty good year.
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scabopolis · 6 years
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It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! Last month the wonderful @vmheadquarters crew hosted their holiday-ficathon, and now it’s time to for the 2019 Logan x Veronica AU Week!
As some of you may know, this year’s Logan & Veronica AU Week was inspired by the top 7-Logan x Veronica moments as voted on by part of the tumblr fam! 
The top 7-moments as decided by you all are (actual prompts are below and in the header): 
7. "Come back to me." / "Always." 6. 1x20 bathroom makeout scene 5. Pillar sex! 4. 2x17 Sway slow dance 3. 1x21 Logan makes a choice between V and his friends 2. 2x20 Alterna-prom emotional confessions 1. 1x18 Camelot kiss
We’ll start celebrating the week prior to the anniversary of the movie premiere and conclude on the actual fifth anniversary of the Veronica Mars movie: Friday, March 8th to Thursday, March 14th!
Let’s celebrate all things Alternative Universe!Logan & Veronica. Fics, gifsets, graphics, meta,  edits, fanart, fan mixes…you create it and we will freak!
Interpret the days below (again, also listed up in the header) however you like. In fact, use the days themselves as merely suggestions. Not particularly inspired by the prompt provided for the 5th-favorite moment (Pillar sex!)? Then, baby, modify it! 
Please feel free to post whatever you wish, whenever you wish! These are merely guidelines.
Most importantly: tag everything #LV AU Week in the first five tags so all those who love these two idiots can see and track.
Day 1: "Come back to me.” / “Always.” (7th-favorite moment - Logan and Veronica say farewell at the end of the movie. / What are AU ways to include this beautiful dialogue in a new setting?) 
Day 2: Secret Relationship (6th- favorite moment - 1x20 bathroom makeout. Secrets are kind of hot, right? Well...prove it.)
Day 3: Prosthetic Love by Typhoon  (5th-favorite moment - Pillar sex! Prosthetic Love is the sexy sexy song playing during the bangage. A song that when the track listing for the movie soundtrack came out prior to the movie, @absolutelyiris had pegged as a sexy times song. Is Veronica singing it in a 1940s AU as a lounge singer? Does a particular lyric inspire you to reimagine the whole movie? Going to go old school and do a song!fic?)
Day 4: “Dance with me”  (4th-favorite moment - 2x17 dance at the Sadie Hawkins / all that slow dancing and emotional constipation?! yes please!)
Day 5: A line in the sand (3rd-favorite moment - 1x21 Logan makes a choice between Veronica and his friends. / think Disney Channel movie AU where Logan asks Veronica to make a choice beween her dreams of being a baton twirler and a master cheese-puff baker. So much sand. So many lines.)
Day 6: Confessions (2nd-favorite moment - 2x20 alterna-prom pining and emotional confessions)
Day 7: Camelot (1st-favorite moment - 1x18 Camelot kiss / maybe Logan and Veronica star in a college production of Camelot? Maybe Logan pops up during Veronica’s pilot stakeout at said no-tell motel.)
Again, the top-7 moments as voted on by the fandom were the inspiration for these prompts. They are not demanding a canon-divergence scenario for each day of the week (unless you want to! and in that case divergence away!)
If you’re not able to generate content for LV AU Week, consider taking the time to reblog, 1) the wonderful content that will be produced, and/or 2) AUs written throughout the year you’ve already fallen in love with.
Finally, if you’re interested in seeing how all the moments were voted upon, you’re welcome to take a look here!
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octoberwren · 7 years
My OTP list as of 2017 (who says you can only have one?! Pfft)
If you want any metas on these couples, I’d be more than happy to write it. (I have no life)
In no particular order
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1) Sherlock is emotionally constipated and Molly is the best optimist. She brings out he's humanity in the best way. From knowing he fucked up and apologizing for real for the first time, then trusting her with his life. Wanting the absolute best for her, wanting her to be happy and safe and loved. And then... Finally realising he loves her. It's just so damn beautiful, I can't even explain.
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How do I put into words how thoroughly these two have fucked me up?! I can't. She has loved him through everything. They've died (him twice) for each other, just for the hope that the other would live and be safe. And I cannot explain to you enough how chapter 499 screwed with me, I was crying for a week on and off. My family though I was was bat shit...They were probably right.
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What can I say? This couple gets me, the angst, the will they won’t they, the obvious soulmate aspect? These two break me. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. I got into Fandom because of Olicity, I started writing fanfic because of them. I will always watch them because they are perfect for each other...I’m just waiting on the wedding to be honest.
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No scene available...
But the truth is that these two
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have one of the best fandoms out there. With a bunch of fanfics, fanart and all sorts that got me hooked immediately. Seriouslys guys do you know how much fanfics I’ve read...soooo many. I love them. 
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Do I need to say anything else?..I shall though.
One of the may reasons I adore vegeta is he is the most developed character out of DBZ. He went from not giving two shits about Bulma dying (Cell Saga) to surpassing Goku when Buma got hit. He is a loving father and a more than loving husband now, and I get all the feels even thinking about it. My brother and I have many conversations about DBZ because he’s favourite character is Goku and mine is Vegeta, (so if you want me to tell you more just ask I’d love to go more indepth) but I have loved this couple ever since they surprised the hell out us.
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And last but not least
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No one can tell me that his couple wasn’t endgame because they fucking were! All my hate for season 7 and Sam and Fez. No. Hyde grounded Jackie and Jackie gave ‘Steven someone to love. Seriously fuck the writers I will always have love in my heart for this couple and a rage that won’t quit for the people that fucked them over.
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Honorable mentions:
Logan x Veronica: LoVe
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Steroline: Stefan x Caroline
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Jughead x Betty: Bughead
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@rootingformephistopheles posted a looooooooooong list of fanfiction questions right here.
I answered every damn one of them before I realized it was probably meant to be an askbox thing.  SO, here you fuckers go.  (it’s five pages long, wtf.  so it’s under a readmore to save your dashboard)
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Xenaverse, including Hercules: the Legendary Journeys.  I did PBeM (play by email) role play, and then moved to fanfic, and then slash fanfic.
2. What is your latest fandom?
I have three, technically.  Doctor Who, Hannibal, and Gotham
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Hannibal.  Fannibals are the best, by 100 miles.  I’m sure there’s bad parts of the fandom, I’ve just never yet run across them.  
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
As far as the people go? Highlander.  There was a lot of overlap, at the time, with The Sentinel, both shows I enjoyed.  I just feel like there were a lot of assholes in the Highlander fandom who disliked me and my writing because of the people I was friends with, not because I sucked (and believe me, I did.  I have the fic to prove it.)  
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
From my AO3 dashboard:
Smallville --  The Sentinel -- Hannibal (TV) -- Doctor Who (2005) -- Supernatural -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Veronica Mars -- Stargate SG-1 -- Actor RPF -- Charlie Countryman/Spacedogs -- Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling -- Adam (2009)/Spacedogs – Brimstone -- Supernatural RPF  -- Stargate Atlantis -- Yami No Matsuei | Descendants of Darkness -- The Fast and the Furious (2001) -- Sherlock (TV) -- The Blair Witch Project (1999) -- Star Trek: The Original Series -- Sense and Sensibility (1995) --  Law & Order: SVU -- Lost Boys (Movies) -- Watchmen (2009) -- Lost (1) -- Smallville RPF -- Marvel Cinematic Universe (1) --  Gargoyles (TV) -- Dogma (1999)
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh my fucking God. Okay, here goes:
Xena/Ares and Xena/Autolycus, Xenaverse; Clark/Lex and Lionel/Chloe, Smallville; Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg, the Sentinel; Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, Hannibal; Doctor/Rose, Nine/Rose/Jack, Doctor Who; Dean/Sam, Supernatural; Buffy/Spike, Giles/Ethan, Spike/Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, John Winchester/Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars; Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson, Stargate SG-1; Ezekiel/Lucifer, Brimstone; John/Rodney, Stargate Atlantis; Muraki x Tsuzuki, Yami No Matsuei; Dom/Brian, the Fast and the Furious; John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, BBC Sherlock; Nigel Lupei/Adam Raki, Spacedogs; Kirk/Spock, Star Trek; Christopher Brandon/Eleanor Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility; Rafael Barba/Olivia Benson, Law & Order SVU; Elisa Maza/Goliath, Gargoyles.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I don’t really have NoTPs in the fandoms I’ve written in.  I have a few NoTPs in general, though, although I’m not listing them here because wow, would I cause some hurt feelings.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I saw the gifsets from The Wrath of the Lamb, and I saw the name Hannibal Lecter being bandied about, and I fell in love because I’ve loved Hannibal Lecter ever since Red Dragon.  I don’t know how I missed out on hearing about the show when it first came out, but holy hell, am I sorry.  I’ve been a Fannibal ever since.  It was the same story with Gotham.  I’d actively avoided Gotham because of the debacle of Smallville, but it was the Nygmobblepot gifs and Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin that finally drew me in.
