exaltedfuzz · 4 months
omg have u thought about auralana… prison recovery narrative and they’re bonded by doing extreme (in varying degrees) things for the sake of their younger siblings
You know what, I can get behind that. Had to figure out how to draw Aura first:
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But here's auralana...
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xrenyaa · 2 months
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atp I collect ace attorney rarepairs like pokemon cards
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detectivegumshoepals · 9 months
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Happy New Year to everyone’s favorite canon lesbians, who lost their love interests to violent murders, committed crimes for the sake of their siblings, and served time in prison. I think they should fall in love.
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coolandepicjuno · 24 hours
Thinking about auralana. Theyre very similar and I have tons of potential together
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sailorartemiss · 2 years
hum along 'til the feeling's gone forever
Rating: G Word Count: 1.1k Tags: Aura Blackquill/Lana Skye, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Angst Spoilers for Dual Destinies
Summary: Every year on Metis' birthday, Aura comes to visit her grave. It's ritual, tradition, and this year she feels ready to bring her girlfriend, Lana. Or, she thought she did.
For @aararepairweek day five: Traditions
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l3onart · 2 years
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Aurametis week day 3: Grief | Moving On
id under the cut
1. An illustration of Aura Blackquill and Geiru Toneido. Aura is caressing Geiru's cheek, while Geiru smiles longingly. The quote says, "My heart skipped a beat, And I felt complete, As I gazed into the clown girl's eyes, And then when I turned around, I found she was gone, We never said goodbye."
1. An illustration of Aura Blackquill and Geiru Toneido. Aura is caressing Geiru's cheek, while Geiru smiles longingly. The quote says, "My heart skipped a beat, And I felt complete, As I gazed into the clown girl's eyes, And then when I turned around, I found she was gone, We never said goodbye."
2. An illustration of Lana Skye and Aura Blackquill. Aura is resting on Lana's lap, while she's caressing her hair. The quote says: "My heart skipped a beat, And I felt complete, As I gazed into the prosecutor's eyes, And then when I turned around, I found she was gone, We never said goodbye."
3. An illustration of Aura Blackquill and Amara Sigatar Khura'in. Amara is cupping Aura's face with her hands, and looking in her eyes firmly. Aura's expression is worried. The quote says: "The queen skipped not a beat, My shock was complete, As She gazed into my eyes, And then She Said to me, Don't you realize? It's me."
The first three illustrations are all sepia toned.
4. An illustration of Metis Cykes and Aura Blackquill. Metis is behind Aura, covering her eyes; Aura's scared, as hands are trying to grab her from the bottom of the picture. The hands are Geiru's, Lana's, and Amara's. The quote says: "It's me, It's me. Don't you see, can't you see? The clown girl, the prosecutor and the queen?".
The last illustration is blue toned. /END ID]
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I JUST ACCIDENTALLY UNFOLLOWED YOU FUCK also the reason i didn't rb that other auralana one was bc op draws hetalia.
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aceprosecuties · 6 years
Aura Blackquill
Why I like her
There are so many things I adore about Aura but I think first and foremost actually is her protectiveness over those that she loves.  Like she resorted to means that were less than honorable (and she knew that) to try and save her little brother after losing the woman she loved out of sheer desperation and will - it is a fierce protectiveness and love that I think sometimes goes undersold.  She would do anything and everything to protect those close to her (even if she sometimes acts like she would not).
Why I don’t
I think at times she doesn’t listen - she has her own idea of what occurred and would not sway from that even after Simon tried to tell her that Athena was not the culprit.  This I think made her retreat even further away from people and allowed her hatred of Athena to grow to unhealthy levels. 
Favorite Episode (also combining with season/movie bc they all blend?)
Turnabout for Tomorrow, I would say, because it showcases her desperation and what she would go to in order to defend and save Simon, after feeling that the legal system had failed her over and over again. 
Favorite Line
“Shut up Simon! You know exactly how I felt about her! Her respect as a co-worker wasn’t all I wanted!” 
It might be the obvious choice but it is an obvious one for a reason.  Her clear love for Metis was one of the things which drove her actions and contributed to her hatred for Athena and there is just a powerful desperation and despair in this line and it breaks my heart.
Favorite Outfit
Well she only has the one aha…but I do really love her with her hair down!  She looks absolutely beautiful. 
AuraMetis, no question.  It is tragic and lovely and I wish they had gotten the happy ending they deserved.  (In present time, I also super like AuraLana, as rare a pair as that is.)
Her and Simon - they are such good siblings who have that sort of “only I’m allowed to make fun of them” dynamic which I kind of adore.  And again, I think even though she and him seem rough to each other, beneath it is a fierce love and attachment which can never be broken.
She and Metis never actually did get together, but the feeling was more mutual than Aura ever believed.  Metis was just too awkward to really act on those feelings and she tried to keep things professional.  Aura would try to do things that to her seemed romantic but Metis never picked up on them, and Simon would tease her for these and would encourage her to just tell Metis straight up.  She never did, and regrets it to this day.
Unpopular Opinion
I guess my understanding of what she did when she took hostages is unpopular?  I’m not sure; I know it wasn’t good but I can completely understand it.  If one of my sisters was in that situation and I felt like I had zero other means to help her, I would probably be desperate enough to pull a similar stunt.
A wish
For her sentence to be short and for her to return to her brother and her job much happier than she has been in years and for her to find a nice girl to settle down with eventually because she deserves it. 
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
For her punishment in prison to be as tough as Simon’s was.  I know his was doubly worse due to guilt and not knowing who Metis’ killer was, but I would hate to see her fall into that sort of despair again.  
5 words to best describe her
Protective, sarcastic, wary (of new emotional attachments), desperate, intelligent
My nickname for her
My tag for her is “space lesbian” for a reason.
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Elias was raised in a (the in 'verse equivalent of a) convent, and his religion still plays a major part in his life and thought processes in general.
Auralana spent her entire life involved with the church of Iomadae, to the point of becoming a military chaplain, and it’s shaped her outlook on life in much the same way.
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exaltedfuzz · 13 days
Couple of doodles
Baby Skyes
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A quite similar Lana x Aura
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Gant & Freddy
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