#au:yuri on ice
fantasyfictionary · 4 years
Has been 1 year since Yuuri and Viktor parted to walk in different ways in the same path. They promised not to see each other until now and only have phone calls in order to focus on winning the next Grand Prix. However, today is a special day. Today is their anniversary, the day that promise in Barcelona was made and the golden rings were exchanged. All the paparazzi and fans had tried to investigate more about the relationship without many results, only knowing they have paired rings and nothing else. Every time someone asked them about it, they avoided the question with: “it’s a personal promise between us”. 
In Russia
Yuuri sends Yurio one last message confirming that he has already landed and is waiting for Otabek at the airport exit. The plan consists of surprising Victor in his apartment with a homemade meal and a few decorations. To do this, Yurio and Otabek were required as his spy and taxi driver. 
Otabek left Yuuri in Victor’s apartment. Yuuri put the number key to enter and start with the plan. First, Yuuri decorated the flat with balloons, a trace of rose petals in the hall leading to dining room and candles all over the place. Then, he started cooking dinner. When he finally finished the special menu, he received a message from Yurio telling him that Victor was on his way home. Sending a ‘Thanks’, Yuuri rushed in putting the dishes on the tables, lighting the candles, turning off the house lights and last but not least, hiding himself in the bathroom. As the door was opened, he starts filming the moment with his phone.
Victor opened the door of his flat, annoyed and frustrated ‘cause his Yuuri didn’t respond to all of his messages and phone calls. He was also worried. Yuri never have left Victor’s Whatsapps without a response. Something was wrong, not only with his boyfriend, but also with Yurio. The little tiger had watched over him like a watchdog all day and only had approached to tell him to leave the training early today and to not get scared. Weird. He turns on the lights to find a welcoming rose petals entrance and a nice and familiar smell in the air. 
Victor: “Hello?” There was a silence. Victor takes out his Taser from his backpack. In Russia, someone stealing in your home could happen anytime so you must always be prepared. “Mister House-breaker?” 
Victor arrived at the dining room where the race of petals finished.
Victor: “Wow! Is that katsudon?” As fast as he finished the sentence, Yuuri appeared from the bathroom.
Yuuri: “Welcome home Victor! Happy anniversary! Did you like my surp- Waaaaaaah!”
Victor has missed the shot of the Taser when his lover has surprised him from his back. A few more centimetres and it would have hit him straight in the trunk.
Victor: “Oh my god! Are you okay Yuuri?” Yuri was now on the floor with one hand on his heart. 
Yuuri: ”... Yeah. Just … give me a minute. You scared the shit out of me Victor”
Victor: “How come?” Smirking, he helps his lover to stand up holding his hip “Well, Yuuri that was a real welcome surprise”
Yuuri: “Yeah. I’m glad you like it. I have been preparing it all the afternoon.” When he raised his head to see Victor’s face, he gasped. Victor has now his original long hair!
Victor: “Darling? Oh, I know, is it my new makeover? Well actually, is a comeback makeover” He says giggling.
Victor: ”You don’t like it?” He asked more seriously at the null response.
Yuuri: “Wha- What?! What are you saying? Of course, I like it! Victor I-I-I ...” He tried to search the correct words to describe his crush, but he cannot find any because his brain just had a short circuit. In front of him, just a few inches from his face, was his beautiful ice-skating star boyfriend with his beautiful LONG silver hair, sensual lips and hypnotic eyes holding him by the hips. How many times has he fantasized in this situation?
Yuuri stops the recording, leaves his phone in the table, and immediately grabs Victor by the wrist and takes him to the bed where shyly Yuuri sits. Yuuri breath in and out twice trying to calm down before speaking.
Yuuri: ”Victor listen carefully. You’re the most gorgeous and stunning thing alive in this world, in this universe. Right now, I know I’m blessed that you Victor Nikiforov are mine as I am all yours” After that, he pulls Victor to be able to kiss him with a gentle but demanding kiss.
Victor started touching his boyfriend moved by his words while kissing him more roughly. He pushes him to stretch in bed and have better accessibility. They were flushed and the need for the other after one year of hunger was present.
Victor wakes up as he feels something snuggle closer to him, stepping into the process of his now long hair.
Victor: “Ouch. какого черта? Is that you Makkachin? Please stop eating my hair” Half asleep, he looks at the fake Makkachin. ‘Oh, it’s Yuuri’ He smiles ‘Look at him, he is too adorable’. He approaches his ear and whispers to him as he gently caresses his arm “Yuuri, my precious Yuuri, you truly are amazing. I think you aren’t the only one blessed” He kisses his ear, before kissing his cheek, nose and finally his left eyelid. “Well, I believe we’re going to have katsudon for breakfast”
* The End *
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