 9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Fannibals are fucking awesome, yo.  They’re the best thing about the fandom; hell, they *are* the fandom.  I love them all, every one.  From well-thought out meta to cracked out gifsets to the supportive fanfic community.  It’s amazing.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Because I write, I try not to read a lot, because I don’t want to accidentally crib from someone else’s story, or steal someone else’s idea, because I know what it’s like to pour your life into things.
 Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
 11. Who is your current OTP?
Hannibal/Will, Doctor/Rose, and Oswald/Edward
 12. Who is your current OT3?
Nine/Jack/Rose. That’s pretty much it.
 13. Any NoTPs?
None I’ll share.
 14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Jim Gordon/Harvey Bullock, and I’m sure there’s more that I can’t think of right now. 
 15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I think I’m probably the only person who actually ships it, but John Winchester/Veronica Mars.
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Destiel.  I dislike Destiel with a passion.  Ditto Barisi.  That’s about it.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Ares/Strife.  They’re not my favorite by any means, but I still have a huge soft spot for them.  
 18. What ship have you written the most about?
uh, probably Clark/Lex or Jim/Blair, just due to the length of time I was in both fandoms.  
 19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Destiel and Barisi. They’re popular ships shipped by some people I really like, but I just can’t get behind them.  It’s a knee-jerk thing.  I can’t even really voice why I dislike them as much as I do, I just do.
 20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Nygmobblepot, actually. I didn’t think I was going to like anything in Gotham, much less the Penguin and the Riddler, but damned if I don’t love it so much I’m actually writing about it as we speak.  
Author Questions
 21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Detested Sport, it was from a Shakespeare quote, I think, and it was Ares/Strife. I think it’s lost to the world, thank fucking God.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Writing?  No.  Sharing? Yes.  It’s called “My Soul’s Imaginary Sight,” and it’s the first time I used an OC, Meravin, who has gone through about a billion evolutions since, and has ended up as a Star Wars OC named Sheridan.  I wish I hadn’t shared it, because while it was a definitely needed step in my development as a writer, it’s such a blatant self-insert Mary Sue that I really regret sharing it.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Shoah.  It’s a Sentinel fic, written for one of the “Many Faces Of…” edition of My Mongoose e-zines.  I think it was MFO Jim.  But it’s an AU set during the Holocaust, in one of the concentration camps.  It’s not a particularly cheerful story, and the writing process was terrible.  I did so much research trying to make it honest to the experience that I spent whole evenings crying in chat windows with my friends Lisa and Patt, who basically hand-held me through the worst of it.  But I’m inordinately fond of it, because of the work that went into it, and of how it came out.  It’s not my best writing, by a long shot, but I think it’s probably my most emotional and evocative.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
Pretty much everything prior to my Doctor Who fic.  I’m very critical of my earlier works.
 25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
A recent one, Consortio, an ABO Hannigram sort-of Medieval-ish handwavey AU.  
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Quotations, song lyrics, poetry, Shakespeare, sometimes pulled out of my ass.
 27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
 28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Dealer’s choice, really. I’d just be thrilled for anybody to pick SOMETHING.  
 29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I do not, although I fear I need one for Gotham.  It’s more a personal choice than anything else.  I’ve got a particular style that doesn’t always mesh well with taking concrit, and while my grammar is very… erratic, at times (stuff it, I love my commas as you can tell), I feel like I should be the arbiter of what I create.
 30. What inspires you to write?
Practically anything. Songs, less often.  TV shows of the source material, obviously.  Movies, sometimes.  Random quotes, what ifs, conversations with friends, AU lists, prompt lists, sentence starters…
 31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
It’s from a writer named Mysenia on my fic Consortio:  “All the kudos! Just re-read this story, and I loved it every bit as much as I did the first time :D”  Because that’s honestly the first time anyone has mentioned re-reading something of mine in the comment, and it made me so happy for DAYS
 32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Actually, it depends on what I’m writing.  If I’m working on writing sex, then I need dance music, which I usually abhor.  I find the Matrix soundtracks work really well, as do Rammstein albums.  If I’m doing emotional/angsty things, then Meat Loaf is my go-to.  Otherwise, it’s kind of a mish-mash.  My music folders are here, on my Google drive, if anyone is really interested in anything I listen to.
 33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
Mostly one-shots, although I’ve been known to do a chaptered fic/series once in a while.
 34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
7,706 on “The Masks We Wear.”  I’ve got a series of fics that is 35,498, over about fifteen different stories.  Consortio and Kastytis are both chaptered, so they don’t count.  Consortio is 23,088 and Kastytis is 24,706
 35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
Strictly 100 word pieces? Not any more.  I used to write for drabble challenges, but I can never stay within the word limit any more.  If you mean 200 words or less drabble-ishes, then yes, I do write those.  About a lot of things, really.  
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
I’m kind of fond of first-times, although that’s not a given.  I don’t tend to stick to any one given genre.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third, unless it’s some VERY special occasion.  First person drives me nuts.  I love the Hunger Games books, but seeing things as Katniss gives me hives from time to time.  
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I’ve done both, actually, although 99% of my OC writing stays private.  Which is sometimes a pity, because I think I’ve written some pretty good shit with some of my OCs.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
I don’t know that I really have one.
 40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Staying in character, finishing what I start.
 Fanfiction Questions
 41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I’m not reading anything right now.  Except Stephen King’s IT
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Just five?  @slashyrogue, @damnslippyplanet, @granpappy-winchester, @mummyholmesisupset, @moku-youbi
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
@bonearenaofmyskull, @crossroadscastiel, @bu0nanotte, @granpappy-winchester, @moku-youbi
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
All of them.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Home and Dry by @moku-youbi
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Consortio, or Kastytis. They’re both Hannigram AUs, and I feel like they’re the best examples of my writing style.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
AO3 and Wonderful World of Make Believe, where I am woefully behind.  But AO3, because I enjoy having everything in one place, easy to use dashboard and posting interface, and it’s pre-sorted for me.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Mostly I do, because I know how valuable the reviews are to writers.  I try and speak to what I liked best about the story, or how it moved me.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I don’t want to care, but I do.  I want the validation, dammit.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I eased into it by way of RP.  Play by email was my thing, and I loved reading threads strung together, which was basically fanfiction.  Then a friend of mine introduced me to Ares/Joxer slash, and I’ve just gone from there.  I’ve always written it, as long as I can remember, even though I didn’t know that’s what it was called.  
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
The one thing I hate in the world of fanfiction is the kind of elitism that is absolutely bullshit. As a writer, if you don’t write the pairing du jour, or the kind of thing that the fandom at large is clamoring for (RPF, AU, ABO, ten thousand other different things) then you don’t get a bit of recognition no matter how good you are.  Hannibal fandom is the first time that I’ve not seen this.  This is the only fandom that I know of where an author can write what they want to write and still be recognized for it.  
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allthevmff · 6 years
by nevertothethird
It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! We are only 3-days away from the start of 2019 Logan x Veronica AU Week!
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Originally posted by arianasofiaojeda
The party starts the week prior to the anniversary of the movie premiere and concludes on the actual fifth anniversary of the Veronica Mars movie: Friday, March 8th to Thursday, March 14th!
Let’s celebrate all things Alternative Universe!Logan & Veronica. Fics, gifsets, graphics, meta,  edits, fanart, fan mixes…you create it and we will freak!
While there are prompts for each day, they are truly intended to inspire you to interpret in any way you see fit! 
Day 1: “Come back to me.” / “Always.” Day 2: Secret Relationship Day 3: Prosthetic Love by Typhoon Day 4: “Dance with me”  Day 5: A line in the sand Day 6: Confessions Day 7: Camelot
And, to make it easier on everyone, I created a 2019 Logan x Veronica AU Week Collection on AO3. If you’re an AO3 user, feel free to post fic, podfic, art over there!
Most importantly: tag everything #LV AU Week in the first five tags so all those who love these two idiots can see and track.
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Originally posted by quotes4thoughts
If you’re not able to generate content for LV AU Week, consider taking the time to reblog, 1) the wonderful content that will be produced, and/or 2) AUs written throughout the year you’ve already fallen in love with.
