#australian cannabis university
shahananasrin-blog · 9 months
[ad_1] Newswise — Australian patients with chronic health issues prescribed medical cannabis showed significant improvements in overall health-related quality of life and fatigue in the first three months of use, along with improvements in anxiety, depression, and pain. Interestingly, cannabis therapy did not seem to improve reported sleep disturbances, according to a study published September 6, 2023 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Margaret-Ann Tait from the University of Sydney, Australia, and colleagues.Since 2016 in Australia, medical cannabis has been approved for prescription to patients with health conditions unresponsive to other treatment. Tait and colleagues surveyed a group of Australians with chronic health conditions prescribed medical cannabis to better understand any changes in patient-reported outcomes following cannabis treatment in this population. The authors used survey responses from 2327 Australian patients with chronic health issues prescribed medical cannabis (THC and CBD dissolved in a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) carrier oil) between November 2020 and December 2021. Patients were surveyed about their self-reported health-related quality of life, pain, sleep, anxiety, and depression prior to beginning cannabis therapy, after two weeks of treatment, then once a month for three months.63 percent of the surveyed patients were female, with an average age of 51 years (range 18-97 years). The most-reported conditions being treated were chronic pain (69 percent); insomnia (23 percent); anxiety (22 percent); and anxiety/depression (11 percent); half of patients were being treated for more than one condition. Patients reported significant, clinically-meaningful improvements in health-related quality of life and fatigue measurements across the three months surveyed. Patients also reported clinically meaningful reductions in pain and significant improvements for moderate-severe anxiety and depression. However, though many patients were prescribed cannabis for insomnia, there were no overall improvements in patient-reported sleep disturbance. The authors did not measure adverse effects as part of the study, though 30 patients formally withdrew from the study due to “unwanted side effects”. Regardless, these results suggest medical cannabis may be effective in helping manage previously-untreatable chronic conditions. The authors also note that more research and development of the cannabis oil products used in this study may be needed in order to successfully treat patients with insomnia and sleep disorders.The authors add: “Within the first three months of medicinal cannabis therapy, participants reported improvements in their health-related quality of life, fatigue, and health conditions associated with anxiety, depression, and pain.”##### Press-only preview: https://plos.io/3YICCtY In your coverage please use this URL to provide access to the freely available article in PLOS ONE: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0290549  Citation: Tait M-A, Costa DS, Campbell R, Norman R, Warne LN, Schug S, et al. (2023) Health-related quality of life in patients accessing medicinal cannabis in Australia: The QUEST initiative results of a 3-month follow-up observational study. PLoS ONE 18(9): e0290549. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0290549 Author Countries: Australia Funding: The University of Sydney received funding from Little Green Pharma Ltd. to support CR and MT to conduct this study. The funder played no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; nor in the decision to submit the article for publication. The study was independently investigator-led and all authors had full access to all data (including statistical reports and tables) in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Competing Interests: The University of Sydney received funding from Little Green Pharma Pty Ltd. to support MT and CR to conduct the submitted work; LW is a paid employee of Little Green Pharma Pty Ltd.; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.  window.fbAsyncInit = function () FB.init( appId: '890013651056181', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.2' ); ; (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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cbdon · 2 years
University of Sydney to Offer Free Cannabis Testing
University of Sydney to Offer Free Cannabis Testing
The University of Sydney is launching a fairly robust study in an attempt to, as the university describes it, “investigate cannabis consumption, behaviors, and attitudes among users.” Part of the study involves offering free, anonymous cannabis testing for people who cultivate their own cannabis in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Cannabis was decriminalized in 2020 […] Read more . . .
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drugsinceu · 2 years
Gratis cannabistest voor thuiskwekers
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In een studie wordt cannabis van eigen bodem in het Australian Capital Territory onderzocht voor medicinale en niet-medicinale doeleinden. Het doel is om cannabisconsumptie, gedrag en attitudes onder gebruikers te onderzoeken.Inwoners van de regio Canberra kunnen hun zelfgekweekte cannabis anoniem indienen voor tests als onderdeel van een onderzoek van de Universiteit van Sydney om de resultaten te onderzoeken van wetten die cannabis in het Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 2020 decriminaliseerden.Het Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics van de universiteit lanceert haar CAN-ACT-onderzoek onder ACT-bewoners die kleine hoeveelheden cannabis kweken, bezitten en gebruiken voor zowel medicinale als niet-medicinale doeleinden. Het thuis kweken van cannabis is momenteel verboden in alle andere Australische staten en territoria. Cannabisanalyse Het eerste onderdeel van het onderzoek is een anonieme online-enquête om wietgebruik, gedrag en houding onder ACT-bewoners te onderzoeken. Gevolgd door een uitnodiging om zelfgekweekte wiet anoniem in te dienen om te testen.De wiet van thuistelers, wordt gratis geanalyseerd op het gehalte, inclusief de belangrijkste psychoactieve componenten - tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) en cannabidiol (CBD) - evenals een reeks andere cannabinoïden en biologisch actieve moleculen. Deelnemers kunnen de analyseresultaten anoniem online bekijken.De onderzoekers testen ook op schadelijke verontreinigingen die tijdens het teeltproces kunnen ontstaan, waaronder door schimmels geproduceerde toxines, zware metalen en pesticiden. Het onderzoek staat alleen open voor huidige bewoners van de ACT.“Telers die met cannabis diepgaande therapeutische effecten bereiken, zijn van nature nieuwsgierig naar wat het allemaal bevat. De CAN-ACT-studie werd geïnspireerd door een ACT-bewoner die marihuana kweekte om de vergevorderde kanker van zijn vrouw te helpen behandelen”, zegt hoofdonderzoeker professor Lain McGregor, directeur van het Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics. Patrick’, een 70-jarige inwoner van Canberra, wiens overleden vrouw een terminale hersentumor had en tijdens haar laatste 18 maanden zelfgekweekte cannabis gebruikte, zei dat het haar een kwaliteit van leven gaf die niet verkregen kon worden met geneesmiddelen. “Het standaard ‘end-of-life’-medicijnpakket maakte mijn vrouw comatueus. Dit is nooit gebeurd met cannabis”, zegt Patrick, een gepensioneerde Nieuw-Zeelander."We hadden geen eerdere ervaring, we moesten uitzoeken welke dosering min vrouw moesten nemen en hoe vaak," voegde hij eraan toe. “De grootste problemen ontstonden toen we er niet achter konden komen of een symptoom het gevolg was van de tumor, de medicijnen of de cannabis. Dit is waar ik denk dat ‘user testing’ onze kennis kan verbeteren.”Terwijl inwoners van de ACT een Health and Drug Checking Service konden gebruiken om illegale drugs (zoals pillen, capsules, poeders, kristallen en vloeistoffen) te testen als onderdeel van een zes maanden durende proef door de regering, werd wiet uitgesloten. De onderzoekers hopen dat hun resultaten inzichten zullen opleveren die het gebruik van zelfgekweekte marihuana veiliger kunnen maken. Veilig gebruik voor ernstig zieke mensen De resultaten van de CAN-ACT-studie – die naar verwachting begin 2023 wordt afgerond – zou wel eens een belangrijke stap kunnen worden voor de legalisering van cannabis in andere staten en territoria in Australië. De CAN-ACT-studie wordt gefinancierd door het Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, University of Sydney. Bron: sydney.edy.au (EN) Read the full article
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regenerate-cbd · 2 years
Have A Happy Holiday Australian Study Shows It Is Safe To Drive When Using CBD
We are now in the summer season when people all over the UK are planning to go on holiday. They have packed their bags and preparing to hit the open road. Setting off on their cars, campervans, and motor homes, as they journey to their destination.
