#aura more like aurarora
lovetaled-a · 2 years
we are sleeping beauty dash theming !
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aurarora · 7 years
tag game!
oo so i got tagged in this tag game by @fedexquisite and i wanna do it, so thank you for tagging me in this -- you’re a gem!! it’s been awhile lol, so i’m certain some things may have changed compared to older ones i’ve done ;;
The Tag Game:
Nickname: Spence, Spencey, Sponso, Spencipoo, and Lil’ Sponso are all I can think of right now LOL.
Star Sign: Aries ♈️
Height: 6′3!
Last Thing I Googled: ‘leeanne locken attacks camera’ -- lol i was trying to find this scene from real housewives of dallas because it is #iconic.
Favorite Music Artist: I go through phases where I listen to one or a couple artists on repeat for awhile, and then I move onto the next, but some general faves of mine are The Pretty Reckless, Purity Ring, Melanie Martinez, Twenty One Pilots, Crystal Castles, Lady Gaga, Marina and the Diamonds, Panic! at the Disco, Sky Ferreira, and more! ((far beyond what it asked for but i can be extra sometimes lmao))
Song Stuck In My Head: ‘Lullabies’ by Luna has been in my head recently bc I heard this bomb remix on YouTube and I luv it.
Last Movie I Watched: I think it was a Christmas movie, haha. ‘Call Me Claus’ with Whoopi Goldberg!
Last TV Show I Watched: I binged the entire 1st season of Jane the Virgin on Netflix and am now working on season 2!
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Boxers bc I’m in bed lol.
When Did You Create Your Blog: It was 8th grade (Spring of 2012), and an old friend of mine named Abbi told me that I should get one, so I did. I remember at first all I posted were random quotes from songs and books LOL. Now, here I am h0lla.
What Kind Of Stuff Do You Post: #fbf to 10th grade when I had a soft grunge blog ((my URL was cadafalque for those who may remember me, but i wasn’t that big of a deal lol)), but now I mainly reblog stuff that I find to be aesthetically pleasing or funny. I don’t post much about video games, but I follow a bit of blogs that post video games I like.
Do You Have Other Blogs: Currently hogging 4 URLs of mine, though it’s not like anyone would ever use them. I have 3 other blogs for funsies!~
Do You Get Asks Regularly: Nah, rip my inbox ((but i would luv some))
Why Did You Choose Your URL: I mixed together the words aurora -- because I think it’s a pretty word, reminds me of Aurora Beam from Pokemon, and it’s what I would like to name my daughter in the futer -- and aura -- because I find the idea of auras interesting. Thus, aurarora was born!
Gender: I identify as a boy!
Hogwarts House: P sure it was Hufflepuff ((never watched or read Harry Potter lol))
Pokemon Team: I’m originally Mystic, but I think the mascot for Instinct is cute so,,,,,,
Fave Color: I don’t really have one, tho I could say I have a fondness for a light blue-ish color like sky blue.
Average Hours Of Sleep: It depends really, but I would guess roughly 6-7 hours??
Fave Characters: I could give you a list of video game characters dude lol
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: 1, not including my sheets!
Dream Job: Elementary School Teacher!! If I could pick a grade, I’d pick 4th, but I think I’d be happy teaching anywhere between 2nd and 5th. :)
Following: 164
The Alphabet Tag:
Age: 18, turning 19 in 2 months!
Biggest Fear: The Afterlife
Drink I Last Had: Chocolate Milk ((specifically from Kroger bc Kroger is the bomb))
Easiest Person To Talk To: My sister probably!
Favourite Song: I hate this question bc I can never choose one song lol. I suppose right now, since I’ve been listening to quite a bit of Purity Ring, my favorite song by them is ‘Flood On The Floor.’
Grossest Memory: O god, um... I guess projectile vomiting on my mom when I was younger?? Listen, the medicine was shit, and--
Jealous Of People: I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t at times, but I’m not as much as I used to be. It’s something that I’m always working on -- improving myself!
Killed Someone: Not fucking Barthandelus in FFXIII
Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: The hopeless romantic in me wants to say love at first sight, and while I do think it’s possible ((believing in it makes life more interesting imo)), I think sometimes we need to walk by again. ((the first one sounds better tho lol))
Number Of Siblings: 1 sister and 2 half-sisters!
One Wish: Health, Joy, and Success for my friends, family, and myself!  
Person I Last Called: My momma!
Question I Always Get Asked: “How tall are you??”
Song I Last Sang: ‘Sad Dream’ by Sky Ferreira!
Time I Woke Up: 9:00 bc I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule before I start my 2nd semester of uni on Monday rip.
Underwear Colour: Plaid Blue and White!
Vacation Destination: I would love to visit Australia bc I love kangaroos, or I’d like to visit the west coast or east coast of the US, but I really enjoy going to my aunt’s condo along the beach in Siesta Key, FL. It’s so lovely there.
Worst Habit: Putting too much salt on food probably, haha.
Favourite Food: Um... French Fries are always a good go-to for me, haha.
Zodiac Sign: I already said my star sign is Aries, but my moon sign is Aries too! My ascending sign is Taurus. 
I Tag: ((and by no means do you have to do this))
@transitiontotheside / @aden-of-eden / @nydiak / @peace-love-baga / @wannabe-blair / @architvcts / @popuruin  
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