Any questions? My inbox is open, though it does resemble organized chaos at all times.
via nevertothethird https://ift.tt/2CymHFF March 18, 2019 at 04:31PM
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dancesontheedge · 7 years
I was just tagged in the 10 characters in 10 fandoms thing again, this time by @sagiow.  If you’ll recall, last time I was tagged I chose ten male characters from ten fandoms, with explanations. FIND IT HERE.  This time, it’s the ladies’ turn!  Again, there may be fic recs coming, and most of them will probably route you to ffn.  Again, these characters are presented in no particular order. Again, have a cut, because this is getting long.
Sandriline (Sandry) Fa Toren (Circle of Magic, Tamora Pierce)
Sandry is what I aspire to be.  She’s a community builder, who is able to pull people from all walks of life together into a shared purpose.  She is also quiet, and if somebody wasn’t paying attention they wouldn’t notice her there, doing what needs to be done.  She is careful and always brave, looking to make connections between people and unafraid to protect those she loves.  She is the Tamora Pierce heroine who is most like me as well, in several ways.  She is fine-boned and has light brown hair (which pleased 10-year-old me).  She feels the pull of duty strongly.  She also sews; as a stitch witch her talents lay in the traditionally feminine.  It was also recently confirmed, by Tammy herself, that Sandry is asexual, just like me.
Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Sybil is a force of nature.  I fell for Sybil when she decided that she was going to help Gwen get a secretary job, come hell or high water.  That sort of solidarity and lack of concern for “propriety” made me love her.  That she turned out to be a little rebel with little patience for nonsensical societal rules was just icing on the cake.  What enchants me about Sybil is how much she cares for others, and her lack of selfishness in doing so.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to allow Gwen to give up-- that way, Gwen would always be there as a friend.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to not even try to be a nurse.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to not fight at all, but she fought.
The Clover Among the Poppies. By The Yankee Countess.  Sybil is a nurse on the western front instead of at Downton.  She meets Tom while he serves as an ambulance driver. Where Women Roll and Men Thunder. By foojules.  Modern AU.  Sybil is on Holiday in Australia when she meets Tom, a car mechanic, in the middle of nowhere. Driving Lessons by MrsTater.  Tom teaches Sybil to drive, s1. Hollowing Stone by shuofthewind.  Soulmate AU, with much introspection, angst, and friendship-- exactly as it should be.  s1.
Emma Green (Mercy Street)
From episode 1, I knew that Emma was going to be my favorite.  She is such a complicated character, and I think her growth over the course of the two seasons we have of Mercy Street is quite realistic.  She goes from naive and willful daughter of the Confederacy to a practiced Union nurse, struggling to overcome the prejudices that have been ingrained in her since birth.  She has setbacks, and wants things to go back to the way they were before, when she was comfortable and her family was happy.  She spends a large amount of time trying to deny that everything has changed. The Emma that we see is wracked with growing pains as she realizes that things are not as she thought.  I can’t let this turn into an Emma Green meta.  Just.  I love her.
This fandom is sufficiently small that you can find all of it pretty quickly.  If you want to read some of my takes though, you can find me on AO3 as dancingontheedge
Natasha Romanoff (MCU)
Natasha Romanoff is fascinating.  She’s a chameleon, a spy trying to work for the good of others and sometimes failing.  She is determined and witty and *sad*.  It’s so sad, she has lost everything.  Her tragic backstory is so truly tragic, and that she still has the faith to even try to do good is impressive.  Also, she’s amazingly badass.
A Widow’s Tale Series by Mhalachai.  Basically a long, plotty character study, all about Natasha.  Minor crossover with Stargate.  Nat/Bucky.  Not WS compliant. Bringing the War Home Series by dirgewithoutmusic.  I’m gonna go ahead and rec the entire series, even though only two of the fics are about Nat.  Because everyone needs women of the MCU character studies in their life. Freezer Burn series by Domenika Marzione.  Comics/MCU mashup that follows a different Avenger in each of the major stories. Freezer Burn follows Steve, Thaw follows Clint, Revenant follows Nat.
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
I could hardly make this list without discussing my first love, Leia Organa.  Leia who was funny and witty and smart.  Leia who fought the empire and won.  Leia who was always on top of her game, even when she wasn’t.  Looking at her now, I can see that she triumphed over incredible personal loss, survived torture, and still continued to lead.  She never lost faith or hope that anyone could see.  She didn’t have the luxury.  Five-year-old me didn’t see that.  Didn’t see Leia’s struggle.  She only saw the strong, smart, kind, beautiful princess that Leia projected.  And that was enough.  Leia was a leader, and she was never afraid.  And what more could a five year old hope for in a role model?
Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
I haven’t much to say about Chloe, but she was the best thing about Smallville.  Well, her and the naming of “Chronic Good Guy Disease.”  Chloe was curious and smart and always on top of everything.  She was ambitious, and when her ambition to be an investigative journalist was derailed she didn’t let it slow her down for long.  She kept using her skills to do good in the world, even if it wasn’t the way she intended.
Everything by BlueSuedeShoes, but especially Extraordinarily Ordinary and Never a Bride
Aly Homewood (Tortall, Tamora Pierce)
What a badass.  She is the perfect spymaster, poised to take down the corrupt imperialist regime and replace them with the true leaders.  Her story is a rollicking good time, if you like revolutionary intrigue.  And she’s just so smart and calculating and fabulous?  One of the first things that we see her do, for example, is get in a fight in the slave pen, before the auction.  Her purpose: to look like trouble and appear less pretty, to avoid being purchased as a pleasure slave.  She’s lucky, and it works. That’s what I’m talking about.  She’s brilliant. (read about Aly in Trickster’s Choice and Trickster’s Queen by Tamora Pierce)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
What happened to Veronica before season 1 scares me to my bones.  It’s up there in worst nightmare territory.  But you know, she handled it.  She got tough, and she got even.  It’s not a particularly healthy way to live, but it’s a good way to survive the hellscape that was Neptune High.  I’m more like long-hair, pale-pink Veronica than biting, vengeful Veronica, but she’s smart, she’s tough, she’s good at what she does.  And what she does is *good.*  Veronica Mars helps people, she solves their problems.  So even though she’s jaded and bitter and angry, she’s still good.  And that makes her fascinating.
Death Becomes Him by Mediancat.  AU in which Aaron Echolls dies in Echolls Family Christmas, with requisite ripples. LoVe His Friend Too by arbailey.  AU in which Veronica discovers Lilly with Aaron before the events of the series.  Focus on Logan and Veronica as friends (then more) and how Veronica confronts Lilly’s bad behavior with Lilly still alive. Some Truths Hurt by jenwin23.  AU in which Veronica gets Duncan’s journals in Echolls Family Christmas, with requisite reveals and ripples.  Only fic I’ve ever enjoyed reading in script format.
Rogue (X-Men)
Rogue can’t touch anyone.  That’s it, that’s her schtick.  And it’s heartbreaking, and heartrendingly relatable.  That’s why I love Rogue.  She can’t touch anyone, and it hurts my heart.  Also, it makes for some suuuper USTy romy fic, and that’s the best thing ever.
Absolutely Maybe by Tamarai.  Arranged Marriage AU.  Wolverine and the X-Men ‘verse Collision of Coincidence by Tamarai.  Rogue hires Remy to be her boyfriend after Bobby insists they make their relationship an open one.  Movie ‘verse, non-cure ending, not Origins Wolverine compliant Squeaky and Stripes by Chellerbelle.  In order to save the life of a rapidly de-aging Remy, Rogue absorbs him.  When they wake up, they are both thirteen years old.  They go through puberty again, together, and wind up falling in love.  Slow burn.  Movie ‘verse, Origins Wolverine compliant. Queen’s High by PrettyGothGirl.  To prevent Rogue from killing a cheating Bobby, Logan sends her on a recruiting mission-- convince Remy to join the x-men.  Movie ‘verse, non-cure ending, not Origins Wolverine compliant.
Mulan (Disney’s Mulan)
Everyone knows who Mulan is, yes?  Good.  I like her because she’s tough, because she doesn’t quite fit, she feels compelled by duty and honor to do things, she loves her family.  And she dresses up as a soldier and is a complete badass.
Soldier by FearandLoathingXIX.  Takes place during the “Be a Man” musical number.  An exploration of thoughts, feelings, character growth, and badassery
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
I’m a LoVe shipper and I just read MKAT for first time. Loved it, except for the Leo thing at end. What are people’s thoughts on what was going on with V there? Why does she “consider” a relationship with Leo briefly, when she clearly is happy/in love with Logan? Just what??? 