However, for those who enjoy taking CBD, some may still be concerned about the safety and legality of driving while using a cannabis-based substance like Cannabidiol.
The possibility of consuming CBD before getting behind the wheel may have an adverse effect on their driving, or memory can often give some pause. There may even be some who fear using CBD when motoring can almost equate to socially and legally unacceptable acts like driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. A percentage may be afraid they may be inadvertently breaking the law or putting themselves at risk when driving while consuming CBD. But nothing can be further from the truth, and a recent medical study in Australia has been compiled to allay those fears; and reassure motorists that taking CBD will not negatively impact their driving.
A contemporary study in Australia revealed the biggest medical dose of cannabidiol permissible each day in the country; around 1,500mgs of CBD did not affect a person’s memory or ability to drive.
The United Kingdom is among a large number of countries around the world permitting people to drive while taking CBD. In Australia, a study at the University of Sydney showed that, when taken on its own, CBD is considered `driver-safe”
Dr Danielle McCartney, the lead author, took charge of the study, where seventeen subjects performed simulated driving tasks after being given either a placebo or 15mg, 30mg or 1,500mg of CBD oil . Amongst the most taken doses in the country.
Those taking part initially had to keep a safe distance between themselves and the car taking the lead, as they drive down rural roads and highways for between three quarters an hour to 75 minutes after being given CBD, and then between three and a half to four hours later, to gauge the results.
The subjects did this four times over, one for each dose of CBD alongside the placebo, to see how they controlled the simulated car. Measuring how it is handled, its driving ability and the driver's cognition, as well as the rate of CBD concentration in their plasma, alongside other considerations.
During their study, the research team found none of the doses caused intoxication or seemed to negatively affect a participant's memory, cognition or driving ability.
The team conceded that the study centred on CBD by itself and advised that drivers should still show caution when taking CBD in conjunction with other medication. But overall, the results of the study suggested no ill effects when using CBD while motoring.
At a time when folk are heading off on the open road, a study from the University of Sydney may help allay any concerns motorists may have about using CBD when driving. It can take the strain out of what can often be incredibly stressful, going on holiday with the family.
Source: https://www.walesonline.co.uk
visit us: https://www.regeneratecbd.co.uk/blogs/latest-news/have-a-happy-holiday-australian-study-shows-it-is-safe-to-drive-when-using-cbd
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cannabisplace90 · 3 years
Cannabis Place Australia
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npcdeath · 3 years
the australian cannabis university is so fucking kind to me personally for putting up a double strength cbd oil in the shop bc im really out here taking like 18 drops a dose rn to keep off opiate painkillers
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weedweb · 4 years
Male versus female weed plants
Cannabis is a dioecious plant, which means it tends to be male or female, and the male and female regenerative organs show up on various plants. What's in your reserve container currently are the blossoms of a female marijuana plant. 
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Female plants produce the sap emitting bloom that is managed down into the buds you smoke, and guys produce dust sacs close to the base of the leaves. Male plants fertilize females to start seed creation, yet the buds we devour come from seedless female plants—these are designated "sinsemilla," signifying "seedless." 
Cultivators can guarantee the sex of their plants by developing clones or the hereditarily indistinguishable clippings from a parent strain. Feminized seeds are likewise made accessible through an exceptional reproducing measure.
And at the instant i feel not. Australian government needs to subsidise medications that have tested to be useful; that are tested to switch different medications; that are tested to be cheaper than different medications; are tested to be safe. Ultimately, are tested to create a distinction to the health system. to form the proof that medicative cannabis is helpful all told of these senses we'd like analysis. sadly, the analysis is just being funded by governments, not by the people that build medicative cannabis. we'd like the analysis to be ready to persuade government that it’s helpful which is for any drug that we have a tendency to place up to the govt., whether or not it's associate antibiotic or brain disease drug or new therapy drug. Tappropriate use. And at the instant i feel not. Australian government needs to subsidise medications that have tested to be useful; that are tested to switch different medications; that are tested to be cheaper than different medications; are tested to be safe. Ultimately, are tested to create a distinction to the health system. to form the proof that medicative cannabis is helpful all told of these senses we'd like analysis. sadly, the analysis is just being funded by governments, not by the people that build medicative cannabis. we'd like the analysis to be ready to persuade government that it’s helpful which is for any drug that we have a tendency to place up to the govt., whether or not it's associate antibiotic or brain disease drug or new therapy drug. The pharmaceutical corporations have a great deal of analysis to create positive that it works and prove that it makes a distinction to the health system before the govt. can subsidise it. I concern that we'll not get constant level of analysis with medicative cannabis. If you're thinking that regarding it, as I said, there ar seventeen corporations UN agency ar desperate to distribute their medicative cannabis product. it's not solely the corporate UN agency has place up the money for the analysis, it's each different company additionally. thus each company is hoping some other person can do the analysis and thus, nothing is being done. At the instant governments ar the sole ones UN agency ar very putt up cash in Australia to try and do the analysis, that isn't planning to be enough. analysis is additionally occurring funded by Government, as I said, to assist America perceive however medicative cannabis works in pain, in appetence, in chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, and conjointly in brain disease and that i hope there'll be a lot of. there is conjointly analysis happening in universities in Australia to appear at whether or not cannabis impairs patients’ driving. will it impair driving? we do not apprehend. Currently, the Law says if we have a tendency to ar ready to notice cannabis in somebody UN agency is driving then they're driving underneath the influence, whether or not the cannabis is low level or higher level. therefore the law has not held with what is happening currently, particularly once we ar moving off from device testing to spittle testing, wherever they will be terribly sensitive and acquire medications like cannabis, however conjointly opioids. The law in Australia relating to driving has not held with patients on medicative cannabis. Currently, I perceive the law says that if you've got a trace of cannabis In your blood, while you are driving, then you're driving underneath the influence of cannabis, though you have had taken that cannabis 3 weeks past. Cannabis stays within the body for up to 3 weeks, thus affirmative if someone's taken the legal cannabis and ar caught driving 3 weeks later, they're still deemed driving underneath the influence. therefore the law has not held with medicative cannabis and driving. For my patients on medicative cannabis they're driving underneath the influence under it legal definition, even if it's given for medicative and authorised functions. thus this {can be} a tangle for my patients on medicative cannabis regarding whether or not they can drive. i'd advise and merchandise info advises: don't drive and don't operate machinery. and that is constant factor with patients on opioids for the cancer pain; that is the same factor for somebody UN agency has taken a sleeping pill the night before. The law has not held. there's analysis happening in some Australian universities to check what level of cannabis within the blood starts to have an effect on driving capability. And till we've that analysis and fortunately, it's supported by governments in Australia, till we've those findings, those analysis, the law cannot modification at the instant. however will we conjointly differentiate medicative cannabis from lawlessly obtained cannabis? once more those tests don't differentiate the 2, therefore the Law has not held additionally. Our State police jurisdictions apprehend this can be a tangle. Our Federal Police apprehend this can be a tangle, however they are doing not have any answers simply nonetheless. For my patients UN agency ar prescribed medicative cannabis, i counsel don't drive. i will be able to supply them a letter that they as a patient mine ar getting medicative cannabis that's authorised, not solely by the federal, however conjointly by the state