#aurelie cia
cerberus-unleashed · 6 years
From an early age Vincent had a strong sense of what was right and what was wrong.  Bullied at school for his looks and quiet demeanor, he vowed that one day he’d manage to stop that.  
When his father died under mysterious circumstances, the investigation was swept under the rug almost.  It was at that point that Vincent decided that he was going into law enforcement.  He didn’t want anybody else to have to experience what he did.
Already an excellent student as well as sharpshooter, Vincent excelled in his classes and then his occupation.  Eventually he was recruited into the CIA, his quiet nature and quick thinking giving him an advantage when it came to undercover work.
However one mission led him directly into the hands of a werewolf and, unequipped to handle a monster, was turned himself.  The Agency did little to help him, eventually discharging him and leaving him to fend for himself.  Struggling against his own nature and that of the Beast as well as losing his sense of purpose, Vincent couldn’t integrate with the society he was now forcibly ousted from.
That is until he was recruited by Captain Aurelie LeCuyer who led a company of shifter in the French military specifically designed to take down inhuman threats.  Eager to regain his purpose, Vincent eventually agreed to join Le Menagerie.  He serves as Captain Aurelie’s Lieutenant, taking charge wherever she is unable to go.
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Début novembre, Justin Bieber a dépassé les deux milliards de vues sur YouTube. Record absolu qui s'explique par un succès mondial constant depuis deux ans. Retour sur l'ascension d'un adolescent démesurément ambitieux.
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"A table !"  ; "C'est l'heure !"
Et c'est ainsi que commence ce blog, mélange de chroniques d'albums, de live reports, de billets d'humeur, d'actu et d'anecdotes capturées. 
Peut-être aimerez-vous me suivre dans mes pérégrinations (j'adore ce mot) de sale gosse excessive et spontanée, curieuse observatrice de tout ce qui bouge autour de ma personne. Welcome on board, my friends!
Illustration signée Valérie Oualid.
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