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And here’s what you had to say:
@somekindofflowergirl--It’s been a while since I read it when it initially came out, but I didn’t take it as Veronica seriously thinking about breaking up with Logan to be with Leo. I took it more as a what-if, when she was imagining how her life would be different if she had been with Leo, and how in many ways it would be easier but also true to herself because Leo gets that part of her that a Piz or Duncan never could.
It may be because I’ve been married a long time, and I know that these thoughts happen (at least for me) when we’re going through a rough time—it has never been a serious consideration, and doesn’t mean I don’t love my husband. It actually to me is indicative of how much Veronica loves Logan because she considers that all the above is true and still chooses him.
@endlessly-besotted--I took it as her being (briefly) scared of the commitment it takes to be with Logan. As we know, when things tend to get real, V likes to run the other way. She’s scared of the consequences of being truly happy with him so she briefly considers why she just didn’t choose a more convenient relationship with Leo who understands her career and is more available than Logan. That being said, I want to point out that while Leo understands her career, he still doesn’t fully understand her. At the end book he makes a comment about her going legit and working with the police. She’s always straddled that fine line of wanting to do the right thing, but not always being able to do it exactly legal. He likes her detective lifestyle but not the way she always does it…unlike Logan, who doesn’t always get it, but respects how she does it.
@fatherjerusalem--Do I *actually* think that the ending of MKAT is a whole love triangle thing and that Veronica was seriously thinking about banging Leo? No. I think it was an idle thought that was quickly brushed away because she is in love with Logan.
That being said, for all of the credit - deserved and undeserved - that Rob Thomas gets, it’s easy to overlook that he can be incredibly lazy as a writer. He recycles entire plotlines and scenes (word for word) from Veronica Mars onto iZombie, and his overreliance on the shitty, terrible, fucking lazy, god damned idiotic love triangle trope is worse than 1980s Madonna’s overreliance on hairspray.
One of the many reasons that, while I’m excited for the revival, there will always be that wary feeling inside me when it comes to Rob Thomas now.
@absolutelyiris--Yup, pretty much what FJ said all the way.  I actually thought it was quite in character for Veronica since her first instinct is usually to run and the idea of “easy” was tempting, but we all have to remember, at the very end, she still chooses Logan and “epic” over “easy.” That was the lesson. Now if only RT would remember that…
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
When Kendall interrupts V and L kissing at the end, it seems she grabs his butt or something similar when she walks by to head to Keith’s office. And Logan looks amused, smirking, etc. Am I way off base? If not, what’s up with that?? I know he just insulted her, but I don’t like the closeness.
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And here’s what you had to say:
@cheshirecatstrut--I think Kendall just bumps into Logan on her way to talk to Keith? It doesn’t seem to me she grabs him. 
And IMO, he’s smirking because Veronica’s acting territorial and Kendall’s bitter about what a cute couple LoVe make. Logan feels proud that, despite the Morning After Epic, he managed to finally disentangle from Kendall and win Veronica back.
Isa‏ @IsazuJul 31 (via Twitter)-- She only bumps her shoulder with his
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
For “Ask the Fandom”… I just saw the GIF of the “liquid evil” comment that Veronica throws back at Logan in Season 2 and it made me think: Do you think, on some level, Veronica running away from Logan is in part do to the fact that his father is, in fact, evil? Do you think that Logan feels Aaron’s actions had any impact on his relationship with Veronica?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@leuberpwnage-- Does Logan feel, in S2, that Aaron’s Aaron-ness affected their relationship? Probably. Whether Veronica feels so is the more interesting question for me. She is supportive as supportive can be for the month or so after the bridge fiasco. She sticks with him when he’s the target of the town’s frustration, and she defends him–whether he knows it or not–whenever the opportunity arises. But does she associate his general trainwreck tendencies with his parentage and upbringing?
On some level, she must. She knows just enough about his family life to know that he’s incapable of being the picket-fence normal which she ostensibly seeks. And it wouldn’t be a reach to suggest that Aaron’s being a narcissistic, manipulative, murderous kind of dude colors V’s perceptions of her doe-eyed guy. Even if she wanted to believe the best of him (she doesn’t, given her own issues), literally every person in her life’s disapproval of Logan would hardly encourage trust and warm fuzzies. The nagging voices in the back of our heads are funny little things.
@mysilverylining-- I always interpret the “liquid evil” comment as just flirty banter, like an inside joke going back to when they dated the first time.  
I honestly don’t believe Aaron even factored into Veronica’s decisions about Logan.   
To begin with, she’d already experienced becoming a pariah simply because of the actions of her father, and wasn’t about to treat anybody else the same way. 
Secondly, she went back to Duncan, whose family was directly responsible for (1) threatening her life in order to drive her mother out of town (2) covering up the murder of their own daughter (3) letting an innocent man serve time for said murder, and (4) playing victim when Keith didn’t buy their story, painting him to the press as a bumbling sheriff, initiatiating the election recall, and driving him out of office. You could argue that nearly everything wrong in Veronica’s life came at the hands of the Kane family.  
Anyway, I don’t think she held the sins-of-the-father against either of the boys.  Duncan seemed happy enough to be on the receiving end of that kind of free pass, but sadly, couldn’t offer the same to Logan when he needed him most.
@cheshirecatstrut-- Yes! Silvery said this better than I could. Veronica always acts uncomfortable around Aaron–she gets very quiet and non-confrontational, which is the opposite of her usual behavior. She finds him intimidating BEFORE she knows he’s abusive, and later she finds him frightening. 
But she is never the least bit intimidated by or frightened of Logan, even when he’s at his worst. On the contrary, she lives to provoke him, without the slightest expectation that he will ever hurt her. Like at one point in the pilot he looms over her with a crowbar; and not only does she not retreat, she protects HIM from Weevil when Weevil starts punching. 
(And of course Logan does the same in that scene, proving her opinion justified–he immediately puts his own body between Veronica and Weevil, tries to de-escalate before the violence spreads to bystanders, and then takes the punches without retaliating so nobody else has to). 
Merrick Green (via Twitter)-- Which time? Summer '05 - definitely on both counts. Winter 2007 - not really
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Adorkable Author (via Twitter)-- I'm going to assume this is season 2, because of the picture. I think V ran from Logan more because of her feelings for him than his father's actions. V stood by Logan during that summer, believing him to be innocent of Felix's murder. She was scared he would get hurt & she would hurt more from losing him. It's the same reason he broke up with her in season 3. Hurt less now than later. I never once picked up the feeling that V thought Logan was anything like his father, and I always thought Logan appreciated that.
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vmheadquarters · 7 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
What would you be the MOST worried/afraid of seeing in a future Veronica Mars mini-series? (Exs: can include artificial LoVe triangles, mishandled rape humors, and problematic portrayals of feminism). To put another way, is there anything Rob, et al. could do in a future mini-series that would ruin the show for you? (give your detailed examples below).
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And here’s what a bunch of you had to say (seriously, this was a pretty popular ATF, although of course not in league with ‘What Hogwarts House does your fave belong to?’ and ‘Is Logan Echolls well-endowed?’)
@chelseaellie-- Where do I start, it’s such a well written show being disappointed is the start
I am worried they will break LoVe up to create fake drama. They don’t need that just need to have normal relationship problems, like wanting a family and getting married
I’m worried about not enough Logan as if he’s with the navy how can we have him around, or him being calmed too much and not as snarky as normal
I worry about too much focus on dick, who I can’t stand he’s a creators pet (along with Piz) he’s annoying and should have grown up, but they love him too much
I worry about fan service and bringing in characters cos they think fans want them and ruining the story
I worry it will mean the end of my beloved izombie
@almecria-- As long as they don't break LoVe apart AGAIN for the sake of fake drama (and as long as we're done with useless annoying artificial LoVe triangles), I'm cool with almost anything to be honest.
@elliebear75-- Do *not* kill Logan. I repeat…DO NOT KILL LOGAN.
No “heroic death while serving his country.”
No “sacrificing himself to save Veronica.”
No “some crazed Aaron Echolls superfan murder.”
None of it.
Not to develop Veronica’s character.
Not to bring drama to the franchise.
Not to springboard an entirely different direction to the storyline.
Give us the beauty of day-to-day drama that is two people navigating a life together. Give us fun and snark and sadness. Give us lots and lots of LoVe.
Just don’t kill Logan.
@lisawolfe80—That was my first thought too!! J
@elliebear75-- @lisawolfe80 Right?!!