jurisdictions – during this case, New South Wales. The law has not been tested nonetheless and none of my patients are caught. however i suppose that is planning to be a matter of your time. the opposite issue is patients UN agency wish to travel on holidays with their medicative cannabis. I did have a patient UN agency possesses cancer, UN agency needs to pay holidays with their family, a young family, the maximum amount as attainable and that i will surely promote and encourage that. however she went on vacation to a distinct state, which suggests that she was conveyance her cannabis from New South Wales to a distinct state. Our laws once more haven't held, in terms of whether or not patients will bring medicative cannabis across borders. I conjointly encourage patients to travel overseas to go to family. which can be their final time from a palliative care purpose of read and that i wouldn't deny them that chance. And again, they need to require their medicative cannabis across international borders and once more there is no agreements between governments, for instance, regarding a way to upset authorised cannabis. There was a baby UN agency had obtained their cannabis from Canada and had brought their medicative cannabis for her seizures back to the united kingdom, wherever she lived. which cannabis was seized by customs as a result of the mother needed to declare it properly. and since the cannabis was seized, that kid concluded up in hospital with uncontrolled seizures. That produced problems for state and i am positive can create problems for all governments across the planet, in terms of ar we have a tendency to planning to be compassionate or not taking care of the those that board our countries. Laws ar being created, ar being considered, ar being shared between countries at the instant however we're not there nonetheless. And again, I supply recommendation to my patients that affirmative, i will be able to offer them with letters and copies of the authorisations that I even have received and that i hope that they are not planning to be the primary check cases in those several countries that they've gone to go to. i feel we'd like to be compassionate for our patients, whether or not it's among our own borders or whether or not patients go overseas. we'd like to be ready to show compassion to all or any our patients.he pharmaceutical corporations have a great deal of analysis to create positive that it works and prove that it makes a distinction to the health system before the govt. can subsidise it. I concern that we'll not get constant level of analysis with medicative cannabis. If you're thinking that regarding it, as I said, there ar seventeen corporations UN agency ar desperate to distribute their medicative cannabis product. it's not solely the corporate UN agency has place up the money for the analysis, it's each different company additionally. thus each company is hoping some other person can do the analysis and thus, nothing is being done. At the instant governments ar the sole ones UN agency ar very putt up cash in Australia to try and do the analysis, that isn't planning to be enough. analysis is additionally occurring funded by Government, as I said, to assist America perceive however medicative cannabis works in pain, in appetence, in chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, and conjointly in brain disease and that i hope there'll be a lot of. there is conjointly analysis happening in universities in Australia to appear at whether or not cannabis impairs patients’ driving. will it impair driving? we do not apprehend. Currently, the Law says if we have a tendency to ar ready to notice cannabis in somebody UN agency is driving then they're driving underneath the influence, whether or not the cannabis is low level or higher level. therefore the law has not held with what is happening currently, particularly once we ar moving off from device testing to spittle testing, wherever they will be terribly sensitive and acquire medications like cannabis, however conjointly opioids. The law in Australia relating to driving has not held with patients on medicative cannabis. Currently, I perceive the law says that if you've got a trace of cannabis In your blood, while you are driving, then you're driving underneath the influence of cannabis, though you have had taken that cannabis 3 weeks past. Cannabis stays within the body for up to 3 weeks, thus affirmative if someone's taken the legal cannabis and ar caught driving 3 weeks later, they're still deemed driving underneath the influence. therefore the law has not held with medicative cannabis and driving. For my patients on medicative cannabis they're driving underneath the influence under it legal definition, even if it's given for medicative and authorised functions. thus this {can be} a tangle for my patients on medicative cannabis regarding whether or not they can drive. i'd advise and merchandise info advises: don't drive and don't operate machinery. and that is constant factor with patients on opioids for the cancer pain; that is the same factor for somebody UN agency has taken a sleeping pill the night before. The law has not held. there's analysis happening in some Australian universities to check what level of cannabis within the blood starts to have an effect on driving capability. And till we've that analysis and fortunately, it's supported by governments in Australia, till we've those findings, those analysis, the law cannot modification at the instant. however will we conjointly differentiate medicative cannabis from lawlessly obtained cannabis? once more those tests don't differentiate the 2, therefore the Law has not held additionally. Our State police jurisdictions apprehend this can be a tangle. Our Federal Police apprehend this can be a tangle, however they are doing not have any answers simply nonetheless. For my patients UN agency ar prescribed medicative cannabis, i counsel don't drive. i will be able to supply them a letter that they as a patient mine ar getting medicative cannabis that's authorised, not solely by the federal, however conjointly by the state jurisdictions – during this case, New South Wales. The law has not been tested nonetheless and none of my patients are caught. however i suppose that is planning to be a matter of your time. the opposite issue is patients UN agency wish to travel on holidays with their medicative cannabis. I did have a patient UN agency possesses cancer, UN agency needs to pay holidays with their family, a young family, the maximum amount as attainable and that i will surely promote and encourage that. however she went on vacation to a distinct state, which suggests that she was conveyance her cannabis from New South Wales to a distinct state. Our laws once more haven't held, in terms of whether or not patients will bring medicative cannabis across borders. I conjointly encourage patients to travel overseas to go to family. which can be their final time from a palliative care purpose of read and that i wouldn't deny them that chance. And again, they need to require their medicative cannabis across international borders and once more there is no agreements between governments, for instance, regarding a way to upset authorised cannabis. There was a baby UN agency had obtained their cannabis from Canada and had brought their medicative cannabis for her seizures back to the united kingdom, wherever she lived. which cannabis was seized by customs as a result of the mother needed to declare it properly. and since the cannabis was seized, that kid concluded up in hospital with uncontrolled seizures. That produced problems for state and i am positive can create problems for all governments across the planet, in terms of ar we have a tendency to planning to be compassionate or not taking care of the those that board our countries. Laws ar being created, ar being considered, ar being shared between countries at the instant however we're not there nonetheless. 
Male weed plants 
When developing, male plants are typically disposed of on the grounds that you don't need them to fertilize the females—this will deliver seeds, and nobody needs to smoke buds with seeds in it. 
Guys are significant in the rearing cycle, yet that is commonly best left to master reproducers. While pollinating females, guys give half of the hereditary cosmetics acquired by seeds. Along these lines, it's essential to investigate the hereditary qualities of the male plants. Their shape, pace of development, nuisance and form obstruction, and atmosphere strength would all be able to be given to expand the nature of people in the future. 
Male plants can likewise be utilized for: 
Hemp fiber—guys produce a milder material, while females produce a coarser, more grounded fiber. The delicate fiber from guys is more attractive for items like dress, decorative spreads, and other family unit things. 
Concentrate creation—guys do have some THC and can be psychoactive, however considerably less so than females. Modest quantities of cannabinoids can be found in the leaves, stems, and sacs, which can be separated to deliver hash and different oils. 
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Plant harm 
Supplement inadequacies 
There are two kinds of bisexual plants: 
A plant that creates the two buds and dust sacs 
A plant that produces anthers, usually alluded to as "bananas" because of their appearance 
While both outcome in dust creation, genuine bisexual cannabis plants produce sacs that need to break; anthers are uncovered, dust delivering stamen. 
