#au where morro is the third smith sibling
sea-jello · 2 years
if wind and water are both from wojira doesn't that make morro somewhat related to nya and by extension kai
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paragox · 6 months
The Writings on The Wall AU - Character Profiles #1
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Garmadons Group Aka Pandemonium Kids
Skylor Chen - 16 yrs old - Human || Serpentine [Anacondrai]
Oldest among all the minors Garmadon adopted, daughter of "Master Chen" leader of a cult whose purpose was to awaken the great Devourer and revive the entire species of Anacondrai.
As a result of her being raised in the cult she has limited experience in what could be considered "social etiquette", however she's more than capable of figuring out how to behave in social situations through observation, she’s pretty good at hand to hand combat and scheming, also a good liar and theft.
Because of her father's obsession with control and loyalty she has a partial Anacondrai tattoo on her back (Online the outline, it was never filled) which eventually transformed her into a partial Anacondrai.
Skylor truly enjoys cooking if there’s anything she can thank her father for is that, while her favourite focus is noodles (of course) she enjoys experimenting with whatever she can find in the kitchen, much to everyone’s else despair.
She's aware and proficient when using her elemental [Amber].
Her best friends are Kai and Nya, absolutely loves to hang out with Wyldfyre despite the age difference.
Kai Jiang Smith - 15 yrs old - Phoenix || Oni [Keeper] || Merlopian || Dragon [Ninjagian]
Second oldest of the group and self-proclaimed eldest sibling, he's incredibly protective of everyone he considers family. 
(Which includes Skylor, Nya and her can definitely kick his ass if they want to tho)
He's Nyas blood older sibling by two years, son of Maya and Ray previous elementals of Fire and Water respectively and one of Nyad's descendants.
Along with his sister he also has dragon and Phoenix blood from his father's side, as such he sports dragons usual characteristics such as horns and tail.
He's quite hot-blooded, reckless and impatient but has a soft side usually shown with his family or friends, he's incredibly loyal and isn't scared of getting blood in his hands if it means protecting those he cares about. 
Particularly good at coming up with impromptu solutions during moments of crisis.
Morro Wojira - 14 yrs old - Human || Ghoul
Third Oldest, Incredibly protective of Lloyd even though he won't ever admit it.
A free spirited teen who dislikes rules and tries to push boundaries to see how far he can get. His past is unknown, but as far as he knows he doesn't have any living blood relatives. (Nor he cares).
He tends to get tunnel vision once an idea gets into his head and will do whatever he can to achieve it, he's just as stubborn as Kai.
Morro is very bad at handling disappointment and failure, as such situations where he has to confront it makes him a very non-desirable person to be around.
Butts heads constantly with Kai but they're always covering each other's backs when it matters. His best friend is Nya.
Nya Jiang Smith - 13 yrs old - Phoenix || Oni [Keeper] || Merlopian || Dragon [Ninjagian]
She's no stranger to overwork herself to achieve what she wants. She’s quite hot-headed and if things don’t go her way she can grow frustrated quite fast, unlike Morro she’s a bit better at handling disappointment and failure.
Pretty independent, she's used to doing things on her own, for good and bad, she takes no one’s bullshit no matter the circumstances.
Overall very good at academics, she’s a fast learner and a fast worker, however her frustration, competitiveness and perfectionism tend to get in the way.
An inventor at heart she enjoys creating and manufacturing, particularly enjoys tinkering with the family motorcycle she repaired and brought to life.
Gets along surprisingly well with Morro.
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon - 9yrs old - Human || Oni [First Realm] || Dragon [First Realm]
Quite the mischievous and prankster Lloyd is Garmadon’s only blood related child. Despite being quite the troublemaker he really doesn’t mean any harm, he mostly seeks some attention and affection from those around him.
He’s good at scheming, usually pulling harmless pranks in his siblings and even his dad when he can get away with it, he’s aware that as the second youngest he can usually have his older siblings around his finger, especially when it comes to getting treats as gifts, something he tends to exploit, mostly with Kai.
Still a naive kid he’s quite easy to trick, usually this being done by Morro or Harumi though he quite distrusts them from time to time.
All in all Lloyd doesn’t really wish anyone harm and tries to be as helpful as possible when he can, which has led him to get sometimes stuck in troubles as he has a bit of a difficulty saying “no”.
Wyldfyre Wyrven - 5 yrs old - Human || Dragon [Wyldnerness]
A quite difficult kid to deal with, Wyldfyre is impulsive and reckless, having little patience in general.
Being only with her new family for a few months she still has trouble being in a constant environment full of people, especially when having things done as she will usually try to get things done as fast as possible all by herself.
She’s however pretty protective of her stuff and her family, the others consider she doesn’t have a sense of self-preservation, she definitely does, however it doesn’t mean she won’t get into fights even with adversaries that are bigger and stronger than her as she’s just used to it.
Doesn’t like to stay put and hates being left out for any reason there might be.
Also a prankster at heart even though hers are a bit meaner is something she and Lloyd tend to bond over, loves following Kai around, especially considering their powers are similar and Kai is not afraid to get burnt.
+ Harumi Jade - 10yrs old - Human…?
Taken in after Lloyd had an.. impromptu meeting with her (He might or not have accidentally crashed her when playing outside) she's a very strange kid according to everyone else.
She’s known to be very resentful, something Garmadon had definitely been trying to deal with, she’s also a good liar and quite well at masking her emotions.
While being quite aloof with the other’s children she has shown to enjoy the attention Garmadon shows her, whenever he’s around, the others are trying too but she keeps them an arm away.
Despite being quite insensitive to others it mostly comes from her having a difficulty processing her emotions, both positive and negative, for the moment it seems she has settled on just being an annoyance to the rest and trying to get a rise out of them.
Regardless she can be quite compassionate and overall really just wants a world where there are as little conflicts as possible.
Has a rocky relationship with everyone else, especially Lloyd. But it’s getting better, very very slowly.
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