@chelseaellie--@elliebear75 surely they wouldn’t even consider killing him off, that would be crazy, now I’m worried
@elliebear75--@chelseaellie Unfortunately, RT has said on several occasions that his original idea for the movie was much darker and that even the rebooted season 4 would have only had Veronica in it. So anything is possible. But just in case Rob Thomas is trolling Tumblr, it needs to be out in the universe....NO KILLING LOGAN.
@chelseaellie-- @elliebear75 really only Veronica in S4? Was that the networks plan? The great thing about Veronica Mars is the relationships and how they all work. He can’t kill Logan don’t even think about it Rob Thomas, to be honest if he can’t kill if Blaine who is pure evil he can’t do anything to his more popular character
@elliebear75-- @chelseaellie If you go on YouTube you can find the 15 minute "demo" of what RT envisioned for season 4 (V as a rookie FBI agent) and none of the other characters are even remotely in the picture. As for RT and iZombie, I feel that it is his partner, Diane, who keeps Blaine alive, not RT. In interviews, she seems to be the one with the soft spot for Blaine/David Anders.
@jesso80-- Amen! I just want LoVe with normal problems and solving crimes
@teenagegumshoe-- Making it the Logan/Veronica show. I get that it’s a popular pairing, and that Rob himself loves it, but I’d hate to see the show center on Veronica’s relationship with Logan. Let him be a secondary character but it is first and foremost her story. 
@cheshirecatstrut-- I’d most fear a retread of original material, instead of letting the characters be thirty.
Let Logan and V navigate a normal, committed adult relationship instead of love triangles and Manufactured Big Misunderstandings, and let the day-to-day of that happen on screen. Let Veronica’s friends come out from under her shadow and show how they’ve developed their own talents and lives apart from her. Let the supporting players have relationships and problems that don’t directly relate back to the main character, yet still merit story time.
Let all the characters interact, instead of being compartmentalized as Veronica’s Hacker Friend, Veronica’s Hot Boyfriend, Veronica’s Emotional Support, Veronica’s Guide to the World of Crime, etc. This show had an amazing lead, but it also had a killer ensemble cast, and one of it’s great strengths was the way any two actors could be put in a scene together and manage to shine. I want to see Logan and Keith interact, or Weevil and Wallace, or Mac and Van Clemmons, or Vinnie and Cliff. 
And don’t make the overarching season-long plot so convoluted the audience has trouble keeping track. Also, don’t over-focus on the episode mysteries to the detriment of the overarching plot. Most fans tune in for the big, long-term story, so that’s the one that needs to be best-crafted.
 Also, please please please please…no more Nice Guys hogging screen time. PLEASE.
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vmheadquarters · 8 years
Here’s the latest Ask the Fandom question:
I’m doing yet another rewatch of VM, and one instance that makes my heart hurt each time is the moment Veronica asks Logan to dance in Season 2, Episode 17 - Plan B. That scene is so well acted and so emotionally heavy, and yet I have a hard time understanding why it’s so intense? Can anyone please explain why Veronica suddenly wants to dance (besides saving Gia from verbal abuse)? And why is that scene so wonderfully painful to watch?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@mysilverylining--Because she really did want to be first in line to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance, but recited his prize-winning paper when she lost the element of surprise? Because she has a thing for politicians, and somebody’s rocking the  Honorary Deputy County Commissioner title? Because after finding the truck driver, she proved to Logan that stakeouts can be much, much sexier in real life?   Because protecting Gia gave her the perfect excuse to get that close to Logan again? Honestly, I don’t know what Veronica’s motivation was here, but it’s one of my favorite L/V scenes ever.  The way she keeps sneaking peeks from under her eyelashes, the way Logan’s hand tightens on her hips, the way the other couples disappear, and it’s just them under the spotlight as the scene ftbs.
@brittany4824--I honestly don’t think I can top what @mysilverylining just said because it was too perfect for words but I’ll try to add some more. Veronica seemed to see the almost-verbal-smackdown as a good chance to get her hands on Logan (literally and figuratively). For me, I think it seemed like an impulsive move on her end. Because as soon as she pulls him away, I almost get this “oh shit what did I just do,” feeling from her. So she’s like, “well screw it, I’ll dance this dance and sneak some pretty cute looks at the love of my life."   The episode was really building for the execution of this moment, and so I think the intensity partially comes from that huge build up of tension. There’s minimal release here in this scene– they’re just dancing and they don’t even speak much, and yet it’s such a big moment (at least for us fans). It’s the gaze they both share. It’s what’s unspoken. Maybe it’s because I read far into things but… it’s the unsaid I’m sorry, it’s the regret they both share, it’s the yearning for something they don’t think they can have. As an audience we know they’re idiots in love whether they want to admit it or not. So that intensity, that wonderful pain, stems from the building need to have our two favorites finally admitting their real feelings. It’s a very intimate and raw and real moment between them, and I feel like it’s rare when we got that from Veronica and Logan (at least Veronica.. maybe that’s harsh) and here we get that. It’s a window into what their true feelings are. And we, as an audience, know that. We feel that. And it’s wonderfully, painfully beautiful.
@fatherjerusalem--Also though, it’s cuz she wanted the D (and I don’t mean Duncan), but didn’t quite know how to admit that yet. I mean, sure, mostly the nice emotional stuff above, but don’t ever doubt the D.
@risssaar--The scene just screams YEARNING to me. It’s in everything from the intense way they stare at each other to the placement of their hands and the way they barely move to the music. Don’t even get me started on the music - the lyrics are so freaking perfect for them and where they are in this moment it’s like the Perishers sat down and crafted it just so Logan x Veronica could have the dance of ultimate UST at the Sadie Hawkins dance. The focus of this whole scene is just them moving slowly in tandem with their hands around each other and gazing at each other really really intensely while the Perishers croon things like “It feels as though we’ve made amends. Like we found a way eventually” in the background. I mean…COME ON, could it be MORE perfect? There’s some epic eye contact here and there’s no doubt at all that these two idiots want each other SO badly yet neither of them takes the first step, so the tension just BUILDS AND BUILDS and we, the audience can feel it. We can feel the tension and the want and the way they almost ache to close the distance between themselves - it leaps off the screen and creates one of my favourite Logan x Veronica scenes ever. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because it’s one of the few scenes where Logan x Veronica are not a couple but still kind of vulnerable and letting their true feelings bleed through,albeit unwittingly/unwillingly. Usually their post breakup conversation is conducted under a layer of sass and snark and this is one of those times where its all stripped away. Once they start dancing it’s all about what their faces and bodies say, the walls usually erected by their words is gone and all that’s left is the WANT. And yeah @fatherjerusalem she wants the D. BADLY. I don’t refer to it in my head as the dance of Ultimate UST for nothing.
@alzaetia--When I watched this ep with my husband, he said, “This dance is exactly their whole relationship. (pause) She should probably just fuck him. She obviously wants to.” Just thought I’d add another opinion from the male mind. Personally, I also saw this dance as a physical representation of their entire season 2 relationship. I call it, “In case you missed season two: This.”
@catalina-infanta--All im going to say is, THANK the GODS we got a movie!!!! Thank Venus the Goddess of Love, Thank Neptune, God of the sea, and yes, thank MARS the GOD of WAR!
@hermione-mak-gilmore--I mean, how perfect is this? This is literally LoVe’s story, or specifically what Logan would say to Veronica if he could. I would elaborate on this, but I think it’s pretty self-explanatory (although, if anyone wants to go full in depth, please do)! As usual, perfect song choices on Rob Thomas’ part!
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vmheadquarters · 8 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question, from a lovely follower who probably didn’t realize just how popular/ controversial this question would be!
Do you think Veronica was justified in breaking up with Logan for sleeping with Madison? My own two cents: I feel like Logan gets a pass from most people on this but I have a harder time with it. He had to have known how much Veronica hated Madison and the reasons why. I assume that would have been discussed when LoVe were together. I’m with V that it seemed to be a pretty pointed choice of sex partner.