Since this happens when cannabis is under pressure, it's imperative to screen plants after they have been presented to stressors: inside, high temperatures or light breaks are frequently the reason; outside, a snapped branch may be fixed and afterward transform into a bisexual. 
The other essential driver of bisexual plants lies in its hereditary qualities—a plant with helpless hereditary qualities or a background marked by androgynous improvement should be maintained a strategic distance from to secure your nursery. On the off chance that you notice any dust sacs or anthers anytime, eliminate the plant from your nursery promptly to forestall fertilization of female plants. 
* Germinate Your Seeds 
This progression possibly applies in the event that you are developing from seed. There are a lot of approaches to sprout a seed, however a premade seed germination unit is the most straightforward choice. To utilize it, you just need to dampen the medium, embed the seeds, and water varying. When your seed sprouts, you can put the whole medium into your pot for simple relocating. 
Start Your Growing Journey Today With Our Small Complete Grow Kit Today! 
* The Vegetative Stage 
When your cannabis seedlings build up a couple of leaves, they have authoritatively entered the vegetative stage. This is when cannabis plants have the particular motivation behind developing greater and further in anticipation of the coming blossoming stage. 
During the vegetative stage, weed plants need a lot of light. You'll have to give them around 18 hours of light during this stage. Additionally, guarantee that the temperature in your develop room (or any place you are developing your plants) is somewhat hotter than room temperature. That implies somewhere in the range of 68°F and 86°F. 
The extended periods of time of light and high temperature imply that your cannabis plants will require a lot of water, so screen the dampness level and change as needs be. You don't need your plants to be excessively parched. 
How well your plants develop during this stage will straightforwardly affect their yield. More modest plants will yield less and more modest buds. Greater plants, notwithstanding, are more grounded and can uphold denser, more abundant buds. 
*The Flowering Stage 
At the point when blossoms begin to shape, you've entered the blooming stage. Those little blossoms will at last create buds – which you can in the long run burn-through. This significant stage in the life of your cannabis plant goes on until you reap the develop buds. This is what occurs during this stage:
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ohlukcs · 5 years
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( alex wolff, male ) did you hear how LUKAS TOZER is applying to columbia university as a FILM & MEDIA STUDIES major ?! the 19 year old is living in the WALLACH HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + PASSIONATE and +THOUGHTFUL, but honestly i think HE can be -ASSUMING and -CYNICAL. they’re a real MAVERICK. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.
about the mun !!
hi hello my name is sam (she/her), im 22, and im a big fat mess at all times :) um but a lil more about me is that i’m australian and a recently graduated film student lmao. i’ve been rping for like ten years now i think idk but i am a NERVOUS BITCH !!!!!!! and it sometimes takes me forever to reply to things (ic and ooc) bc of that so pls be patient with me lmao. anyway, happy 2 be here !! if u like this post i’m gonna assume u wanna plot with me and my idiot and hit u up !!! lets mcfreakin lose it !!!!
about lukas !!
full name: lukas joshua tozer
nickname(s): luk-ass idk whatever u can come up with lmao
age: nineteen
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
hometown: jackson, new jersey
date of birth: nov 4th
occupation: student ( film and media studies, sophomore ), cook/server at a nearby 24hr pizza joint
relationship status: single
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
faceclaim: alex wolff
positive traits: passionate, thoughtful, creative, ambitious, untethered, humorous
negative traits: assuming, cynical, insensitive, rebellious, resentful, irresponsible
if he was in a hogwarts house: slytherin
now some more dot points that are just me talking about lukas !!
was born in fort lauderdale florida but there is a vERY low chance he will ever admit that, he’ll just say he’s from new jersey. as far as he’s concerned, he’s always been from new jersey even if his family did move there after he turned twelve
speaking of things lukas probably wont ever tell u but i’m including them anyway: his family is kind of messy. not majorly but like a little bit more than average. he had two brothers, now he only has one. i’m not gonna include a whole lot of nitty gritty here i’ll save it for when i write the real bio and can actually do it justice but its the reason they moved from florida and it has had a pretty major effect on lukas over time obviously
he’s the baby of the family and he’s pretty much always been treated like one. it has left him pretty immature and irresponsible. still learning that his actions have consequences and that he cant just be a total dick all the time. he’s improved in those areas a fair bit since he started at columbia a year ago but he still has a long way to go
he didn’t ever really expect to go to columbia, he’s from a middle class family and his dad didn’t even go to college. he applied for columbia just as a might as well give it a go thing. like maybe it will happen. they had a film course and although the course itself isn’t really great, the connections to the industry available at columbia were valuable enough for him to try. he was wait listed up until basically the last minute, preparing to go to a college in boston instead but when he was accepted he knew he had to go. for himself, for his family, and for his lost brother.
obviously irresponsible attitude has led to some Bad Decision Making including but not limited to partying and drugs. he doesn’t prioritise that lifestyle over his school work (bc he knows how lucky he is to be at columbia at all) but he is a big believer that you need to experience things to be a great artist and he plans on being the greatest artist so bad decision town here we come !!!!
he has a pet goldfish named michael bublé pls dont nark
for more info on him click here to check his about page, no bio there yet but hopefully soon
wanted connections babey !!
