#atpvere edits
atpverse · 5 months
So I'm going through and making little updates to AO3. Most of it is stuff that got tweaked for the emails (spelling, formatting, grammar, etc.) As well as taking out the little lines that just... did not age well over the decade.
Stuff that I didn't think about fresh out of high school but look at now and go either A) [character] would not say that; or B) how about we don't joke casually about things like mental health, apparent intelligence, and suicide, yeah??
I'll be doing it a little bit at a time. Considering I also have original fiction that I like to devote my time to.
However, this is a fun project to come back to and make edits on and I am enjoying AtPverse Daily shenanigans.
Who knows, I may end up making larger edits with things like
A) Leaning into the neurodivergence
B) Maybe making it a bit more gay
But that's a future thing.
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