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And here’s what all of you had to say:
@heavenli24-- Do you think Veronica was justified in breaking up with Logan for sleeping with Madison? For me, it seems kind of like a ‘we were on a break’ Friends scenario. Veronica and Logan were not together when he slept with Madison and he had been the one to break up with her, so technically it wasn’t cheating and at the time he was essentially free to sleep with whoever he liked - so I don’t think Veronica has a leg to stand on on the cheating front. Of course, though, you have the emotional factor to consider: - the fact that he slept with someone else when they’d only just broken up and  it was clear he still loved her (the Friends scenario) - the fact that Madison was the girl he slept with, when he knew of the bad blood between her and Veronica - the fact that he didn’t tell the whole truth when Veronica asked him if he’d hooked up with someone else while they were apart. Taking that into account, I think that Veronica was right to be angry with him over it - mainly for the omission of the truth - and also that she was justified in feeling hurt over it. For Logan’s part, I like to think it wasn’t a deliberate thing, that he didn’t make an informed decision to seek out and sleep with Madison - I’m picturing a scenario where he was drunk and upset and Madison took advantage of it, knowing what the consequences might be. Having said all that though, I do think it was something LoVe could have worked through and that Veronica could have come to terms with and forgiven him for eventually. I also think that if Logan had been honest in the first place and admitted what happened rather than having it come out later, they could have worked through it without all the added drama… I think what sealed it for Veronica was that a) Logan didn’t tell her when she asked and b) she had to find out from Madison herself instead
@missismess-- I generally agree with your two cents. The great thing about Veronica Mars is that I empathize 100 % with the protagonist, even if I don’t agree with her. I feel for her so strongly that I absolutely understand her reaction to Logan’s choice of sex partner. I would have done the same thing. From a rational standpoint I also understand that the slight really isn’t the end of the world. And I can see how Logan would have made the supposedly drunken decision to self sabotage by fucking the person most likely to wreck his life even worse - right up his ally. But emotionally? I’m with Veronica.
@abeautifuldarkness-- It's a little less we 'were on a break' and more 'we were broken up.' And by that account, the latter does not imply/expect future reconciliation. It was a surprising treat that they did get back together. While I feel terrible for Veronica, because I definitely have one or two 'Madisons' in my own life, I can't help but slightly side more with Logan. Asshole move? definitely. But is it out of character? no. Rich boy getting wasted, having empty, meaningless sex to fill a painful void: very Logan-esque, especially when he, as Jason Dorhring puts it, plummets into lows in his life. I think Veronica was justified to make him suffer for it, and even cubing Madison's car, but long-term, serious relationships take more than 24 hours to work out, even when your very core is hurt, especially when the whole thing is on a technicality like that of a hiatus in a relationship's timeline. I speak from experience, and while I can see that V & L don't have the 7- year experience I have how, I know that had myself and my boyfriend didn't really push through those shitty painful moments even in our fresh days of naivety, we wouldn't have survived either. So maybe I'm biased, but I half hope/half expect Veronica and Logan to push through the same way. So my opinion/answer is that she excused in the emotional sense, but not justified. What makes it all worse is that small fact that she doesn't completely listen to Logan's message. If it wouldn't have changed her mind, he at least deserved the closure, a last fight or her listening to (all) is words, or something. I love V but I expect her to at least have the maturity to do that, and in in this episode she doesn't. Such a painful moment in their timeline either way.
@jennydb-blog-- I am not sure he realizes how much she hates him. I actually dislike more that he is still friends with Dick, who basically set up Veronica's rape at the hands of Beaver. But I am not sure how much she has told him about that. Personally, I think Veronica is overreacting. But I am not someone who generally see why people are mad about friends hooking up with someone you dated three years ago either. Water under the bridge.
@addicted2love2015-- Do you think Veronica was justified in breaking up with Logan for sleeping with Madison? I very much understand Veronica being upset to the point of breaking up and leaving the scene in a hurry. She was lied to by the guy she loved, who was the same guy who repeatedly begged her to trust him. She was also completely humiliated in possibly the worst way she could imagine, also by the guy she loved and who was supposed to love her. Even if they weren’t together at the time of the act, does love and respect for the other just fly out the window the minute they say, “It’s over”? Did the friendship, separate from the romantic relationship, count for anything? After all, Logan had as much said that he was still her friend and that he would be there if she needed anything. Friends don’t hurt their friends on purpose. The on purpose part is Veronica’s viewpoint, but mine too. I agree with Veronica when she says that he can’t say that he didn’t think of her and how much it would hurt her sometime before or during the act. The sex with her enemy and then the lying and then the excuse of “you didn’t deserve to know” would feel like betrayal of the worst kind. Even though Veronica was justified in breaking up with Logan, I think she should have talked about the Madison-thing with him after some time went by of her trying to process and the pain not being so fresh. The bottom line is she loved him and really didn’t want to be without him. She should have put her big girl panties on and addressed it head-on in order to move past it. I think she wanted to, but by the time she was ready, he had moved on to Parker. Again, I think her feeling would have been Parker was another way to purposely hurt her, whether it was or not. I do think it is something that they could have moved past if Parker hadn’t entered the scene. It could have even served as a positive catalyst to address many of the other problems in their relationship, if they had let it. Interestingly, @brittany4824 and I just posted a story about a week ago that addresses this very subject. If you haven’t read it yet, go read http://archiveofourown.org/works/9686306 .
@fatherjerusalem-- Well right off the bat, let’s just say that Veronica is absolutely able to break up with Logan for any reason at all, or no reason whatsoever (and vice versa). She (if she were a real human being) needs no justification in ending a relationship. That being said, I do think that one of Veronica’s character traits is that with the people she cares about most (Keith and Logan, for example) she’s MUCH harsher on their… bad choices…. than she is on people who she may like, she may enjoy spending time with, but they don’t MEAN as much to her. She’s not as disappointed when Weevil does something bad because she doesn’t have those same expectations from him. So when Logan - who was free and clear to do anything with anyone he wanted to, let’s not forget - slept with Madison, the combination of her expectations for Logan and her hatred of Madison hit that boiling point. Just look at her reaction to the whole Duncan/Kendall did-they-didn’t-they (they did) when she was actually dating Duncan. She didn’t care about that nearly as much, because Duncan didn’t mean nearly as much to her. As for Logan’s side of it, he didn’t outright lie (yes, not naming the person he slept with was a lie of omission, but he did admit to sleeping with someone that meant less than nothing to him) and I will flat out fight anyone who said he did it to hurt Veronica or to get back at Veronica. And it’s not a Ross-and-Rachel-we-were-on-a-break type situation. They were flat out broken up. So… I give Logan a pass here, because I don’t think he did anything wrong. And with him “having to have known” how much Veronica hated Madison and why… I don’t necessarily agree. I think he, obviously, knew that Veronica hated Madison but not necessarily the why (which, to be fair, while Madison WAS a terrible person, having her being blamed by Veronica for her rape while Dick gets a free pass is just… is flat out wrong. she’s mad at Madison because Madison DIDN’T get raped and that’s… not cool at all) and I don’t think Logan went out specifically to nail Madison. I think it was probably a drunken party and she came on to him while he was weak and he had a moment that he immediately wished he could take back. It happens. So yes, I think Veronica was justified - because she doesn’t NEED to justify her actions for us, and no I don’t think Logan did it on purpose or set out to hurt Veronica. I don’t blame either of them for what they did. I blame the writers for taking the perfect breakup in Spit & Eggs, trashing it an episode later, throwing them back together for two episodes, and then breaking them up again just so Veronica could be “right” - which was the theme of season three. Just terrible hack-y writing. The Spit & Eggs breakup had so much potential for Veronica’s character growth, but… can’t make Veronica out to be not 100% right 100% of the time. Season three is the worst.
@mysilverylining-- Ohhh boy.  This debate usually gets interesting.   I can understand and empathize with Veronica’s heartbreak over Aspen.  I imagine it would hurt like a bitch knowing that the person you hate had their hands all over the person you love.  I’d probably want to throw up, too.  I also feel for Logan, because he did something stupid and impulsive that ended up ruining everything.  I don’t believe for a second that he did it to hurt Veronica or was even thinking about Veronica when it happened (Kendall, is another story altogether). With that said, I know people don’t like comparing the actions of one character to those of another, but I do think it’s relevant.  There’s a strong case of “Do what I say, not what I do.” when it comes to Veronica and Logan.   After Weevil burned down Logan’s house and tortured him (she at least knew about the fire), Veronica arranged not one, but TWO jobs for him.  Blatantly showing Logan that his enemies aren’t her enemies.  On top of that, although Duncan wasn’t Logan’s enemy, he was the person who would hurt him the most to see Veronica with two weeks after their breakup.  So I guess I feel like Veronica doesn’t really have a case for demanding Logan’s loyalty two months after their breakup, when she hasn’t demonstrated that kind of loyalty or sensitivity herself.
@catalina-infanta-- Also, Im not really all that convinced that Veronica was very upfront with Logan about her feelings about Madison (and why). She is often not very communicative.