course friends/rivals/anything: i am writing these before acceptances happen so i have no good god damn idea if any other characters are film majors but hit me the hell up if they are bc i would love to plot some stuff out
old roommate(s) : lukas was probably an entertaining roommate but probably verged on annoying pretty easily. he’s messy, gross, probably didn’t respect the do ur fucking dishes rule in first year ( probs still doesnt tbh ). but he also has a password to every streaming account plus a phat hard drive full of movies and shows that he is absolutely willing to share with u so just depends what ur into i guess. maybe this connection led to friendship or maybe they hate each other now. im down for either/both 
dealer: hi welcome back to bad decision town. lukas isn’t into any hard stuff but is a big weed smoker (to my understanding medicinal cannabis is allowed but lukas def doesn’t have a prescription), then after that it’s kind of just experimenting. will chat more details if u wanna take this connection
booze leachers: so yes lukas is 19 but he has four, thats right, four fake ids. he is not willing to give u his contact for fake ids but he is willing to buy u booze if u pay him. dont hate the player hate the game
gang gang: pretty much just a close group of friends. i imagine all pretty relaxed, all pretty chill. idk what to say here except i want people to care about him and let him put on dumb movies and watch them with him and probably have dumb matching stick and poke tattoos and hog a communal tv to play mario kart but lets talk about it
fast food workers deserve respect too: as mentioned, lukas works at a 24hr pizza joint near campus which means he’s seen some shit. one of the things he’s seen multiple times is drunk student trashing the place. whether it be vomit, forgetting how to hold a cup, or bet try at a food fight lukas has seen it and he’s cleaned it up too. this connection could be that maybe he helped someone out and cleaned them up and got them back to campus when their friends ditched and now they look out for lukas too and its a positive connection. or maybe lukas hates their guts and spits on their food whenever they show up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who’s to say
hot girl bummer by blackbear: now listen here’s an angsty connection i want, and i def want to plot it out way more with whoever takes it on but basic outline of what i have in mind: they’ve kind of sort of been dating for a while but they’re just falling out of whatever they had to begin with. they were never official, they probs def fucked around with other people while they were ““““together”””””, lots of oh sorry ur taking it so seriously i thought we were just chilling bullshit. all of this girls friends probs hate lukas and he definitely hates them back. were probably once really good friends and had a really good time together but they’ve lost it. will they find it again or will it fizzle out? lets find out together xoxo
new girl(s) : i hate the connection title too but i couldnt think of anything better. we’re in bad decision town and now we’re going to thot street babey. since things have been falling apart with hot girl bummer and even before that lukas a little bit of a thottie. this doesnt mean he’s good at it, please also feel free for a part of this to be that they rejected lukas and he got butt hurt about it idk lukas being attracted to them is basically this whole idea and i would wanna plot the rest of it more depending on specific characters wooo
lukas is a bad influence: if u have gotten this far u may have noticed that lukas is not a very good influence at all. this is someone probs his age or younger that wants to loosen up and have a good time and lukas completely encourages that. bonus points if this connection is a combo with the above connection bc lukas is a gross boi and would be like wow listening to my bad ideas thats so sexy and cool of u ya know. but also doesnt have to be that ! could just be lukas thinks its funny and thinks that someone listening to him is just like good content that could get him on barstool
lukas is badly influenced: this is basic as hell but someone that tells him to leave his impluse control at the door and encourages him to be trash. probs older than him and i def see this as more of a masc connection than a fem but like all my plot ideas: lets talk about it. this one probs v much depends on ur character so gonna leave this one nice and short
lukas is good-ly (??????) influenced: also basic as hell and p much just the opposite of above. someone who is a good influence on lukas. encourages creativity and ambition instead of straight up recklessness. again, i see it as an older character but no gender seen here. a lot of this would be based around ur character so lets chat
michael bublé’s co parents: lukas has a goldfish named michael bublé (or just michael), i picture him having got it while high as heck during the day and just being like This Is A Good Idea. maybe ur character was with him and they were co parents from the start or maybbe they came into the picture later ??? i’m honestly down for whichever just give michael the love he deserves pls
and probably just about anything else these are just some ideas, i totally wanna plot further and brainstorm so please still hmu if none of these fit ur character we’ll plot something up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cannabis Use, a Self-Management Strategy Among Australian Women With Endometriosis: Results From a National Online Survey Justin Sinclair, MHerbMed, BHSc1, Caroline A. Smith, MSc, PhD1,2, Jason Abbott, PhD, BMed (Hons)3, K. Jane Chalmers, PhD, BPhysio(Hons)4, David W. Pate, PhD, MSc1, Mike Armour, PhD, BSc (Hons)1,2,low asterisk,'Correspondence information about the author PhD, BSc (Hons) Mike Armour . https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(19)30808-4/fulltext (Link in Bio & Stories) . Thank you to everyone that participates in the research callouts you are making a HUGE difference. 💛 . #endometriosisaustralia #endometriosis #endo #selfmanagement #cannabis #medicinalcannabis UNSW Western Sydney University #NICM #UNSW #WSU #endoresearch https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vZxUUAK9y/?igshid=1nnnz2pq637vh
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axvoter · 5 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review XXIV (federal 2019): Jacqui Lambie Network
Prior reviews: federal 2016
Running where: TAS.
What I said before: “Too much of her policy is shot through with kneejerk reactions, fear, or chest-thumping nationalistic/state-centric bluster.”
What I think this year: Lambie contested four states in 2016 and won herself a spot in the Senate for Tasmania. She was, however, one of those ousted in the section 44 scandal and the replacement from her party has now joined the Nationals. Lambie is, therefore, hoping to get back into the Senate with this run, and has narrowed her party’s scope to only contest Tasmania. This is hardly surprising, as she maintains a parochial Tasmania-first approach to policy.
Lambie’s policies this time around support an increase in the aged pension, implemention of a national anti-corruption commission for the federal parliament, permit medicinal use of cannabis, and would require parliamentary approval before Australian troops can go to war. She has a very specific policy that Australian troops should wear boots made in Australia! Her policies on franking credits hew too closely to the Libs. Her policies about hiring Australians are so parochial that she wants states to hire workers from that state; in other words, some of her economic positions go beyond protectionism to nativism.
I like some of her education policies, specifically to increase the Youth Allowance, oppose deregulation of university fees, raise teacher salaries, and have textbooks free for students. She wants the unis to pay for the textbooks though; this is to take advantage of their purchasing power but the position of uni budgets is such that I think this policy would work better with the government making purchases. It too has significant purchasing power.
My recommendation: give the Jacqui Lambie Network a weak to middling preference. I have misgivings about her, but her platform has improved, and although she is not a great option, there are far worse parties running.
Website: https://www.lambienetwork.com.au/
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canna-base · 6 years
The Cannabis Groups Facebook Doesn’t Want You to See
As of the 6th August 2018 Facebook started to filter and remove specific groups from their search results. Search on Facebook has always been a bit of a hit/miss affair, but now they have removed the ability for users to search for ANY Cannabis Groups, or Marijuana Groups and related searches. You also find no Cannabis Pages or Marijuana Pages either when you try and search for any content to do with Cannabis or Marijuana, apart from videos. None. Nadda. Nix. As of the 8th August 2018 this was what you see when you search for Cannabis in the Facebook Search.   Go on try it! You can’t find anything apart from videos relating to the search terms for Cannabis, Marijuana and all associated search terms. Whilst this is Facebook’s right to reduce/remove functionality, we believe the only reason to do this is to try and stop or reduce the effective use of Facebook as a way for Cannabis users to share information.
“Censorship” is perhaps too harsh a word, as Facebook is a private company and has the right to allow or disallow specific content based on nothing more than their own internal policies. However we believe that if there is information “out there” then it should be freely available. What next? An outright removal of ALL Facebook groups and Facebook pages with any mention of Cannabis or Marijuana? Of course they can do this if they feel it is in their own interests, but that will affect a LARGE number of people who may choose to look elsewhere to connect with other like minded people. Taken to the extreme, this could see anyone who is a member of a group or who may have liked a page for Cannabis or Marijuana being banned or having their accounts suspended. Who knows, but it is their platform and they can do what they like…
With all that in mind, we have put together a list of over 400 groups that might be useful for users of Facebook who wish to share their thoughts and connect with other cannabis users, medical or recreational. If you have ANY groups that are not mentioned or are running a group that you would like to see added then please do. We are working to improve the list and make it as usable as possible for our site visitors.