@kerali-- I’m going to try to keep this to two or three points.  First, I think Logan’s motivation for sleeping with Madison had nothing to do with Veronica.  Madison was part of Logan’s social group and had been for years.  They all went to Aspen for Christmas and all likely had partied together for a long time.  For Logan, she was there and likely the aggressor for a very drunk and depressed Logan who had just broken up with the woman he loved right before the holidays, which he likely hated at that point.  The reason I think this is because he didn’t do anything with it to hurt her, which he was more than capable of doing.  I don’t think he ever was in relationship with anyone to hurt Veronica, but he had been willing to use his relationships with other women to push her buttons (Kendall especially). Veronica compartmentalizes to deal with all of the trauma that had happened to her and when Logan did try to talk about Shelly’s party, she shut it down and said she forgave him, but really she didn’t deal with it at all.  As far as Logan likely knew, she was drugged and had sex with Duncan, until Cassidy’s revelation.  It’s unlikely that she would have opened up enough to him for him to understand exactly how everything happened, so while he know’s Madison is awful and that Veronica hates her, it’s unlikely that he knew everything that was done and likely sees her as being about the same as Shelly, Caitlyn, and other 09′er girls that were mean in high school.  I think Madison had it out for Veronica because she’s an awful, entitled person that was also pretty jealous of Veronica dating Duncan and Logan.  Veronica also never told Logan exactly how she found out it was Madison. Veronica doesn’t need justification to break up with Logan.  She found herself in a relationship that she didn’t want to be in and at that point, they were likely doomed anyway.  They got together but didn’t deal with their own issues or what broke them up.  Veronica wants control (in her words, intimacy) and Logan is too dangerous because he sees her.  She can’t share herself with him, because she knows that he knows her and can get through her walls that have allowed her to survive.  For him to know her secrets too, would give him too much control and she can’t deal with that.  And it was best for Logan too.  He needed validation and to be loved, and Veronica couldn’t do that for him, as much as she talked about intimacy, she never told him she loved him.  Again, it was too much for either of them and they didn’t have the support from others or authority figures who should have been the ones to teach them how to deal with the trauma in their lives, or who could teach them to be an equal partner in a relationship.
@winifredburkle-- I want to thank @fatherjerusalem for everything he said here and commend him for saying it so eloquently because when I read this ask the fandom two hours ago I went into a fucking rage blackout because I can not believe it’s 2017 and yet we’re still beating this dead horse. Fact is, as Jer said above, Veronica can break up with Logan for whatever damn reason she pleases whether it be because she suspects him of murder, thinks his actions of late have been deplorable, or yeah because he slept with someone (when they weren’t together) and she doesn’t think she can get past it. That’s her right within the relationship, just like Logan had every right to break up with her in 3x09. Now, as for this “Logan intentionally hurting Veronica” bullshit it’s just that– bullshit. Let’s break it down: 1. First off, and I know this might seem shocking to some of y’all, but Logan’s world doesn’t actually revolve around Veronica. Expecting him to sit down and map out how his actions/choices might directly affect her at any given point is ludicrous. (Same with Veronica sitting down and weighing out how Logan might react. It’s not realistic).   2. People like to bring up the fact that Logan knows Veronica was roofied “by Madison” and that he should therefore hate Madison on Veronica’s behalf, but let’s look a closer look at the events surrounding 1x21. • Veronica accuses Logan of maybe having raped her and says that if it was him she’ll make him pay. • Veronica then finds out from Carrie Bishop that it was Duncan and she has her confrontation with Duncan. Veronica immediately goes to Wallace and tells him everything. • Veronica goes home, invites Logan over, tells him she’s sorry and tells him everything that happened. At this point Veronica doesn’t know that Madison passed her the roofied drink at the party, so it’s not something she can share with Logan. • They go to Logan’s, the surprise party happens, Veronica finds out that Madison passed her the roofied drink. Then her and Logan make out and she finds the camera in poolhouse, assumes the worst, and splits. • AKA WE NEVER FUCKING SEE VERONICA TELL LOGAN THAT MADISON IS  “””””RESPONSIBLE””””” FOR VERONICA DRINKING THE GHB SO HOW THE FUCK • like..i guess maybe everyone is assuming that she told Logan at some point after? but like?? when? when she was accusing him of murder, when he was in jail, when he was on trial, when he was burning down buildings and lying to her and she was breaking up with him???? • Also, so Veronica tells Logan that it was a misunderstanding between her and Duncan that night and then she starts dating Duncan again like…a month ish or less after she breaks up with Duncan. Also, as someone pointed out on a different thread responding to this ask, Veronica is cordial(ish) towards Dick even after knowing his role in what happened to her, and at school she doesn’t act any more or less ~bitchy~ towards Madison either. So all this almost super sounds like…Logan had no fucking idea Veronica hated Madison as much as did (based on her behavior and the fact that we never see her tell him about Madison’s “role” at shelley’s !!!) so at the he most just thought they didn’t get along - if he fucking bothered to think about it and why??? would he – , which largely didn’t matter because Veronica had like….five or less people she actually considered her friend during high school and fucking Logan wasn’t even one of those people most days. • 3. When Veronica is forcing/cajoling/whatever fucking word you want to use for it information out of Logan during Poughkeepsie, Tramps, and Thieves, Logan is visibly uncomfortable and calls Veronica out on her shit several times. (Veronica insists she wants to know so they can be more open with each other and Logan essentially says that if she wants them to get to that place she should let it go). When he admits he slept with someone during their break up he uses the term “horrible girl” and says that the unnamed girl “meant less than nothing to him”. He also goes on to say that “he couldn’t regret it more”  and “thinking of it makes him ill”. He’s talking about Madison here, and he isn’t saying this stuff because Veronica knows he’s talking about Madison and he’s trying to save face/avoid a fight. He’s saying it because that’s how he feels. Sounds 0% to me like someone who was ~intentionally trying to hurt her~ • 4. Also!!!! in Poughkeepsie, Tramps, and Thieves– Veronica forgives Logan right away for what happened and says she loves him anyway. It’s only when she finds out about Madison that she gets disheartened and breaks up with him. That CLEARLY SHOWS that this isn’t a Veronica/Logan issue, it’s a Veronica/Madison issue. This is also emphasized in the episode where Veronica has Weevil steal Madison’s car– that episode shows that Veronica is only mad at Madison (because her issues with her rose to the surface again)– not that she’s mad at Logan. • 5. and THIS “I blame the writers for taking the perfect breakup in Spit & Eggs, trashing it an episode later, throwing them back together for two episodes, and then breaking them up again just so Veronica could be “right”” I think Veronica’s reaction to finding out Logan slept with Madison directly illustrates the point Logan was making when he broke up with her, saying that he doesn’t measure up to the person she wants him to be. It’s a shame that the writers didn’t focus on what Logan was saying, and how Veronica finally maybe recognizes what Logan was getting at, and had them work on themselves as individuals. If they had framed “Madison-gate” with that that lens (and not immediately thrown Logan and Veronica into relationships right after???) this conversation probably wouldn’t cause rage blackouts and also I don’t think we’d still be having it. • TL;DR– let Logan Echolls fucking live!!!!
@petpluto-- The thing with this is - Weevil is Veronica’s friend. It is a more complex relationship between the three of them, because Weevil is one of the people who was there for Veronica when people like Logan weren’t, someone who will come and get her if she calls, no questions asked. It isn’t as cut and dried as, “Veronica got two jobs for Logan’s enemy”. It’s Veronica got two jobs for her friend, who has a hate-semi-hate relationship with Logan. Veronica is loyal to both of them, in different ways. Same with Duncan. He was Veronica’s first boyfriend; he was stable when Logan was not. It isn’t a guy she started dating knowing it would hurt Logan. It’s a guy she started dating again, separate from Logan. Logan had no prior loyalty to Madison, not in the way Veronica does to Weevil and to Duncan. That doesn’t mean that he was intentionally hurting Veronica, but I don’t know what enemies of Logan’s Veronica prioritized above him that she didn’t already have a prior relationship with, and loyalty to, herself. And Veronica kept socializing with Dick, probably at least partially because she recognized that Logan had that same kind of loyalty to him as she had to Weevil.