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The post The Cannabis Groups Facebook Doesn’t Want You to See appeared first on Cannabis for Chronic Pain.
source https://canna-base.com/cannabis-groups-facebook-doesnt-want-see/
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blackfloormat-blog · 6 years
Free Diabetes Alert
] The REAL cause of Diabetes ( Recommended ),Diabetes Lancets Make specific thoroughly wash the leaves. Is there a specific enrollment period or can I join whenever I’m ready? What strategies do you use so you can keep on exercising? James, I would also look into what services can be provided to you through your local Department of Adult Services.(I think thats what its called, generally, I mean). If an individual has more than one residence that could be considered a dwelling house (for instance, a cabin) an individual can only grow cannabis in the residence in which they ordinarily reside. This is devoted to a discussion of the nature of such carve-outs, the reasons for their use, possible concerns and a few of the more common types of carve-out arrangements. Many of these reactions are reflected in changing statistics about the extent of varying types of medical expense coverage; unfortunately, online pharmacy canada precise statistics are difficult to obtain. We should work to equip gun shops with strong security measures like closed-circuit cameras, discrete signage, and reinforced windows, which are already required of marijuana dispensaries in Colorado. Ordered flea meds from the website that makes every effort to look like they are based in Canada. Many competitors try to prevent pain interfering with their performance by taking painkillers that are readily available in pharmacies and supermarkets, say the authors. You no longer have to walk down to the local drug store and wait in a queue, or drive around town looking for pharmacies who stock the drug you need in case your neighbourhood chemist does not have it. You’ll find testimonials all over the place, especially online, on various forums, coming from people who claim ammonia is yet another top-notch liquid rat deterrent. Without this information, the company will have no idea of whether these people will live or die during the policy period. Why are so many people saying there is a Cancer Conspiracy? There are hourly 20-minute flights daily between Trinidad (Piarco Airport) and Tobago (Crown Point Airport). There are arguments over whether or not your monthly shared amount is deductible if you own a business. Currently, most group universal life insurance products are limited primarily to employers who have at least 100 or 200 employees. Let us therefore start with this: Listen to Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, FACSM who presented the main essential things about exercise and diabetes. It’s time to stop talking about investing in our children, and actually start doing it. An alternative to this approach provides benefits for a uniform length of time to all employees, except possibly those with short periods of service. As Governor, I will fight for schools to have increased time for teacher-led Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to help teachers analyze data, plan their lessons, collaborate with their colleagues, and be receptive to the needs of students. Have you used activated charcoal as a natural remedy? I have some Heartgard I ordered online from a different Australian site right here, it says "EXPIRY DATE" very clearly. Does the company have a registered pharmacist available to discuss your medication with you when you call? Several hundred members waiting answer any question you may have. The insurance company may be more efficient and able to do the job at a lower total cost. Many state governments adopted programs to make coverage more available and affordable to the uninsured. So monitor the effect of the dose, the physical activity and make adjustment with the help of your health care team. Requiring or encouraging managed care plans. This challenge is significant, since over 30 percent of the population in most metropolitan areas are covered by health plans for companies which are headquartered elsewhere. Teams of doctors are not actually 'there for you'. It’s a part of the health authority’s bid to stem the mounting death toll associated with fentanyl-tainted street drugs. Inflation related to medical benefits has in recent years resulted in plan costs increasing beyond the regular cost-of-living index. Some legislation has resulted at the state level.
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harveyboothman-blog · 6 years
Federalist Documents Authored By John Jay.
Entrepreneurs are vital to the development of the a country's economy. Whenever they inject themselves in to a method, the costs normally rise considering that an ever blossoming, non-contributing administration establishes that incorporates NOTHING to either the high quality of or even availability of medical care. France is actually definitely the best explored as well as enjoyed country on earth of tourist. The Record Entitled 'International and also Chinese Cross-Country Ski Poles Market, 2011-2021 Market Analysis File' is an efficient and complete study on the here and now condition of the worldwide Cross-Country Ski Poles Market along with a concentrate on the Chinese sector. According to the National Medicine Technique of the Australian Authorities, the economical impact of unauthorized drug use was actually virtually $2 billion 7 years back, http://gymandrun2017.info/ with more than 30% of the nation having actually recently made use of medications like cannabis as well as virtually 11% with current methamphetamine make use of. Undoubtedly, when flexibility is actually tested, when hope is actually almost dashed, war is sometimes the only resolution. In a country along with as high a common income as our company invite America every consumer need to have the same level of medical care as our chosen representatives enjoy. The geographical and climatic varieties, the multiculturalism, the devotion as well as commitment to the development of brand-new technologies, a growing and powerful economy with a liberalized education and learning body create USA an ideal nation for global trainees. Many people away from the Ukraine have difficulties recognizing Ukrainian life style, behaviors and practices and also the major explanation for this is actually the personality of individuals in Ukraine, which is different in lots of parts from United States or International ones. The WEF study finds that India has actually fared worse than in 2015 in relations to economical engagement as well as possibility" for girls, pushing the country amongst all-time low 10 countries on the WEF list. Several things that contributed to the United States past that have actually created this country fantastic. You may constantly decide on a guided tour that offers you some spare time to look into the area or put on your very own. While the lyrics truly do not clearly say everything regarding American servicemen the video recording presents a guy in consistent and suggests he is her man. Instead of focusing on a relatively arbitrary ranking of universities, students should meticulously examine each school and compare its durabilities against their personal goals within the drama field. The nation is actually a residence to some of the world's prominent universities, of which 7 of all of them, have actually included in the checklist of best one hundred in global college position. Also the act of positioning a provider staff member overseas ought to follow the international nation's labor legislation as nations with higher unemployment prices will most definitely inhibit even more immigrants coming from joining their actually flailing staff.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Wednesday 12th September 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader…. Light rain is falling, shall we stay or shall we go is the question of the moment.. go is the answer, and Bella and I emerge in the very early morning, streets glistening with rain, light from the sodium street lamps casting a golden tone to the otherwise grey sidewalks… The soft sound of water running towards the ocean is our companion today, Bella elects for the semi dry, section under the trees to read the local information, I stand and wait, no rush on my behalf, she wanders around, and the walks back to me nuzzles my hand, and looks to home…..
HUGE GOLD-ENCRUSTED ROCKS UNEARTHED IN AUSTRALIA…. More than 2,400 ounces of gold were found in the largest rock, RNC Minerals says Miners in Western Australia say they have discovered two huge gold-encrusted rocks that are each estimated to be worth millions of dollars. The largest specimen, weighing 95 kg (210lb), was found to contain more than 2,400 ounces of gold, Canadian miner RNC Minerals said. The company said it had extracted gold worth about C$15m (£9m; $11m) from a mine near Kalgoorlie last week. One mining engineer described the finds as "exceedingly rare". "People do still record finding nuggets in the goldfields, but typically they are less than several ounces," said Prof Sam Spearing, director of the Western Australia School of Mines at Curtin University. The mining company valued the largest rock at about C$4m. It said the second-largest - a 63kg specimen with an estimated 1,600 ounces of gold - was worth C$2.6m.
SWISS NURTURE CANNABIS FOR MEDICINAL USE…. Mention Swiss farming and images of dairy cows spring to mind - not cannabis plants. But now the government says it wants to do more research into medicinal cannabis and make treatments with it more available. On a farm in lush green countryside, an hour from the capital Berne, Markus Lüdi proudly surveys his crop. It's almost harvest time, and this year, after the long hot summer, it's likely to be a good one. His plants are valuable - as shown by the high fence and electronic gate protecting them. Markus is actually a chemist, not a farmer, and his crop consists of hundreds of cannabis plants, which he uses to produce cannabis-based medicine. Switzerland has flirted with legalising cannabis for 25 years, without ever taking the plunge. Possession of the drug for recreational use has been decriminalised, but cultivating or selling large quantities of cannabis containing more than 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the key psychoactive element in the plant, is a crime. Not so for Markus, however, as his plants are designated for medicinal use.