@mysilverylining-- Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t disagree with any of that.  I’ll defend Veronica’s right to date Duncan post-breakup as much as I’ll defend Logan’s right to sleep with Madison.  I’ll defend her right to find employment for Weevil.  My post above wasn’t about placing fault on Veronica for those actions.   At the same time, Veronica showed zero sensitivity to Logan’s feelings while dating Duncan.  Specifically, I’m referring to the PDA behavior in FBLA class that would have been inappropriate in a school setting even if the broken-hearted ex wasn’t sitting in the same class.  That had to feel like a slap in the face to Logan after the sneaking-around in S1 in the name of protecting Duncan’s feelings.  And we know Logan felt like nothing in her eyes, because he had to ask her to pretend her dog’s life was at stake.   Again, I don’t feel that Veronica was obligated to make concessions to Logan’s feelings after their breakups, or to tiptoe around the way she had with Duncan.   But after learning about Madison, Veronica acted as if Logan had broken some kind of code.  She spent S2 demonstrating to Logan how very little he mattered to her post-breakup (not her actual feelings, obviously).  So for her to expect Logan to base his choices on how they might affect her in S3 seems unfair and hypocritical.  Do as I say, not as I’ve done, basically.
@notaparkerfan:   If Logan couldn’t get past what Weevil did to him, and that Veronica was still helping Weevil, he would be completely justified in breaking up with. He would not be entitled to retaliation on her for disloyalty while trying to be in a relationship with her.
I’m not advocating or supporting retaliation in the least.  I want these two happy, communicating, and in love.  
I’m just not impressed with Veronica’s handling of the situation.  The pain and nausea I can understand.  I can understand her asking for time to come to grips with the idea.  But I would have appreciated some self-reflection in the situation. As far as Weevil goes, pre-existing friendship or not, this guy tortured her boyfriend, and burned down his home including every last trace of his dead mother.  Maybe that’s not a friendship deal-killer in Veronica’s book.  I’d question what it says that it isn’t, while at the same time, I’m glad they remained friends. But Madison’s actions at Shelly’s party, are honestly more defendable than Weevil’s.  So again, she expects a loyalty from Logan that she isn’t willing to give.   Honestly, it would have been better all around if it was Dick who’d gotten between them.  They could have created a character-based storyline, if she’d told Logan about Dick’s responsibility in her rape, and he’d had to choose between his only loyal friend and his girlfriend.
@petpluto-- In season 2, Veronica broke up with Logan because he refused to stop his retaliatory actions against the 02ers, and took his inability to stop as an indication that he didn’t love her. Not like she loved him. Logan wasn’t obviously broken hearted - not to her, anyway. She didn’t get to see the puppy dog looks we did. She didn’t see him pining. Which is one of the issues we run into in discussions such as this (like when Logan is waiting innocently at the yacht for their date in season 1). Just because we know his true feelings doesn’t mean she does. So, with Duncan, he’s not her broken hearted ex. He’s her ex, who - for her own insecurities, her own issues, the fact that he is good at hiding his own emotions, etc. - doesn’t give a damn that she’s dating Duncan again. So, I would be more inclined to agree with you if Logan were obviously pining. But he isn’t, because that’s not who he is. And since that’s not who he is, I can’t blame Veronica for taking him at face value and acting accordingly. The only thing I do wish had been different about the Logan-Veronica-Duncan situation is I do wish Veronica had asked Duncan to try to talk to him, to see if his oldest and best friend could help get him on the right track even if she couldn’t. But even there, I understand her pulling completely away and entering into a self-protective mode. I completely agree about Dick, though. It would have made a much more multifaceted story, and created an actual moral dilemma for Logan in the way Madisongate never could, because he is obviously allowed to sleep with whomever he wants when he and Veronica are not together and when he never expects them to get back together. And Veronica is entitled to her emotional reaction to that, once they did start dating again, because Madison was one of the only people she told about her rape and was one of the people who didn’t believe her.
@notaparkerfan—I love @petpluto perspective.
@millenderj—I agree totally with winifredburkle!!!!!
@risssaar-- Yes to all of this but especially to the Spit & Eggs breakup being the perfect break up for them. That is one of those moments that it still hurts to look at because it was so painful and real and raw - Logan saying he’d always love Veronica but that he needed more from her and from a relationship, Veronica stoically going on until she finally breaks down in the shower - there was such potential for growth there that even though they were breaking up I was excited to see where things would go and then they messed all of that up. I LOATHE that Logan x Veronica’s final break up before the 9 years of radio silence was about Madison. I even hate the way that they framed the whole sleeping with Madison discussion onscreen. Offscreen there was talk of Veronica’s sexual jealously being at the root of it and I think exploring that more onscreen could’ve been interesting and led to Veronica working through a lot of her other hangups about Logan/relationships, which would’ve been pretty amazing to see. Instead I felt like the point of this break up was simply to break up Logan x Veronica in some sort of CW mandated introduce other love interest twist and that just ruined everything. Logan x Veronica had so many real issues to work through that the writers could mine that I am forever bitter that they felt into this mess instead.
@jennydb-blog-- Wow, many offended ppl here. No one said Veronica cant break up with Logan for whatever reason. I am just saying I would not have done it over something like that. And I love V, but she is horrible at communication. She barely tells people stuff. It is not always easy to guess what she thinks, or how she feels. Logan understands her quite intuitively compared to f ex Duncan, but he is still not a mind reader.
@lisawolfe80-- One thing that always puzzled me related to this was if Logan was supposed to know how much Veronica really despised Madison, why would he use her as his alibi in 3x3? If your significant other is already miffed at you, asking her to verify your alibi with her most hated nemesis seems crazy. And given her non-reaction to that scene, I tend to feel like he really didn't get how much Veronica may hate her. Always made me question how much he understood her feelings on that
@jennydb-blog-- Yeah, Logan had many douchey friends, and I don't think he realized how far Veronica's hatred for some of them ran. She could never really forgive the way they treated her after the whole Jake Kane-thing. While Logan has stayed friends with them throughout that, and seen that they also accepted his relationship with Veronica. So he sees it from a completely different vantage point. Veronica holds a grudge, but she can't really expect everyone else to.
@teenagegumshoe-- Am I too late to jump in? Is Veronica justified in breaking up with Logan? Yes. His actions caused her pain and she didn’t think she could be with him anymore. Is it ok for Veronica to be upset by this, or is she being a totally irrational headcase? For me, I think blaming Madison was a coping mechanism. • She could place the blame on a single guilty party (instead of coping with the fact that all of her former friends violated her/let it happen) • Madison was someone she already hated (instead of having to deal with “I love Logan & Duncan but they sexually assaulted me.”) • Madison wasn’t someone she had to deal with regularly (unlike Dick, who was Logan’s only loyal friend) I really wish Veronica had dealt with these issues on the show. However, while blaming Madison is not rational, response to trauma often isn’t. I can’t dismiss her feelings, especially considering how much she has already forgiven/ignored regarding Shelley’s party. Did Logan know how much Veronica hated Madison? Well, let’s look at their conversation (thanks to vmtranscripts.com) LOGAN:  It wasn’t information that you had a right to know. I knew you wouldn’t be able to deal with the Madison thing. VERONICA: [with increasing anger] Which thing are you talking about? The “she roofied me” thing or the thing when I stumbled to my car in the morning, wondering where my virginity was, and she’d written “slut” on my windshield? Was that what you thought I couldn’t deal with? I am so genuinely sick right now. If I could have eaten anything today, I’d be throwing up all over your floor. Logan shows no surprise or shock at Veronica’s response, which includes some pretty serious accusations. If this was new information, I feel like Logan would have responded with a  “wait, what? MADISON roofied you?”. To me, that suggests that he’s aware of the sequence of events, he knows Veronica’s feelings and he purposefully omitted the name of his sex partner in Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves because of it. Did Logan choose Madison as a sex partner to get back at Veronica? No, I don’t think so. The two of them run in the same social circles, and it probably just happened organically. Season 3 Logan wasn’t really vicious, just mopey. It may have crossed his mind, but I don’t think it’s the reason it happened. (I will say that I hate it when people claim that Madison must have preyed on a drunk, depressed Logan and put the blame for the encounter on her. Remember his hookup with that girl on the beach, who he called cheap but still accepted a blowjob from? Logan doesn’t need to be wasted to sleep with someone he looks down on).
@krristenbell-- im with V on this. I love Logan but he must’ve known how much pain Madison had caused Ronica, and (this may sound bad) but i think Logan might have chosen Madison purposely to make a jab at V. However, i don’t think he thought he’d hurt Veronica as much as he did
@saluteyourshorts-- I honestly think it's almost as bad as if he had cheated on her. Like you said he knew exactly how much she hated Madison and about her part in what happened at Shellys party. I can't believe that he didn't think about her and how much it would hurt her when he decided to sleep with Madison.
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