MEXICO VIOLENCE: REMAINS OF 166 FOUND IN VERACRUZ MASS GRAVE…. The skulls of at least 166 people have been found in a mass grave in Mexico's eastern state of Veracruz. State prosecutor Jorge Winckler said the skulls and other human remains had been there for at least two years. The exact location is not being disclosed for security reasons, he added. Drug traffickers have used Veracruz as a dumping ground for their victims for many years. In March 2017, 250 skulls were found in another mass grave there. Mr Winckler told reporters that investigators had also found about 200 items of clothing, more than 100 identity cards and other personal belongings. Officials are focusing on the skulls to work out the exact number of victims. Drones and ground-penetrating radar are helping to locate the remains and forensic experts are still working at the scene, officials added. Mr Winckler could not rule out finding more victims. Relatives of people who have disappeared in Mexico have long been campaigning for more to be done to help them find their loved ones. Drug-related violence in Mexico has soared since 2006 when the army was deployed to fight the powerful cartels. Since then more than 200,000 people have been killed, including a record 28,702 last year.
AUSTRALIAN POLICE FIND 'UP TO' FIVE BODIES IN A HOUSE IN PERTH…. Up to five bodies have been found in a house in suburb of Perth, according to police in Western Australia. The dead include women and children. Assistant commissioner Paul Steele said the incident was "tragic" but that there were no ongoing safety concerns. He said officers made the discovery on Coode Street in Bedford after a man attended a regional police station. The man, who is in his 20s, is in custody. It is not yet known if the victims were related. Mr Steele called the discovery "heartbreaking" and said the tragedy would send a ripple through the wider community. He said forensic teams were on the scene and investigators were trying to piece together a timeline of events. In July, a 19-year-old man was charged with the murders of two children and their mother in another Perth suburb, Ellenbrook. Two month before that, seven people were found dead at a rural property in a town of Osmington, 280km (170 miles) south of Perth. It was the country's worst mass shooting since 1996. Police treated it as a murder-suicide, saying resident Peter Miles killed himself and six relatives, including his four grandchildren.
HUNDREDS OF ROMAN COINS UNEARTHED IN ITALIAN THEATER…. Jackpot! The cache of perfectly preserved gold coins was discovered in the basement of a theater in the northern city of Como that was due to be demolished. Dating back to the 5th century, the coins are estimated to be worth millions of dollars. Experts will examine the coins in a restoration laboratory, while officials say work at the site — where a luxury residence was planned for construction — will be suspended for further excavation. Culture Minister Alberto Bonisoli called the area “a real treasure for our archaeology.”
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today are being looked down on,
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Wednesday 12th September 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Spain #Tulips #Bella #Coffee
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jcruceweb · 3 years
Can CBD Help Dogs with Seizures?
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What Are The Symptoms Of A Seizure?
A seizure is a common neurological condition in dogs in which the brain is function is involuntarily disrupted. Epilepsy is the term used to describe repeated episodes of seizures.Symptoms that your dog is having a seizure include:- Collapsing - Jerking - Convulsing - Stiffening - Muscle twitching - Drooling - Loss of consciousness - Chomping - Tongue-chewing - Foaming at the mouth - Release of bowel or bladder What Causes Seizures?
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Individual seizures can be caused by a number of things, including eating poison, liver disease, fluctuating blood sugar, fever, strokes, brain cancer, anemia, electrolyte problems, or head injury.Epilepsy is typically categorized in two ways: Idiopathic epilepsy, also called primary epilepsy, and symptomatic epilepsy. Idiopathic epilepsy has no identifiable cause and is often a genetic issue, while symptomatic epilepsy occurs when there is an identifiable underlying brain lesion or metabolic cause, like the ones mentioned above.Idiopathic epilepsy can be inherited in many breeds, including Australian Shepherds, Belgian Tervuren, and German Shepherds, Beagles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Border Collies, Border Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Dachshunds, English Springer Spaniels, Finnish Spitz, Golden and Labrador Retrievers, Irish Wolfhounds, Lagotto Romagnolos, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens, Shetland Sheepdogs, Standard Poodles and Vizslas. However, it can occur in any breed and mixed breed, according to the American Kennel Club. When Dogs Are Seizing The first thing to remember when your dog is having a seizure is to stay calm. Do not try to move the dog unless they are in an unsafe area (for example, if they are laying on the edge of a dock over water or are near a fire). If you must move the dog, try to move them from their hind legs or hips.You can soothe or gently pet your dog while they are having a seizure but keep your hands away from their mouth as they may clamp down with their jaw. How CBD Helps You can administer full spectrum hemp extract to your dog’s gums during the seizure to shorten the duration.A single seizure should not last more than 5 minutes. If it does, consult an emergency veterinarian. Typically, seizures only last a few minutes and the dog will resume their normal activity afterward. Stop Seizures Naturally It is important to make sure your pet is eating a healthy, species-appropriate diet to prevent the types of liver disease, fluctuating blood sugar, anemia, and electrolyte issues that can cause seizures. We recommend a fresh/raw diet that has all the macro and micronutrients they will need, in the right proportions. By preventing some of the deficiencies that cause seizures, you can often avoid them altogether.If your dog is prone to seizures, your veterinarian may prescribe phenobarbital (PB) and potassium bromide (KBr or K-BroVet Potassium Bromide). However, these medications may have negative side effects and can cause further liver damage, which is why many pet parents are turning to full spectrum hemp extract (CBD oil).CBD has been used by humans to treat seizures for years. In fact, in 2003, the U.S. government patented CBD as a neuroprotectant (despite the U.S. prohibition on cannabis). Because of the rise of hemp-derived CBD for pets, studies focusing on the effects of CBD on seizures in dogs is being studied now more than ever.In a 2017 double-blind study conducted by Colorado State University’s James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital, neurologist Stephanie McGrath assessed the short-term effect of CBD on seizure frequency in 16 dogs. Dogs in the trial were randomly assigned a placebo or a hemp-derived CBD treatment for 12 weeks. Nine dogs received CBD while seven were given a placebo. All of the dogs in the study suffered from seizures. Through the study, McGrath found that 89 percent of dogs who received CBD in the clinical trial had a reduction in the frequency of seizures. Additionally, McGrath saw a significant association between the degree of seizure reduction and the amount of CBD concentration in the dog’s blood.This was not the only study to find CBD to be a successful anti-epileptic supplement for pets. Yamazaki University of Animal Health Technology in Japan conducted a similar experiment wherein three dogs who suffered epileptic seizures were given hemp-derived CBD for eight weeks. Researchers found a decrease in seizure intervals in two of the three dogs studied. The dogs were given varying amounts of CBD, and the dog who received the lowest number of mg of active CBD showed little to no improvement, while the dog who was administered 1700 mg showed the highest level of improvement. More isn’t always better, but in this case, the level necessary for optimal results proved to be 1700 mg (side note: the same study’s findings show that the dogs showed a decrease in barking even when other dogs nearby were excitable).
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CBD Dosage To Stop Seizure Activity Despite common misconceptions, dosing has very little to do with your dog’s size or weight. Finding the right dosage depends on your specific dog, their specific condition, and the sensitivity of their endocannabinoid system. Based on research and from our experience, we recommend starting with 35 – 50 mg of HEAL 1100 mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (CBD) daily and during seizure activity. The HEAL tincture contains 37 mg full spectrum hemp extract (CBD) per 1 mL dropper, which means it is best to start with about 1 – 1.5 mL droppers full. However, make sure to consult your holistic veterinarian if your pet is on phenobarbital before weaning. According to our Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Zac Pilossoph, “It’s all about low and slow. It’s about the gradual introduction of CBD and continuous monitoring over time. When you’re switching therapy options, whether it’s pharmaceutical to pharmaceutical, or pharmaceutical over to nutraceutical, it doesn’t matter. The process should be gradual. The process could range from weeks to months. Keep a journal so you have a daily log of what’s going on to show your veterinarian.”For Best Absorption For the fastest and most thorough absorption, lift the lip and apply the dose directly onto the gums, as the most direct way into the bloodstream. If added to food, the medicine may not be as effective and can take significantly longer (30-45 min.) to reach the bloodstream as it works its way through the gastrointestinal system.
Learn About Great Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats
These Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats are the same delicious cookies you already know and love made with cannabis-infused coconut oil or cannabutter for a delicious medicated treat! 
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Berry Bliss Truffle Ball CBD Infused Dog Treats
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Pumpkin and Turmeric CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Sweet Potato/Yogurt Frozen CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Baked Peanut Butter CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Can CBD Help Dogs with Seizures?
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Indica vs Sativa. Which type of bud comes out on top? You can decide for yourself as we now dive deep into the world of the various types of cannabis strains.
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architectnews · 3 years
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort, West Island
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort, West Island Commercial Architecture, Australian Contemporary Hotel, Images
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort by West Island
7 May 2021
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort
Design: Margot Krasojević Architects
Location: West Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australian external territory
The Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort project brief is to design an off-coast floating hotel with sustainability at the forefront of the design criteria. References to land reclamation and renewable energy are of importance.
The reclaimed hotel floats south of the Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean, where an increase in plastic pollution has damaged ecosystems to the Cocos (Keeling) archipelago, trapping and killing hermit crabs amongst the crustaceans that are an important part of tropical environments as they disperse seeds and aerate and fertilize the soil, so their decline could have a significant impact on surrounding ecosystems.
The design has evolved into an ocean-plastic artificial island. Simulation software has been used to understand the movement and migration of large plastic waste in our oceans. This plastic waste has been sailed across oceans by ocean gyres. Margot Krasojević Architects developed an infrastructure that would support and engage with the accumulation of ocean plastic waste.
The ocean current simulation software creates a mapping of the accumulation of the highest density of plastic waste that was used as a starting point to understand how to collect this waste and put it to constructive use, in the production of an artificial island for habitation. As the brief requested a hotel, this was a starting point.
The concept of the hotel itself is to evolve as an ongoing, self-repairing structure that has grown from the carelessly discarded plastics captured through its filters and extending inflated arms that gather and deposit plastics in order for it to be placed in mesh bundles, which act as floatation devices. The idea is inspired by a Dutch team that has been looking into using different scavenged materials to reclaim the land.
The island consists of mesh-filled bags of reclaimed ocean plastics from bottles to tires; this is then weaved together to create a floating landfill. The area is anchored to the ocean floor whilst sand and silt are deposited on the reclaimed plastic floatation devices.
The idea is to make the area hospitable to nurture mangrove trees whose roots grow around the mesh-filled plastic bags, cementing them to create a stable structure. Mangroves have been used as methods of flood defense by capturing or trapping sediment to self-build a type of defense wall as well as acting as flood prevention due to their roots that swell and absorb the water preventing the island from capsizing or sinking.
The island relies on this stage of growth in order for it to become habitable. In this project, they used anchors to locate and position the trash island and created a grid for reclaimed plastic bundles to sit within, after which layers of sediment and sand deposited over the flotilla defined a structural base into which mangroves were introduced. References to Danish land reclamation and plastic waste from 2010 are of the essence to understand or clarify the necessary approach and potential technologies of transforming plastics into a habitable landfill.
A major design element is a pleated structure of interlaced webbing, made from biodegradable-seeded concrete fiber mesh. These ‘tentacles’ are released from the ceramicrete upon contacting with rising water levels. They expand and inflate into the oncoming swell sinking as they absorb water creating an artificial barrier trapping sediment and absorbing floodwater.
In principle, they are the artificial mangrove roots that are the island’s life jacket in an emergency, as they expand the trapped sediment creating artificially engineered land almost like an inflatable runway. Each fully immersed tentacle expands and falls on top of the next creating a temporary wall preventing water from flooding the island whilst supporting it in case of damage. Once the storm stabilizes, the tentacles are emptied. Using pumps powered by solar panels, the water is redirected off of the island and released into the Indian Ocean. The tentacles expand on impact with water pressure retaining the island’s buoyancy.
This interlocking web is an open-ended structure that captures sediment and allows for natural movement across the island. It acts like nets trapping and creating a framework for the sediment to lodge and grows in depth and density in order to increase the land building sediment for the mangroves and plastic pollution substructure whilst attempting to dampen waves functioning as a breakwater, absorbing energy and protecting the shoreline from further damage.
The hotel offers a compartmentalized series of canopied rooms and land for camping. Showers use filtered and distilled seawater pumped onto the facility using solar energy.
The island grows according to its inhabitants who reach its shore by boat. It is a self-build land hotel that becomes a collective community building for themselves and others. Utopian getaways, correcting the environmental imbalances of plastic pollution in our oceans whilst enjoying the beauty of a self-enriched, self-sustained, autonomous ocean island escape.
Ocean current simulation software identifies patterns of plastic pollution migrating and circulating through ocean current pathways. These clusters of ocean pollutants and their collection and filtering are the main design criteria involved in the location and evolution of the island.
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort, West Island – Building Information
Architect: Margot Krasojević Architects
About Margot Krasojević Margot Krasojević completed her architectural education at the Architectural Association School of Architecture and The Bartlett, University College London. She worked with Zaha Hadid Architects and was a lead undergraduate and master’s studio director, investigating digital and sustainable design programs, at UCL, University of Greenwich, UWA, and the University of Washington. She then opened a multidisciplinary architectural design studio focusing on integrating environmental issues, renewable energy, and sustainability as part of the design process.
Ms. Krasojević is currently working on projects in Asia, where she is integrating and harnessing renewable energy as part of a building service infrastructure. She is also designing hydroelectric homes and hotels which redefine the manner in which not only tourism but everyday rituals are affected and is investigating hempcrete as a sustainable and carbon-negative building material in her recent project for Catalonia’s Cannabis agricultural farm design. She is the author of “Dynamics and Derealisation” and “Spatial Pathologies-Floating Realities” and is a visiting professor at the University of Washington.
Ms. Krasojević believes that a cross-disciplinary design strategy is very important for architecture proposing new typologies which reflect our perpetually changing environment. She focuses on design criteria that involve renewable energy sources and technology to develop a formal and structural architectural language supported by dynamic simulation software.
Ms. Krasojević won the 2018 LEAF Award for “Best Future Building – Under Construction and Drawing Board” for her “Self-Excavation Hurricane House” in Louisiana, US.
Ms. Krasojević’s `Hydroelectric House’ design is a permanent exhibit at The Futurium, Berlin, opening 5th September 2019.
The Turbine hotel is part of a television documentary by RAUM Films, Austria.
Ms. Krasojevic was nominated for the Energy Globe awards 2020.
Ms. Krasojevic won GOLD WAN awards 2020 2021, Belgrade design week, recyclable materials research with University of Exhibition at the Smithsonian, Alaska, 2021.
Green Building Symposium, Czech Republic, 2021.
Images: Margot Krasojević Architects
Recycled Ocean Plastic Resort, West Island design images / information received 070521 from v2com newswire
Location: West Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australian external territory
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